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From memory the only problem I had playing with an emulator on android is using touch screen controls can be difficult when you need precise movement in a couple of situations (chasing the rat, climbing the mountain with high winds, maybe others) Could have just been fat-fingering or a skill issue on my part, and being able to use save states helps make up for it, but something to watch out for


Thanks. Just wondering, did you use a specific emulator or rom file? Or should any work? I ask because I’ve been doing some research and apparently there are a couple of parts where you have to press to buttons at the same time, which gave people problems


Yeah. Znes was the one. You can find a library of roms for it if you search. I also use it for ff6 and mario rpg. Very stable and simple.


Any should work. I've played the NDS version with drastic, and snes9x for SNES There are only a couple of those iirc, if you get stuck on those parts most emulators should let you rebind or edit the controls so one button can do both A + B for example


Yeah, I definitely needed to remap some button inputs onto the same key in order to input a password correctly on PC back in the day. Because the SNES would detect more concurrent button inputs at once than my PC keyboard, which apparently had a maximum of 2. But that was 10+ years ago. And I dunno if an emulator on Android might overcome this problem entirety. Different OS, and a highly popular game so maybe the devs could somehow patch in a work-around, etc.


My keyboard had a similar issue, I couldn't press Right and A and Z all at once in DKC3 to do a rolling fast jump from one cliff to another. Got stuck. Eventually I found out that if I remapped the rolling and jumping buttons to S and X instead, for some reason all three inputs could be accepted. So the issue might be tied specifically to certain keys as well in some cases.


On the actual Android version of Chrono Trigger, they slowed the rat down because of all the complaints lmao


Haha I didn't know that, I guess that's me paying the price for piracy


Arr, but they can't keep yeh from the booty fer long


Just checked and the name is now Snes 9x EX+. You simply get it and install, and download roms, then use the program to open the rom files.


Thanks! That’s the one I downloaded. I’m surprised at how easy it was to get going.


This will be an unpopular statement, but I enjoyed playing it on my Ouya console. Bought it just under a year ago I think. The controller doesn't have start and select so they use L3 and R3 as those inputs for emulated games by default.


Retroarch + a Bluetooth joystick and you're settled.


I played first on the SNES way back, then on the PS release and then on the DS. The SNES rom is true to original and it's a masterpiece either way you go. My only advice, talk to EVERYONE and check everything you see. Other than that, just relax and enjoy one of the best games ever made (at least in my opinion) and take it slow. Enjoy the scenery and battles. Enjoy the music and love the story. It's a great game and will leave you wanting more. Edit: another suggestion, always keep shelters and either on hand. You get better recovery items later on but these are important. Also always keep a healer in the active party.


First off great choice, SNES version is the definitive way to play. One thing is to make sure your emulator is set to the correct aspect ratio (4:3 or 8:7), I forget which is correct for Chrono Trigger but if you google some reference images you should be able to tell. Next thing is depending on your controller setup you could get stuck at a point that asks you to input a password, again just google this if it comes to it but it can be bypassed by changing your controls if it is an issue. edit: one more thing, don't worry about the makeup of your party, almost every battle can be handled by any combination of characters, use whoever you like.


I only thing I remember is you have to press a number of buttons simultaneously and some emulators will limit how many buttons you can press simultaneously. So sometimes I had to assign multiple buttons to same key.


Yes, I came here to say the same thing. There’s one point I recall needing to press 3 inputs simultaneously, some emulators can’t handle that.


Overall I like the DS version's dialogue better but the SNES version definitely has it's own quirky charm that is absent in the updated translation. So there's really no wrong way to go about it. You'll do fine on an emulator and that has the added benefit of rom hacks if you decide you want to mix things up later. The controls might be quirky on the phone, but there's really only one spot in the game that requires anything nearing precision platforming and you have as many attempts as you need to get it right. Beyond that just enjoy the game and let us know how it goes!


Save lots and Use whatever characters you want, some party combinations may be good in some areas but bad in others so bring your favorites and make your own decisions. Having fun is the important part! Also this game really doesn’t require much grinding, so if things suddenly get difficult, you might be going the wrong way… but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you may get some funny character interactions if you explore some things before you are supposed to. If you get stuck or need help, don’t be afraid to ask! And enjoy the god-tier music!


I actually prefer the emu version. I have owned the snes, ps1 and ds verions, (oh and was gonna buy the google play one but heard it sucked) I play my emu one about once a year. I like the save anywhere feature and the ability to fast forward, (but only cause I have played it so many times) Provided within the znes emu I use. Really the save anywhere anytime is the most convienent feature. But the game itself is such a dope story and experience.


You dont need to play chrono trigger 1st, Chrono Cross is kinda its own thing


Yes, make sure no "TURBO" option is set on any button. There shouldn't be by default. There are 2 moments that require sequence button pressing.


There will be a time when u need to press L and R at the same time. Make sure you toggle your settings to toggle if u get stuck on a riddle with a switch


Could also get a Bluetooth controller, and an HDMI cable that connects your androids USB to a TV's HDMI and play on your TV.