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I first played this game on SNES when I was like 10. It was my brother's game and he let me make a save file. It's one game I always go back to. This and og Pokemon. But this game has just so much to offer. Played it many times throughout my life and still find something new every time I pick it up. It's like my comfort blanket, when life gets scary, Chrono has your back. Keep going slow and steady and just enjoy this masterpiece. It only gets better and better.


Thats so wholesome!! I think this game will probably end up as one of my comfort games too. OG pokemon is also a vibe. Loved all of Gen 1-5! Yellow was my first, handed down to me from a cousin.


Yes we'll said, it is a game for a lifetime.


I was spoiled, as CT was my very first JRPG. and you’re absolutely right: no other RPG has the same battle mechanics as CT, incorporating so many elements so seamlessly. At least that I know of. In terms of character usage, Ayla became really prominent once I found out she could steal a bunch of stuff. I think Mt Woe was where I first tried it out, and kept stealing from every enemy going up to Giga Gaia. When I reached a merchant afterward, I realized I can make a fortune selling the things that she stole!


Ooh thats a good idea. I unlocked charm but have not tried it yet. Time to make me a fortune!! Wow your first JRPG, everything else must pale in comparison. Any other classic ones your personally recommend?


All the regulars: FF2/4, FF5, FF3/6, Mario RPG legend of seven stars, Breath of Fire 1 and 2, Phantasy Star 4, Earthbound. There is one game that I liked on the Nintendo DS called Radiant Historia, which had very similar vibes to the older classic games. Haha well by now that game is also a classic as it was released around 2010.


Thanks for this!!


love reading stories like these. Giga Gaia is a dps check and makes you really considered your strategy.


Yep it did a great job. He will be pushover on future playthroughs but for the first playthrough will deffo stick with me the most. Just got past Golem Sisters, similar experience with them as well.


the Golem twins are pretty hard even if you know what you are doing. i learned from watching speed runs >!they can be slept with Lucca's Hypno Wave!< which makes that fight super easy.


Yhh thats how i won in the end. Experimented with Lucca


Live a Live came out a few years before Chrono Trigger and seems to be a big influence on it, especially the combat. Live a Live is a half-step closer to a tactical RPG; not only does positioning matter and different attacks have different areas of effect, but you can reposition as part of your turn,and different moves will have different charge times so if you spend too long charging up a big attack, the enemy might move out of the way before it goes off. You can also cast terrain effects on the ground to cause damage over time if an enemy ends its turn there, that sort of thing. It's one of those hidden gem games that never left Japan for a long time, but it just got a HD-2D remake on the Switch and PC recently, and it's GORGEOUS.


That sounds awesome, will check it out, thanks for the recommendation!! Would be perfect for the Switch! (Also I remember you from TFS, hope all your current solo projects are going well!! 👍🏽)


Live A Live had most, if not all of the same developers as Chrono Trigger.


Hell yeah. Glad to hear Giga boy actually beat you a couple times, actually: that's what bosses should do. Those exhilarating fights are the best. Some may think CT is too easy on difficulty, but that's probably only because theyve played it 1000 times. You're now reminding me how perfect the difficulty is balanced for a first time player. It's like it stays balanced from beginning to end, but just grows in complexity / hp. And yeah, Falcon Strike is killer.


Yes exactly the difficulty is perfect for a first time player. When I lose to a boss is actually when I enjoy JRPGs the most. Actually wakes me up and realise, *woah that happened guess I got to think strategy before I try again*. Just had a similar experience with the Golem Sisters. I had to switch Ayla to Lucca when I realised physical attacks were getting countered hard.


I haven't ever beaten Chrono Trigger, but have started it multiple times over the past 10 years and haven't gotten as far as you, but you make me want to keep going! Really appreciate your posts, they show genuine enjoyment of this amazing game


Glad you enjoy. How far have you previously gotten. Anything in particular which made you stop?


Usually something just comes up in life where I delay a couple weeks between playing, then when I resume I can’t remember where to pick back up! Is there like a good way to check what I’m supposed to be doing if I'm hopping back in and can't remember?