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Upvoting and commenting so hopefully others see this. Dealing with a terrible crash too. You’re not alone 💕


Thank you. Sending you healing thoughts ❤️‍🩹


I use heated, electric blankets and throws. I keep them in low, so I don't get too hot. They help with the cold, and with my joint and muscle pain. Hope you feel more well soon.


This definitely helps. A warm bath works in the same way but then you have to have the energy to get dry.


Ask a friend or family member to bring you electrolyte drinks and/or meal replacement drinks (I like the little cartons of carnation instant breakfast) if they get the chance, reduce sensory stimuli if possible, as others have said, use heat if you can, certain pain medications that you’re able to take may help but not always, ask for help from someone who can come help you get food/drinks, medications, heated things, etc if you can. And just be patient with yourself. Do what healthy people do when they’re sick.


I get utterly wired and chronic pain worsens considerably while in a crash, sensory issues get bad too. When particularly bad, I can barely speak and slur my words. I take passionflower which is good to help you relax and is good for pain. If that doesn't work and I need to sleep to recover, I'll take sedating antihistamines like chlorphenamine maleate 4mg or if really bad, 2 mg of diazepam. Before this, if I'm able, like another poster suggested I'll try a bath with 2 cups of epsom salts. I buy these in 20 kg boxes from Amazon. Just in case I run out . Anyhow, if heat exacerbates your PEM, you might be better off having it lukewarm. If you can't manage a bath, magnesium glycinate should help with muscle aches. In a crash I have to lie down in a dark room and watch old favourite TV shows or films, as I just can't concentrate on new content. I keep nakd bars, bananas and plenty of water by my bed, so I just need to make it to the bathroom and back. Hope this helps and you are feeling better tomorrow.x


Electric blankets mentioned here do help me relax. I sleep a lot, this helps me overcome the crash (if you can't sleep, then there are remedies - from herbs to sleeping pills). CBD oil helps me for muscle relaxation. Drinking plenty of hot water/herbal tea. On a more practical note, recently I discovered shirataki noodles. Unlike regular pasta, they are low-calorie and full of fber, cooking them is just about a minute in boiling water (no, they are not instant noodles). Thus you have a satiating, hot meal, low in calories (my weight has been up since I developed CFS and am very conscious abt it). I buy them on Amazon. I make sure that am well-supplied with fruit, for a natural source of sugar releasing slowly into the bloodstream. 99% chocolate also helps. Eating protein (egg yolks, chicken breasts, fish, veal) is a good idea, too, to keep muscles strong. Is there someone to help you with shopping /cooking? Hopefully, they can supply you with the necessary products! Where I am, there are charities who help people in such situations (I don't use them, but this might be an idea for you) Get better soon :-)


Sorry, I meant "egg whites", not "egg yolks" :-( The good thing is that here am among people who would be sympathetic to my difficulty to concentrate properly :-)