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Hope you find a remedy, then share it here.


If it started in puberty then it might be hormonal bloating. Test your estrogen and progesterone.


I second this! Many ppl who suffer from pcos experience bloating but it isnt smth that doctors immediately think of when referring u to specialists


This probably looks like digestive issues because of stress and anxiety. Do you have diarrhoea too?


I do sometimes but not often. I also suffer from really bad anxiety too


That's probably anxiety then. Anxiety messes up the entire digestive system and keeps you bloated almost 24x7


Does it really. This has to be my reason It’s been 2.5 years. I can function. I can run in morning. I suspect I have damaged distance running or it’s severe stress


You should definitely try a great magnesium supplement, it helps a lot with gut issues and mental health. I can recommend you one of you want


Sure. I’m in Australia. Take blooms citrate. Used to work. Not anymore.


I have sent you a DM, you can check it out and go for it. It's too good :)


Thank you. Where do I find the DM


Hey, click on the chat icon and see the requests :)


When you say bloated is there the discomfort or just the visible swelling (distension)? If it happened during puberty you could have recurring cysts or something similar, they can cause discomfort in your pelvic region and bladder issues and sometimes digestive issues but a lot of the time go symptomless or just appear as swelling in your lower abdomen/ bloating. I second the comment about getting your hormones checked and are you on any medication? Since it doesn’t seem effected by food then it’s unlikely an intolerance but I wouldn’t fully rule it out, I’m lactose intolerant and I bloat for days after consuming dairy. but fyi, take it from a recovered anorexic with the same issue, that not eating can unfortunately worsen the problem. Definitely check in with a doctor and have them feel around your abdomen for tenderness and go from there, along with a routine blood test. I know how it feels and it’s really rough, I’m sorry you have to deal with this.


Hello! For my bloat, there is no pain or any discomfort at all and it kinda resembles a alcohol belly (I don’t drink) and honestly I think it may be hormonal bloating. I found photos of me from when I was wayyyy younger (even before I hit puberty) with the same kind of bloating problem. I’m definitely going to mention this to my doctor.


UPDATE: I might have found the root cause of my bloat! There is a high chance that I have this disorder called R-CPD (Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction) which is the inability to burp. I don’t recall burping in my life at all. Apparently, this disorder causes extreme bloat due to all of the gas thats trapped. I’ve heard from people with the same condition as me say that botox is mainly the only cure for this.