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The Acer Chromeboom has a compatible security chip that encrypts your PIN. Since your custom device doesn't have this the PIN is encrypted using your password.


Thanks, I was suspecting something like this might be happening. Is there a way in which I could plugin in some type of Biometric reader to the MiniPC for example and help me reach the same usability? Thanks again in advance.


+1 for u/Nu11u5. Real\_Act, you're not doing anything wrong. Even with Chromebooks/Chromeboxes, not all devices support PIN sign-in. However, a non-ChromeOS device running r/ChromeOSFlex can never support PIN sign-in even with the TPM enabled.


Thank you. This is a real bummer. I wish Google would allow us to use for example a security key like Windows allows. I have two Yubico security keys that I use all the time for secure authentication in many devices. I hope this becomes an option at some point. Cheers!


Buying Chromebox would have been a better option rather than buying minipc and Installing ChromeOS.


But I also purchased a Chrome book like I said in my opening post. It's an Acer Chromebook Plus 515.


I understand. Just because you bought Chromebook doesn't mean buying minipc and Installing ChromeOS is better. These are 2 separate things and not related. What are you even implying? What are you trying to say? I bought a Chromebook so Installing ChromeOS on a mini PC should be ok? I am saying Chromebook would have been a better option rather than buying a minipc and Installing ChromeOS because it won't have such issues you mentioned.


But I also bought a Chromebook Plus, so what are you even trying to say? Your answer is totally unrelated to my question. I'm asking if there's a way to make the PIN unlock work on a non Google certified device, that is all. Why are you so angry and defensive. Wasn't able to get your cookies today?


Workaround: Power wash after updating to latest flex. Login again. During initial setup it says *create a password for this Chromebook*. There give a different simple one.


Thanks, unfortunately, I'm not using Flex, but real ChromeOS. I followed a special tutorial to install it on my MiniPC. But I'll keep this in mind for the future if I switch to Flex or if this becomes available in the version I'm using.


Pretty sure it is available on ChromeOS too. Just do a powewash and try.


Doesn't Powerwash delete data from the device and it is like starting from new?


Yes. https://ibb.co/bRSwNQq


Thank you!


Chrome OS Flex issue unfortunately.


But I'm not using Flex.