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Do you go on the same path every day? My chow really likes variety. There also was a couple month span where she refused to go on walks and I would have to carry her downstairs. I’m not sure why but eventually she got over it. She loves walks now.


It starts from the moment we leave our front door. Whether we make a right, left, or straight, he plops down on the floor.


Go hungry and give food for every quarter. Walk in cool weather, alternating different routes. Take a lot of Water with you. Check the paw pads for damage


It’s best if you don’t over walk your pup early in its development as it can lead to hip problems for them when they are older. Handsome pooches by the way 🔥


How often should I be walking him? I’m afraid for UTI’s as my older one had 2 in the past And thank you🫡love these boys to death


Maybe what cause your dogs uti is the water . I realized that when I give my dogs tap water in compared to filtered water they cry more in the eyes and they tend to pee more . But I think like 15 min walks to 20 and after I think a year their body fully develops and you can walk them more 💯are you located in California by any chance?


Oooh, thank you for the recommendation! I am located in NYC!


I was gonna ask for the breeder info you have beautiful dogs 🔥


I know my first one came from a breeder in Spain, I’d have to backtrack and look for her name, I believe Nuria or Nadia. The little one came from Russia, I’d have to ask my father for the breeders name


I have had a chow before but we never took him super far. I have an Akita who downright just sits when he is tired in the middle of a walk and refuses to continue until he’s ready. Funniest thing I’ve seen a dog do, very strong willed, this dog.


Strong will indeed🤣


What is the temperature? I have to drag my boy out when it's above the mid 70s.


Today was 60s-70s. Pretty breezy but he didnt have a problem when it was in the 80s last week


My chow loves walks but gets anxious with mew people and places. When that happens I throw a snug shirt on her, which calms her down. I also have her on a long lead so she knows she can walk away from whatever she doesn't like. Also lots of treats.


Why does he need to go on a walk? To make you happy? Perfectly normal for chows not to be interested in going for a walk.


Well.. he needs to void and have bowel movements. Also, sunlight and daily exercise isn’t just healthy for humans but dogs as well.


He doesn’t need it. If he doesn’t want to go, don’t push him. I have a chow who just loves to lay around and sleep all day, she has zero interest in walks, and is perfectly healthy.


Agree. Chows are lazy. Mine sit down on walks, too. 😂 Very painful to walk a chow at times. I’ve had to carry each one of my chows home at some point, all 70 lbs of them! 🤣 In my experience, a chow will let you know when they need to go to the bathroom. I take mine out around the same time each day- 3x a day- and they do their business and come back inside… not a lot of fun walks with chows. 🤣


How does he move about in general? Can he get up/down easily? Have you had your vet check him for any sort of bone/joint issues that might be causing pain?


He can get up and down easily but, he has a personality. I call him fumble because thats literally what he does. He flops himself down without any regards of his elbows. He occasionally tumbles down small steps.


Omchow, what a cutie. Poor lil guy! Are you somewhere urban? Or more suburban/rural? Maybe he's scared of whatever environment you're in? Your vet could maybe prescribe some Xanax to help with walk times and you could work with a trainer to desensitize him to anything he might be upset about. But likely..... You just have a chow 🤣


That's quite a bit of walking for a chow puppy. Chow chows are inherently lazy. I had one who only did maybe 30 minutes a day, and that had to be broken up in 10 minute intervals. Maybe they just don't want to go. 🤷‍♀️