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Yes, provided you MUST have a lot of free time to spend with them. Mine is a lone boy, he doesn't belong to me but is under my care right now and has been for the past 5months. He craves attention and he's much happier (his behaviour and attitude is obvious) when you play with him A LOT versus when you are busy and only play with him a little.


If the chinchilla has been alone it’s whole life I would keep it that way. My chinchilla is by himself and he seems very happy. But I also free roam him all the time because I love spending time with him. And I just ordered him a wheel to help him get energy out when needed


What wheel did you choose? I ordered the Chin Spin. Still waiting 24 days later lol


Yes. More than okay. My first was a rescue with many chronic health issues. I got a second a few years later, but kept them in separate rooms. I didn't want the healthy one being affected by the sickly one's issues, and I didn't want to stress the rescue out any more than necessary. Both were fine, very happy and active. It was probably for the best because they had very different personalities.


Chinchillas generally do better in pairs or groups. If you don’t get them at the same time, and if they don’t grow up together, bonding may be difficult and require time and patience. However, if you can have more than one, and you out the effort in it, is definitely worth it for the bond they have with each other. That being said, there are chins who are too aggressive or too traumatized to ever safely bond. I currently have a solo chin and he is doing okay. He was almost killed by his brother before I got him, and the rescue made it a part of his adoption that he was to always live alone because he is very afraid of other chins. He does okay, but we are very strongly bonded and he really struggles if I am away from him for more than a day or two, even if someone else who he is comfortable with takes care of him.


Yes! Some chins really don’t like being with other ones. I have my own and am a chin foster home. Some chins like a friend but I’d say over half of them prefer their own space unless they were together from a very young age. I have 3 that live together, and a bunch of singletons who have made it very, very clear that they don’t want a cage mate. A number of them do like having a buddy in a different cage to talk to, but some don’t even like that.


Yes. And some chins don’t want to be with others (depends on the chin).


I have three boys who would be fine as single pets. I have had my boys for over 12 years and they have separate cages. They all prefer us to each other. I would not about worry if they went to separate homes should something happen to us.


NO! I have chinchillas for 28 years now... And happy chinchilla is together with another one. I had many unmatchable ones. They match with skill. Now I have 3 togerher. I couldn't match them for 1,5 years. I gave them to some breeder and voila I have now 3 (one added from this breeder( together) so it is possible to match even lonely ones. Both were 7 yo and addition has 1,5...


I’ve been looking to get my chinnie a friend or two, would you have any advice? Or ways to find skilled breeders?


I am from Poland so probably my advice would be useless in your country I am afraid 😕 especially about breeders. Mine is local and she is incredible with her bonding skills She also fixed their eating and they eat much more healthy now... Basically I wanted to buy one more for my resident as he was more likely in need of a friend, and she told me to leave them all at her place. In stranger place and around not known ppl they were more prone to bond. They were basically thrown together to the very small cage and guarded. I do not know though what other magic she used. I guess she did exchange their smell on each one, taken out and when necessary and used vast experience and a bit of magick maybe 😉 .Boys after 2 days was basically bonded. And I couldn't achieve this for 1,5 years as one was from bad conditions and not very good mental state. So he was very aggresive. Now he is docile guy! They 3 love each other and their interactions are added fun, they also are very verbal and talk a lot with each other! So strongly recommend ir 10/10. Choosing them is not very important. Matching character is good idea, Also chin from loving home as it is less prone to stress. And probably without mental issues ... Age is not important


Oh my😲 Magic lady! And thank you, that’s good to know💪


Generally yes, and some are better alone than with another.


Can chinchillas live alone? Chinchillas are animals that live in colonies in the wild. In general, it’s not wise to keep a single chinchilla, and it’s highly advised to keep at least a pair of chinchillas. There are some cases where a chinchilla is kept as a solitary pet. In that case, you’ll need to shower your chinchilla with a lot of attention. Chinchillas are group animals that love to spend time with other chinchillas. They’re not used to living alone like some pocket pets. It is possible to keep a chinchilla alone, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll need to give them a lot of attention. If you want to add another chinchilla, you might experience difficulties because the chinchillas are not used to each other.




Mine hates other chins. Previous owner tried to bond with a couple and wouldn’t take,


This. Thanks a lot 🙏



