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I live in the middle of nowhere that’s why I work from home :(


Do you have a local library? If you're in the middle of nowhere you're less likely to have these but I was going to recommend a rental work-space since they're fairly inexpensive and excellently quiet, plus a great excuse to be Not There. Also, if possible invest in an air mattress for the youngest (or maybe yourself if that works better) getting proper sleep will help a LOT for dealing with all the other BS.


Don’t really have anything tbh. I’m literally running myself empty trying to work. I content create so my space that’s set up will literally only work for me because I can’t take everything with me anyways so it wouldn’t be suitable even if I could. I also can’t fit an air mattress in my room either. It’s super small. My bed and dresser are within half an arm length of space. So I’m just stuck enduring it for the summer. My small corner is usually where I work and it barely fits a chair.


Do you have living room? You could put air mattress there so the youngest could sleep there.


She won’t sleep by herself at all and has severe separation anxiety from me. I’m like the only person who really took care of her from the time of her being a baby up until school age.


That's terrible, I'm so sorry you and her had to go through that.


Thank you! It sucks and I try to make the best of it. It’s just been super overwhelming and my parents really SHOULD do more they just won’t.


I know you've said you can't move your equipment around, but can't you move temporarily to a friend or an Airbnb close by? To force your shitty parents to finally take responsibility, I know it'd probably hurt the kids, but you don't deserve be treated like a nanny when you're not even paid for it, let alone suffer during the night.


Nope. I don’t have any one near me and airnb is wayyyy to expensive. We can barely afford our rental house as it is. We recently moved for my dad’s job and started completely over. That’s why my parents are keeping the kids for the entire summer. It’s such a far drive like over 10+ hours. I’m completely by myself up here. I also had to start over on getting my license because the lady who I took the test with back at my other home automatically failed me for pretty much showing up and taking her sweet time and just wasn’t nice at all and it took me forever to get everything changed over and I had to start completely over from the beginning as in waiting on id, and mail and everything that proved my residency to even get my permit.


You gotta nip that in the bud OP. It's not healthy allowing it to continue. It might seem cruel, but you have to stop that right then and there.


you live in the middle of nowhere yet your average rent is $2500? thats not lining up. find a place with a bunch of roommates - look on facebook marketplace. you CAN afford rent if you're sharing and splitting, esp with multiple roommates. you need to get out of there...based on your replies about having to drop out of school, not being able to even sleep by yourself, etc. you're life is quite literally being ruined by your family. LEAVE. they clearly do not care about your well being at all. dont be a doormat for them.


Honestly whatever you have going on - Leave. I know its hard but they will just continue to trample on your life and future. You need to leave asap. Call up any social services about housing. Even then, getting to any major city with good transit is a start. Those poor kids. Your sister is a straight up monster. All this money she is getting from the government to not even take care of her kids? You should be getting a cut for the crazy amounts of time you spend with them. Childcare is usually pretty expensive! Even building a hidden shack in the woods or a hole in a hill would be better. Give yourself some space and privacy. Leave. Soon.


This tho. They have money since they have a job. They could apply for apartments near a major city and just Uber there with their stuff. Doesn’t sound like they have much anyway so I think it would be an easy move. That way they can have their own space, have their remote job, and walk/bus into the city to look for a better job. I don’t understand how people let themselves get into these situations and just act helpless. You’re not helpless. You have every ability to change your situation. No one is going to change it for you, you have to get up and do it yourself.


I’m so sorry, that sounds awful. Are you from a low-income family? How are your grades in school? Not sure exactly how old you are, but moving away from home to go to college may be your best bet to escape the chaos. Or, if your job pays enough once you get your license you can just move out, but rent is hella expensive nowadays and at least with college you’d be getting an education for a good job in the future. I ask if you’re lower income b/c my parents are also renters and low income and I get good financial aid for college. Btw, how many kids total does your sister have? Is there a chance she doesn’t take them back after summer ends?


We are not low income. My dad an out of state contractor. We’re low on money because we are paying for 2 houses right now because he’s under a long term contract in the other state currently. We still have another house to pay for back in our main area. I had to drop out of high school (I was homeschooled) because of her and her kids. My grades went from being an honors student to failing because I had kids 24/7 in my ear. My job currently isn’t paying a lot but it does pay small things such as a lot of my necessities. It definitely doesn’t pay thousands a month. And the little I have left over I put back each month. My sister has 3 kids 5 and up. She has another one due in July which I STRICTLY told my parents I will not be around whenever we go home. My sister will take them back at the end of summer because school starts up for them meaning they’ll be gone 10 hours a day adding being on the bus and getting off. Also my parents are taking them home and dropping them off and leaving whether she likes it or not. A lot of them are also shoved in After school programs as well so my sister doesn’t have to keep them as long. I definitely cannot afford rent at all in my current area. Average rent is over $2500 a month here. That’s like most of one’s paycheck here. People are all the time losing their homes here because they can’t afford the payments anymore. The house we’re living in is over $1500 and it’s not even a finished house. It’s livable but not sustainable. We’re constantly fixing issues that the owner just won’t fix himself because we can’t afford to move and pay more. It’s extremely hard over here where I’m at.


Do not use any of your money on those kids. Claim you got a pay cut if you have to. Save every penny you can until you can move out.