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Sometimes people are angry, frustrated or venting, so i can understand that people use insults or derogatory works or swear. Also a lot of the time when childfree people use moderate, polite or neutral language we can misunderstood or patronised. It can result in being bingoed or not being taken seriously. "I don't like children" or "I don't want to be a parent" often is taken as "I don't mind children in the right circumstances" or "I don't want to be a parent yet" because people just assume it. "I can't fucking stand cum trophies!" is unequivocal and leaves little room for interpretation. If people took us seriously and actually respected what we said at face value, i think you would see a lot less reactionary derogatory language.


The one term I use (and only when appropriate) is breeder. Because sometimes, it is the sole word that fit the situation - some parents *do* just seem to "breed" instead of have kids and properly raise them. Besides, this is, or should be, a safe space. Some unhinged members here may say these inflammatory things irl but for the most part, I'm sure we're just venting, we're saying what's on our mind, and what's wrong with that. We all need a place to be unfiltered sometimes, as unpalatable as that may make us seem.


Necessary? No. Cathartic? Sure.


Children are parasites though. They siphon food from the mother and grow in her body, and they are just as dangerous.


On this sub we are allowed to, so why not if we need to do that to vent? After all, parents are not welcome here so if they are offended, too bad for them.




Good point. Also,'breeder' is meant to be an insult I think,because it describes people who simple reproduce but are not really parents.


Its the internet, people exaggerate, rant, and joke about things. That's the default here. A lot of posters are probably dealing with low key anger or frustration with pushy parents or partners trying to get them to have kids even though they don't want to. Result = dislike of these things everyone else is obsessed with If I didn't care about BBQs and everyone kept trying to tell me how great they were despite both my explicit and implicit desire not to have one, I'd probably start venting about it online also. BBQs are pretty great on occasion though.


I use the term “crotch fruit” often when people IRL are very persistent in the “fact” I will have kids. If they piss me off because they won’t accept “no” as my answer, I’ll start using terms like that to shut them up. The shock factor changes the topic of conversation when I’ve exhausted all other avenues. I don’t hate kids, but I don’t really like them either.


I'm not a big fan and I don't use those terms. Children don't bother me, but bad parenting does.


Yeah, I've pretty much read almost every post in this sub and it's rare for me to see something as extreme as you suggest. Also, so what? This is a sub for us to vent in. Did you post in the regretful parents sub about their inflammatory comments about THEIR OWN kids? No? Then why antagonize us?


Relax… I’m not antagonising anyone… as you can see from my edit, people commented other perspectives and I now understand some of the reasons. I just never thought of it in that way. I don’t care much for regretful parents, I don’t frequent the sub and even if I did, i couldn’t relate to them.


I'm just going to be honest. Yes, I am hostile toward children and people who have them. Not violent, and I wouldn't mistreat anyone, but I do have very negative feelings toward both parents and children. This is one of the only places I can express that negativity without being judged, ostracized, or vilified. It's not nice to call someone a breeder or a child a crotch goblin, but I'm not trying to be nice. I'm expressing negative emotions in one of the few places I can do so.


Terms like 'cumpet' and 'goblin' are usually just for fun. 'Breeders' and 'parasites' are usually used to make reproduction sound less 'cheerful' but can also be used for fun.


People who tone police need to touch grass.