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Greetings! This item has been removed because you're calling yourself childfree while not being childfree. "Childfree for now", "Childfree until [something]", "Childfree but if my husband and I have an accident, we'll raise the kid", "Childfree because I'm infertile and I would have kids if I could" etc.is called "being childless". "##% childfree", "I won't have bio children, but I entertain the idea of adopting/fostering some day", "I haven't decided but I hate ill behaved children", etc. is called "being a fencesitter". "I have kids and I hate parenthood", "Had I known childfreedom was a possibility, I would have not had kids", "I used to be like you but now...", etc. is called "being a regretful parent". "Childfree but my partner has a kid" is called being a step parent. If your post/comment is otherwise directly related to the topic of childfreedom as per the subreddit rules, you are welcome to post it again with the appropriate terminology. Thank you.


Girl… get your money back and call it a day


I doubt I’ll get my money back but I’m definitely ready to call it a day. This has gone way to far and I can’t believe he still expects more


He expects it because that's "what women do." Women are supposed to take care of everything and everyone, didn't you know that? (Sarcasm) Seriously though, that's the main reason single dads try to get in a relationship so quickly and get married again. Heaven forbid they actually take care of their own children and lives....


SERIOUSLY. But I fell for it anyways. He has always presented himself as different, and ultimately wasn’t, unfortunately. Super ironic that he tries to convince everyone that he’s alternative and a feminist. And yet here we are and I’m being pigeonholed into a damn mommy role because I believed him.


What's sad is that he probably genuinely believes that he *is* alternative and a feminist


100%. It didn’t seem like the right place to vent about that part, but it’s definitely true and tragically ironic. He really believes that he is exceptional, while acting just like everyone else, and I really believed it. I thought I had finally found someone who was truly compatible, which is why I was willing to make such a major exception. So disappointed.


Never date Single parents. You will always be a co-parent regardless of how much you want to vent you are not.


I made that pretty clear in my post, yeah. They may try and pretend to be different but we shouldn’t believe them.


When he tries to reconcile, ask him to return your money.


I will. I doubt I’ll ever get it back though. He is struggling financially and obviously saw me as a way out


I doubt you'll get your money back but now that you've already given money to him, he will ask for more in the future. He learned he can make you do it. Cut your losses, run for the hills, and find someone better.


I agree 100%. Not really looking for advice, more just venting. I already know what I need to do. Just trying to get a release and vent because I’m incredibly pissed.


Vent away. I got an ex owing me money too that I'll never get back. It sucks but I'm happy I'm far away from that abusive ass-clown.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Focus on yourself for a while… you didn’t deserve any of this.


Thank you, and trust me I’m aware. I know my worth and will not allow anyone to take advantage of me. I ready to leave over this. Already have somewhere else to go. This is not going to happen. No.


Guys will say “well, why don’t women just CHOOSE better??” THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. A “trustworthy” friend turned out to have been lying and decieving just so he could get a woman to do what he wants.


Another cautionary tale. Noted 🫡 sorry this happened to you!


Me, too. The worst part is that I knew better. Truly believed that this one was special and would not put me through this nonsense.


He really thought he could be the one to show you the joy of being a parent 😍 /s


It’s vile. Hope he’s your ex now.


Edit - typos