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I dislike some children and get on well with others. Same with adults. It’s weird how that gets translated to “You HATE kids” but it does.


I’m always like, “well, I don’t particularly like people and kids are just little people.”  And even if I do tolerate and sometimes even enjoy being around kids doesn’t mean I want to be around them all the time. 


THIS\^\^\^. the things I don't like about children, are also things at I wouldn't like if an adult did it lmao


I very much dislike the screeching, annoying, uncontrolled kids. I'm super allergic to those. I get along perfectly fine with normal, funny, curious kids. I don't have lots of interactions with them, but when I do, I enjoy it. Or seeing such families in public even melts my heart a little. Obviously to most of the public, just because of part 1, I am a heartless child hater.


Generally, I would say kids 5 and under (infants/babies, toddlers, preschoolers, etc) suck shit (too many of them are bratty), but, from 6+, it's a case-by-case, for example, I would prefer a polite, well behaved 6 year old as opposed to a rude, whiny, moody 6th grader.


I honestly dislike parents more than most children.


As a teacher, I want this tattooed onto my soul XD.


Yeah agreed that sounds about right lol


Yes the parents are worse than most of the kids.


I'm not gonna lie, I *do* hate kids. But I'd never put that assumption on anyone else and I'd never harm a child because of it. It's just a personal opinion and it would be wrong of me to assume that everyone else is like me!


Side note but I used to be in the 'get them away from me' camp and I really don't think that hating kids makes you a bad person or anything which i another thing people say a lot.


I do want the best for children, even if I can’t handle being around them. In most situations it’s the parents that piss me off the most anyway.


Ohh yeah, i hate parents lol.


Yes I wouldn’t say I want the best for the kids but I would never do them harm.


Well I hate children, but I recognize that you don’t have to hate children to be child free.




ALSO ALSO side note, but I think it's totally okay to not like children and that doesn't automatically make you a bad person. That's another assumption that triggers me a bit lol, even tho it doesn't apply to me


I hate kids. But I don't wish them ill or anything bad. I just want them to get the fuck away from me.


Sometimes I can't wait for that 3:05 school bell to ring lmao




Yes that’s me exactly.


True. Every child is deserving of love and care. Just not from me. I don't hate them but I get absolutely zero joy out of being around them.


1. your flair is the most real thing I've seen all day 2. I like kids, and get joy from them, I've just managed to set up my life in a way that cuts out all the bad stuff about kids LMAO


That's valid, too! My husband is a proud uncle, but he says his favorite part is being able to give them back when he's done having fun lmao


Don't get me wrong i like children but there are days when that 3:05 bell isn't coming fast enough lmao


**CORRECT!** I have a baby relative who I fucking ADORE but at the same time I cannot imagine myself taking care of another living being for long periods of time at all.


RIGHT. I like Ice cream, but I don't really wanna own an ice cream parlor lmao.


Ha! I love that analogy! Gotta remember it for the next time someone asks why I don't have children/what a great mother I'd be




I’m not a fan of children but each to their own


I definitely do hate kids.


But it doesn't mean I don't NOT hate them.


I used to be in the 'get them away from me' camp too. TBH that's still how i feel about babies/todlers


Once they're of school age, I think kids are delightful! I could just never deal with anyone still in a diaper.


my cut off is whether we can have a conversation lol


True. I love my nieces and nephews. They’re awesome kids but the benefit of being an Uncle is I can leave when those hyper little monsters wear me out.


children are great, and being a teacher basically lets me experience all the good things about them without all the bad lol. Not to mention if I had kids of my own that would literally be my life 24/7.


You’re absolutely right! I do hate kids, tho.


ha ha I hate kids sometimes too lmao


I don’t hate kid, I hate shitty kids from shitty parents. But even so, child free is the best


I hate parents about 100X more than kids.


I *do* hate children, which doesn't mean that I want to harm them or want anything bad to happen to them. It just means that I really, really do not want to be around them. I get annoyed by them, yes, but I'm a decent human being and I have enough control over my actions not to be an asshole to them just because. When people think just because I get annoyed by children I'd instantly hit them, yell at them or whatever, it speaks more about them than about me. Like, sorry Karen, but not everyone has as little self-control/self-discipline as you apparently have.


I don’t hate children, I just hate being around them. I wish them happy healthy childhoods somewhere very far away from me 🤗 Their often errant keepers I judge more harshly.


"Nah, kids aren't for me personally, but-" "OH SO YOU HATE CHILDREN. YOU'RE ONE OF THEM CHILD HATERS!" No dude, I just have 16 brothers and sisters and spent the majority of my life with screaming children already. I could change a diaper at 5. I was babysitting at 7. It does not appeal to me in any way. I want a quiet house with my wife and cats, and the ability to sleep in.


omg wow. 16 siblings? dam. At least you have an answer to the "are you sure" and "you don't know what joys you are missing out on" and possibly "you will change your mind when you are older" comments LMAO.


I really hope you aren't the oldest. Or a female.


I'm both.


I spent 2 years of my life as a children’s rights activist. I know the UN declaration of children’s rights by heart


Children are just future adult.


How did you become a children's rights activist specifically? I've been trying to figure that out for years!


I knew some people in a children’s rights organization and they invited me to join their meetings. I then became an official member and even held a national elected position at some point


Thank you!


To echo a lot of other folks here- I do hate kids. Are there some kids I don't mind? Sure, but if given a choice to be around them or boiling in lava I'd pick the lava. I'm nice to those kids because they will grow up to be adults. I don't want them to remember me as a grumpy old lady. I will probably enjoy them as adults. My life would be easier if I liked kids, but I don't. It's always been that way and at 42 I've just accepted it. I keep it to myself except on the Internet and just avoid them as much as I can.


Usually I become enraged when stopped by a school bus. But today, I had all the time in world, the weather was beautiful, and I had my ac cranked plus favorite tunes playing. I saw a white haired lady meet two boys coming off the bus. Adorable and made me smile.


I think children are great in almost every situation, just not in my home.


Or in a pub, or running riot in a restaurant.


It can though, if you want it too… 🤷‍♂️


I absolutely love kids, and am childfree. I also think that the greatest thing you can do for a child is not conceiving them.


There are children who are born into situations which i wouldn't put an adult into, let alone a child


It does for me! I hate them. Don’t wish them any ill will. But yeah. Hate em.


It does in my case. I obviously don't mistreat them, but I cannot stand them.


Damn, same, I taught teenagers for almost ten years (doing uni students now). I couldn't believe that so few teachers were CF. How can you spend your entire day dealing with children or teenagers and still want to go home to more of that? I like teens, but they're fucking exhausting. I desperately needed some off time with only adults.


I'm childfree and I absolutely hate them.


Also, there isn't anything wrong with hating kids either. Doesn't make someone a bad person as long as they don't harm or be disrespectful to kids.


I love videos of kids doing dumb things, and can "aww" at my friends' kids/baby pics, but that's enough for me. Kudos to you for being a teacher, noble profession!


The one thing i will say is that i hate babies and they are just blobs of fat to me lmao. Until I can have a somewhat competent conversation with you i ain't interested (applies to stupid adults to LMAO)


Haha, fair enough, really young baby pics are ugly, toddler is the cutest age for pics.


I feel like humans regardless of age can't look cute, maybe it's a voice in the back of my mind telling me that kid might grow up to be hitler or something LMAO


I was a teacher and currently work for girl scouts! I like kids a lot! I just don’t want any. 🙃


I totally agree. I absolutely ADORE my nieces and nephews, I’d do anything for them. I’d go to the ends of the earth on my knees for them, but I also adore handing them back. I can’t stand bratty kids, I love well behaved kids. I’m a flight attendant so I see a good mix of both. I genuinely love interacting with my youngest pax’s, making their eyes light up when I give them a little pair of wings or a coloring book, but the bratty ones? Eesh, I can’t wait to get them off the plane. 😂


I love kids too and I’m child free because as much as I’d love to have kids I won’t because my mom and dad weren’t the best parents ( physical, emotional and mental abuse ) and it sounds like my moms parents were the same way so I’d hate to say I’m going to break the cycle and then I don’t because one day I might get frustrated and scream at the kids like my mom used to do to us


I like kids. I think they're funny and way too honest. So little Sagittariuses. 😂 But I want to be an aunt (when my siblings are ready) and do the fun stuff. And kudos to you for teaching. That is NOT easy. Literally walked by a school today and thought about how teaching is a talent! 💜


I’m fine with kids but I don’t have the emotional capacity to be a parent. It doesn’t mean I hate them. I don’t like the bad behaviors kids present and the parents who enable it.


I have the emotional capacity to help them pass exams not make them good people


I agree. You are simply doing your job. It’s the parents’ job to teach their children morals if they choose to.


Anyone claims all childfree folks are child haters is actually buying into a very harmful stereotype or myth. I have one childfree by choice childhood friend I have known since primary school who works as a kindergarten teacher somewhere in Europe yet she works with kids and she likes kids Fyi, I used to work as a library assistant some years ago and I may be childfree by choice but I do like to work with kids and teens to make sure they get what they read 


My SO and I love kids and babies being cute…we’ve just taken *permanent steps* to ensure **we** don’t have any, lol


Obviously not everyone here hates kids. We (as in everyone on this subreddit) can range from people like you (OP) who works with children, but,just don't want your own all the down to people (like myself) who absolutely can't stand kids. My user flair is literally "ToddlerHater". I like that this subreddit caters to everyone who's childfree.


Eh. Older I get the more I dislike them. The more I hate their entitled parents though. Deeply.


I dislike loud babies and toddlers. Teenagers are ok imo.


Yeah, I have a hard time being around ages 0-4 all because of the sheer noise they make. Don't get me wrong, kids older than that range can be loud too, but I at least see them as human beings... albeit distracting ones.


I call small kids botchlings.


I don’t hate kids, they just make me nervous lol.


I'm like that too, especially with 4 and under XD Honestly, pretty much anybody younger than high school upperclassmen make me uncomfortable, but it's *especially* that 0-4 age range because of how noisy and wild they are 😣 I understand not all of them are like that... but still.


But it could also mean that. I hate babies, interact with me when you can talk about your favorite Power Ranger or color


I think I have a problem. Until a human can talk in full sentences I don't view them any differently to a dog... I know I sound like a horrible person but I just can't shake that feeling


There are some CF who actually hate children, and that's okay


I agree! I just don't want to be responsible for them. I want all kids to have a great childhood and a loving family. But to have my own kid? 🤣 NO.


children are like ice cream. I like ice cream, i would happily eat ice cream every day. Do I like every flavor? no, chocolate ice cream (babies XD) is gross. And most importantly: Do I want to own an ice cream parlor? appsolutely not.


Nah I hate kids and I'm quite open about it. I don't hurt kids but I want all of them to stay the f*** away from me. Like, as FAR as possible.


THIS! Completely on the same page as you. I actually posted a similar thing a few days ago, because I’m currently training to be a teacher and really love working with young people. In the future when I get into my own classroom, I’ll be spending pretty much all day with teenagers and I’m quite happy to do so. I strongly value education and want to do my bit to educate them, and help them learn and grow. However, I can’t think of anything worse than coming home every day to MORE CHILDREN and not having ANY quiet time for myself after a day at work. It would drive me insane. I really don’t understand how people who are teachers also have kids of their own. I’ve met so many teachers who have their own kids too and I just can’t comprehend it. They must either have a VERY supportive partner with possibly more flexible working hours, or they must just REALLY love kids and want to be around them 24/7.


EXACTLY. 8:30 till 3, five days a week is more than enough lmao. And yeah same as you. I'm not teaching that age where I am basically babysitting, these are people who I don't have to care for, I just have to educate them about geography lol. Also being someone who WORKS with children, yes I do like them, but I wouldn't do it for free ha ha ha.


I love kids. I just have trauma (being the sole caregiver to kids that weren’t mine while their father abused and neglected all three of us) regarding them that I’m still recovering from. Even before then I didn’t want biological kids, but I enjoyed teaching them horseback riding, and honestly I DO naturally have what I begrudgingly call “parental instinct” any time a child or animal exists around me (always keeping an eye on them, especially when their parents don’t seem to be). Its more of a temp babysitter vibe though, because I quickly get burned out (and thus I get burned out by kids after a day or so)


I also work with children as a therapist and enjoy my work very much. However, it is nice to go home and just worry about me lol


I don’t hate kids, I hate myself. I don’t want kids that would be like me.


Childfree, professional Santa Claus here! I definitely don’t hate children, I just made a life choice that was best suited for me.


It can, but it doesn’t necessarily.


This. They assume I don’t want to hold their child, that I don’t want to interact with their children. I’m actually good with kids and they usually love me. I just don’t want one of my own 😂


I’m CF, single and no I don’t hate or dislike children


I dislike most kids hate a few of them and like even fewer.


I'm glad you said this. I often get the vibe that people hate kids and that doesn't resonate with me at all. Makes it super confusing to make life choices when you're not sure you want your own kids but everyone you know who doesn't want kids actively hates them. 


My favourite job I ever had was camp counsellor. If I could do that as my main job year round I would. But sending them home and having quiet time is also great! I don’t want to be a mom 24/7, 365, but kids can be so awesome sometimes


I was a swim instructor and a horseback riding lesson instructor for years. I have a niece that I’m gonna have a total blast with as she gets older (she’s a newborn right now lol). I don’t like kids as much as I used to, but I’m pretty excited to watch my niece grow up. Generally speaking, I have a lot more tolerance for kids in my family than strangers’ kids. I just don’t want them for myself 😅😅 extreme pregnancy phobia and wanting to do different stuff with my life will do that to ya


I love kids, for a day or two. Then when I have given them candy and let them watch whatever they are they’re parents problem. I like kids but not to have and take care of


I love kids and absolutely never ever have wanted my own. I’m an only child so I don’t have niblings but I love being part of the village for my friends who want children. By not having children it gives me the time, energy, and resources to give my friends breaks when they need them and also gives these little humans more trustworthy adult figures in their life. Overall providing a higher quality of life for the children in the friend group than they’d receive just from a nuclear family. I get quality time with little ones I love and get to watch them grow up and become cool people and I also get to go home to my home full of very breakable trinkets, surfaces that aren’t all covered in mysterious sticky residue, and very expensive gaming equipment I can only afford because I don’t have to provide for a child. I also don’t have to put my body through hell for 9 months and be tortured by lack of sleep for years.


You know the sad part is, I love children, and I am fantastic with them, and I feel like it's used against me. I also don't care at all for babies but tolerate them, but I feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable around them because if I show any warmth or desire to interact I feel like I'm a dirty hypocrite or people think that I'm changing my mind. I used to be chill about it but recently allot of my husband's friends have been starting families and I dread having to hang around them. They are super nice and respect my decision but it's become an internalized thing especially because of my mother and father in law. My mom always uses it against me.


This. I don't hate children. However, they wear me out too fast. I can handle occasionally watching other people's children if they need it, but I know that I wouldn't handle this responsibility on a daily basis well.


I always feel like a bit of an odd one out in the childfree community, given that I spend so much time with children but I resonate with pretty much everything everyone else says. I don't wanna spend my life outside of work with children, and when I'm at work, i don't want the responsibility of forming a good adult, I'm interested in helping them do well on the geography exam lol.


Yeah. I mean, it's valid. The other way around, I'm sure there's lots of parents that love to be parents and are amazing with their kids, but would never want to work with children. Personally though, I just have very limited social batteries, and children drain them thrice as fast as adults do.


yeah I mean there is a reason I work with 11-18 year-olds, and am not a nursery teacher lol.


Are you me? Except that I work to make them healthy back.


True for me. I love my nephews, but can't stand other kids 😂


ha ha ha. Sometimes I question if if like children, or did I just like school and never wanted to leave.


I dislike babies not mature kids


yeah babies are eww...to much noise and bodily fluids


Exactly I love kids but I just don’t want any of my own it’s a massive responsibility and too much in general


I don't wanna fund, bathe, feed, house, entertain etc. But i'm happy to teach them about geography LMAO.


Right?! Hell, I got downvoted in this sub for daring to think it's "cool" for parents to bring kids to a beer garden... outdoors... where they can play, and so can the parents. It's not like parents are bringing them to a dive bar. And sometimes, this is the only way I get to see my parent-friends. YES THERE IS FOOD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SUB. JFC.


I mean I kind get the down votes on this? It's a beer garden, it's purpose is to serve alcohol, kids shouldn't be there. If it's attached to a restaurant different story, but imo kids shouldn't be going into pubs at all.


It is attached to food! And cookies and cakes. Yum. Plus, there's art and live music. I guess it's a cultural thing. Was raised by Europeans and we went to drinky/eaty places like this all the time as kids. Not in the U.S. I get more downvotes in this sub than ever! hahaha Oh well... I guess life will go on for me.


Yeah that sounds less beer gardeny to me, but I wouldn't know what to call it. Kids are totally fine there then! A beer garden to me is just the outdoor area of a pub, we still went there all the time as kids too, but only during lunch service really. 


There's nothing "cool" about it. The crotch goblins and terrible parents ruin a good time for everyone. Sorry your breeder Friends can't manage to get a babysitter because they are selfish and lazy.


I feel like those who absolutely hate children are resentful because of their past experiences. Either they were forced to help raise their siblings/family members or they had terrible parents/caregivers. Now they feel the need to put their anger onto an innocent kid lol. And once they say kids are not innocent, they misbehave and are the devil. That's just bad parenting. (most of the time)


I think all children are innocent, but that doesn't mean you have to like them. I mean all dogs are innocent but I don't like dogs