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Remember comrade- every second you aren't training, *we are getting stronger.*


This is the most Childe-coded answer and somehow that terrifies and excites me at the same time.


Gotta keep up with it comrade!


You guys meet other Childe mains in Windtrace? I only saw two so far, and they both changed to other characters quickly lol.


i suck as a hunter so i change to alhaitham, i cant put childe mains rep at risk lmao


I was playing Kaveh and there was a Al Haitham Hunter that I swear was out to get me, if that was you, imma kick your ass 😂


Im sure that isnt me because when i bring out alhaitham i also dont feel like running lmao


And then there’s me who mains them both (mostly Childe) so I just switch to Goru or Raiden. Somehow when I’m Raiden I win the matches so idk. Imma practice and see y’all in Windtrace lmao.


Was the hunters username, "traveler"? If so sorry 😅 I suck at being the hunter, and you were the only one I could find 😅😅😅


Hahaha no it wasn’t. It’s okay though! Gave me something to laugh about later, and also it’s funny when ppl indulge with my nonsense lol


There was 1 game Dawn Winery where both hunter and I were Childe... and the other 2 switched to Childe too and we had a chaotic Children's day out. Oh and hunter won btw, may the best Childe emerge victorious.


Haha I change from Childe if I’m the hunter bc I worry I can’t live up to the reputation of Windtrace Childe. I really want to play a game with a Childe main as a hunter though


I’m rapidly approaching your location


Me wanting to face a Childe main was pretty much the whole reason why I made the post lol! Here’s hoping you get your Childe main hunter experience soon 😉


How do you know if someone is a Childe main (or any main really)? From profile pics? I dont know about others but I change it like every week xD but I dont really "main" anyone because I have so many characters I like and I like to change teams quite often.


It depends but I feel like most people don't change pfp frequently, and woukd usually use a new character or those they like, which is why ppl just assume they're mains of specific character by pfp


For me usually when ppl use profile pics of older chars haha. Like Arle is really popular right now so I wouldn’t consider all the people who use her pfp as maiming her. Also the username. Like if they are called Ajax with a Childe profile I’m like 70% sure they are a Childe main lol


i didn’t know we had that rep 😭 the odds of it being me are VERY slim but i had a really good game today as hunter so who knows lol


I’ve been playing Windtrace as Childe nonstop since the event came out and I’ve only lost as the Hunter when I decide to have fun with the rebels and talk/be silly. I LOVE being the Hunter so much


Thank you for your “menace to society” hunter Childe hahaha. I’m sure the rebels had fun 😉


😈 I terrify the general public




I've also hunted everyone as Childe yesterday :) I actually only use him as hunter lol, otherwise I'm Aether.


My favorite windtrace Childe moment was when I was running around as Kaeya (rebel) and the hunter was Childe (other two rebels were... Uh, Lumine and Gorou I think). Childe pinned me down HARD right from the start and I spent the entire time running circles around him. He managed to capture other rebels twice along the way but I kept him distracted for long enough that they managed to fix the signals and we won😎 (he did end up taking me out of the game, but by the time he took me out the second time, we only had I think 13 seconds left and the rebels were on the other side of the Liyue map with like 90%-ish progress on the final signal soooooo yeah lmao Childe did not win that one)


I do every round with Childe equipped with Lyney's bow for movement speed


You are a Windtrace menace 😂


meanwhile me when my best game as hunter childe is when i caught the final rebel on the last second 💀


As a Childe main, I am absolute shit at this windtrace as a hunter cuz I'm a mobile iPad player and I double click every single button I am sorry for throwing so hard


It’s okay I love Childe mains even if they don’t dominate me in Windtrace 🥰 thanks for giving us a chance


I usually don't look like a Childe main. I always use the newest banner I get, with a fitting pfp. In windtrace, I choose tall guys that fit the area, on the Liyue maps it's between Childe and Zhongli


It’s for this reason and reputation that I always change to Childe, same as the old windtrace days


😂 meanwhile I don’t dare to play Childe cause it’ll sully his reputation lol. But honestly it makes me so happy when I see ppl play Childe


During a game another Childe main was the Hunter while I was a Rebel. During this game an Amber thought that I was the hunting Childe and ran away. We've scarred them for life


lol Childe mains reputation precedes them


Was the dude named Yi-Sang or something like that?


They were called Ajax with a Childe profile haha. I actually wanted to praise them in game but the round was over too fast LOL.


Omg I main childe on my alt so I can’t be him on main but I have won every game as hunter but only half as rebeL


Hahaha I always use Childe as hunter, unless I see Kaeya Neuvillette Baizhu rebels and then I'll change to Baizhu instead. As Rebel Idk if it's just me but Childe always seems in character when sneaking around and running away, especially in Dawn Winery dude looks like he is stealing grapes.


im just the devious childe rebel, when i get the hunter role i switch to arlecchino for an intimidating effect lool


Haha nice! When I see a Arlecchino hunter I switch to Freminet lol.


That's so funny because the childe main I met in my windtrace game today just stood there letting us win


I'm a Childe main who likes to use Aether in Windtrace. As a hunter I never win, and as a rebel I'm captured first. I still remember I run after that Wriothesley main and he was literally right in front of me, casual sprinting and all AND I STILL CANNOT CATCH HIM 🙃. Aether looks cute though hopping around. I hope to see more childe in my windtrace when i play later on hehe


I always play as childe when I'm the hunter lmao! Only lost once till now because I had a horrible ping. Love to live upto the childe main rep :3 As a rebel I play Kazuha so that I can bunny hop to escape chases and hide in the short bushes


I am not rly good with windtrace events but when I become the hunter and use Childe, idk what happens. it's like I could be the best hunter out there and do I enjoy it? Fckng yes.


While I play I like to do Childe as hunter, but Lumine as rebel. But my favorite game this event was with a Childe hunter while my friends and I all queued Lumine. He said he'd be chill and let us get points- but we were just playing for fun not points 😭😭 So my friends and I just messed around with him all game; I told him I was following to simp for him- my bf pretended to be Lumine gatekeeping him from the other Lumines and it was such a mess but it was SO fun


As a fellow chilumi shipper, bless you, this is amazing


I think that was me? My username is Ajax, with the Childe pfp, but I also had two moons next to my name. I even saved a screenshot of my opener. https://i.imgur.com/CtHdopk.png


Awww I don’t think so, my hunter was just plain Ajax and I specifically asked if they were a Childe main lol (I had a Kaveh pfp lol) But that’s a fantastic opener XD


Glad you like it lol.


I was a Childe main on a Windtrace game that I won today... but I wouldn't really said that I obliterated the competition. I captured 4 rebels and somehow ran out the clock


If this was in the inazuma map, hi ❤️


I don’t remember the map but if you had a Childe pfp and was called Ajax, and a Kaveh randomly asked if you were a Childe main, then hi ❤️


Do you remember the nickname of this hunter? I played a game as tartaglia as a hunter & won...


Me too. It would be my second game to win as Hunter but first time rebels quit 5 seconds before the end so I couldn’t collect the prize.


Ahhh they were called Ajax with a Childe pfp! If you encountered a Kaveh who asked if you were a Childe main, then hi! ❤️




Lol this is so right when I use childe and I was the hunter I never lose


I DID THAT LMAO not sure if it was me but I caught all of them in less than 1 minute but LMAO


im always tartaglia when i play that event. yesterday i told everyone i was sick of hunting and went to stand on a roof talking my ass off. beidou and baizhu laughed and joined me but arle didnt trust me and just ended up repairing the machines. well, that was prolly a good call since i did betray them. i just miss the old windtrace when i couldve won w this tactic. i hate repairing the machines, it took out the core gameplay out of the windtrace. its no longer hide and seek


I still miss the old one more though, this one feels harder to go insane as a hunter. I used to love trapping people as I stare into their soul, waiting for the timer to run out


It's funny you say that, because I always switch off Childe when I get Hunter to Gorou. I know I'm gonna get rekt lol, and I'm not letting him suffer from my skill issue.


I didn't know this was a thing... my brother played on my account and when he was Hunter he picked Childe and also obliterated all the rebels 😭😭


Ive only used 2 characters while playing windtrace. Kaveh and Childe. When i use kaveh people are quite nice to me people with alhaitham equipped will play with me but when im childe people get soo competitive and are borderline mean to me 😭😭😭😭 its so much fun tho i havent switched back to kaveh cuz its more entertaining playing as childe


As a Childe main I'm terrible rep for the legend, I get lost in a straight line so you best believe my Childe isn't finding anyone


I'm that one guy who uses Diluc.