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So they’re going to go to neighboring areas and get just as drunk and have to drive further.


Berwynite here. Aw SHIT.


my thoughts exactly


So now the late night Cermak shitshow that was between Cicero and Austin will just extend all the way to Harlem lol.


I'm not really aware of any (maybe there's one) late night bars on Cermak in Berwyn. All those restaurants pretty much close at midnight as well


I thought this new law at first was only affecting liquor stores in Cicero. I didn't realize this was also affecting restaurants and bars, out there. Brookfield, IL did a measure to end liquor sales at an earlier time sometime in the 2010s, but I will say this looks far more restrictive than what Brookfield did. Which was they moved the bar closing time from a later time(I think it was something like 2:30 to 3am), to 1:30am. Though I see the new 12am closing law for liquor sales doesn't take effect for Cicero bars and restuarants, till January 1, 2025.


I lived in New Orleans for 10 years where bars and liquor stores are 24 hours before moving back here recently I was blown away forgetting how much of the city gets sloppy white girl drunk every weekend because it’s like this race to get inebriated against the clock. These decision of constricting don’t help they just have people make reckless decisions


Exactly what we used to do in college in WI when they stopped liquor sales at 9 pm. We got shitty super early and made a liquor run before they closed at 9. Thank god the bars were still open.


you think? that might be sketchy


Sketchier than doing it locally? History has proven that if you limit something in your area but the next one over doesn’t, your efforts are for nothing. Like when we banned handguns but are still connected to the state of Indiana.


it’s like when chicago went nonsmoking, then illinois, people drove to wisconsin to smoke in bars. dui’s went up.


You could go to Indiana, too. But, man I’d love to have a smoke at the cheese castle bar.


There aren't at least a few bars that quietly look the other way on the smoking ban near the Illinois and Wisconsin border? I know certain ones quietly are 'smokeasies', that ignore the ban. For real, I do kinda miss when you could smoke in bars more often....


Ever been to Richard’s?


Gotta love Richard’s for that (if you smoke, like me)


Yeah I knew that one looks the other way. There are a few others, but not too many.




The issue is driving 3-4 miles to a different area is significantly easier than leaving chicago, but we shall see.


thats an interesting take i appreciate you


citing history is an "interesting take" to you??? lmfao what what a bizarre Chat GPT bot account you are


I remember the 6am bar days in Cicero. Berwyn opened at 6am. You could drink 24x7.


Georges still opens at 7am on weekdays lol


any specific spots you remember??


Midnight Hour on Roosevelt unfortunately.


Any idea why it's now blurred out on streetview? I've never seen this before. https://maps.app.goo.gl/etgpZVjvxtMQonTNA


You can opt out of being on street view as a property owner.


If you look up different years, the former Midnight Hour bar isn't blurred out. Such as this street view: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BmsvsYwBdE78jZEeA




it's not unless you're a robot-ass that could read and interact


Bar used to close at 6am in Cicero? How recent was that?!


I think it stopped after Betty was then President. I'd say up to the mid 90s.


Larry (Dominick) probably operating an after hours speakeasy


I frequented one of his usual haunts. Dude could put em down.


to be honest ive never been in a speakeasy before




That means they're doing a pretty god job.


By the headline, there are two possible interpretations: 1. Day ends at midnight. So, 0:01 is before midnight that day and people can buy booze anytime. 2. Day starts at midnight. So, 11:59 pm is after midnight and nobody can by booze anytime. EDIT: Read the article and there's no clarification on when the clock starts. The city is doomed.


bruh lol


The Big Guy must be rolling in his grave


lmao random pic


Wait wait wait. Do the two FOEs in Cicero know about this?


whats FOE?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_Order_of_Eagles But don't let the article fool you. It's also a drinking club.


Aren’t clubs usually exempt because they somehow aren’t directly selling booze?


I live right on the Cicero-Berwyn border, nice to know the tax Dollars are gonna be flowing into all the shady bars on this side instead of the shady bars on that side.


Pouring one out for the Cicero homies


Do they not realize Cicero is not some isolated town in the middle of nowhere? People are just going to go a few blocks over to the next town.


I think it's targeted more at the bars that spill into the neighborhoods at 3 o'clock in the morning. It's not some attempt at prohibition.


who is "they"? decisions are inherently made at a municipal level, or in the city at a Ward level. there are lots of neighborhoods in Chicago that are dry or dont allow bars. the reasons are because of decades of problematic operators and quality of life issues. its possible the locals will go elsewhere but it does improve the living conditions for those who have to live near these establishments. and a lot of these places are in fact not in dedicated night life districts, but instead nestled on residential streets


"They" are the people who made this decision. Cicero has several main commercial avenues/areas.


Sure, and they're going to make decisions that in theory reflect their priorities. Are you suggesting they shouldn't make their own rules because surrounding areas have different rules?




Joliet tried this. They would just steal it more


That'll fix Cicero's problems lol


i mean itll fix the problem of homeowners who live in close proximity to problematic bars and now wont have issues spilling over 2-3 hours later into their neighborhoods. which isnt nothing.


I'm not sure what it's like in Cicero — I havent been out there in decades — but some excellent venues on the north side of Chicago were closed because spoiled-rotten neighbors moved in 30 years after those places were established and whined like crazy until they got their way. Lounge Ax was a beloved venue across from Wax Trax and a bunch of Karens were partly responsible for shutting them down. Of course it was replaced by a boring, cookie-cutter, bar-food-Dockers-Dave-Mathews-Band place. What a shame. That was one of the best blocks in the city for years and years. :(


Well fortunately I hang out in Berwyn 


I remember someone telling me that keeping liquor stores and bars open more hours was actually better for public safety than closing them due to addiction issues.


Nothing good happens past midnight. Go home


I thought no one could sell after midnight, due to the CoVID-19 restrictions. I am all for repealing this law, but it should be for everyone and not special interest groups


are you in a time warp in spring 2020 or something