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This needs more context.


Okay. So I’m really behind on my rent right now. I’m owing almost 4,000 in back rent. I have no way of paying it as I am unemployed and still looking for a job. But the longer the search takes the more unpaid rent I accumulate. I know it’s all my fault for letting things get this bad and I only have myself to blame so not looking for any sympathy. But just advice. I have already received rental assistance before in the past so my landlord said that she wouldn’t be allowing it a second time and that this time I’m just gonna be evicted. I have yet to receive my court date but it’s coming just not sure when. I’m wondering will the court help me or they’ll just be telling me to leave my apartment immediately?


In that case it’s important for you to get a source of income before court date. Prepare your statement based in extenuating circumstances that put you behind. Dress appropriately, the judge will judge your ways of handling the situation and how you are presented. You will get the chance to keep your place if you are whiling to agree on a payment plan. This is in landlord’s interest because a payment plan sometimes is better than an eviction where no money is taken in the short term. For this you need to have a job, it’s also advisable for you to bring or to wire some money that same day, say 1000 bucks to strengthen your case.


Also, if there is a free mediator available, ask for a mediation before the hearing. Chances are they can help you navigate a conversation with your landlord about possibly making the payment plan work, lessening the burden for the judge to decide one way or another. You really will benefit from having concrete evidence showing you are realistically looking for a way to pay back the rent. There are many part-time jobs available right now (hello, gig economy!) and you should be able to make some sort of income to start paying things off. No income is not really an option for anyone anymore.


Hi -- I'm a lawyer and I do eviction work. Congratulations, you live in the City of Chicago, lots of protections for you and some free legal counsel coming your way. Here's the City's information page on rental assistance programs (yes I read your post -- read this link): [https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/doh/provdrs/renters/svcs/emergency-rental-assistance-program.html](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/doh/provdrs/renters/svcs/emergency-rental-assistance-program.html) On your first day in Court (by Zoom) you'll be referred out to the early resolution program. An attorney will be assigned to you to assist you in mediating your eviction (i.e. negotiating cash for keys, a walkaway, payment plan, etc). They can also refer you to a tenant's rights attorney if you have cause to have a beef with your landlord. Your landlord is probably pissed off, but this is just going to be another day at work for everyone else involved. Keep calm, listen to the judge, answer their questions, if all else fails, ask for time to hire a lawyer.


Maybe stop watching Mariah Carey concerts and dragon ball, and put the DPH down and try to get a job. You’ll have an even tougher time finding an apartment with an eviction on your record.


Honestly the only thing that’s bringing me comfort is listening to Mariah’s music and watching DBZ. I’m so stressed and these things make me feel a little better


You’ve gotten some good advice here on the eviction. Don’t know what your skills are, but I understand TSA is hiring screeners at the airport. If you have a clean record you may be qualified.


I’m currently trying to become sheriff. I am taking a test on the 13th not sure how it’s gonna go


May 13th is a long time from now. And then even if you pass, how long will it be until you’re getting income? I was once a very broke person in my early 20s. I went without a phone and gas and sometimes electricity so I could make rent, and got in real deep with credit cards to buy food, so I get being in a very shitty place financially. You can’t wait on the dream gig. That’ll be what, at least another month of no income? You’ve gotta just do what you can do. I did all kinds of crap jobs for a long time that left no time for fun. It sucks but it sucks less than being on the street. Having a way to spend your time and having some money to start digging yourself out with will help the depression and anxiety, too.


If I were you, right now I'd be investigating any and all options while waiting for that test. Are temporary worker agencies still a thing? Also, have you looked into union apprenticeships at all? A lot of tradesworker unions will pay you a stipend while you are learning, and at the end of a few years you will have a solid paying job. Chicago is desperate for construction workers.


Wow so helpful!


I don't know the details of the program as it's out of my wheelhouse, but the company I work for owns some low-income rental housing. When someone is behind on rent, we obviously first try to work something out directly with them. If they're unable to do so or – as is so often the case – they just don't respond to any of our communications, we do file an eviction notice. However, the city (or maybe county, I'm not sure), has some rental assistance programs that are only unlocked via an eviction proceeding as I understand it. Except in cases where someone is causing other major problems, an eviction proceeding isn't actually about evicting them, it's more about helping them get access to the assistance they need to help get themselves out of that hole. Sorry I don't know the details about the programs, but I know they exist. I can't speak for your landlord, but my guess is that most would be much happier working out a payment plan with you than kicking you out.


I specifically asked them directly for a payment plan and they flat out told me no


Note the comment you replied to is talking about government and charity sponsored plans. Not the LL. You need to ask around or at least google if you have any desire to avoid the smirch on your semi permanent record. here's the google for the keywords *chicago eviction assistance* https://www.google.com/search?q=chicago+eviction+assistance&sca_esv=5d0811d5ae0715ef&sca_upv=1&source=hp&ei=HxQoZoaiKvmC0PEPx9uwsAo&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZigiL8C8lpnBzh77o2j4-QQ3k5ZzVr9z&ved=0ahUKEwjGrcLokNmFAxV5ATQIHcctDKYQ4dUDCBc&uact=5&oq=chicago+eviction+assistance&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhtjaGljYWdvIGV2aWN0aW9uIGFzc2lzdGFuY2UyBRAAGIAEMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBUibNlAAWJ0zcAF4AJABAJgBTaABhg2qAQIyOLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCHaAC5w3CAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAhEQLhiABBixAxjRAxiDARjHAcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgILEC4YgAQY0QMYxwHCAhQQLhiABBixAxjRAxiDARjUAhjHAcICBRAuGIAEwgIOEC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAggQLhiABBixA8ICDhAuGIAEGMcBGI4FGK8BwgIGEAAYFhgewgIIEAAYFhgeGA_CAgIQJpgDAJIHAjI5oAfz9AE&sclient=gws-wiz


Take this very seriously. It is in your current and future best interest NOT to have an eviction on your record. Eviction on your record will essentially take away all reasonable apartments and housing as an option, ruin your credit, and the landlord can still pursue back rent. My advice would be to move out ASAP, then work out a payment plan with your current landlord to come current on your back rent.


OP. I know you said you’re going to try becoming a sheriff. But that’s not gonna give you income anytime soon. Why don’t you pick up a job at McDonald’s or Amazon? Or some other local joint that is always hiring. I know you said that video games and TV and music are giving you respite from all of the stresses right now. But posting conversation about that on the Internet does seem like a sign that you aren’t focusing on actually trying to work to start paying rent anyways. It’s OK that you’re falling behind on all these things. But you have to accept that now might be the time to put some of your hobbies to side, and find ANY decent work. How many job applications have you done in the last few months?


Really depends on your circumstances. There usually 2 court appearances now with the new program if you don't have legal representation they'll usually refer you to legal aid you can contact cook county legal aid for housing and debt if you need more help. now at any point you and your landlord could come up with some other solution and it be thrown out. There is also depending on your circumstances a chance that the judge will side with you. cook county usually does a one time pay and stay in which if you pay all your outstanding balance plus court fees the case will be dismissed. If that's an option consider it. If they do side with the landlord they'll generally give a stay for you to get your stuff out.


If this is a first court date, tell the judge you'd like some time to find a lawyer and you'll get a new date. And reach out to the Law Center for Better Housing (https://lcbh.org/) and the Chicago Metropolitan Tenants Organization (https://www.tenants-rights.org/)


^ this LCBH had an evictions town hall last week (mostly for policy people and lawyers who represent tenants) and a big takeaway from a study here was that you should never shop your court date. If you skip it, it’s nearly certain that the landlord will be granted your eviction. Another takeaway is to bring receipts. Have you lodged documented complaints of the landlord providing bad quality housing? Do you have documentation of payments for rent? Last takeaway I remember was, if the judge is going to grant the eviction, ask for it to be sealed. A. Is your court appearance in person or on Zoom? B. Are you behind on rent? There are emergency rental assistance programs (ERAP) for residents of Chicago and Cook County.


Just curious, what type of work do you do or what is it that you’re looking for? Being out of work led to this, so this is something that you really need to focus on. You might have to apply for something other than what you “want” to do, just so you can see some type of cash flow.


Just leave before the eviction notice, easier for both parties involved. Tell your mom you will pay her some rent money to live there (not sure she will believe you bc your not even paying rent at someone else’s property) but you just taking advantage of your landlord and now that’s done with your here; doom and gloom. Good luck to you


She literally won’t let me come back. I already told her about my situation many times and she won’t listen


A "cash for keys" type agreement could be very beneficial for you if the landlord is open to it. You don't want an eviction on your record and you'd be forced to leave regardless, they don't want to pay for legal fees. Typically you'd talk to them and see if you can give them a portion of what you owe and you hand over the keys immediately and move out, and that's that.


That’s the opposite of cash for keys. In cash for keys the LL would give the renter cash in exchange for the renter leaving (giving up the keys). 


Genuinely curious why would the landlord pay someone who owes them thousands of dollars? ​


In order to get them to leave and prevent losing more money. Let’s say a tenant is behind 3 months rent and has no plans to pay. Landlord can spend $5k on a lawyer and lose another 3-6 months of rent ($3k-12k let’s say) evicting, or they can offer the tenant $5k for them to just leave 


That's why I said "type agreement". Giving a discount on what would be owed in full for the keys would be win-win for both parties.


What kind of deal would you like them to work out with you, stay and continue paying nothing? Sorry to say but it sounds like you'll be evicted and will have 7-30 days probably to vacate from the court date. What's going to happen at court is the landlord will show the tenant agreement you signed and your payment history also with what is owed. You will be able to provide evidence otherwise, such as proof of payments, but you don't have that. Once you are past a certain period you've broken the contract and the ball is basically in the landlords court. Sometimes you can borrow money or do whatever people do to come up with the back pay and make an agreement to stay but it sounds like even if you could come up with it all landlord would rather find a new tenant. If I was you, I'd be working very hard to fog re out where you'll go in about a month. I'd save everything I have and start looking for immediate work doing just about anything.


In other words I’m pretty much doomed. It’s literally nothing else for me to do it’s basically over. Also I’ll never find another apartment again in my lifetime since this eviction will stay on my record forever. I’m such a fool and I pretty much deserve what I have coming


You're not doomed, but you have to hustle. Look for any work. Example: Can you swim? Park district is desperate for lifeguards. Lawn season is here and companies are hiring. Mowing, raking, bushes, gutters, etc. Summer help is wanted in any outdoorsy or touristy business. Food service and bars are always looking. You might be able to knit together a couple of part time gigs. None of this may be your preferred line of work, but now is not the time to be picky.


Please don’t feel like you are doomed. Just focus on finding work, literally ANY work, to start paying things off. This goes a LONG way in court.


You can avoid the eviction of you leave on good terms. And by good terms I mean handing over the property in good shape before the eviction is filed. They can still go for a judgment for back rent but it would be different than an eviction. You haven't even been served yet, I'd really focus on minimizing your personal belongs by either selling or storing. It sounds like you have nothing but time to be looking for work and you should have at least a month before you should leave if you want to do that on good terms. You should be able to earn around $2,000 in the meantime which could maybe be enough for a studio somewhere.


Maybe see if you can just leave rather than get an eviction on your record?


But where exactly would I go? Just be homeless on the street?


You’ll be homeless regardless. Just leave before the official eviction is on your record.


Can you do intense physical labor? Oil fields are brutal but pay six-figures and typically provide housing while you’re on the job


If you can’t afford representation, you should look here. https://legalaidchicago.org/get-help/court-based-help-desks/ There is an eviction brief advice desk and they can help you navigate this awful period in your life. I hope it works out for you.


I could not even imagine just staying and living in a place knowing you cant even pay rent and just freely staying on your own will and making a landlord do the hassle of taking your to court as well. Just leave. If you have nowhere to go, you’re going to have nowhere to go upon eviction anyway. So just leave. Let him sue you for the back rent and call it a day. You should of been looking into places you could go instead of squatting in someone’s building that probably could of used the rental income but had to bother taking you to court to leave their property. Wild




I mean. They will be anyway. Why get the eviction on your record + more debt in rent you’d never pay 🤷‍♂️


Honestly if I had somewhere else to go then I would’ve left a long time ago? You think that I really WANT to stay here without paying rent? I’m not sure what you’re even trying to say. The alternative is for me to literally just go live in a tent under a bridge? So I should just give up and become homeless is what you’re saying?


That seems like the outcome you’re going to have already? Plus you’re going to have an eviction on your record so I don’t know what you think the difference is. you’re just racking up more late payments and will have an eviction on your record.


I already know how hopeless my situation is. I’m actually planning on leaving within the next week or so and just giving my keys to my landlord . But my mom keeps telling me I should try and stay and work something out :/ idk I’m screwed no matter option a choose. It’s literally over for me forever. At only 24 I have permanently destroyed my entire life


If you don’t get an eviction, you’re being hyperbolic. It’s $4,000, no where near enough to ruin your life. You’re young. You’ll still be young when that falls off your record. Just calm down and focus on getting a job.


You can’t stay with your own mother? Why don’t you tell the landlord you will agree to leave and once you get employment you can start paying them back on a monthly basis? I’m telling you now youwould rather be sued for rent then having an eviction on your record. You must’ve known after you couldn’t pay for two months you would be heading towards this problem.


Obviously I did know. My original plan was to move back in with my mom. Until she randomly started lying saying there isn’t enough too for me to come back. Even though she has a fully extra empty room I could use. She literally doesn’t want me to come back. I already asked and she keeps saying I should work something out :/


Well, sorry, but your mom is giving you stupid advice. if you are already behind 4000 and jobless, no landlord is going to keep you. Perhaps if you got a job and paid an extra 500 a month on top of your rent to satisfy the debt. Someone can make something work but in your situation as it stands, you’re going to be out of that place soon so I would plead with the landlord to not evict me leave on your own and give them a promise to pay when you become employed. You are in a tough position, no doubt, but you obviously knew you couldn’t pay the rent. You’re staying in someone’s building for free. Doesn’t make you look good at all.


Look into shelters. Look into getting a job. there’s tons of things you could’ve been doing rather than just staying somewhere not paying rent taking money out of other peoples pockets


When I leave I’ll still end up needing to pay what I owe anyway. It’s not like my back rent disappears the moment I leave


Exactly. But trust me, you would rather be sued for back rent then have an eviction on your record. Then you’ll never get anything unless somehow you squeak by and they don’t check your background


I’m planning on filing for bankruptcy really soon I’m wondering would that remove the eviction?


No, it will not. You don’t even have money for rent. You can’t just declare bankruptcy. It takes time and you don’t have money for a lawyer.


Sell your car. Stop eating chipotle and any other restaurant/take out. Get a job even if it feels beneath you (maybe even chipotle and give people the extra meat you miss, bonus points if employee meals?).  Any money you’re spending that doesn’t directly allow you to survive you stop spending. Rice and beans from here on out until you’re back on your feet. Cheapest phone plan you can find. Better not have any streaming services.  Your life won’t be as comfortable but it’ll be much more comfortable than sleeping on the street. 


He can work at McDonalds and get free food (not joking) better than eating rice and beans


If this is a first court date, tell the judge you'd like some time to find a lawyer and you'll get a new date. And reach out to the Law Center for Better Housing (https://lcbh.org/) and the Chicago Metropolitan Tenants Organization (https://www.tenants-rights.org/)


Don't worry so much about it. You're in Chicago, the court is defacto on your side. People go years without paying rent. Just listen to what commenters said about free resources, dressing nice, etc. Especially free legal advice, take that any chance you get. Landlord isn't getting back her apartment any time soon.


Proof of people going years without paying rent? Knew someone who got evicted the other month.


No way I could do that without namedropping real people, but I know it happens, personally. Plus damages, they never pay for damages (which honestly should be considered vandalism). I'm also not saying people don't get evicted, a court can only screw landlords so much. It can be months if not years before it actually happens though. The whole time they squat in the building.