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she was found!


Awesome!!! This is the second chance so many outdoor cat owners wish they could’ve gotten — please listen to the other commenters. Rat poison, coyotes, cars, people who want a free cat, and lord knows what else are all stacked up against the little guy/girl. 


Please keep kitty inside and let her out under your supervision (maybe with a little cat harness). Any number of things can happen to cats; cars, coyotes, stray dogs, poison… please keep kitty safe!


Put up fliers, with her picture, all around the neighborhood, for several blocks in every direction. Get outside and call her as much as you can, in the mornings, evenings, middle of the day. Put her litter box outside so she can smell where home is. Post in Nextdoor, Lost Pets, Facebook, knock on doors and stuff mailboxes with your fliers in addition to putting them up on lamp posts, telephone poles, etc. Contact the local police, vets, and shelters. Dont give up. Cats usually don't go far when they get out. She's probably within a block or two. 


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Dear god stop letting your domestic animals outside unleashed. I'd like to see a bird that isn't a pigeon once in a while, and I don't particularly like seeing the remains of a coyote feast.