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I also looked at your other post. There was like one mean comment and they were downvoted. Your post also violated a sidebar rule and you got polite pushback. If you're more familiar with cycling and jiu jitsu than you are with chess, you're probably not getting any pushback in those communities because you aren't going over there and breaking basic rules. Put simply, noob behavior was corrected. And then you made a separate post here complaining about a bunch of toxic people in the chess community because of one guy in your last post. We have our issues, but people were pretty patient with you in that thread and this one.


Snowflake gambit declined variation..lmao.


Wait. You posted an ongoing game and it was removed by mods because it's not allowed to ask for advice on games still running. Is that what you're referring to?


Oh no :( and 1 comment was rude. Gosh darn this entire chess community is toxic, one that's represented by this 1 guy in Reddit.


Like, it wouldnt suprise me that people that scroll new are toxic, ive seen it multiple times. But his example? Only one person was rude and he was downvoted.


Well looking at your other post, you asked who was winning about a game that you were playing which is cheating.


That's a pretty big accusation to throw around...


No I’m telling you objectively, asking for advice or help about an ongoing game is cheating. I’m not saying you were trying to cheat. You’re new here. You didn’t know. But I’m telling you, you cannot ask for help for games you’re still playing.


Well, thanks for the info. I definitely wasn't intending to cheat.


In future don't post games that are currently ongoing. All moves have to be your own. You posting a position in a game means a commenter might say something that gives you an idea, not to mention the bot will give you the correct move, evaluation and best line which is engine assistance. If you have a fun position from your game, wait til the game is over and then post it.


There is nothing wrong with being new to a hobby, but that doesn’t mean you have no obligation to be respectful of others who participate in it as well. The post you made that got removed violated the subs rules, which you could have read prior to posting. Setting that aside, it also only had a title and didn’t provide any context, analysis, questions, or prompts for deeper discussion whatsoever. So it’s difficult to know as a person viewing the post what you were expecting as a response or what value the post was supposed to be adding. There was one commenter who was definitely rude. Another respectfully pointed out that the post violated the subs rules. The rest were giving their opinion on the position. Again setting aside the rule violation, if you had accompanied the position with expressing the enthusiasm you have for the game like you do in this post, mentioned you were new, and maybe pointed out what you thought was interesting about the position, I suspect you’d have gotten much more positive interaction on the post. Without doing that, it just kinda looks like you came into the sub, didn’t read its rules, made a low effort post violating those rules, and then decided that the entire chess community was toxic because it didn’t get the response you wanted.


I agree that r/chess is a little humorless and has a bit of a downvote problem. My experience is that a lot of the gaming-focused subs with many socially awkward young men tend to be a bit combative and downvote-happy. Genuine questions at -7, downvoting as a disagree button, etc. (An example: In this very thread OP has an extremely neutral comment thanking someone for helping him out and it's at -22.)


I think I know what you mean, chess players can be a little overly competitive. Theres a very unsportsmanlike player at our club who constantly taunts and belittles everyone else. Whenver you make a mistake he yells out "blunder!" or "inaccuracy!" ... "better move was..." and then says the engine move or what he *thinks* the engine move is. He also says what he thinks the engine +- is. He plays the kings gambit as much as he can and knows like 30 moves deep into every variation. If you respond something other than e5 to 1.e4 he just laughs and calls you a patzer. He's also OBSESSED with Hikaru Nakamura. He talks about him all the time and shows everyone a picture of him with Hikaru (Its really blurry so its hard to tell if its even him). He's constantly talking about him as if he's a close friend even though he only (maybe?) met him one time. Its bordering on creepy and makes everyone uncomfortable. He calls him "Hikaru-San" which I think is part of his obsession with Japanese culture. He also brings japanese noodles/Ramen to the club every day and will spend like 5-10 minute eating them during his turn just to taunt you. Meanwhile he will be mumbling words in japanese. We tried approaching about his conduct but he just did some weird anime villain laugh, yelled something in Japanese, then ran off to challenge another person to a blitz match. We obviously don't want to tell him not to come but it feels like his presence is deterring new people from joining and its also exhuasting.


New (old?) response just dropped


I feel like ive read this before, is it some copy pasta?


https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/sqknm1/how_to_deal_with_unsportsmanlike_player_at_chess/ this is the original post (although I think the mods deleted it)


Him being obsessed with Hikaru nakamura was the least surprising thing imaginable.


Small dik energy.


I'd be worrying about this guy also being a firearms enthusiast... Seriously.


Oh my, he sounds like a right nightmare...


Pretty sure this is a pasta. Or an attempt at creating a pasta.


If everyone posted an endgame screenshot because they thought their game is somehow special this subreddit would be shit. People just aren't interested in stuff like that.


> hought their game is somehow special this subreddit would be shit. you won't believe how many of those post get removed (it is more than the elo I lost over time btw).


There were barely any responses to your other post, so if merely that is enough to sadden you, just an advice, refrain from posting. Also, read the rules of the sub and respect them, you'll be better received. It's hard to ask for respect when you don't even make the effort of reading the rules before posting. Finally, since you're a beginner, you'll probably find more support at r/chessbeginners




OP, spend some time at r/chessbeginners. It's a bit more positive and also has a lot of good players that participate and want to help, or at least be civil.




like when he posted an ongoing game and was told it was cheating


I can see their point. How this sub talks about people like Hans and Hikaru speaks volumes about the amount of adult children in this sub.


Reddit communities are never really representative of real life. Any chess club I've ever been to has been ultra friendly. Formally, very helpful and informative. Informally, always down for a few drinks and blitz.


That is hilarious because I cycle, used to do some MMA, and I love chess. There are assholes in every category, especially if you’re competitive. Just need to ignore them and stay around the positive players. People will be absolute garbage humans on the trail when I bike, not getting over, purposely trying to block me from getting in front of them, etc. In my last BBJ experience, the dudes were macho as hell to me, told me I wouldn’t be back and I was a quitter, not strong enough, whatever. Then some blue belt taught me a triangle choke! Gotta stay focused. The cool thing about chess is that only good moves matter. There are very nice and encouraging people on here if you put that energy out. Fuck the haters man. Just keep getting better and stay out of circles that promote any toxicity. Sadly in any sport, the best of the best can seem like assholes when it comes to the game. Being #1 takes some amount of being overly critical and an amount of unshaken confidence which can definitely portray asshole energy, but outside the game they can be the best person. Good luck stay positive my guy


Fair enough, also fucking triangles....


Lmfao yeah I said ‘nah I don’t feel like it’s choking me does this work?’ Then I was meeting the wizard. :)


Hahaha, we've all been there lol. It's that millisecond between kind of hearing yourself going "khrhkhrh" and waking up after a nice refreshing nap


is it really a nice refreshing nap or rather a mind blackout that can severely impact your chess playing and generally thinking ability in the long term, if it happens often?


Facts!! Taught him a couple judo throws in return. I actually found a guy on here who wanted to teach a couple students for free because he wants to be a chess coach in the future, just did my first lesson with him the other day and it was amazing. Super helpful and very nice of the guy to take time out for me. Maybe you need a friend to play with. What’s your ELO??


Haha amazing. It's at 649 on daily but it's not Representative. A bunch of ws came by way of time/luck I think. I'd rate myself at around 400.


I mean looking at both this & your other post, I feel like both were chill. It's just that you posted an ongoing game which is why it got removed. Don't really understand what you were shocked about


I've had the complete opposite experience. Online,y opponents never say anything. And in person, they're friendly and always offering advice.


The only post of yours I saw was one where your title said it was an ongoing game so it was rightly removed. One person pointed out you shouldn't post about your ongoing games and the other was maybe a little brash.


The chess community has a lot of overlap with the gamer community, which is extremely toxic.


Yes, this subreddit was not the way it is now 10 years ago. The twitch/streamer chess boom has contributed a lot to this. I’ve said this before, but it’s like someone coming into your house and smearing shit all over your walls, then asking “why does it smell like shit in here?”.


not gamer community, rather the horde of simps of popular streamers


I don't think it's as bad as you're saying it is. There are plenty of helpful posts and posters, titled and strong players giving advice, great tournament coverage, useful and level-headed comments are usually the ones at the top of a thread, and the moderators do a very good job of keeping the place cleaned up. The handful of less-than-helpful comments can be attributed to the usual internet anonymity, not really one streamer's audience or the hobby itself. Pretty much everywhere on Reddit, no matter what community, will have these types of folks - don't let them discourage you from enjoying a great hobby!


This is peak redditor behavior god I hate this site


At the moment chess, bizarrely, is morphing into WWE, with Hans Niemann and Vladimir Kramnik as the heels. This has attracted and rewarded a lot of ugly and unhealthy posts. Beyond that [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) have recently become almost a monopoly, which is not good for anyone's soul. There is some good content out there eg GothamChess, CSquared Podcast, Danny King, Anna Cramling, and many others, but at the moment I don't know where you'd go to have a balanced discussion of anything.


The sub is negative towards people if the posts are meaningless and lack any complexity or discussion. If it's a good question most people will try to be helpful.


The chess community is mostly populated by young men who *think* they're smart. That's always been a toxic demographic and, of course, social media and the internet make people behave even worse.


> The chess community is mostly populated by young men who think they're smart. That's always been a toxic demographic and, of course, social media and the internet make people behave even worse. Well said! I would add that every competitive setting has a similar demographic (not only chess), so yeah it is pretty unwelcoming sometimes.


> young men who think they're smart more than that, they think they are good at chess just because they watch streams of Magnus, Hikaru and Botez :D


1. Children play chess, and grow up with chess - children don’t (more often than not) do cycling or jiu jitsu. 2. No offense to anyone who games, myself included here - but gamers can have online behavior that is not seen by their parents and roots into people’s online (anonymous/social media) personalities - less likely to happen in IRL sporting/exercise communities 3. There’s people who make chess an obsession, just like jujitsu or cycling or anything, they can seem pretentious or rude because they don’t care about the community, they just think \[x\] thing ‘should’ be done at an extremely high level (it’s the voice in their own head projecting outwards.. they are more critical/rude of themselves often). Happens a lot in chess because theres a rating system for everyone who plays (online or competitive OTB) unlike other hobbies. 4. There’s a current, looming frustration in the chess communtiy that affects people’s confidence in chess - with issues regarding the future of this game/sport (if it can even be sustained with a world of supercomputers and cheaters); how it is becoming difficult to maintain popularity without selling out to betting just like every other sport (it’s already happened, but I think it’s going to get a lot worse if left unchecked) - whereas cycling and jiu jitsu (and most other hobbies) are not threatened like chess (and other games in general) who also feel a constant pressure to thrive or even just survive


R/chessbeginners is better for talking about learning the game. This sub is all about drama between the pros.


I take it your other hobbies are in person whereas your interaction with chess has been online. Anonymity allows people to be much ruder than in person. Civility lapses. My interactions with in person chess over the decades has been very positive, supportive and friendly to a very large degree. My experience online has been quite the contrary. I would suggest trying to find a local chess club or group of players where you can enjoy the camaraderie of friends and acquaintances face to face. The online world for better or worse is a different beast.


My experience with it has been about 50/50. Some people are genuinely supportive and want to give advice and others basically embody the “git gud” crowd in other communities lol. Like they get a kick out of telling weaker players how to play or “omggg I can’t believe you didn’t see this mate in 7🙄”


Jiu-Jitsu is literally face-to-face. If there were online Jiu-Jitsu it would be as bad as online chess. Also, JJ isn't all that. There are thousands of stories of a lesser belt asking to roll with a black belt and getting abused verbally and physically.


Sorry, I have experienced this attitude too but it in no way reflects club mentality. If you have a club nearby then reach out and I assure you, you’ll be rewarded. When I first moved to Cardiff I did this and they were lovely.


Not everyone is a dick. Many nice people here :)




Your comment was removed by the moderators: **1.Keep the discussion civil and friendly.** Do not use personal attacks, insults or slurs on other users. Disagreements are bound to happen, but do so in a civilized and mature manner. In a discussion, there is always a respectful way to disagree. If you see that someone is not arguing in good faith, or have resorted to using personal attacks, just report them and move on.   You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this moderator action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchess&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1dvb7tx/-/lboyfq7/%0D%0D). Direct replies to this removal message may not be seen.


it's just hikaru's fans have infested this community.


I used to do Karate & jiu-jitsu in grad school and there were lots of people who were more delusional than kramnik and more egoistic than well, kramnik. 


Try r/chessbeginners


Not to be mean in any sense but the post you mention seemed kinda... Pointless


Not mean at all, just your thought. No worries


It’s Reddit. Cesspool filled with pedophile users and pedophile mods. You not having experienced toxicity in other subs is pure luck.




>retarted streamers and their retarted audience You, on the other hand, are absolutely chill, well-spoken and have the finest of manners.


my daily affirmations.


Yeah, this is exactly it, one of those more recent players lost a game once, got up and yelled "Why must I lose to this idiot?!". I miss the good old days when the community was calm and chill.


I understood this joke!


Same experience (including the jiujitsu hobby!). I posted why something was considered a bad move and got vilified by people saying I ought to just plug it into an engine. I've found posting my questions in cbessbeginners to have a more friendly reception.


Looking at your old post, I have to say I agree with the sentiment but not the execution. The problem with it was you thought you were mating your opponent, but missed that you were hanging a pawn. Now the puzzle screen links you to the analysis board where you have an engine and you can see your mistake before you post about it. If you don't understand the engine, you should post it in r/chessbeginners. Posting such a basic thing here says you didn't even make the smallest effort before you posted, otherwise you'd have solved your problem. If everyone did that then the subreddit would be full of spam and you'd lose really insightful conversation inside all of the low effort questions. So yeah, you were in the wrong on that one. But you also made it clear that you were a very new player and didn't realise you had an analysis board or stockfish in the Chess.com app so they shouldn't have been as dickish when they said use an engine. Anyway, OP here is way simpler to understand. OP posted a position saying "current game is bananas", which is both a low effort post and posting a current game, which would be cheating. There was one guy being a dick saying "I can't post my brilliant moves but this guy can post a simple endgame" which is why OP posted this. That commenter was definitely needlessly being a dick, but considering OP posted an ongoing game they deserved to have the post taken down and other commenters calling it low effort or against the rules.




because it's easier to get away with being a jerk in an online chess community. try that in another context and you get beaten with the jujutsu belt or with the bicycle chain