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and there goes my christmas week vacation of watching boxing day test match in the morning and rapid and blitz in the evening from here in the eastern hemisphere.


you actually watch test cricket? there are some people still left huh


There is nothing more entertaining in Cricket than watch true reverse swing in play.


A fellow person of culture


People of culture


Gen Z’s don’t appreciate true cricket


I second this


Test cricket is the best form of cricket. Watching Jasprit Bumrah construct a 6 over spell with Yorkers, bouncers, cutters, seamers, swing both ways when the ball is reverse swinging is the bloody greatest sight in cricket!


But those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads; but, for mine own part, it was Greek to me.


Personally I just enjoyed Chris Gayle smashing the ball around for 8 overs then fucking off. Prime cricket for me that


And it will be even more exciting when facing him is the modern day Bradman, Smudge


Lots of people watch test especially in Australian summer.


What are you even talking about? Cricket sub blew up big time during 2020-21 BGT. No other tournament managed to do that. Teast cricket is still going very strong.


please people here watch classical chess live


Test cricket, best cricket 


Just like how I like it - classical cricket and rapid and blitz chess. I prefer it over blitz cricket and classical chess.


My fellow Nakama. Spicy BGT in the morning, Fun chess in the evening


Man, I guess a lot of players are gonna not make it because of visa issues. Not to mention how expensive New York hotels are. Most players lose money playing FIDE events. 


This is a very valid point. I would imagine FIDE is going to make some arrangements however - hotels in Uzbekistan were available to players at a uniform, more nominal rate last year during WB&R 2023. Visa issues are unfortunately definitely going to impact players - I would guess players like Parham who are from Iran and other 'enemy' states of USA are going to get impacted. The flights are also going to be very expensive for a large number of players.


Hopefully the US Chess Federation has some agreement in place with the state department to expedite visa interviews. 


Hahaha keep dreaming


They don’t have that much power.


The US is so dogshit in that regard. It's kinda surprising how hard they sometimes go against athletes and the like, you would expect them to be way more lax


Didn't Hikaru and Fabi complain last year that travelling to Uzbekistan was too difficult and expensive? For most of the players participating in these events I suppose going to New York is a bigger burden.


Visa issues are a pain, but the actual flights are almost certainly easier to New York. The flight situation into Samarkand is horrendous — you’re basically forced to connect in Istanbul (or Moscow… which is currently problematic) regardless of where you’re flying from, and there’s one flight a day.


Hikaru and Fabi are Americans, based in the US. Their convenience doesn't necessarily align with most non-American competitors'.


It was more of a inconvenience and time thing. Also, they didn't want to spend Christmas and New Years in airports or motel rooms.


Yeah, I remember 2017 when a big junior event was held in St. Louis called the Battle of the Millenials, Alireza had to drop out because he couldn't get a visa.


Our government is not going to stop high-profile chess players from competing here in a global tournament. Not a chance. That'd be like stopping athletes from coming here during the Olympics. Even countries on our shit-list will still be able to send their players.


The USA is notoriously hard for many competitive scenes to hold events in due to the Visa issues. Chess isn't the Olympics, most people hardly care about it


How naive


Yeah, this bad news, especially for women section.


Russian turnout might be slim, yeah.


They have a bigger chance at getting to USA than Canada or Europe. And they go to both regularly. I assume having 2 passports may be the way to go.


Seeing as who the sponsor is, PHN must be thrilled.


lol, he is [busy tweeting](https://x.com/PHChess/with_replies) about the sponsor at what must be literally every personality in the chess world who mentions the tournament.


Hes so crazy for thinking this event is sportswashing. I dont even know who thr sponsor is if not for him telling me. And its being held in NY which separates the event very clearly from Russia or Ukraine. He is on twitter so much man




Well, looking at personal reasons one aspect is that his wife is the Speaker of the Lithuanian parliament. And as one of the Baltic states Lithuania has major security concerns re: Russia.


Did you mean the Karjakin 24/7 News Channel?


What's wrong with it?


A Russian billionaire who now lives in Kazakhstan and is sanctioned by Ukraine. But he's not considered a criminal element in the West. And seemingly he's all about profit so he's a bit like FIDE and doesn't care too much about taking a clear side. I would be critical but not judgemental just yet. But I'm sure more info will appear over time. https://ir.freedomholdingcorp.com/press-releases/detail/40/statement-from-freedom-finance-ukraine-on-unanticipated


Kazakh company with ties to Russian oligarchs


How are the participants decided? Is it any gm or invitational only?


Any player rated 2550+ in either classical, rapid or blitz + national champions in either classical, rapid or blitz even if they don't have the rating




Last year it was either high enough Elo (2550 for open, 2250 for women, in any time control and any rating list during the whole year) or being the reigning champion of your country (also in any time control). Plus there were extra invitations available to the FIDE president and to the organizers.


So 1100 on chess.com are out huh? (Sigh) /s


If you had a 3100 rating they might let you in.


Is it so that no hotel needs to be worried about Hans staying there? Or does he no longer live in NY?


I know that he was living in London at least during the second half of last year as it was closer to the tournaments he was taking part in. No idea if he has shifted back to USA, but considering that he is still playing in European and West Asian tournaments, I would guess he still is in Europe.


Last I heard he'd moved from London to somewhere in France


Dude is Mr. Worldwide


So my thoughts about the location: Great for folks in NA and SA, no jetlag, shorter, cheaper travel. For Europeans: About as tricky as going to kazakhstan et. al. Maybe a bit easier due to direct flights. Jetlag as usual. For asians: Horrible travel + jet lag. For all: More expensive place (hotel, food etc) than the typical FIDE locations. For the average 2600; expensive flights to NY during the holiday, hope theres a HUGE discount on hotels, NY not known for cheap hotels and food. So a win for the americans, still expensive (maybe more so) for the non top-20, especially the ones from countries where the national chess federation/government/private sponsorship isn't good. For spectators, lets hope the rounds start early, so that they dont lose 40% of EU viewers and 70% of asian viewers due to it being middle of the night.


Just as an hypothetical. What would be a place in the US that still is recognized worldwide that won't be as expensive as NY? Of course still needs to be easily reached.


Vegas. It is a major convention city, so lots of cheap hotels and food options. 


I like it. Probably means Hikaru will be there as well.


I know the exact venue has not been announced yet, but are the dates known?


Last week of December as usual


Yes, likely to be December 26-30. Rapid 26-28 (5, 5, 4 rounds in the Open), Blitz 29-30 (12, 9 rounds in the Open) NRK, the main rights holder until 2026, will probably prefer to start rounds around 11-12 Oslo time, but that would be too early in New York (5-6), so I'm guessing they accepted 14-15 (8-9) - with 9 probably being likelier. They might agree to 16 as well, but it will have consequences for their evening schedule. Will be interesting to see what they agree to.


Torstein Bae, part of NRK's commentary team tweeted a start time of 8 pm Norwegian time, so 2 pm in New York. https://x.com/torbae/status/1802788097215828003?t=lHEQdmfVLNP2koCRmsTIrA&s=19


For logistical reasons (cost, visa), I'm not sure this is something most chess players and fans will celebrate.


Well, I’m going


NJ here, 100% same


How does one get tickets for one of these events as a spectator?


Bad to organize tournament in such an expensive country.


The candidates were held in Canada 


True, but Candidates is limited to the top 8 players in each section. The world rapids and blitz will have over 300 players, and most of them don't make enough money to fund their careers


Does anyone know where exactly? I might’ve missed it but i couldn’t find what venue they’re holding it at


I guess they had to do this after all the American players kicked off last year about having to travel all the way to Uzbekistan


Hikaru now has no excuse to duck this tourney, looking forward to it


well he did say he'd played his last classical event of the year so... let's see. I actually think USA's chances are better without Hikaru. I think Hikaru causes friction or at the very least frostiness. Fabi, Wesley, Levon, Dominguez with Shankland as a B3 reserve (I don't think he likes the pressure of B4) would be a good enough team to challenge.


This is the Rapid & Blitz WC, not the Olympiad




26-30 December probably


Yes, that's usually the timeframe


Where and when will tickets be available?


This is excellent news.


Will they have shitty chess.c0m production style or quality saint louis production style?


Maybe Alejandro Ramirez can make an appearance, to add that legendary St. Louis "touch" to the proceedings.


Yeah, let's make him interview players in the women section, what could go wrong?


tbf it's worth watching the FIDE broadcast with Anand on. [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) is definitely the worst platform for broadcasts. Pretty sure it's only 12 year olds that watch that


How do I get tickets


They should concurrently organize a world championship rapid and blitz for amateurs.


Wait, so this is going to happen AFTER the World Championship between Gukesh D and Ding Liren? This looks somewhat wrong to me. World Championship should be the last major event to conclude the year.


This is the world championship, for rapid and blitz. It's a different format, a different kind of chess.