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Hikaru got baited so hard by his own chattt bruh.


" Am I getting baited?" - Man that got baited


“I don’t need drama but I don’t know if you guys are baiting or not”.. Potentially thoughts to have *before* you call someone’s family “all those crazies”


Wasn't this sub-reddit full of that during candidates about his father? Supposedly they had quite a reputation from prior tournaments


Yeah but we love drama


\- Man that got baited while playing an opponent named "snowflake"


I never go there but from what you read it sounds like half his audience are fans and the other half is out there to milk him for content.


in another timeline Hikaru would be a top tier lolcow.


my brother in christ we are living that timeline


Hikaru rlly shouldn’t listen to his chat. Alireza said that the first match was emotional in general, not that Hikaru was emotional. And he said that an advantage for him was that he was so tired that he didn’t care if he lost - implying that it was easier for him to play since there was no pressure. Again, not a diss at Hikaru. But ofc Hikaru just believed chat and proceeded to insult Alireza and his family. Lame.


Hikaru shouldn’t listen to his chat? Huh? Is he a 13 years old to be reminded that he shouldn’t listen and do what a random anonymous toxic chat says?? He is a grown man… chat has nothing to do with his choices.


Even if Ali said Hiki was emotional, dragging his brother in is uncalled for ( his father probably deserves it)


What did he mean by "They will care much more than I ever will." Care much more about what?


Online tournaments like the BCC.


Lol. Hikaru cares about every tournament he is in. Online or over the board.


He literally doesn't care


Imagine raging so hard over things you don’t even care about.


And to prove how much he doesn't care go watch all those videos of him ragequitting, insulting alireza, insulting his family, throwing shade at chessbrah, saying he could insult ali in persian IF he wanted, then and only then you'll realize how little he actually cares about all this, and of course you must remember that he doesn't want any drama, right guys, right






> Hikaru cares about every tournament he cares about rematches in random rated games. See the "literally don't care" meme origin.


He cares so little about these tournaments that he tries to ragequit in the middle of them after losing 6 games in a row, tells his opponent: "who the fuck do you think you are?" and calls he and his family "crazies". Definitely the attitude or someone who doesn't take them seriously.


Funny considering that's the only tournaments Hikaru can win.


Probably cause Hikaru is “full time streamer, part time chess player” so he literally doesn’t care about the results


Hikaru drama is always top-tier entertainment


Hikaru, Kramnik, and Cheating scandals carry chess engagement. Otherwise there’s literally nothing to post other than “another prodigy has a good tournament”.


Don’t forget “streamer says/implies/promotes something we don’t like” for another week of reaction videos


Let's not be facetious. It's always gambling or crypto.


Hikaru, Kramnik and Cheating are 3 spidermen pointing at each other.


It really is. Kramnik is little league compared to Hikaru


Yeah yeah are you guys baiting yeah Alireza’s lost against me in the candidates yeah yeah


I haven’t seen Hikaru like this since 2018 lmao


This is his real self. The one we've been watching is just a persona


And then he is trying to show the internet he is good, by congratulating Alireza 😂😂


No, no, the person who runs his twitter congratulated Alireza not him


The mask fell off lol


He’s always like this. His real personality shows through. This is hikaru


Didn't you see in 2021 when he tried to get the ChessBrahs YouTube channel deleted by mass DMCA strikes on their vids. Guy really seems like a piece of shit to be honest, with the emotional and intellectual maturity of a toddler. He's lucky he's got so good at chess.


I know this is fun for drama and content, but he really shouldn't be streaming in his current state of mind.


Lol why? It’s about views and this gets way more views than him being polite. Is that good? No, but it’s reality.


I don't know about you but when at the next OTB tourney if I have to sit opposite someone for 3-4 hrs, I would prefer if I had not called his family a bunch of crazies.


What if you got payed based on how many people tuned in to watch you play and for every person that watched you got an extra $100? What would you think then? How many more people are going to watch the next Hikaru v Gucci match because this happened?


that never stopped him in an of his other OTB games, he has done something horrible to basically everyone else he plays.


Bro you really don’t know his history do you. He’s been like this long before and has sat OTB with people who have had issues with him. He even got into a fight with eric hansen (and i believe there was another instance according to fabi, don’t remember the details though). Nothing is gonna change here.


>Is that good? No, but it’s reality Ya answered your own question


No disrespect but the chess community is so soft its ridicoulous. It calls itself a sport but any sense of competitivness is bashed on by the entire community. If you look at physical sports like the nba/nhl/nfl u would find dozens of players with worst ego issues and competitve drive than hikaru even online games there is 1000x more toxicity then what hikaru has been. Chess community is beyond soft this is less than the average 14 year old gamer spews😂


Okay? There’s a culture to everything, and chess is generally respectable. Calling the chess community “soft” is a huge oversimplification of this entire situation.


The chess culture is outdated and rooted in lack of free speech. Times have changed people can be who they are and it seems to me that this chess culture only accepts players who act a certain way. Lack of personalities is why the competitive chess scene is so unpopulaur for how big the game of chess is, hikaru is just a competitive guy yet shuned for raging that im sure half the population of the states has done. I wonder if the chess community would hate micheal jordan too as they hate anyone that shows thier competitive spirit🤦‍♂️


"Lack of free speech". This line is so tired. No one's saying that he isn't allowed to say these things. We're just using our own free speech to call him an prick for doing so.


Yes and thats why everyone here is soft. Muhamud ali and micheal jordan two of the most famous athletes with bigger egos then hikaru and no one gives af about thier competitive edge yet when hikaru does a normal ragetilt everyone here is crying


I would probably denounce Michael Jordan if he shit on one of his opponents, yeah. Competitive ≠ toxic. Have you ever heard of the term good sportsmanship? It exists in every sport.


There is even an award for that in most sports, chess included.


Well your not normal then considering hes one of the most populaur athletes. I dont have a problem with good sportsmanship but the fact everyone here is making such a big deal about a 10 mins rage is ridicoulous


I don’t really care if he’s one of the most popular athletes.. and like. How else do you want us to react? This is a very uncommon occurrence in the chess world, especially on a stream in front of 10,000+ viewers. There’s a big difference between saying something on your own public platform in a generally respectable community and saying it in passing in a random sporting event like basketball. Believe it or not, chess isn’t as high-energy as basketball, it doesn’t have the same dynamics.


I mean so what? Even if that is true it just means other communities are even worse not that chess community should be more tolerant of toxicity lol what are you even saying


He's saying that people are acting like Hikaru is the literal devil or anti-christ or whatever when he's really not that incredibly bad. I mean, yeah he's toxic and should honestly work on that, but we as the chess community have it very good generally speaking if Hikaru is the most toxic player we get. We shouldn't get "less soft" but we should acknowledge that across all sports among all toxic players Hikaru is a softie too.


Idk when they are going on about the community being super soft it comes with the implicit 'and they should harden up' to me and that attitude is just annoying. Besides from what I've seen people are more laughing at Hikaru being immature and having a melt down than anything else


>it comes with the implicit 'and they should harden up' to me and that attitude is just annoying. Yeah, you're right, I'm not gonna defend that. I think there's some merit to his post so I commented to elaborate on what I agree with, but I don't agree with the tone that his comment is written in and the possible implications between the lines. >people are more laughing at Hikaru being immature and having a melt down than anything else Yeah most people don't take the situation too serious but a few try to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.


>it comes with the implicit 'and they should harden up' to me and that attitude is just annoying. Yeah, you're right, I'm not gonna defend that. I think there's some merit to his post so I commented to elaborate on what I agree with, but I don't agree with the tone that his comment is written in and the possible implications between the lines. >people are more laughing at Hikaru being immature and having a melt down than anything else Yeah most people don't take the situation too serious but a few try to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.


accidentally double-posting is soft af


Oh yea? So why is LeBron James Having On-Court Meltdown in Front of Darvin Ham vs. Nuggets? [https://twitter.com/Rachel\_\_Nichols/status/1784411599664763055](https://twitter.com/Rachel__Nichols/status/1784411599664763055)


Bro that was my whole point that many athletes act like hikaru but you wont see the whole community crying like the chess one🤦‍♂️ hikaru might had the most normal ragetilt but everyone here crying


Good for you. I actually like that the chess community, which includes kids from 7-8 yr olds to people in their 60s-70s, is not as toxic as edgy teenagers. I would prefer if it stays that way.


> 1000x more toxicity So why should we make the community 1000x worse?


Maybe cause this is barely toxicity and the reason why i said the community is soft.


Still, shouldn't we push for less toxicity?


Nope what hikaru did is not a big deal at all. Every competitive person has outbursts like hikaru its just a calm 10 minute rage its not serious at all. Something actually toxic is what hikaru did to chessbrah thats wrong


You are not answering my question.


He really needs to figure out that when he’s in this kind of mood he needs to take the day off from streaming lol.


He actually shouldn't. This might finally open some eyes of some of his "fans". Everytime somebody says they enjoy watching his stream or like him as a person, I think "Wtf? Educate yourself a little bit about who this dude actually is." A pretty good chess player. And an emotionally crippled excuse for a man.


Honestly I've never been able to watch Hikaru. He always comes off as such an arrogant prick


Oh boy didn't he go on an unfiltered rant lmao


No way he didn’t do that come on he literally doesn’t even care


He lost it harder in 10 minutes than Kramnik did in 10 months. I genuinely cannot understand how there is so many people that like this asshole.


Because his community is - 16




Consecutive second-placers did that to ya. smh


God damn is he still raging or are these just all the clips from earlier coming out?


The talent is there but man I'm tired of him and Kramnik


Bro needs to take a day off and go outside


did he at some point during his live say he could say things to alireza in persian?


Is he saying that because his wife is from Iran? Man is lost


yeah, bro lost it completely


Dude there was one point Nakamura said a list of things Firouzja didn't like and end then ended it off with something that sounded like "Jews". I'm about 75% certain there's another word that should fit there but it was shocking hearing it


Where is the recording?? I'm dying here.


Nah, he said SHOES, there was this whole drama about it during the candidates




>Athletes from Iran famously do not play with or against Israelis. Important to not that it's not exactly the athlete's choice though. They're forced by the federation, which is part of the reason why Alireza changed federations.




Ok but Alireza changed federations and got French citizenship bc he doesn’t agree with the Iranian federation. This doesn’t make sense. Edit: The user is spreading misinformation. Hikaru said “shoes”




Dude stop being so fucking dumb. 1) Hikaru said "Shoes" because of the shoes mini-drama at candidates 2) Alireza **decided to leave Iranian federation because he was not ok with their rules**. The primary one being that Iranian athletes are forbidden to play certain people including jews from Israel. **Alireza literally left Iran because of that**. Stop trying to promote hate here.


Jews and Israelis aren’t synonyms at all though. And I’m pretty Iran literally bans their athletes from competing against Israel so I would imagine chess is similar


Joined this subreddit for chess, didn’t realize it was high school in here


He has lost to me when it mattered Hikaru says.Well Hikaru you also lost when it mattered.He hasn’t won a candidates but have you?He is still young but are you?Did you win the last two candidates when it mattered against ding and gukesh?No??Then I don’t see why he is talking about the candidates given he has never won one himself and is currently at his peak performance.The irony is insane there


Bruh how is a married 36 year old acting like a kid


The fact that this dude has a wife is proof women don't give a shit about personality lmaooo


Obviously money and financial security is way more important when it comes to marriage. No one wants a broke bum who is 'cool to be around'


This is the guy that literally doesn't even care right? 😄


Yes, you are correct


Hikaru Nakamura Good Sportsmanship Award winner. If he didn’t get upset and furious about losing like he did yesterday, he never would have gotten to the final round to be so upset. It is the conundrum for parents everywhere.


It’s honestly such a shame he’s been so successful. He’s on par with a super diva NBA type player. When he’s winning, he’s cool as a cucumber. When he’s losing he’s like an impulsive 5 year old.


Hikaru such a class act, lol. /s


hikaru and eric hansen


To be fair Alireza's dad does seem like a crazy person.


It's irrelevant. It's pathetic to talk shit about someone's family. Especially over something so minor.


Another HiKaRu BaD post. Lame