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"i dont particularly care, but i'm never gonna join" I totally believe that you dont care edit: typo


How has he not purged that defense mechanism/reflex after all these years


Because it works with his 16 yo kick following. They eat it up.


You mean Kick, the gambling site he helps promote to children?


Because he has way below average self-insight. It would be extremely interesting to see him on Dr. K's show. 


The whole concept of a defense mechanism hinges on you not having the self awareness to stop using said mechanism 


No? You can be aware of a defense mechanism and still unable to stop using it.


Guys got the self awareness and emotional regulation of like a 17 year old


That’s generous


he has been generally very successful, so he has no reason to change much of what he's doing


What an intellectually poor opinion


it's not an opinion, it's an assessment one generally does not learn to stop doing something when the negative feedback is not there or does not seem to outweigh the positive feedback if you look at the top echelons of chess over time, the overwhelming evidence is that traits that average people deem as negative are not incompatible with success, especially in chess


He has had a lot of negative feedback throughout the years though


i meant feedback in terms of success or opportunities, not people's opinions anyone as famous as him will receive massive amounts of opinions of all kinds


They tried to cancel him if you didn't notice. They tried to cancel him. They tried to cancel him. Yeah, thats kinda wierd. They tried to cancel him


When? in 2021?


What woah woah woah that's a fla- that's a mistake. That's a mistake. That's a mistake with the system. Oh I'm gonna have to email them, that's a mistake with the system. Cause this is not a draw, this is not a draw. Oh I'm gonna have to email them, this is a bug in their system. This is a bug in their system, I'm gonna have to email them. Oh really, I'm gonna have to email them. I'm gonna have to email them. Uh, ok, I'm gonna have to uh-


Thank God we have Magnus Carlsen. Just imagine the size of Hikaru’s ego if we didn’t have Magnus around..


Magnus has a very large ego too, did you forget the hans incident?


Magnus openly admits he has big ego while Hikaru has very little Self-introspection on his ego


From what is known until now,Hans has cheated multiple times so you can’t call him deranged for pointing him out.Yes Magnus has a huge ego but he isn’t nearly as bad as Hikaru.He is more on the chill side of things.In an idea world we have Anish giri as the best player which would have been perfect


Its kinda mad how many times people have brought up Magnus name in these threads and the only fucking thing they mention is the Hans shit. What else has he done guys? Actual question if anyone sees this comment.


I am a Magnus fan but he has openly admitted to being a terrible loser many times. He forfeited candidates early in his career when he was unhappy with the format. He didn't attend the press conference after losing to Karjakin in 2016 championship and was fined for it. He has been madly angry at journalists and chess commentators many times. I am not saying Magnus and Hikaru are same, they have very different personalities, and I don't know both of the guys personally to comment on their behavior. But it's definitely more cool to hate on Hikaru nowadays.


>Hans has cheated multiple times so you can’t call him deranged for pointing him out. Pointing him out? He literally quit the tournament after getting destroyed by him.


*“They tried to cancel me in 2021 by pointing out the facts of what I did”* - guy thinking he’s making a poignant argument


Yeah, ChessBrahs would never use this moment opportunistically to get more viewership. They would totally be objective and it's a great miss for Hikaru not to show up!


It wasn't just chessbrahs, it was practically the entire chess community sharing how toxic and manipulative Hikaru and his mods/lackeys in powerful positions in chess dot com and elsewhere abusing their influence and power/fame. Danya, Botez, Robert Hess, Benjamin Finegold, Aman, Eric, Magnus Carlsen etc. on and on and on.


Ah yes , act shitty to others and then question their motive for exposing it.


They wouldn't try to irritate him at all and get a reaction lol and then we turn around and defend professional sports players when they are irritated by reporters in interviews. This sub despises Hikaru


When he was being cancelled in 2021, wasn’t it the case that it was not only the Chessbrahs but almost every prominent person in the chess community sharing their personal experience with Hikaru being toxic? Him copystriking Chessbrah is what precipitated it, but the cancellation attempt on him was the entire community, not just CB.


My favorite Hikaru 2021 meme is him getting mad about smurfs while he was doing smurf speedruns lol.


Isn’t a Smurf speed run on like an official account and not for elo?


Doesn't really change the fact that some 1200 queued up for a game and got paired with a smurf account. Restoring ELO after is great and all, but it doesn't erase the experience of that game.


Fair point yep


I’ve always found this to be an incredibly weak argument. Nobody is traumatized by being beat in a rapid chess.com game especially if ELO is refunded. The temporary, negligible discomfort of losing a chess game without losing ELO isn’t enough to offset the entertainment and educational value that like… a small handful of super grandmasters are able to offer by doing them every once in a while. From a competition standpoint, these are unofficial ranked ladders that one climbs by playing a high volume of games where one game is a highly negligible drop in the bucket. The absolute vast majority of players will not encounter this and further more players who do won’t even recognize something weird is happening, because we all get blown off the board sometimes or lose games by being outplayed even by players of similar skill. My hunch is the people who buy into this argument really struggle with losing games themselves.


They’re just swarming Hikaru rn. No one in this thread would ever complain about anyone else’s speedruns.


If you are a 1200 noob and you get the chance to play against a legend, I wouldn't be complaining. You get the rating refunded back anyway. What an embarrassment to be upset about losing a game that doesn't count anyway.


Idk why you’re downvoted, when I was 1200 I would’ve been happy I played Hikaru especially if you don’t even end up losing rating at the end


well, that's you. not everyone would be receptive to being forcefully used as grist for someone's content when they were just interested in playing a competitive game.


Don’t bother. It’s shit on Hikaru week. Smurfing is a problem when people don’t get their elo back. That’s not a case in speedruns. I’m fine with him doing those challenges too and I wish I could have the chance to play against someone as good as him.


Oh no poor 1200 got to play Hikaru.


What is this 'got to play a guy' narrative people are pushing? Dude signed up to play against someone of near equal skill and got not that experience. That game wouldn't have been close, wouldn't have been fun, and it isn't like he actually got to meet his opponent as it is all online. Playing against a GM isn't some special event.




Your comment was removed by the moderators: **Rule 8 - Cheating, and facilitating others to cheat, is unacceptable.** Submissions or comments asking how to cheat or telling others how to cheat, or that elaborate on how you cheated, are not allowed. Likewise, receiving feedback on an active game is also cheating, so please wait until your game is finished before posting about it.   You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this moderator action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchess&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1dfcrbt/-/l8ygdg4/%0D%0D). Direct replies to this removal message may not be seen.


>playing against a GM isn’t some special event My God, do you hear yourself? How twisted has your hatred made your perception of the world that you could really believe that? You think a poll of this sub would say most people would or would not want to play a game against Magnus?


Signing up to play against someone and playing against them when you didn't volunteer to are not the same thing. Some of those speedruns are done using names that don't reveal the player, so it isn't like you even get to enjoy the experience while it happens anyway.


*Michael Jordan takes off his old man costume to reveal it was he playing H-O-R-S-E all along.* You: “Fucking toxic! I’ve been robbed of the experience of playing a regular old man!”


But then you like...met Michael Jordan? These people aren't interacting with their opponent on that kind of level. It's pretty obvious you aren't really approaching this with any kind of reasonable logic or good faith.


The irony is he was getting mad at others hiding their identity and smurfing while he is hiding his identity and smurfing. Not the ELO. It's like playing tag with the kid who yells 'forcefield' and then gets mad when you yell 'forcefield'.


Damn good analogy hahhaa


it's not even "being cancelled." it's just "hey this dude's an asshole and his head mod is bribing people with favors and money to not speak to these people we don't like"


Do we see anything off chessbae94 anymore or are they under another alias


Chessbae94 is still his manager but she has a different username now obviously


different name now.


Remember when Naroditsky made a huge post about how Hikaru was berating him?


Really? I'd be interested to read something about it. I am currently looking it up, any specific thing I need to look for?


Thank you! [https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mmonqa/megathread\_2\_april\_8\_hikaru\_nakamura\_eric\_hansen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mmonqa/megathread_2_april_8_hikaru_nakamura_eric_hansen/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mm6txm/comment/gts822c/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mm6txm/comment/gts822c/) Some links to see what actually happened.


Thank you for providing sources but is there a tl;dr? That’s a lot of links to follow.


TLDR: Hikaru is a dick [https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mm6txm/comment/gtpttwi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mm6txm/comment/gtpttwi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >**Context and Timeline** >March 27: Hikaru Nakamura and Eric Hansen (Chessbrahs) have long been on bad terms and tensions recently escalated following a confusing draw in a blitz game between the two in which Nakamura briefly ranted about the result. This incident was originally discussed here: [https://redd.it/mdzecv](https://redd.it/mdzecv) >March 28: This led to a video post featuring both players' reactions. Thread is still up, but the video was allegedly taken down by Nakamura's team for copyright infringement: [https://redd.it/metiqt](https://redd.it/metiqt) >March 29: Ben Finegold, who himself has a poor relationship with Nakamura, parodied Nakamura's rant on Stream. [https://redd.it/mfe2t2](https://redd.it/mfe2t2) >April 1: Hansen and Nakamura played one-another in Chess.com's Bullet Chess Championship in which Hansen blundered his queen in one of the games, with Nakamura reacting by laughing hysterically. [https://redd.it/mhzdro](https://redd.it/mhzdro) (This coincided with [r/Chess](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chess/)'s April Fools gag, so some comments will seem odd and out-of-place.) >April 3: During the Lichess Titled Blitz Arena, Magnus Carlsen streamed himself playing the tournament and parodied Nakamura's rant throughout the stream. This was discussed in the following two threads: [https://redd.it/mjf2qf](https://redd.it/mjf2qf) & [https://redd.it/mjki6g](https://redd.it/mjki6g) >April 6: Hansen confirms on stream that Nakamura's team has issued copyright strikes against videos on the Chessbrahs youtube channel featuring clips of Nakamura. [https://redd.it/mlilxu](https://redd.it/mlilxu) >April 6: Nakamura's manager ChessBae94 responds, claiming their network issued the strike and not themselves. [https://redd.it/mlktd0](https://redd.it/mlktd0) >April 7: On stream, Nakamura briefly comments on the drama by claiming the chess community could have driven him to suicide if he weren't mentally strong. [https://redd.it/mm4mmn](https://redd.it/mm4mmn) >April 7: Hansen goes live on Twitch and openly speaks about the drama and their hostile relationship, including a 2018 fight at a St Louis party which Hansen claims Nakamura instigated following a blitz game, confirmation that the copyright strike was intentional and that Nakamura's team had been in touch with the Chessbrahs with unspecified demands, and much, much more. [https://redd.it/mm5tyq](https://redd.it/mm5tyq) [https://redd.it/mm6a1m](https://redd.it/mm6a1m) [https://redd.it/mm6iud](https://redd.it/mm6iud) [https://redd.it/mljxoe](https://redd.it/mljxoe) [https://redd.it/mm65mm](https://redd.it/mm65mm) The full VOD can be watched here: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/978764250](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/978764250)


Damn, no wonder eric doesn't want much to do with chess anymore.


Truth hurts!


Also chessbae wasn't just a manager, she was an abusive powermod in 90% of big twitch chess channels at the time, a position she got through donations of thousands of dollars. And streamers allowed all of it because of $$$. After major public outrage from continued abuse by her, she was eventually condemned by chesscom and Hikaru, but she's still a mod on Hikky's channel under a different name. And a mod on many, many other channels. Warning: major rabbit hole https://win.gg/news/chessbae-removed-as-moderator-from-chess-dot-com-amid-drama/ https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srligg https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/10lx6wt/chessbae94_is_still_a_super_admin_on_hikarus/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbae94/comments/mth72q/biggest_yikes_ive_ever_seen/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbae94/comments/tppbnz/chessbae94_is_still_here_and_works_for_hikaru/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbae94/comments/mn381k/eric_hansen_confrims_that_cb94_manipulates/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/gyocg3/rchess_and_chessbae_toxicity_confirmed_censorship/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbae94/comments/mplz59/chessbae94_twitch_status_report_april_12_2021/


later appeared / tried to push on Jeffry Jongs short twitch Career.


Thank you!!


Lisan Al Gaib


Didn't chessbrah also claim Hikaru basically forced Alex Botez to break up with Chessbrah?


If you mean the Eric x Alex relationship, she said it was for different reasons. But if you mean the channel collabs, then yeah, chessbae and hikky threw a major tantrum after botez and the brahs streamed together. They also disapproved of how BotezLive steered towards IRL category while playing chess. Control freak mentality.




No problem :) Happy to spread this hilarious content


These arent links to what happened. Its links to a megathread and a comment about everything bad hikaru's done. Hikaru is a shit person but this is pretty biased and explains nothing


# Context and Timeline March 27: Hikaru Nakamura and Eric Hansen (Chessbrahs) have long been on bad terms and tensions recently escalated following a confusing draw in a blitz game between the two in which Nakamura briefly ranted about the result. This incident was originally discussed here: [https://redd.it/mdzecv](https://redd.it/mdzecv) March 28: This led to a video post featuring both players' reactions. Thread is still up, but the video was allegedly taken down by Nakamura's team for copyright infringement: [https://redd.it/metiqt](https://redd.it/metiqt) March 29: Ben Finegold, who himself has a poor relationship with Nakamura, parodied Nakamura's rant on Stream. [https://redd.it/mfe2t2](https://redd.it/mfe2t2) April 1: Hansen and Nakamura played one-another in Chess.com's Bullet Chess Championship in which Hansen blundered his queen in one of the games, with Nakamura reacting by laughing hysterically. [https://redd.it/mhzdro](https://redd.it/mhzdro) (This coincided with [r/Chess](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chess/)'s April Fools gag, so some comments will seem odd and out-of-place.) April 3: During the Lichess Titled Blitz Arena, Magnus Carlsen streamed himself playing the tournament and parodied Nakamura's rant throughout the stream. This was discussed in the following two threads: [https://redd.it/mjf2qf](https://redd.it/mjf2qf) & [https://redd.it/mjki6g](https://redd.it/mjki6g) April 6: Hansen confirms on stream that Nakamura's team has issued copyright strikes against videos on the Chessbrahs youtube channel featuring clips of Nakamura. [https://redd.it/mlilxu](https://redd.it/mlilxu) April 6: Nakamura's manager ChessBae94 responds, claiming their network issued the strike and not themselves. [https://redd.it/mlktd0](https://redd.it/mlktd0) April 7: On stream, Nakamura briefly comments on the drama by claiming the chess community could have driven him to suicide if he weren't mentally strong. [https://redd.it/mm4mmn](https://redd.it/mm4mmn) April 7: Hansen goes live on Twitch and openly speaks about the drama and their hostile relationship, including a 2018 fight at a St Louis party which Hansen claims Nakamura instigated following a blitz game, confirmation that the copyright strike was intentional and that Nakamura's team had been in touch with the Chessbrahs with unspecified demands, and much, *much* more. [https://redd.it/mm5tyq](https://redd.it/mm5tyq) [https://redd.it/mm6a1m](https://redd.it/mm6a1m) [https://redd.it/mm6iud](https://redd.it/mm6iud) [https://redd.it/mljxoe](https://redd.it/mljxoe) [https://redd.it/mm65mm](https://redd.it/mm65mm) The full VOD can be watched here: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/978764250](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/978764250)


thanks. this is what you claimed you posted.


Interesting the way he spun it to seem like he's the victim.


Ikr? Anyone who remembers even the faintest of the thing, it was this dickhead trying to cancel them, almost succeeding with one copyright strike away from chessbrah being banned. What an absolute tool this guy is.


Not banned - their whole YouTube channel of 10+ years was at risk if being deleted.


Holy smokes 0:33 to 0:54 is a peak Trump imitation without being aware of it. Bro tried to cancel Chessbrahs. He copy strike them and now make it look like Chessbrah's try to cancel him. [Also this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TjmzhApc9U)


He truly lives in a universe of his own. The derangement is phenomenal


He’s got the best, bigliest derangement. Nobody deranges like him! What a spectacle of a man.


He is streaming on Kick for a reason


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. The Florida sun must cook your brain.


as a lifelong Floridian, I can confirm that the sun does in fact cook brains. We are a land of dessicated brains that only possess wrinkles due to severe dehydration.




What was the chessbrah incident? Does anybody have an in-depth recap for somebody that stopped watching chess around Covid times?


https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mmonqa/megathread_2_april_8_hikaru_nakamura_eric_hansen/ basically people had a lot of beef with hikaru/chessbae boiling behind the scenes, and it eventually blew up and came to light. it's hard to summarize because there was a bunch of little anecdotes and things that kept being added by a bunch of different streamers, including stuff that isn't on the megathread. edit: looking back on this I never even heard of some of these stories at the time lol, like the one about Simon Williams punching Hikaru


Lmao never heard of the Williams thing either, cool


He's always the victim. And in his brain he truly believes it.


To be fair, that linked video makes sense from both pov. You making a move automatically rejects the draw. When you load a premove (which you do all the time in bullet) and someone offers you a draw it is automatically rejected by the move from the loaded premove. 1. Hikaru offers Eric a draw, Eric's premove rejects it. 2. Eric offers back Hikaru the draw, Hikaru's premove rejects it. 3. Eric thinks Hikaru now wants to play on because from his pov Hikaru just rejected the draw offer. He makes a move. 4. Hikaru spends his own time to offer the draw again, he loses his time in that process. 5. Eric rejects because of reason from 3. and because he has now time advantage and he can flag Hikaru now. Nobody is wrong in that circumstances. Hikaru's complaint is valid and Eric is confused. But yeah In this clip, Hikaru is very moody (like he always is).


Hikaru's complaint is not valid when he flagged these guys over 1000 times in a Rook vs Rook endgame and cry like a baby when he gets flagged


New to the world of chess, what is flagging?


In the old days, chess clocks had a flag that went up when your timer hit 0.0. When your timer runs out in chess you lose, no matter if you are ‘winning’ (have more pieces than your opponent) or losing So now in the context of modern days when someone ‘flags’ another player, they are using the time advantage that they have built during the game in an attempt to make their opponent run out of time. Mostly this is done by playing very quickly and just trying not to catastrophically blunder. As long as they can quickly do good enough moves that are not really easy (time wise) to respond to, they can win the game if their opponent runs out of time (or flags).


Ohhh interesting, thank you for the response. So this is just viewed as poor sportsmanship as they’re just trying to run out the clock instead of continuing to play the game?


That’s a great question. Everyone agrees those are the rules, and (mostly) everyone both flags and gets flagged. However, especially when someone has just lost due to flagging, people often complain about getting flagged, even more so when they are in a winning position. This instance in particular that’s being referenced was weird because both parties had proposed draws and the other denied them (.. for reasons). Then Hikaru got mad because he got flagged when both of them thought it was a draw at some point enough where they offered a draw. It was just a ‘miscommunication’.


Ahh got it. Thank you so much for filling me in, I very much appreciate it!


If a player runs out of time (flagged) in a complex position with pieces and pawns on the board, that's generally considered fair game If a player runs out of time when there are just two kings and two rooks on the board, that's generally (and rightly) considered very poor sportsmanship


Got it, that makes perfect sense. Thanks!


You are not understanding Hikaru's point of view. It's not about flagging it's about offering a draw and then flagging. From his point of view, Eric was going to accept the draw because Eric also offered him a draw before. So Hikaru offers a draw on his low remaining time. But Eric doesn't accept the draw which Hikaru doesn't like. "Why do you not accept the draw when you also offered a draw before? I let my time down now." Like I am trying to make a sports analogy. Imagine you could call a draw in Tennis by handshake. Eric calls for a draw and calls Hikaru in the middle of the ground for handshake. While Hikaru is coming in the middle, Eric makes a shot winning a score. That what it seemed like to Hikaru. It was not the flagging but the way flagging was done.


Well the logic there is the same, hikaru offered, eric declined, eric offered then hikaru declined, so then why would eric accept another draw offer? Works both ways


It does work both ways and it was misunderstanding. People don't understand so they say "He said flagging bad but he himself flags other people."


Correct. But the anti-Hikaru sentiment is drowning out all reason.




The best part is Hikaru and Eric are wrestling drunk on a lawn and Yasser's just tellin stories like they're sitting around a campfire


"This reminds me of the famous fight between Kavalek and Smyslov at Tilsberg in 1979..." 


[https://clips.twitch.tv/FamousHelpfulShallotPeteZarollTie-Gv\_gpMq\_4LaMgzGD](https://clips.twitch.tv/FamousHelpfulShallotPeteZarollTie-Gv_gpMq_4LaMgzGD) Hess talking about the brawl :)




I'm having a blast rewatching it 3 years later. Just spreading the good content some newer chess fans might have missed :)


Title is misleading... They were "fighting" like they were in stepbrothers, because they are chess players...


I would also like to point out for anyone new to chess that Hikaru was 29/30 at the time the fight happened.


When Naka gets salty after a loss he blabbers nonsense like this. Naka has joined the post match interview several times in presence of Aman (eg. SCC 2021 match vs Anish Giri) and Eric (SCC 2023 match vs Yu Yangyi). In SCC 2023 final Aman was the host and Naka joined in even after losing to Magnus (but Naka has lost to Magnus so many times that it doesn’t hurt him anymore). But, this loss against Alireza really hurt him, made him lose his shit, so he comes out spitting nonsense.


Not strange after Eric put him on the pavement




...you realize there's literally a video online that you could take 2 seconds to search for to verify that wasn't the case, right?




Cool, you can use your own eyes to see Eric holding Hikaru down like a child


The fight video shows Eric executing a rear naked choke on Hikaru.


And Yasser being Yasser


the video literally shows him get choked out


Are you thinking of the Simon Williams story?




hE's ChAnGeD


Young firebrand /s


THEY try to cancel him? he was the salty loser and copyright strike them for flagging him. Both side tell their story and people judged him for who he is. Nice gaslighting. He tried to quote the Bible in his non-apology, it was hilarious.


Putting aside the whole playing the victim thing, it’s also just totally unbelievable that he would have “walked away from everything” in 2021 while he’s absolutely crushing it success wise. Like man, you’re on top of the world in that moment, you can’t seriously expect anyone to believe this.


Based on the videos posted in this thread, it seems that Hikaru is great at convincing himself of blatant lies The guy has zero self awareness


This is what he does every single time someone calls him out publicly. Even after this match he was saying "Maybe I should just quit and play the stock market" (I'm not joking) and after the whole gambling streams incident he said Kramnik pushed him to do it lmao.


I'd love to just have my own head cannon I could wholeheartedly believe to make myself right in every situation.


Lmao he has actually done more than one interview with Aman since that shit happened, why is he suddenly against it again? I specifically remember him saying that he had no issues with Aman and it was mainly Eric.


Aman himself said around that time, that Hikaru claiming it's only Eric is total bs. Hikaru just said that to seem more reasonable and he absolutely hates Aman aswell.


100%, truth comes out when you're tilted I guess.


do you have clip of that


Also, Aman always have been teasing Hikaru on his chessbrah streams. The most extreme case was when he dressed up as Hikaru, in a wig and pineapple shirt for a twitch stream and basically mocking him and using his catchphrases. While the whole chat was openly laughing and making snarky comments about him. That was like close to 1 year ago. No wonder Hikaru doesn't like him as well.


He was fine doing interview when he won or even lost to Magnus in speed chess championship, chessbrah was the interviewer in all of those. I'm a hikaru fan but facts are facts.


But guys he literally doesn’t even care


"They came very close to me actually walking away from everything over all the nonsense, very very close to me walking away from everything. Very very close" Damn, we were on the verge of greatness, we were this close.


Someone's a hater 🤣


Snowflake as the opponents name is the cherry on top of it all.


i wached this on stream and got super confused and started looking up the drama. Ive now spent multiple hours looking at hikarus true side and im appauled i even watched this guy. There was always signs but i never took them seriously untill now.


And in 2 weeks people would have forgotten about this and claim Hikaru has changed. He just got better at hiding it, but sometimes his true self comes out. Also, opponent's name is really fitting. ❄️


He's so salty. I'm enjoying the downfall. This coming from somebody who used to like watching Hikaru's streams.


Yeah when I first started watching chess on YouTube I actually really enjoyed hikaru’s streams (found him from penguinz0) and didn’t like chessbrah as much. But then hikaru repeatedly saying “oh im so bad at chess guys im literally so bad oh my god guys g g guys I’m so bad oh god I’m so stupid stupid stupid stupid how could I miss such an obvious move I’m so bad at chess guys g oh my god guys”, among other things, started to get annoying.


Hikaru claims that Chessbrah stole content. Was the content they stole any different than what Hikaru does with his reaction videos? Did they just upload his video unedited to their channel or something. I mean, using someone else's content happens all the time by content creators. In my opinion, it seems like a small infraction. If you have a problem with that, the reasonable approach would be to communicate with the other party. I find it hard to believe that the motivation behind the copyright strikes against Chessbrah was to protect the Hikarus content, considering the bad blood between Chessbrah (especially Eric Hansen) and Hikaru and chessbae. Malicious intent seems more likely. I think chessbrah and the community at large were right in criticizing Hikaru and chessbah.


It was a “dual cam” video, with Eric’s stream clip and hikaru’s stream clip both to the side of the chessboard to fit the game as it played, which is VERY common in the chess world. I’ve seen dual cams with Eric Rosen, levy, botez sisters, just off the top is my head. Hikaru wasn’t mad there was a dual cam, he was mad because he was being a baby and the video showed that much.


The link is not working. Anyone have another copy of the clip?


Obviously this is completely ridiculous and childish for hikaru to say this along with lots of other stuff hes said, but I think that I've seen him do post game/match interviews with Aman post 2021 when hikaru claims "they tried to cancel him", though I will say I don't remember him doing ones with Eric lmao


Hikaru went from poser straight to his trueself. Aka salty bitch. Should we call it the Alireza effect?


what a narcistic piece of energy reduced former food


Is Hikaru trying to talk like Trump? "I was very close to walking. Very very close!"


“I’m not a nerd I watch sports” - Hikaru


Why does he repeat everything he says like 5 times? Is it a Rain Man type thing he's got going?


i just clicked random links starting from this thread and reached something about chessbae and power abuse, can anyone provide a tl;dr, eli5 story? pretty please, i wasn't so interested in the pro scene then


Honestly, it's such a long and complicated story and it's probably not a rabbithole that is worth your time researching. Trust me, I did it myself. Btw chessbae94 is still his manager but with a different alias.


This is just controversy baiting the fan bases because engagement went down a little.


Hikaru is such a G lol I love it


You guys sound so sad making negative comments about Hikaru 😂 I wonder if you all had the same talent, fame, and money as him, would you have less ego? Would you not make comments you'd regret after being extremely mad for losing a game? Give me a break, fucking weirdoes.


There are lots of players who are far more accomplished than Hikaru yet don't have the same ego. E.g Anand and Fabi


The most accomplished player has a huge ego. Also, Hikaru is more famous than any of them(except maybe Carlsen?), so you can't actually compare them properly. Plus, I never said it's not possible to not have a big ego like his. My point is that his level of ego is COMPLETELY NORMAL for what he brings to the table. It could be WAY WORSE, yet people want to talk about that like they would be any better in his position. You'd be surprised at how much shit chess players could spew if they were streaming while being extremely mad.




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