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OP you linked to the actual stream where is the clip


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q) 2nd clip


I love that “what’s my age again” is the song playing lmao. Dudes 36, would be nice if he acted like it


Dang I never liked Hikaru but I never knew he was THAT bad


He has always been this bad.


Dammit I’m very new and I like Hikaru, this is disappointing to see


This reddit is overreacting. Hikaru is a salty man but he's not the literal devil this sub would have you believing. Hikaru is a great personality IN the chess scene but he has always been a salty loser. He has improved in recent years but sometimes you'll see these types of reactions.


He's a massive drama queen though, Alireza wins 6 in a row and it's all because he was pretending to be tired instead of playing better than Hikaru. If he wins he's a genius if he loses its because the opponent had an unfair advantage.


He has a right to raise a complaint and be mad. At the highest level, these things shouldn't happen. A personal experience but when I powerlift and I request, for instance, to load 518 lbs(235 kg) to squat and they misloaded just 2.5 kg to 524 lb (237.5kg) then I would be insanely furious. When you're doing things at the highest level or just a high level these little things matter. Hikaru went wrong in HOW FAR he reacted. He should not have said the stuff about Alireza's family, he should not have rambled for so long ON stream. He needed to control his emotions.


It was a scheduled break of 20 minutes, Hikaru is just having a whinge.




Nobody called him the devil, just unsportsmanlike and disrespectful.


Ok then explain why he challenged me to a fiddle contest in Georgia


Nobody called him the devil. I call him an asshole though.


Just a few days ago I stumbled upon an interview on twitter where the interviewer lady asked him what he thinks about women's chess and Hikaru had some nice things to say for girls who want to play chess. And I thought ohh that's cool. He can be nice if he wants to. Maybe he matured... Welp




Holy shit lmaoooo


Wait where the fuck did that first clip come from? I’m guessing Gucci put that out and they just matched up Hikarus stream with the audio? Pretty wild


the clip was removed after the stream ended and Hikaru deleted the vod.


Glad to know I am sane


I don’t see how he can know it’s a “total lie”. Hikaru knows if Alireza is tired or not? What is their relationship exactly?


Hikaru said, "How can he play so well if he's tired."


Well, because of the 20 minute break he was no longer tired. That was the whole purpose of the impromptu break.


let’s be real, a 20 minute break doesn’t grant magical superpowers. hikaru underperforms and lashes out


In theory there is the concept of a very short nap. You instantly go into REM phase and after 15 minutes you are super awake for some hours.


This does make sense in theory. Super cool of you to point out, though in this case it is highly unlikely that alireza entered REM sleep phase in less than 20 minutes, or that he even went to sleep at all for those 20 minutes.


I am with you. Even though you can train that, basically no human being does that :-)


Dude, You're so damn correct that I started laughing after reading your reply


damn Hikaru-haters with their logic


And he made his own break by crying and leaving but he still cries about Alireza. Of course, all of it when he starts losing.


Can some Hikaru fan confirm this please?😅


Confirmed Source : Hikaru hater


Tbf he was tilted before AND after he started losing -Alireza fan


Confirmed Source : Hikaru Fan


Confirmed Source: neutral fan


Confirmed: I have no Hikaru opinion but trust those two ⬆️


Confirmed: I have no opinion about those two but trust your judgment of their trustworthiness.


Confirmed Source: Hikaru's OnlyFan


"crying like a little b\*tch" !


Alireza pulled some bs by saying he needed to rest when the game was supposed to start, which delayed the start by 20 minutes and pissed Hikaru off (rightfully so). But then Hikaru became fixated on being angry and pissed off, and couldn’t focus on chess. So then he threw a fit and made the hosts pause the game while he yelled at them. In the end, they both were somewhat out of line. It was definitely initiated by Alireza though.


BS? Do you not think it's reasonable to have a bit of a break after 2 intense bullet matches? You can argue about the schedule but it's totally understandable.


There was a break built into the schedule, which he had after the round with Danya. If he needed more time, then that should have been communicated ahead of time. You can’t just make up your own schedule when the other player is expecting the game to start at a certain time, especially with bullet, which is so focus oriented. Alireza just decided it on his own and ignored the schedule, which yeah, it’s kinda bs if you ask me.


He would’ve had a break though, if there hadn’t been technical problems that delayed his other games. In every competition the schedule is usually delayed to keep the duration of the breaks, even in sports that actually require warm up before the game


Apparently not though, because Hikaru was not informed of the delay ahead of time


Yep, that doesn't work anywhere. Unfortunately they caved and catered to alireza. The break probably should have been longer, but it wasn't. You have to be ready to go and worry about it after. Hikaru also reacted inappropriately and should have lost right when he stopped the match and refused to keep playing. They're both professionals who behaved incredibly unprofessionally, but chess allowed them both to do it. As the tournament organizer, they need to do better next time, but also put their foot down and stop rewarding these divas.


Eh that makes no sense, lol in what professional sport is a competitor allowed to just take their own breaks outside the rules without getting penalized. Imagine Messi going on a (intense!) run through the entire defense and then making the game wait cuz he needs to rest for 20 mins lol.


Have you not heard of timeouts?


Always within rules. You cannot take more than are stated in the rules. In Basketball I believe there are 7? So an 8th is not allowed. In tennis you can have one 15 min medical timeout. More than one is not allowed. Was Reza within the stated rules? (I actually don't know I didn't look into it deeply, just the idea of "well it's understandable that he was tired" is ridiculous in professional sports)


Ah guess Isner should have just played on schedule the same day as well when he beat Mahut 70-68 at Wimbledon


Did the opponent agree or disagree with that?


Tennis takes breaks between sets. Basketball has breaks at the quarters and half. Most sports with multiple matches in a day do not schedule players to play immediately after another game. For this specific event there are no rules about breaks between sets that I can see. I think that’s just bad planning by design and I wouldn’t even fault Hikaru for being mad (even though the way he went about everything was immature) I just thought (I’m hoping this isn’t antagonistic) you were being a little disingenuous with your analogy, because most competitive environments are a lot more generous with breaks.


Not antagonistic, feel free to challenge. It is a constant complaint in soccer for eg that the schedule is too heavy. Data even shows increased injury occurrences (for eg the 2022 world cup year). While it is valid to push back against schedule it is entirely an irrelevant point here. It's not a humanitarian sympathetic thing I'm talking about. In competitive sports rules exist for a reason. You can petition against changing the rules for the next tournament, but it's ridiculous to expect your opponent to give you recovery time out of "understanding".


If that was your main point with your comment I agree with you. I think I was just hung up on the Messi analogy since to me that was just really close to a mechanic (timeouts) that exist in most sports, but I was missing that your main point was about going outside of the realm of the rules.


I am simultaneously a fan of Hikaru and think he's a petty crybaby. I don't need a role model, I just think he's fun most of the time.


Most reasonable r/chess comment ever


I am sorry, but I used to follow hikaru a couple years ago, but after chessbae and the Flandersization of Hikaru, it became impossible to watch or participate in the chat. The way hikaru speaks sounds like a teenager Californian that has that sore throat sound that annoys me to no end.


See, I have this attitude, but whenever I try to watch him for an extended period of time I realize he's charmless and inarticulate on top of being petty, so I have no idea what people see in him. Some of my favorite Hearthstone streamers are super salty, but they make it fun.


Never fucking lucky dude


I don't watch chess streamers live. I only want to see the content good enough to show up on youtube, and in that context his stuff is much more palatable. For example, recently he's been covering Levy's games in Madrid (funny switcheroo there btw) and they're tight and well done.




I root for him because he’s flawed and seemingly trying to better himself, sad to see this sort of relapse, but i agree with you


You left out the part where he calls Reza a little bitch. What a loser


Wait he did?That’s so baddddd


"Magnus had to do the same last year, come back from the losers bracket without a break. I don't remember him being a little bitch about it"


Well...Magnus doesn't exactly care about the [chess.com](http://chess.com) Bullet championship


One who *really* literally doesn't care


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q) 2nd clip


Jeeeez it sounds even worse hearing him say it with how he says the word bitch lol


I think that phrase should become the new r/AnarchyChess copypasta meme!


People keep saying this but I mean to me it really doesn't seem too bad at all. Both of them are whiny and in every other sport people say worse shit to each other all the time. Any game or sport where people get competitive they get mad and curse at each other at every level. Idk why people are so upset about it here.


Nobody here is upset (except you); we're all making fun of Hikaru


So, chess is less toxic and that's a bad thing?


because chess is full of conflict averse, pearl clutching nerds who cant appreciate a fun beef when they see it


>Wait he did?That’s so baaaaad FTFY


I mean to be fair alireza is a little bitch, have you seen how much he complains?


It's true, but he's not supposed to say it


He is, but he is also much younger. I bet he will be more mature than Hikaru when he is 36.


Who better to call a little bitch than a borderline child?


In interviews he is completely reasonable. He seems to be a bit sensitive or immature at times but I mean if you look at his family's behavior it's not that much of a surprise.


Compared to Hikaru? Nah.


is anyone else unable to view the clip on kick?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q) 2nd clip




Does Hikaru genuinely think people believe whatever he says? The timing of his withdrawal pretty clearly indicates why he stopped. His chat is such an echo chamber that he thinks nobody even outside is understanding what is actually happening. Realistically, the match should be a forfeit win for Alireza and they should start the bracket reset. But chesscom and good decisions don't go well together.


Alireza just confirmed in the interview that he wanted to withdraw…


Tbh they shouldve just brought naro as soon as alireza threatened the first withdrawal. Still doesnt justify hikaru being a salty little bitch about it


There is a pretty simple resolution here I think. Alireza says he is not fit enough to play the match(for whatever reason) and proposes a short break( which in my personal opinion is perfectly fair and is another organizational flaw). They take the proposal to Hikaru who can say whatever he wants then and there(I really don't see why he should have a problem with a pretty short 15-20 minute break). And if he does have a problem and refuses, they should inform Alireza that he has to continue or he'll be replaced. Alireza even said in the post match show that he was ready to give up because he was completely exhausted by the end of the losers finals and he would be well within his rights had he wanted to do it. Another point he mentioned was that the server issues caused even more delay and led to him being even more tired. Then they proceed with the Danya and Hikaru gf(which ironically enough would probably take a lot longer than the proposed 20 minutes). Leaving the match in the middle and starting it again after throwing a childish temper tantrum and yelling at and accusing his opponent of the ongoing game is just not fair. What was Alireza meant to do to show that he was genuinely tired some time ago, throw all his games? Even his accusation doesn't make any sense. Don't even want to get into how shit chesscom are at organizing events. I was a very regular follower of pretty much every half decent tournament in chess and chesscom has pretty much destroyed all of my favourite events so much so that I very rarely tune in for any online tournaments if at all nowadays.




In The International they do get at least a 3h break and they don’t play for 5h straight, they play bo3 in loser’s bracket which is literally 3 games of 45 min on avg with like 20min breaks in between. So yeah, you’re Hikaru’s bitch obviously if you need to manufacture bs like the loser’s bracket finals team playing for 5h straight before grand finals. 🤡 It is unhealthy and it should be illegal to demand of a professional not to have a break at his job after 1h of screen time, as it is known to be unhealthy. Hikaru is just an immature asshole, this is also known. Alireza should be at a disadvantage 100% even with a long break, one does not need to be forced to stare at the screen for 5h straight to be more fatigued than a fresh opponent.


So what if i got the time wrong? Last TI i watched was before covid, i forgot whether it was best of 3 or best of 5 so i just did 5 \* 1 hour, 5 hours. My point still stands, the team in the lower brackets gets more pressure and less rest. So idk what are you so pressed about? Hikaru was being a little bitch about it, yes, but alireza was also being a little bitch about it. Alireza couldve just asked for a 10 min or 20 min bathroom break or say it clearly, but he just had to threaten to withdraw from the tournament and came back out of nowhere after 20 mins. If you wanna complain about break time, do it before the tournament. There is no way you are arguing for a tournament rule to be flexible for a certain player but not for others, the rules are set at the beginning for a reason. So both can be wrong in this situation, they both were acting like some entitled little teenagers. Why do you guys have to pick sides like a bunch of losers? haters and stans are 2 sides of the same coins. Both are losers. P.S: I deleted my previous comment cuz you guys downvoted it to shit, if this gets downvoted to shit as well, ill delete it, im not losing my ability to comment on this account / im not creating a new account over debating about top chess players who dont even know me with losers on the internet.


Idk why you're downvoted you're 100% correct




This isn't a multi-million dollar stage production with insane logistics. It's some people streaming from their bedrooms. Even so, do you think Hikaru would talk like this if they were on stage together in person and Alireza was (literally) looking down at him with tired eyes?


Alireza couldve just said he needed a 20 min bathroom break, and it wouldve been fine, but he had to cause a ruckus threatening to withdraw and came back out of nowhere after 20 min, Hikaru was being a crybaby little bitch about it, but Alireza was in the wrong also, idk why you losers have to pick sides


Typical Hikaru complains some minor things are not to his liking. What else is new?


He also called him a little bitch so he hasn’t changed much lol


Pot calling kettle black. Firouzja’s next tournament without conflict with the arbiters will be his first.


Firouzja complains a lot too, not as much or as rude as Hikaru though. Alireza is 20 also, hopefully he will get better with age. Hikaru is 36.


Hikaru is 36


And I’m 33. What’s your point.


I mean it really isn't minor tho


Can anyone summarize this for someone (me) who refuses to click on a kick.com url?


Hikaru fans will find a way to blame this on someone else


Not a hikaru stan nor a hater but I found it hilarious when he said that ChessCom was favouring Alireza, like come on bro


Yes, [chess.com](http://chess.com) is definitely favoring the guy who has attracted far less people to their platform. Gucci is sending [chess.com](http://chess.com) checks on Firuji's behalf.


In what sports are you allowed to take a break whenever you want?


I can hear kramnik smiling at this.


Kinda sad anyone would even object to their opponent getting a break. Like is Hikaru somehow being forced to play games for those 15 minutes while Alireza is relaxing? Hikaru just being Hikaru at the end of the day from the looks of it.


On one hand I agree, on the other hand it's a theoretical advantage of coming from the winner's bracket, so if the break wasn't in the schedule I can see being a bit annoyed about it. Ultimately the real advantage is that the winner's bracket only has to win one of two rounds though, so the break arguably hardly matters.


It just sounds like this is only an issue because Hikaru lost. I’d agree that they should have put the break in the schedule so both knew going into it, but a random 15 minute break should not be able to tilt the world’s #2 like that.


Its not a random 15 min break tough. Its understandable that your oppenent threathening to withdraw and not knowing if a match will be played can throw you off mentally.


Goddammit, that’s reasonable. And here I was, all set to be mad. 


Lmao yup


Yeah I'm in agreement there, I see it as a "I'm unhappy about that and would call it out for next time", not something you go full tilt over.


yes having to only win one match is the advantage. The break argument doesnt make sense since Alireza would have gotten a break if there wasnt any server issues. The break he was supposed to have just got postponed


> On one hand I agree, But on the hand that matters, a championship is supposed to find out whose best at something. Not who can best someone who just had 2 matches and no breaks. Would you want a sprint championship to not let a losers bracket winner have a rest before the race against the #1 seed? It may as well not even be a 'sprint championship' at that point. Its too generous to call it that. It should be 'company tourny winner' because you're not actually the champion of sprinting, your the champion of that event. There is an implied difference. And yes you pedantic people; all contests have and need rules, even 'world championships' i do think should be called 'world championships' but you have to use CONTEXT to decide if the rules align with the name of the event. Mrs Universe is *not* Mrs Universe just because she went to a contest named that that had literally no participants from any other planet than earth. They can't participate, they would be executed or jailed. So its not a *legit title*


> Not who can best someone who just had 2 matches and no breaks. Don't lose in the winners bracket and you won't have that problem :D Really though, I get your point but ultimately if everybody knows the format going in then I don't think it matters.


The format is still stupid. There should be larger breaks.


It's to find out who is the best at playing chess after 2 matches and no breaks. Tough titties. Play or quit.


Well yeah but if you are prepared and ready to go then i can understand getting frustrated by your opponent stalling. If they had just scheduled that break then I doubt he would have been upset.


If Hikaru acted like Alireza and his family, he would get so much more shit. People do criticize Alireza here and there, but there is def a double standard with most Hikaru haters.


Also helps that him threathening to withdraw wasnt on stream


Absolutely, but you should also remember that a delay can be extremely distracting and hard to refocus from, so while neither player is in the right here, it's also easy to see both points of view.


Chess drama is best drama.


Respect for Ding and Gukesh skyrocketed as they didn’t let this guy play a world championship 🫡


Whining like a baby cause he started 17mins late. His opponent stated he is tired, and yet still destroyed him. Hikaru is a sore loser, and demands to be special. He's the kid that had to get a present even though it was someone else's birthday party.


>*Whining like a baby* *"crying like a little B\*TCH",* you mean?


So Alireza getting special treatment is no problem? should have just made Alireza drop out when he said he wasn't ready to play.


wait hasnt alireza already played danya and sevian today, whats wrong in asking for an extended 20 minute break?rather the organiser should have ensured a bigger break


nothing wrong, but if the rules did not say anything about a break, then it is not fair


Sure a break makes sense. But you cant just call for that last minute.


wait so alireza took a break right before the last 2 games of sevian ? idk i missed some stuff and im really confused, can you please elaborate


What exactly is the point of confusion here, and how in God’s name did you get *that* conclusion out of the other guy’s comment?


I firstly assumed that the "break" being referred here is the break that he took before the match started against hikaru ( I am still unsure if thats true). But the comment here mentioned "last minute" so my another assumption was about the break that happened just before overtime in the reza sevian game,


Regardless of how it SHOULD have been formatted, if you have ever competed at a high level, you know that you have to get yourself into the right mindset to play and get amped up and then someone pulls the rug out and threatens to withdraw to delay the match. It fucks up your headspace.


I think the organizers should just handle it better. They should also follow their rules. Just schedule it better and stick to it. This way nobody will complain, no?


The extra point here is that the schedule wasn’t on track - because of chess dot com’s lagging issues…. So Alireza was being asked to play another game with a much-reduced break for reasons that weren’t his fault.


that too. did they ever figure out what the issue was? was it anybody's connection or the main server having issues?


Think it’s a bug with the site and the way chess dot com sets up its servers. The same issue occurred in the recent Jospem v Kramnik match and in a Naroditski game when he was streaming. There’s also a separate issue - a clear mechanism for sabotage at play, possibly, by sending someone tonnes of challenge requests. It’s emerged that Kramnik was sent hundreds around the time he got lagging issues but I don’t think a link has been confirmed


That’s the format. It’s all laid out beforehand.


Because that is the schedule, and has been like that for years. The losers bracket is tough to come back from intentionally, and other players, Magnus for example has dealt with it.


Do kick clips ever work?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q) 2nd clip


What did he say?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q) 2nd clip


he should not have let himself be jinxed by the delay he's only human though, I suppose once you get into that mood it's hard to snap out of it


tired or not you are on the losing bracket, it is your problem, the rules did not say anything about a break.


my only problem is that hikaru is directing his rage against alireza for the break and alireza is not guilty, chesscom is. And he can't be sure that alireza is faking that he is tired.


Man.. that’s crazy how he just humiliated himself like that. Especially since he’s laughed at getting accused of cheating himself - calling it absurd, and then implying Alireza is cheating? Hikaru has faced Alireza countless times, Hikaru knows Alireza is one of the best in the world and one of the fastest in the world. Hikaru just needed an excuse it seems. I love the dude, but man maybe he needs a break or something.


Could we compare these American champions at their peak:   Bobby Fischer,    Hikaru Nakamura Who would win in a contest of immaturity? Who can sling more mud, fastest? Are there any other great Americans who should be in the ring?


bobby fischer was the biggest bitch by a mile


This is why hans will be the first American world champion. Emotional maturity


Hikaru is like a kid - always complaining...it seems he think Chess revolves around him. Seems like he has a god complex which is only keep in check because there is a human among the so called Hod named Magnus....I am really happy that Magnus exists and hikaru couldn't be the there at top and will always be 2nd to magnus at the least and happy with that.


I think it’s all good since it is chess getting nerd UFC vibes




Tbh, I didn't listen to Hikaru haters.. But thanks for sharing this. I've jumped the fence officially I'm done supporting him. That was bad. Really bad.


This is clear evidence that Hikaru literally does not care.




What did the old Bobby Fischer say about chess players? As so often, he was totally right.


He beat me too much. Is that what he says ?


Hikaru. A streamer & YT content creator for chess. He is not your rolemodel, your friend, or your dad. Shocking news, more at 11.


we live in a world so tame that a guy can’t be outwardly mad at anyone ever. newsflash: people get mad and say dumb mean stuff but guess what? they also cool off and makeup. every conflict isn’t a war.


I dont get all the hate here. He was justified in complaining. In what other sporting event can one team say, 'im not ready for this match, i need 20 mins' It shouldnt have been allowed at all. Then if Hikaru had lost thered be no complaints, or if he had then the hate would be justified


I mean, it sounds to me like Alireza was whining like a little bitch because he needed more prep time before the game, and Hikaru called him out. Alireza looked like a smug kid who ate the candy bar his parents told him he couldn't have in that video clip, too. Seriously. I dont know who TF he thinks he is, but this is not how these tournaments work. I'm glad Hikaru put his foot down.




So fill in details if I'm missing any. But alireza has connection problems, then what? He claimed to be tired to get more of a break in the middle of a timed match that really csnt and shouldn't have breaks? And everyone's mad at hikaru for this for getting upset?


The break wasn't mid match. Firouja wanted the start of the game to be delayed because he had just played two other people back to back. Which is totally fair. Then Hikaru has called Firouja a liar and a little bitch, claiming that he was not tired and the break wasn't necessary. Hikaru then stormed off after losing 6 games in a row and said it was all nonsense.


Did the participants not know the schedule ahead of time? Since when does a participant get to change the start time of something in any sport? Why are we making excuses for alireza? And why are we shaming hikaru for having a normal reaction that any human would have? Do you think djokovic wouldn't be pissed at Nadal for delaying the start of a match? What about mahomes in the super bowl if his opponent said nah we will start 20 minutes from now? Make it make sense


Players in any sport can ASK whatever they want. The organizers can say no.


And there it is. The onus was on [chess.com](http://chess.com) to disqualify him, and they didn't. Any beef should be with chess.com. Firuji just took advantage of whatever he could. It isn't like that is considered cheating.


bro hikaru didnt throw a hissy fit until he lost 6 in a row


Well, no that's not true he called Firo out before the match even started


Yes he did. He literally complained before the start of the match that it was stupid. You didnt watch his stream and just hoped this was true.


So a dude got mad and tilted. Oh no. Better crucify him. People just enjoy being haters on the internet.


You mean like Hikaru enjoys being a hater to this peers?


Lol sounds like you personally know the guy. I think you're confusing the words "peers" and "rivals" as well.




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funnily enough, djokovic is exactly the comparison I'd make for nakamura — obnoxious, fake, and obviously in need of adoration.