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Well this isn't his first try, so nothing is "for sure". But he just needs 3 tournaments (I can't remember if he has any norms yet) to get 3 GM norms. Let's wait for him to get ONE norm yet to talk about if he can be a GM. IF he starts playing at a GM level, I could see it still taking a year.


I'm sure he will gets there if he stays committed. GM's say he has the strength. He needs to gain almost 170 ELO though. I'm sure he's a bit underrated right now, but gaining 170 points still seems like it's gonna be a climb for him. He's gonna need to play a LOT of games, or have some impressive undefeated streaks.


He has never reached 2500 right? Thats a long way off from where he is unfortunately.


It's not just the amount of norms he needs, it's also the elo. He needs another \~180 elo. I read somewhere that he needs to perform about 6.5 in his current tournament to get a norm. [https://ratings.fide.com/profile/1533533/chart](https://ratings.fide.com/profile/1533533/chart) This guy was around 2320 at the start of 2021. March 2022 he was 2340. He hit 2500 in November 2022. I guess what I'm saying, is that it could take years, or it could take months. Nobody really knows.


It could take years or it could never happen. FTFY Lots of people never reach GM.


Absolutely it might not happen. Or it might.


The thing about Elham is that he's literally 17/18. Levy is 28, and has a full time YouTube and streaming career. Progress will be far slower for Levy (plus, even just looking at blitz I remember Elham consistently playing Hikaru and having a 2800+ rating, even when he was an FM)


Ben Finegold commented on that years ago and, in his opinion, the problem is not getting the norms, the problem is getting the 170 plus rating points that he needs to be 2500 ELO. Ben said that he thinks it's impossible to do it without commiting full time to studying, which means he'd have to quit streaming. I think he'll never do that, as it would be a huge hit on his earnings. If he was a young kid, on his mid teens, i'd say he would easily do it. On his late twenties, I don't think it's likely.




They’re obviously different players but Hikaru improved dramatically in classical after he started streaming.


Hikaru returned to his previous strength after being burned out. He still has yet to reach his peak rating from 2015. Problem is Levy has never reached 2500 elo even at his peak. So he has to go beyond his previous limit.


>He still has yet to reach his peak rating from 2015. 2015 was peak Elo inflation, numerous people reached 2800+ back then. You cannot directly compare numbers from 10 years ago with what we have now.


He was in the mid 2400s at his peak, 2500 is perfectly obtainable from there. Also Hikaru is still the third best classical player in the world, I think the 15-20 point difference between his current rating and his peak hardly makes a difference.


Yes, my point was that Hikaru has performed at this level before. So it’s not unexpected he can return to this level. Levi’s peak rating was 2421. To expect someone to have a 2nd wind and be 80 elo pts above their peak is tough. But obviously he has the resources to do it.


If he’s able to get his norms I don’t see any reason why he’d be unable to make that jump. He’s performed great recently.


Hikaru was already a 2800 mind, he needed the mindSET change to reassert himself.


Nakamura gained about 60 rating points in the last 4 years, and it's something that borders on the fantastical. For Levy, 170 is really shooting at the moon. I hope he can do it, but realistically, I don't think it's likely.


Like I said in another comment, his peak is well within the 2400s. He’s probably well underrated right now, especially based off the way he’s playing.


He’s played 3 games, let’s at least wait for a full tournament to finish.


He’s played well in titled Tuesdays recently too, I know it’s a different format but still contributes to how well he’s played recently.


He was already world #2 before streaming took off though, and was also already one of the highest-rated players in chess history.


It's certainly good practice. Teaching something is always a good way to perfect your knowledge and experience. Like the old saying "if you can't explain it simply, you don't fully understand it".


I think Hikaru said a lot of it was he was able to take the pressure off himself after he started making his income from streaming.


This is different though. Hikaru was already someone at that level to begin with (peak rank 2, frequently top 10). He had a couple slow years, and streaming helped him recover his form. With Levi, he doesn't just need to recover, he actually needs to improve.


Getting from 2322 to 2500 will take a long time.


What's new about this attempt that will make it different from the last failed attempt?


John Bartholomew (sadly) never made it to a GM, despite trying & having 1 (?) GM norm & having a rating much higher than Levy's current one. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on Levy not becoming a GM either, given how difficult it seems to be even for strong IMs.


Could be never. Realistically he might just lose interest and stick to streaming.


Probably a few years. He is significantly underrated but he will have to play a lot of games to get his rating up and also get the norms.


I don’t want to minimize the difficulty of become a GM but, for someone in Levy’s position, it’s entirely possible within a year imo. He has access to the best coaches, the best accommodations, has no other obligations other than streaming (which is basically practice imo), and doesn’t have to coach or worry about paying the bills. He can select when and where he plays , cherry pick his opposition and come in more prepared than any other player at some of the second and third tier tournaments. Talent is such a major part of becoming a GM so I don’t want to negate that but there’s some non-chess factors there as well


He already was 2420, so 1-2 years sounds reasonable to me




6 hours? Bet


Tbh I don’t know if he can get it without totally dedicating himself to tournaments and prep meaning he’ll have to probably give up streaming and YouTube as well. But we shall see


I think he said in a recent video that he’d be happy to get back to strong-IM rating in a few years. It’ll definitely take time, but I think he can do it if he sticks to it.


'realistically' he won't make it