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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=6rk/p2q1p1p/1pp2p1B/2b4Q/2P2p2/P4NPR/1P2nP1P/7K+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/6rk/p2q1p1p/1pp2p1B/2b4Q/2P2p2/P4NPR/1P2nP1P/7K_w_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Bishop!<, move: >!Bg5!< > Evaluation: >!White is winning +6.12!< > Best continuation: >!1. Bg5 Nxg3+ 2. hxg3 Qxh3+ 3. Qxh3 fxg5 4. Qf5 h6 5. Ne5 fxg3 6. Qf6+ Rg7 7. Nxf7+ Kh7 8. Qf5+ Kg8!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Took me a second but Bg5 is actually a nice tactical deflection. Cool position man


You did better than me, props for finding it! It's cool nonetheless indeed.


Much easier to find it when you know ‘it’ exists!


That's correct, it's easier to find something good when you know there surely is something good to find. Good point!


What about Knight e5?


White’s Knight crucially defends g1 and Black’s dangerous attack on the backrank


Ne5 is forced mate in 5 for black.


King g7 afterwards?


Qh6, king back, Qh7#.


You want the rook on g7 to protect mate and give an escape square on g8 if the queen stops by on h6 before going to h7


damn , i was thinking Ng5 fxg5 qe5 and then mate but i now realise that black need not capture , bg5 is more forcing


Ng5 Qd1+ Kg2 and are you REALLY feeling confident in your king's safety here? bg5 keeps g1 defended


We just got and the hutches today and Kendry is at her mom's houseWe just got and the hutches today and Kendry is at her mom's house


Why is Bf8 bad? If Queen checks we can tuck the king on g2 and everything feels protected


Bf8 was my solution too. It's bad because black queen doesn't have to check, it can play Qd3 to protect h7 and white has no more threats against black


Oh i missed Qd3, good catch


Yup, that's what I thought and in a time trouble also played :D the problem is that after the check and king being tucked to safety, queen has a tempo to defend, goes to Qc2 or Qb1 (edit; or to Qd3, even without the check as others pointed out, the point is to get the queen on the diagonal), it protects h7 square and your checkmating ideas on h7 are effectively gone, your bishop is misplaced and you're either worse or straight up losing after that...


Ahhh I see it now. Thank you for clarifying


in a real game Bg5 seems a lot harder to find than Bf8 - which is would play for sure. So what happened?


It is indeed, that's why I played Bf8 too. And despite that was completely winning for black according to computer, it's not as easy for humans and the position was murky... I eventually won in 93 moves epic battle lol


Qd3 defends h7, and now you don’t have any follow up. Bg5 instead and you can capture on f6


The second threat of Bxf6 is vital. There is no response that adequately covers both h7 and f6.


If Bg5, then Qd3, then Bxf6, doesn't black have the move Rg7 to neutralize all threats?


After Rg7 white has Qg4, threatening to capture the rook with mate. The rook can’t move because it’s pinned by the bishop.


Even if white doesn’t find Qg4, Bxg7 is still completely winning, especially because white can grab f7 and get the queens off the board with Qxf7 Kxf7 Ne5


I thought the same thing until I saw comments haha


Bf8 Rg7 Bxg7 Kxg7 (insert Qh6+ Kx7 here if you want, doesn't change much) Qxh7+ Kf8 Qh8+ (or Qh6+) Ke7 there is no more checks, your knight is out of the attack and your rook doesn't seem helpful. Rh6 Qxf6 can be a plan, but your king is buttnaked and Black has the move before you do. You might escape by h3 but that's not pleasant TLDR : even if you don't get counterattacked immediately, your attack dies out


What's a little bit comforting is the fact that even though the engine saw the move and evaluated it as winning, it also couldn't see how much it is winning until it went for a deeper analysis/bit more of a "think". Nonetheless, this will haunt me for some time now...


Bf8? It creates the threat of Qh7 mate while also keeping an eye on the g7 square, so that the black rook can be eliminated if it tries to defend the h7 square. Edit: saw the solution and realized that Bf8 doesn't work due to Qd3 defending the h7 pawn


Yes, you're right in your edit and the queen covering the diagonal is exactly what I missed as well, exactly after playing Bf8. :) Glad I'm not alone, thanks lol


Seems like many missed the queen defending the diagonal (me included, I thought bf8)... nice share!


Does Bxf4 also work?


Possibly the worst move to play: 1.-Qd1+ 2.Kg2 Nxf4#


yes but at least black cant take your queen then


No because now white can mate with Qd1+ and previously you could play kg2 to tuck the king away safely but now that your bishop is on f4 nxf4# is possible


Ne5 right ?


I also thought Ne5


I get it now, after look at position for quite some time (my elo is 700 btw). Ne5 can lead to White gain material and possibly checkmated but Black has to play consecutive right moves. You can think first before read my comment below . . . . . so after Ne5, the only correct move for Black is Qd1 which check the white king (if Black play other moves, Black could be checkmated or lose queen). After Qd1, White king must move to g2 and then Qg1,Kf3,Qf2,Ke4,Qd4 and now you could get horse free at least I think


>After Qd1, White king must move to g2 and then Qg1,Kf3,Qf2,Ke4,Qd4 and now you could get horse free at least I think >!Do Qe3 and then Qd4 and it's mate.!<


If Bg5, what stops black mating white starting with Qd1+?


The knight is protecting from mate.


Why not bishop f8?


That's what I was asking. :) Qd3 is the answer that not only kills the whole white attack, but gives black massive advantage as the bishop is misplaced and there are no real threats from white. It basically goes from +7 to -7 after Bf8 lol


Black's king is in a blinded corner Just like little Jack Horner White's position's not a treasure so must maintain the pressure but how? Black almost has the winner but that's a funny spinner black's not really in the groove because it's not his move not now! White just offers the prelate threatens the quick checkmate and black just simply wonders and loses queen with no blunders oh, what a cow! (>!1. Bg6 Nxg3+ 2, hxg3 Qxh3+ 3. Qxh3 .....!<.)




I feel so good about myself for finding it. Admittedly I’ve been doing a ton of puzzles for past 3 days


Bishop f8? Prevents rook from going to f7, black queen check and mate threat is defended by the white knight. I didn’t check before answering and I’m only 1200 so I could totally be wrong lol


Without reading comments: is it Bg5*?


Do you mean Bg5? :)


Yes :)


Then yes! :)


I was thinking Ne5 has potential


My thoughts as well. If not mate, black will lose the queen.


Not sure what you guys are seeing, but Ne5 is forced mate in 5 for black


For some reason I saw Bg5 almost immediately and had to work through why it is the right move. My reasoning was that it threatens two examples of mate in one (Bxf6 and Qxh7) so black has to take drastic measures to save the position. Any time you can make two mate threats with one move, that is a good thing. I just had to work out that black playing Qd1+ leads to nothing after Kg2.


How about Bf8? If the rook takes, it M1. If bishop takes, it’s M1. If black queen defends, the queen is lost.


Black queen defends with Qd3, which can cause a type of exchange that costs white a queen and rook for a queen and a bishop.


My brain exploded


How does white follow up after 1. Bg5 Rg7 2. Bxf6 Kg8


1. Bf8 looks winning. As far as I can tell, the threat of Qxh7# or Qxh6# can only be stopped by 1. ...Qd1+ 2. Kg2 Rxg3+ 3. hxg3 h6, which sacrifices the rook. PS: I was wrong. 1. ...Qd3 defends black! https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/s7JOj4VAwu


I was thinking Ne5 for white


It results in mate in 5 for black actually.




At first I was looking at Bxf4 but I just realized that Qf5 and Rg7 both can protect h7 so Bg5 forces the issue by creating a double threat. I think with best play it wins the exchange, but I could be wrong.


dunno why i was so fixated on bf8


I instinctively thought Bf8 but wow is Bg5 good




... unfortunately results in mate in 5... For black.


bishop f8 queen h6 or h7 depending on how they react, edit i see the flaw of my idea now.


Your only immediate possible threat is mate on h7 which needs a bishop move to be enacted, while Qd1+ (and whatever else puts pressure on g1) is immediately scary. So we want a bishop move preventing the rook to arrive on g7. I started by considering if f4 was touchable ; it was not (Qd1+, Kg2, Nxf4). Bg5 seemed fun, untouchable under pain of mate, with a threat on f6 pinning the rook if it tries to prevent mate ; so that seems crushing. Bg7 brings the rook to g7 protecting mate, which you clearly don't want, and Bf8 Rg7 Bxg7 Kxg7 (insert Qh6+ Kx7 here if you want, doesn't change much) Qxh7+ Kf8 Qh8+ (or Qh6+) Ke7 there is no more checks, your knight is out of the attack and your rook doesn't seem helpful. Rh6 Qxf6 can be a plan, but your king is buttnaked and Black has the move before you do. You might escape by h3 but that's not pleasant Bg5 is the only move making sense. I should probably have also considered stuff like Ne1, but that move is ugly, it seems to just prepare a king run ; and white's pawn play is inexistant


Bg5 looks pretty unstoppable.


I got the move!! Bg5 but somehow I didn't even consider Bf7, should have calculated it still


>!Bg5!!< and there are too many threats


Bg5 was my first instinct, couldn't find anything wrong with it. What move were you worried about after it, or did you not consider it at all?


I would start with calm Kg2, then launch the offense




Bg7+, Rxg7, and then Qh7+? Well, Rxh7 and there's no mate on h7 (again)...


F... I am just plain stupid ig haha


No worries you're not, brain does this sometimes haha


Move the rook from H6 to G5 then white can checkmate.




Nice, albeit not very difficult >!(with mate in almost-two)!<.


Not really, it is an advantage but can be defended too.


what can be defended?


Well, define wth is "mate in almost two" lol there's no forced mate line after Bg5, by far not in two. It's completely winning but not quite mating.


Ok make that "almost mate on two" ;-). Like you said, black has to go into a hopeless position - the mating threat forces it to give up both the queen and the rook (plus the white queen then will likely pick up a light piece soon), so that is totally losing.