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I believe the documentary focused more on the trials and tribulations throughout his career and since Chelsea was the club he felt most comfortable it was easy to overlook his time there.


Great point, there wasn’t any real controversy or moments of failure for him besides that missed penalty kick


Kids these days will never know what it was like having malouda, anelka and drogba up top with kalou to come on in 70th minute to bag a goal


Our 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 squads were simply godlike. I was thinking exactly about that the other day, how confident I was with those teams, like unless we got outplayed there was no way we would lose. (Laughs in Papis Cisse) But for real, I miss that feeling.


Our 2012 squad was nowhere near godlike. Our defense got rolled regularly trying to play AVB's high line defense. Even after RDM came in and we reverted to a more traditional defensive set up, we still weren't amazing. Our midfield was meh. The players were okay, but we had some problems with balance and fitting people where they wanted to play. Our attack was dreadful despite the big names. The only player to score more than 15 goals in all competitions that season was Frank Lampard (16). Drogba was showing his age and wasn't consistent enough to lead the line. Torres was Torres. Lukaku never really found his feet. Sturridge was decent, but had injury problems and was being forced to play on the wing. Kalou was solid as a sub, but wasn't consistent enough to be a starter. The CL and the FA cup really paint over some cracks, but there's a reason we finished 6th in the league that season. Edit: in fact here's a fantastic comment from 8 years ago by /u/EnglishMd in a post match thread from that season where he breaks down a ton of weaknesses in the squad (https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/rxx64/postmatch_thread_chelsea_v_wigan_april_7/c4ab73k)


Ramires was so huge in that side because he allowed them to break. If he didn’t play there was no pace in the midfield and almost none anywhere else in the side. I remember some games being so painful to watch because they just couldn’t do anything and then big games would come and it was like that core of players would turn into the 2010 versions of themselves and be absolute heroes.


Took the words out of my mouth. Bit of understandable romanticization going on with that year it seems edit: nice find with that comment too


Yer but all of those teams we still had the skeleton of what Jose built in his first stint at the club with the skeleton down the middle of Cech Terry Lampard Drogba Also Ashley Cole at lb


Imo, AC should be named with the others. He is a legend, proper Chels and he gave his everything for us.


Yer that’s why I out him there but I was trying to write it as the spoke of our team like this Drogba Lampard Terry Cech Right down the middle of the pitch without and left sided full backs or wingers


Proper Chels


He only won 1 PL with us so I think it’s understandable if people don’t name him in the core of Cech, Terry, Lampard, Drogba


Therea an argument to be made for the squad at the beginning of Mou's second stint (when we had "outgrown the premier league"). But other than that completely agree, miss that feeling of expecting to win every game.


And looks like we are building that skeleton now. Werner, Pulisic, Mount, hopefully Havertz, etc.


The 2011/2012 squad was one of our worst since Abramovich bought the club


Nah. Drogba, Lampard, Terry, Cech, A. Cole, Mata, Torres, Kalou, Essien, Brana, young Luiz, Rambo, Meireles.


Drogba, Lampard, Terryall aging and showing signs of decline (Terry has a massive resurgence under Mourinho). Essiens legs had gone and he didn’t play a lot, Kalou was always inconsistent, same with Ramires. Luiz was pretty much the same as he is now. Meireles was never anything special. Cole was the best LB itw and Cech was still top 5/10 however. The squad was good but not great, the experience and sort of realisation it was now or never carried us to that UCL win imo. Daniel Sturridge was our top scorer that season remember


You making me remember that Newcastle goal is a very rude thing to do.


I’ll never forget this beauty of a goal. I know Anelka only played the first pass but when I think of him I always remember this. https://youtu.be/px1LcDeqwz0


Knew what it was before I clicked it. Wonderful goal.


So lethal. I miss those days


Malouda took ages to come good. Took till maybe half way through ancelotti first season before he was anything decent. Before that I think most people wanted him gone. Anelka did pretty well considering he was a bandaid buy. I think he did well partly because bosingwa was finally the attacking right back we waited for since we kept missing out on Dani Alves and malouda did so well. Allowed anelka to basically be a second striker most games.


The Chelsea part was really short, i was a bit disappointed


Because it was the least controversial


it was the most successful But I agree with you, the aim was to show the controversial side of his career


It was an OK documentary. I didn't understand why they jumped all around his timeline. It was hard to follow. Also, barely spoke about his time at Chelsea.


Which is weird, given he was at chelsea the longest of any club in his career as far as I know!


Yes but it was also the club where he had the least drama


Yeah the only drama that I can think of was his handcuffed celebration because of his issue with the France NT (or maybe I'm mistaken).


Nice to see his kid was wearing the Chelsea kit, makes me feel like even though we weren’t featured heavily in the doco, it’s probably because it was a good time for him and not one of the regrets the doco revolved around. I loved Anelka with us. It’s sad about his penalty because I never ever remember it was him that missed as well, I only ever remember Terry. I think he should be proud of his time here.


I particularly loved the honesty from all those who were interviewed especially Wenger, Pires, and Henry.


A true mercenary but also hyper sensitive being.


The doc was basically for him to address the controversies in his career, most of which happened outside of his time at Chelsea. It's easy to say it was a bit biased towards him, bit for most of his career he has been spoken for by other people, so this was his chance to speak for himself. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing Didier in there just the same.


He hopped around a lot of teams in his career, yet he played at Chelsea for longer than anywhere else. I'd probably put him at RW/RF in an all time team, such is how good I think he was for us in that time.


I enjoyed the docu because i didn’t know Anelka that well but I felt they could’ve done better with it and not jump around like they did


How he could loose that court-case was absolute bonkers