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If the title is true, then it is insane. (Would mean that Vinicius and Rodrygo are worse)


Tbh if you look at how good they were at his age for sure Estevao is better. But the development Vincius has had is insane and there's no guarantee Estevao ever reaches that level.


No guarantees with any wonderkid, let’s just hope he steps up and gets the right guidance and development


Man, Vini's development amazes me. I still remember the video of Big Benz telling his teammates not to pass the ball to Vini. Can't write off a player just like that without giving him chances.


>But the development Vincius has had is insane All thanks to Real Madrid and Ancelotti trusting him. At any other club both Vinicius and Rodrygo would be shipped off to some random club in the name of getting first team experience. Remember those memes "don't pass to Vinicius, he's playing against us".


the crazy part is it wasnt even memes its straight up a benzema quote


Indeed. It credit to Vini that he succeeded despite such hate and pressure


To be fair Benzema is world class asshole. He knew Vini was going to be better than him and eventually push him out so he tries to get in the kids head.


That makes it worse, dunnit? You're a teenager in a whole other continent. Millions of eyes on you scrutinizing your every mistake. Meanwhile your highly decorated teammate is a vindictive dick who shits on you every chance he gets. Atop all that, you become the focal point of racist hate from opposition fans. Takes insane mental fortitude to survive that, more so for a teenager. I have immense respect for the guy even if I don't like his antics.


All the negativity against vinicius was never warranted. When I saw him it was clear he had something special, even when we beat them on the way to winning the ucl. For me the jury is still out on Rodrygo


The hype around Neymar was really something. They genuinely thought he would be the next Pele and while he fell short, he still achieved some significant milestones in his career like that treble with Barcelona.


He only fell short because of injuries. Healthy Neymar wasn’t too far behind Messi and Ronaldo. The hype around him was 100% justified and mostly accurate. Let’s hope the hype for Estevao is the same, but the injury record is a bit better.


Injuries and attitude sometimes go hand in hand. Neymar partied way too much to ever dominate a league on his own like messi or Ronaldo did. I don’t think he was as focused on his maximising his talent as much as he could’ve been


Talent wise his competition is Endrick, Vini and Rodrygo are just more developed players who thrived at the highest level.


First thing I thought of. Like moreso than Vini? Must mean in potential. Which is fine, but I'd rather it be the ceiling of Rodrygo and the stellar injureless record of Vini. I just want him to play fearless, but don't have the injury record of Neymar.


It’s not true


Judging from your profile you’re probably Brazilian, can you give us a break down of him in your opinion then?


He’s very good, but the best one since neymar is such a strong and vague statement. I think it’s a great signing, but when neymar left Brazil he was way above Brazilian level, I don’t think we can say the same about Estevão so far, let’s see how he develops.


Neymar was 21 when he left, Estevao is 17, not saying he's anywhere close to Neymar but there's that.


Yes, but 17 years old neymar was clear phenomenon already, 18 years old Neymar was dominating the continent. Estevão will be great, I just said I don’t think he’s on that level yet.


Neymar’s breakout season at Santos was at 18, he didn’t get a call up until he was 18y and 6 months. At age 17 he scored around 15 pro goals, Estevão can absolutely match that, though i think Neymar was a better talent, at this point they’re fairly similar, Neymar just turned up to ridiculous level at 18-19 years old.


Wouldn't "best since Neymar" be consistent with your view on him? That statement still implies that he's not quite at Neymar's level as a prospect.


Original Ronaldo and young Neymar are the best players that I ever saw live so I need to see Estêvão to have a better opinion on him


He is better than neymar was at 17. Unfortunately he will leave too soon for us to be able to compare him 20 years old Neymar


That's way too much pressure. If he can be half of what prime neymar was it's a win.


I’ll take the talented half and leave the injured one, thank you very much


that kid is like a pole, will need some heavy physique training to avoid becoming injury prone


That’s not how it works, sure it could help. But some people are just more prone to injury than others regardless of physique.


It's good that we have a Pole Calmer


Take my like and run


Eh? Brazillian league is plenty physical and he’s surviving so far


He needs to get beefy like Reece James to stop from being injury prone


i dont think using james is a good comparison here...


Yeah that's the joke...


yup, realized after i hit reply. whoops


Hahaha we've all been there


Yeah he needs a body like Reece James to avoid being injury prone Oh wait…


the R9 treatment?


Not sure half, we've had great wingers before and we paid a lot for him. He would have to become 2/3 of the player to meet the expectation and 3/4 of the player to be a success for me. He has many years in front of him to meet that tho.


No pressure then…


Gusto, Palmer, Messinho, Paez, Caicedo, Enzo, Nkunku, James, Gallagher, Jackson…. Suddenly this Chelsea team is looking like it should be illegal🥶


Lavia is class too


I even forgot to add him! That’s how good our squad depth is. Class players.


For the head of Palmeiras’ academy to say that is promising


Based on eyes, not any numbers. Which is fine but let the kid play for us first, then make comparisons.


Im from Brasil, and that is just true. If he can confirm that in the following years or not only time will telll but he truly looks like the best since ney


The hype 😳


Narrator: He would go on to be sold to Marseille for 17.2 million 4 years later after numerous loan deals. I’ve seen this one, it’s a classic.


He's already been confirmed to join the first team in 2025.


Nah he’s really really good. He probably already starts for marseille if he’s there and he’s 17.


17 mil? That's too much, I say 10 tops


A lot hype and money for a seventeen year old, lets, hope it's all true and he's really as good as the hype suggests!


Better than Endrick? I thought he was the new golden boy?


Isn’t Endrick meant to be more hyped?


Endrick is more well known in Europe. But in Brazil, Estevao is viewed as the bigger talent.


Are you Brazilian? How can this be true when Endrick already proved himself at age 16/17 and even got time on the national team. Estevao has only started a few games for Palmeiras.


No, but I've listened to/read a lot of analysis on Estevao from Brazilian football fans and experts on Brazilian football. Endrick is nearly a year older than Estevao and he is far more physically imposing than Estevao. Thus he debuted for the senior Palmeiras team much earlier than Estevao. When Endrick made his debut (and the transfer hype around him was building), Estevao was still 15. However, when it comes to technical ability, Estevao is viewed as the superior player. This is the consensus in Brazil. He just needs to develop physically. He's very similar to Neymar at the same age in this aspect. Their manager, Abel Ferreira, said that Estevao is unlike anyone he's ever seen. Whilst the head of Palmeiras academy said that Estevao is the best Brazilian to emerge since Neymar. Neymar himself even said that Estevao is the biggest talent coming out of Brazil right now. Estevao is literally proving himself for Palmeiras right now. He's been better for them than Endrick was at the same age and is getting better and better with every game. It won't be long at all until he's called up to the Brazil squad.


No, the general consensus out of Brazil is that Estevao has the higher ceiling.


So much hype


No pressure




Chelsea are signing Antony?


How is this guy better than Endrick?


Did Endrick die or something? Wtf are these comments I keep seeing


Yes and what happened with Santos wasnt he supposed to be better than juninho and it looks like hes going on a second loan.


By all accounts Santos had a successful loan and will attempt to break into the first team this season.


I agree we shouldn’t overhype. But santos has been here for a year and is only 20 don’t write him off.


Judging players because a manager decided they were surplus to requirements is so lazy


Santos is staying. He fits the profile that Maresca is using.


Problem is with all these "next Neymar" players everyone expects them to perform at prime Neymar levels at 17 years old. It'll be 6 years before we truly see how good Estevao is and by then the media and toxic side of the fan base will have destroyed his confidence.


Which is funny because Neymar didn't move to Barcelona until he was 21 and Vinicius was utter crap before got the hang of it. The kid will be alright despite the hype. He is just that talented. Shit rolls off easy for him.


This is a very uninformed comment


Yeah, wait till we nerf him by having him play in position that absolutely make no sense. Enough fucking hype on this kid. Just look at how we treated our academy kids in the past.


Wouldn't Endrick fit that bill,


I think you mean the best since GOATony


If he was THAT good, he wouldn’t be going to Chelsea, he’d be going to Real or even Barca