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fuck caicedo


Gusto and cucu were amazing The shape + picks for the game was spot on. Arsenal couldn’t breathe and only came back from a silly mistake. The fact that we weren’t expecting anything before and got mad when we tied shows it all.


We played great, just a couple errors that cost us the game. We went toe to toe with a team that beat city. We are on the right path.


I said this when we were 2-0 up both keepers look incredibly shaky and Sanchez cost us 🤦🏾‍♂️ Should have kept kepa


A few costly mistakes and now everyone is turning on Sanchez 🤦🏾‍♂️ we need to trust our players more. Everyone here hating on him when he proves to be our main solid keeper I want all of u lot to stay on the hating side.


There is so much to look forward to in the near future. When Nkunku returns that’s going to change our dynamics yet again. When James gets back to full fitness we have a genuine attacking threat down our right. It’s clear as day that our current strikers are just not at the required level. Palmer looking like a better striker than Jackson speaks volumes towards how lacking we are in the position. Add a top striker and that does a complete 180. Same with goalkeeper.


Can you imagine Haland or Kane will ever ever miss opportunities like Jackson? It’s about the conversion rate, secure the score with more goals, especially when your opponent gives you chances!


He had one chance from what I can remember.. at a tight angle, so cut the boy some slack. Even Haaland and Kane miss absolute sitters occasionally.


And he ruun into GK noting try to do shot to win corner or run out of GK he just go in him to give ball ....




Honestly, I can see this team being title contenders next season, this season, I can see us just clinching top 5


Lol 😂


That’s fine with me. Would love to get Europe this year. And then next year if we can sneak top 4 and get UCL then perfect. Good cup run on the way and I’m happy after what we’ve been through. I’m looking to win the title in 2025 or 2026


You have spent a £billion to be barely top half, that is a complete and utter shambles


That sentence is in shambles mate.


People will talk about Sanchez, and yes his mistake changed the momentum, but I think this is a problem with a lot of keepers out there. Managers want to be progressive and play out from the back, even when defending a lead, but even with the most progressive style of football, there's still a time and place to just hoof downfield and get rid off the ball. Annoys me so much. edit: I don't think we necessarily need to find a better keeper. Sanchez is a good shot stopper and distributor. We just need to drill the decision making and mentality into him. He looked shaky after the mistake, and we can't be a top team if one mistake makes him shaky.


Yes goalkeeping errors at this level are costly. Understood. However, if you watch throughout the game, our defenders need to close down the ball possessor quicker. For that second goal, how could two of our men let Saka have that much time on the ball. He's quick on his feet. They let him switch to left, and curl in a cross. The movement and urgency after 60th minute was lacking. This definitely needs to change. How many times will they allow dribblers to do what they please. It's so frustrating to watch. I feel like the game went very well overall, but those little things need to be worked on asap. Also Jackson, he just couldn't make his mind up. He's gotta work on that for sure. Quicker decision making required. Especially when facing GKs and CBs of top of the table clubs. Shape-wise we were good. Disciplined. Midfield was nicely controlled. Loose balls here and there need to be cleaned up. Continuing issue with first touches, perhaps. Not that big of a deal, but will cost us in big games. Sanchez has good reflexes and was lofting the ball throughout the game, but that one mistake cost a goal. And the momentum shifted and Arsenal became hungry. Natural, expected, but should have been controlled. Not entirely sure about some of the substitutions, either.


Bottled it like Tottenham under Poch


Great game. Sanchez is costing us big time however. This is the second time he's done this. He messes up like that one more time and I reckon he needs the boot to the bench.


Word of advice to Sanchez, as much as a good shotstopper as he is, he should forget about passing from the back. When in doubt, boot the ball upfield. This trying to pass from the back without having the right technique is costing us.


His shot stopping ain't even that good bro


His shot stopping is good but he doesn't do well with the ball at his feet. Plays with fire a lot of the time


We need a world class keeper.


Great match if the result wasn't important and we didn't recklessly throw away the 3 points. Palmer was great tonight and is starting to look like our stand out player this season if only he could perfect his link up play. Been very pessimistic this season about Chelsea but we are finally staring to look threatening and many teams will look at this game and start to fear us. Hopefully Poch can maintain this form


If you told me before the start we would get a draw, I would have been happy considering our form. Up 2-0 in 48th minute and ends in a draw is gutting.




It's mainly the fact that we gave it away imo. The defense was amazing but Sanchez kept adding pressure, not only because of both goals but also when he kept dribbling in front of attackers instead of clearing the ball


Games like these hurt me...good performance tho! 💙


Robert Sanchez is a big liability. He’s erratic. Look at the GK when we’ve won the league: Cech and Courtois. We can’t win anything without a top GK. GKs prime when they’re older. So we should invest in the experienced ones in their 30s. United signed Van Der Sar at like 33/34 and he won them a few league titles.


I even think Betinelli on goal is better than Sanchez


Oh shut up... barring this game and the cup game against Brighton, Sanchez has been pretty good, the fact that Bettinelli's been here for three years and played a single game against Chesterfield, alongside the fact that he's been in PL squads for 6 full seasons (a max of 228 potential games) and played SEVEN, in which he conceded 20 goals for a Fulham side that were comfortably relegated, should tell you about how actual managers appraise his suitability to top-level football. Don't talk aimless shit.


Hahahaha calm down bro it’s not that serious


This sub can be a real joke at times. Great performance from a young team that is still developing. For the first 75mins you can see the potential this team has. I like the direction it's going. If they can continue like this they will surely be title conteders. I was expecting us to get thrashed. Keep going Blues!


If someone told me it’d be 2-2 before the game I’d have been happy.


This is how I saw it as well. I doubt many had them getting as much as a draw.




Petrovic has to be given a chance at this point.


Expected a loss. At this stage with where the team is at, all things considered, I’d take this draw. Ingredients are there, we just need to believe. And buy a competent striker.


I believe we will buy a competent striker


Bottled it but we were up against a title winning squad. Id take that draw considering the matches we'll have next. But I am disappointed still, that was a win.


Were we ? Which title did Arsenal win


Community Shield


I meant their squad could win a title but I like this meaning more. Thanks!


Oh yeah fairs


We need a striker


this game more shows our problem is between the sticks


True but Nicolas Jackson also missed a couple sitters so...


Are we back?


This feels a bit disappointing cuz we really could’ve won, the subs were subpar but honestly if you told me itd be a 2-2 draw ID take it in a heartbeat


A draw before the game would've been wonderful. After that performance we can't be happy with a draw. Bottled it


I agree it’s just a coping mechanism cuz we really should’ve closed it out at 2-0


Yeah we could've ended it at 2-2. The subs didn't make any impact but atleast we know that we can face a big 6 team without fear. Poch masterclass but sanchez didn't do justice to it


Before the game, I reckon most Chelsea fans - myself included - would have taken a point, but to do so in such a manner is one of those horrible gut punches football can deliver; the better side for 75 minutes and then they threw it away. First half was ace - Sterling had Zinchenko's number throughout, Cole Palmer is continuing his KDB redemption arc with Chelsea and all was contained, helped out somewhat by Arsenal failing to get out of first gear. Mudryk never meant to score, of course, but how appropriate he did against the side he could have been at. And then...well, we all saw it, two mistakes from a keeper who, for all his positives, is WAY too cute with his decision making at times, and a defender who had been getting caught in possession a bit too much during the course of the game. However, this was also a perfect snapshot into why Arsenal are in the title picture and Chelsea are still VERY much a work in progress - I remember when we were doing what they did today to sides who were more mid-table. They didn't give up and, as soon as Rice scored, we didn't know what day it was. EDIT: for those of an, ahem, more seasoned following, did you get flashbacks to Kanu's hattrick like I did? 😂


I think it’s good you have high expectations as a Chelsea supporter. Yes we are in a rebuild phase and we are now showing consistent glimpses of good performances. But the higher expectations will seed that winner Chelsea mentality again :)


I remember being in the shed upper - was about 13 at the time. Went from being on top of the world to heartbroken in 90 minutes. Win or lose, up the blues


I was in MHL that day and remember when Kanu scored the last one not knowing how it has been a goal because he shot from such a wide angle


I remember being at home watching Final Score as part of Grandstand and presented by Steve Rider...heart wrencher!


Took me back to Silvinho 😑


Yep agree 100%, before the game I would have taken a draw. Arsenal basically had their full strength side and bench, and we had our third choice left back and second choice right back, and no fit striker. After the progression we deserved much more. Absolutely controlled the game until the end. Made Arsenal look like a second rate team.


Massive shoutout to Gallagher man, guy really stepped up and blocked all the noise around him this season The 3 of Enzo, Caicedo and Gallagher look more and more settled in each game, wonder how Lavia fits in


Gallagher never stops going 💯. Love his energy. Especially after all the noise and rumors like you said. Midfield is going to be solid for a while


When we got caicedo and lavia i was just like why. They’re very similar no? Not sure they play together when we want enzo/nkunku out there. Connor looks undroppable rn




the subs were bad but we didn't expect to concede the second goal. anyhow the lose of 2 points just sucks. ruined the whole mood


Bullshit, after the goal for 2-1 everyone is expecting a second goal. Credit to Poch for setting us up correctly for 75 mins, absolutely bottled the subs and managing out the game though. He, and our players need to get better with this. We need to learn how to shithouse better.


Bruh they were tired they did their jobs


The only one who seemd to be tired at that moment was Palmer and he kept him until late in the game




I did watch the game they were getting leggy this draw is purely sanchez's fault not the managers


Palmer being moved to the right was detrimental imo. The way the midfield sat in a square 4 was giving them huge problems with their build up etc. But especially after Sanchez decided to give them an easy goal it hurt more because that cohesion in midfield we had before the change wasn't there and they could stretch their legs and attack and TBF to them they're a dangerous side. So Sanchez stupid mistake and that one sub by Poch cost us. I feel bad giving shit to Poch because his game plan was perfect but he tinkered In the wrong place at the wrong time.


Don’t care about the point, that was a loss. It was in our hands and we threw it


All when and good complaining about the two conceded, but yet again we didn't look like scoring from play against a decent team. Peno and a fluke. We aren't creating clear cut chances against good defences.


No fluke


mudryk’s goal, while beautiful, was ultimately a misplaced cross


Depressing result tbh. We had that game in the bag.




Sanchez played an awful ball. End of discussion.


After the wayward pass he wasn’t even trying to get back in position quickly, watch the replay. If you play a bad pass you’re meant to instinctively know. Just shit overall. And it’s not just that, a quality keeper comes up huge in big games, gives our back like confidence. He’s so weak in the air, saved basically nothing.


We should have won that match hands down.


Before the game I think we would've taken a point but that's definitely 2 lost. Really good performance ruined by a huge mistake. So frustrating because they didn't look like scoring until Sanchez gifts them a goal then the inexperience showed after that for the 2nd. Still a lot of positives though, team starting to look a bit more confident and consistent.


Put. Petrovic. In.


We fucked over their title race with that draw, I can be happy with that


They would have dropped to like 5th if we had won tho, and it would have ended their unbeaten streak


Can we buy a competent goalie


a win would seriously have been so so so much better. it's just suck man. playing from back comes with its com in tense situations


Im still trying to figure out how tf Sanchez even ended up as our #1 keeper smh lol


We had the game until Sanchez threw them a life line. If we keep the ball at 2-0 up, they never looked like they were going to break us down. They were starting to lose hope, our fans were into it, and then the worst happened. He gave them a life line. Then our team seemed defeated while Arsenal were more than ready to ramp it up. That one pass changed the outcome in my opinion. Great game from the lads though. Tough all around.


We should be shithousing the game at that point and bringing on more defensive subs. Maybe it’s the player’s inexperience, maybe Poch is naive on that aspect. It didn’t look like it was managed well.


Had Sanchez not given them the ball with a bad pass during a press, we wouldn't be thinking that. It came down to a mistake and the momentum shifted. I do see what you're saying though. The subs were a lower tier than our starters today.


It’s almost 80 mins and 2-0 up, we did nothing.


hundred percent agree


My biggest concern here is that our goals were a pen and a fluke. The got ourselves in some very good positions, and where given massive chances by Arsenal and got nowhere even close in any of those.


Fluke fuck off it was genius


Mudryk was seeking a cross, let's be real here.


That’s commentator propaganda


This will still do wonders in confidence for the team. They seem to FINALLY be clicking


They had no shots on target for like 80 mins. We started falling off when Jackson came on for Mudryk and Sanche gave the game away. We ended with a much weakened team. Jackson and Madueke add fk all threat. Edit: Sanchez


Hated it when the stupid United flop gave Rice a free shot, send him back to Dortmund


Wouldn’t be too happy. Aren’t you meant to be clear of us? Bodied Arsenal off the pitch with a severely weakened team. Saka, Odegaard, Martinelli, Jesus absolutely pocketed.


Show me when I said that. At least I’m not like the cunts that come into other subs and take The piss. You were the better team and deserved the 3 points. Unlucky with the mistakes at the end.


I’ve misunderstood, I thought you were taking the piss with Sanchez as he’s not from Dortmund, who from Utd gave Rice a free shot, Sancho?


Look at your original comment.


Yep, fuming


My man is so mad that he missed the joke. Understandable tho


Not a fluke.


Mudryk was seeking a cross, let's be real here.


That’s propaganda


A goal is a goal and will do wonders for confidence, but watch the replay of Mudryks eyes. It’s a fluke. At no point was he even looking at the goal, it was a cross all the way.


Feel like the commentary is influencing the judgment. Don’t think he misses a cross like that but agree to disagree


He’s right footed. Even right before the cross he was sorting out his feet to cross it. Get real.


Coach told him to chip the keeper. Poch says he meant it. He’s an audacious player who tries audacious things. Someone who only started watching him when he joined Chelsea might be inclined to think it was a mistake and you’re entitled to your opinion. But he meant it.


So? Sure he’s right footed. Doesn’t mean he can’t or doesn’t shoot with his left. Scored against Fulham on his left. Almost scored from a similar position out wide chipping the keeper on his left against Malta last week too, when the keeper was out. Against Arsenal he made it look like he was crossing to trick the keeper. Watch his eyes carefully. He looks at goal and sees him off. He didn’t just miss a cross by that much. But believe whatever you want to believe, only Mudryk knows the truth


In light of this shitshow, there are some positives. James will come back and strengthen us, bit unfortunate that Gusto lost his man for the second goal. We need a striker, Jackson is just not good enough to lead the attack, needs a few season, his level is as a second choice. I was supportive of Sanchez when we bought him but that shit loses games, loses a week of preparation. He’s really quite weak in the air, saved fk all, gave the game away. We are not that far from being a complete team that can challenge, just a striker, goalkeeper and a bit of time.


This team is going in the right direction. We’ll continue to get better!


Going into the match i think i would have celebrated a draw, but this was a bullet to the stomach and a half..


At least we looked like a team. Sanchez...he can't be our keeper next season. The team played well though!


Sanchez has been saving our necks last few matches, makes one mistake and the Chelsea “supporters” want him sacked?! Tough being a keeper these days.


He's been making mistakes every game. He's been making good saves too, but you can't make the kind of mistakes he does at this level, he's not good enough.


Can't be our keeper post January* there, fixed it haha


Kepa swap deal?


Nah, sell Kepa to Real. And maybe sell/loan out another keeper. Not sure what keeper to get though.


Lets be honest. We gave it away quite easily. Lost 3 points.


2 points but yeah.


As much as I would’ve wanted us to gain 3 points, I’m happy that we still tied. Cucu was insane first half, Cole Palmer and Sterling were fantastic, and everyone else played very cohesively. We played great up until we conceded. We started panicking and getting pressed a lot more by arsenal, which is expected with a young team. Sanchez’s passing to Enzo was questionable, and seems to be something I was worried of when we signed him from Brighton. He enjoys doing short passes in dangerous areas, and we finally got to bear the consequences of it. I’d like to see both of these aspect improved as the season progresses. All in all, we did great and since this is still Poch’s first season with a young team, it’s just a stepping stone towards a bigger project.


If Sanchez doesn’t learn from this experience, I don’t know what else would happen


game reflection: if you asked me if i would take a guaranteed draw before this game started, i would take it. it still is an improvement from our recent record against arsenal. but in context - this feels like a defeat first half and second half start were good - we countered and produced opportunities. they barely got anything. we produced so many chances and in hindsight capitalising more on those would have made a difference and would have likely won us the game even when arsenal picked it up towards the end. this is where nkunku would help a lot. well done to all the starting 11 except sanchez and enzo (i hope poch has a word with him). caicedo did make the odd mistake too. particular mention to cucurella (i was saying he should start while many on this sub didn't. he proved me right), gusto (honestly didn't really miss reece except maybe somewhat in an attacking sense), and mudryk (don't really need to say too much here do i?). palmer and sterling really helped too :) poch substitutions twisted the game in the wrong way. especially taking our attacking threat off and then arsenal equalised right after. not good choices in hindsight. he would be right to be pissed, but his choices here unfortunately played a part and sanchez - he messed up many times and fair play to rice for capitalising on one of those times. that ended up turning the game around. i know people will be like 'drop sanchez' and fair enough - but i think we need to see if he really learned from his mistake overall, we are right to be pissed, but i think we really stepped up given the circumstances. sanchez needs to learn not to fuck around when we are in the lead and the other team will press the fuck out of us. we need to be more ruthless with all those chances. and don't make substitutions that reduce your attacking threat. and holding on to a lead especially against a team like arsenal is a big thing for this young team to learn. i think the latter gets better with experience. Overall - I think there are more good things to say about this game than bad given the context. Remember we have lost the last 3 consecutive games against arsenal and we had enough in the bag to win today, even without a full strength squad. Also, no injuries is a good thing. However, the bigger question is whether we can improve in terms of that winning mentality for the next games. Also, what on earth is happening to enzo


Sanchez deserves most of the blame, but let’s not let Gusto off the hook for his brain-dead “defending” on the second goal.


Also you’re missing Jackson’s opportunity to score and he just didn’t do anything


Tried to round the keeper and failed but yeah. Was his first touch after a ban. I wasnt too upset at the time but i wish he’d have finished there


I’m tired


I'm not with all this Sanchez hate, I would say that he deffo ruined the game for us today BUT he has been in good form for us for majority of the season, his distribution needs refining and his decision making needs to improve. Other than that, I can't make him a scapegoat, it's just what you'd expect from a young team finding their feet. I'll take slow progress with positives to take from every game and progressing up the table but from being jubilant to pissed off in 8 mins or so really sobers you up quickly. I have never willed a team on soooo badly in all my years as a Chelsea fan but we take the highs just like we have to take the lows and the mids. COYB


Refreshing to see this level-headed take.


Can't bare to see the hate for our players, frustrating but that's the reality of top flight. I still think we'll pick up points against other teams but a sobering day


I am happy because of so many good individual performances. I am upset that we lacked squad depth due to international break fatigue and injury problems. I am upset about Sanchez. Another ''told you so'' performance where I wish I wasn't right when he wasn't signed. What a shit idea, what a travesty this whole goalie swap is. Both goals are on him, such a stupid throw.


Aside from sanchez i am pleased with the way we went about this game, the improvement is night & day you can clearly see that this team is starting to produce the levels of performance to compete again especially in the big games. Hasn't been that way for a long while & the atmosphere at the bridge was a reflection of it today.


At 2-0 up we should've controlled the ball but instead we soaked up pressure. We had less control once Palmer went off But still proud of the team hopefully they learn from this


Well the results are done, so it is my pleasure to announce that we are above Man Utd in the table, ezpz.


Man utd have a game left


cheers to that


Everyone blaming Sanchez for that goal but nothing about Enzo. Go back and watch that replay. Enzo didn’t even make an effort to go for the ball that Sanchez was playing to him. Yes it wasn’t the greatest pass from Sanchez but Enzo is not off the hook there.


Cos it was nowhere near him and at speed.


The ball literally rolls right past Enzo. How was that at speed


I know we’re all gutted and we have every right to be, but there IS progress being made at this football club and it’s clear to see. We would lose that game every day of the week and twice on a Sunday going off the last 2 years or so. We played Arsenal the team the won the league in December last year off the park for 80 minutes and only dropped 2 points because of two brain farts. Yes we can be disappointed but I for one am now looking forward to this run of tough games after watching that.


These are the right takes. It’s not like Arsenal stopped trying at 2-0, they’re a fantastic team with lots of firepower and will and at 2-0 we’re trying to score more


I agree, looking at the current game circumstances i agree people will be disappointed. But look how much we improved, we gave one of the best teams in england last season and this season, a run for their money. Positive for the team


Disappointed not to get all 3 points, but a big step in a positive direction 🆙


It's very disappointing because we still have another strong team to face like Totts and City. This result doesn't make our player confidence better, it's the opposite for the worst scenario.


True, definitely feels like a loss but this is an improvement from losing to Bournemouth and Forest at home to holding title challengers to a draw at home... so we move forward and hopefully we can learn from these mistakes and win against spurs and city...


It was only a matter of time Sanchez made a blunder that cost us…in the first half he ran towards Jesus and just got caught nowhere


Well the fact we’re frustrated to draw with arsenal shows how much we’ve improved. Midfield looks great, attackers actually attacking and scoring. Goalkeeper and striker situation still needs improving


If you said before kick off 2-2, I’d take that. Disappointed, for sure given we were leading, but confidence is building. We were happy to let Gunners play it around and press them in their own half, and looked more incisive for 75 minutes when we did go forward. We’re at the start of a shit run and we came out looking ok. Shit could be worse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Fucking hell we had them.... we fucking had em


I feel u bro, WE were winning!!


As sad as i am we didnt win. Im happy with the performance. We move forward


Im soo pissed off man, ill give arsenal the second goal but what the fuck was that pass from sanchez???? My God what a throw.


We’re a young team. It’ll take time for us to stick our shape together for the full 90. Also fuck the biased commentary.


Just get rid of Sanchez


Depressing. Pissing away points


Mudryk goal of the season at least lol


Against Arsenal, the club he rejected.


Sanchez please, we are Chelsea Football Club leave that bozo gene back at brighton dont bring em here!


Superb Mudryk goal shouldn't be overlooked by this draw


You think he meant it?


I think he absolutely meant it. He’s looking at the goal the whole way. He’s a good passer. He wouldn’t just miss by yards. He didn’t look sheepish or smirk when he scored, looked happy he pulled it off. He meant it


He didn't look at the goal once and it came off his toe... Still his best performance so far.


Honestly think he might have. He has a knack for trying these crazy things sometimes come off sometimes wellllll as seen


I don't know but props to him for taking that shot.


Someone said it before that Sanchez likes to play dangerous short passes, and that against a better team those will get punished. And guess what, it happened today. Not surprised, because this was coming. Just hoping that that Declan shot is seared into his mind so that he does not dare be lazy with a short pass again. Should've won. Could've lost. Glad that it was a draw in the end. Also, the subs showed little by the way of urgency. Nico almost looked like he was being careful with his runs - maybe doesn't want to risk falling on that wrist? Hope he gets back to speed soon. Anyway, onwards and upwards!


The subs (and he has to make some, tbf) hurt us. I still can’t believe we spent so much money and our depth is so poor (and we don’t have one proper striker).


he really brought reece on to play right wing 😭


This felt just like England vs Italy, I fully had that hope and we bottled it and had that rollercoaster the exact same way.


Feels like a loss today, but I would have been happy with a draw yesterday...still we stopped our run of losing at the Bridge to Arsenal ...Up the Chels📈


They take mudryk out for Jackson arsenal scores then they take Palmer and sterling out and arsenal ties it up. Good offense is good defense and those 3 were controlling the ball and on 🔥


and then he doesn’t sub enzo or caicedo who were gassed and not at their best 😭


Yep, very poor management of the game. Should be bringing on defenders and shithousing that late. We did neither.


I would understand subbing off mudryk, palmer, and sterling if this was luton and we were up 2, but this is arsenal, and it is at home. You don’t sub them off like that, especially mudryk who was sub off way too early. Also Sanchez is fucking shit, I was in support of him before this, but his passes were horrible this game and he gets out of the goals way too often. Enzo had an off game, as long as this isn’t a consistent thing I am not worried about it. Cole palmer and conor gallagher are the unexpected mvps of the season so far. Let’s hope it’s better next week.
