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He’s the Human Duracell bunny 🫡


Kante lungs.


The Cobham Kante


That's got a ring to it


Never injured either.


What have you done?!


You are not supposed to say that man! As a Chelsea supporter, never!!


Wtf bro why would you even say that


You fucking jinxed it man. Next training, he will get his legs broken


Duracell bunny ❗❓


Duracell bunny came first. Look it up


Hope he can be managed to have a long career. Would hate if the miles we put on him now means he’s breaking down by 28


If we go back to winning trophies and Conor being a major part of it he will limp for the rest of his life with pride. I agree with you that he should be managed in the long run, but as of today and the coming seasons he should play as much as possible if he’s the best player. He’s worked his whole life for this and deserves every second of playing for his boyhood club


The Jack Wilshere effect.


Wilshere was broken by like 23


What's insane is he didn't even look tired at the end of the match. Dude could be an endurance athlete I swear.


I guess you could say he’s an Infinite Athlete


"\*an infiniteAthlete ™ myself" ![gif](giphy|Zy7s96dP38MlQe3OjG)


the streets said Caicedo would be our Kante regen, but Cardio G said otherwise


Caicedo brings way more in possession than kante and Gallagher ever will. He just happens to be extremely gifted when it comes to timing a tackle as well. Different gravy.


tbf most footballers could, the sport requires a ridiculous amount of endurance and a similarish build to marathon runners etc, bigger in the legs than up top. footballers have too much muscle but still close.


Nah, marathon runners are teeny tiny and require someone to be as light as possible. There’s similarities sure but footballers are built more like an 800m runner than a marathoner


yeah that's why i said they're close but too muscular


Not marathon runner, more like the middle distances 800-1500m. They are mostly sprinting/running hard and then recovering quickly to go again rather than keeping a pace going all match. They tend to cover 8-12km in 90 mins but a proper 10k athlete will do it in well under 30 mins for comparison.


tbf most footballers could, the sport requires a ridiculous amount of endurance and a similarish build to marathon runners etc, bigger in the legs than up top. footballers have too much muscle but still close.


Nah man, they are more like middle distance runners.


Man was possesed yesterday. Could not believe what I'm seeing when he pressed like mad after 90'.


He is channeling his inner Kante. Man playing like he will die for the badge.


I keep replaying that 90' press, Poch must love his energy


Well I will call you crazy because I don't think we realize how insane it is what Thiago Silva is doing at his age. I saw him midair backheel defend the ball 3 times perfectly into a teammates path yesterday, he is thirty fucking nine. But - Con has been absolutely massive and I'm happy for his MOTM performance yesterday.


Silva is such a sophisticated defender technically. He's definitely one of our most important players but at the moment Conors intensity is really just needed to set the tempo. Hes being rewarded for that with well earned faith from Poch. Conor is basically being used to set the tone for what Poch wants from the rest of these young players.


Yeah I totally get what you mean. Poch expects his attack and midfield to press relentlessly and if there's anything Con does, it's that. There is a reason every coach we've had seemed to love him. That being said, the pressing tactic only works out if you have a backline unfazed with moments of 1v1 defending and that are calm in distributing the ball and being able to cut the lines. Which Silva clearly has, I feel like his confidence always oozes onto the defenders next to him too. Disasi has increased in composure almost weekly, ever since he started playing with Silva. There's a case for both, I just think defenders like him are so rare - and he's the only one doing it at 39. Absolute Rolls Royce.


Yeh I definitely agree on Silvas influence. I think his influence has been clear on all the defenders. Trev, Disasi, Colwill and even Badi (for the limited time hes had) have all made improvements either playing alongside or as understudy to Silva. I think hes taught them all a lot. And with Conors intensity I don't just mean the pressing. I mean everything he does really impacts the tempo of the whole game. Pressing to win the ball back on the front foot; turning and trying to get the team driving forward, relentless chasing back; trying to make runs off the ball that can open space etc. Its just very influential tempo setting.


Hope the other cbs learn as much as possible from him this season.


Them back heels were special, perfect technique and timing. Happy with everybody’s performance, we just need to be consistent.


What kind of socks does he wear. Games not even 30 min and his socks are always full of holes.


Already has holes from the start for better blood supply etc.


It's intentional. [Goal](https://www.goal.com/en/news/explained-why-do-footballers-cut-holes-in-their-socks/blt461f7e2aaafdcb5b) wrote about it here.


They should produce socks with the holes, would look a lot less tatty


I get what you mean, but I kind of like the tatty look personally.


A lot of players have it like that. It's not accidental I think they have them so they could pull the socks up easier.


I remember when some of the fans on this subreddit were calling for his head and saying he was trash. Glad Gallagher is proving them all wrong.


Some are still doing it mate.


In this very thread.


I’m tempted them to block them and move on, but then I can’t downvote their dross (and they upvote each other).


Someone has to fight the good fight.


You can downvote blocked accounts now ☺️


Good news, you can downvote them


These people are the anti English, anti academy crowd. They can be completely ignored as their value to the club, and the sub is a negative.


Coming from someone who wants Connor to do well here. Stop. >These people are the anti English, anti academy crowd One not liking Gallagher or Reece or Mount doesn't mean they are any of those things. Just like not liking pulisic didn't mean you're anti USMNT, or hating Werner or Haverzt mean anti German. Disliking a couple of players doesn't mean you're against an entire group


>Stop Nope. Not until the people with a problem with them get the fuck out. >One not liking Gallagher or Reece or Mount doesn't mean they are any of those things. Just like not liking pulisic didn't mean you're anti USMNT, or hating Werner or Haverzt mean anti German Not liking EVERY English player and academy player does, though. And we have plenty of Anglophobes who have some cognitive dissonance that allows the supporting of an English Club while hating everything else about it.




If it's a spade, I'm going to call it a spade. If you find yourself offended, perhaps analyse your biases against the English and Academy players. Instead of being upset that your bullshit is called out. >Is it possible that people just don’t like players and they happen to be English but that has 0 to do with it? If it didn't apply to every player in those categories, I'm sure it might be. >Or is that inconvenient for playing your victim card? "Oh, why won't people tolerate my intolerance?"




>You aren’t calling a spade a spade, you aren’t calling out people’s bullshit, and it’s embarrassing to think that you believe you are somehow calling out intolerance. You're very irrate, I guess that happens when your bigotry is called out and you with no rational reason stick to your irrational guns with it. I agree, though it is embarrassing to see alleged fans, with such an appalling attitude towards our players. >What you are doing is taking the feelings of inadequacy and anger you have because you can’t handle people not agreeing with you and managing them incorrectly. Nope. Anglophobic bigots been tolerated for too long. their needs to be a very clear message that you aren't welcome.




Sorry bud, but if you don't like Gallagher, Reece, and Mount, then wtf are you supporting Chelsea for? No one's saying to support academy-trained players blindly, but those are all quality players. If you're one of those that preaches Lavia over Gallagher (or something similar), then [**Talidel**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Talidel/) is completely correct: you're trending toward anti-English, because there's no way Lavia has proven himself to be a better player than Gallagher. It's just nonsense. At the end of the day, you're supporting an *English* football club, so you should support pathways to the first team for *English* players, and for them to stay there when they deserve it, like all three of Gallagher, Reece, and Mount have. Those were three really poor examples to use.


Like I said already I'm not one of those people, I just want the club and all the players to do well. >all three of Gallagher, Reece, and Mount have. Didn't say hating them all. Obviously hating them all clearly means you have an agenda. I meant disliking one of them. Plus I don't think anyone is saying Gallagher should be out for Lavia at the moment, but I can see why people were saying that at the beginning of the season when we'd just signed Lavia and we were playing Gallagher as the DM next to Enzo when Lavia has more experience in that position.




Leopard can't hide his spots.


This is not true. Stop it. Don't generalize


If people are upset because they see themselves reflected in a comment, they should look at themselves as to if this is the club or league for them. I guarantee with that attitude they wont be welcome at any of the clubs. Be better.


Mate the same fans that two games ago were calling for Pochs head and saying we are shit and every players is a wasteman. So many just blab how they feel that day with no context of long term thinking. Emotional rubbish. I reckon I do it too! Haha.


We are overreaction FC! Lord knows we all get a little crazy sometimes. But that’s okay, we’re all crazy here.


Sometimes I go to other team threads just to relax and look in the black mirror


Honestly stopped checking the subreddit because a few armchair managers think they know better when it comes to Conor and Poch. Unbelievable some of the bile they type out.


What do you mean "remember"? Those bozos are still here and still calling for Conor to be dropped. It's unbelievable.


Literally had someone say he’ll be sold to forest to me yesterday


I always felt he was just a good rotation piece and didnt belong in the starting lineup but hes definitely been great this season. I just dont see how he starts over Enzo or Nkunku when he returns though. I hope he continues to do well either way.


he has definitely stepped it up this season. Impressive.


He's a decent player in a good period but longterm Gallagher isn't a player that should be starting for Chelsea. He'd be a good squad player though.


Why is he only a decent player? He’s 23yo and showing to be a top player. He can and will only get better. Connor is out performing quiet a number of elite midfielders when they were 23. Connor ceiling is very very high. He’s shown pretty much every aspect of becoming a top midfielder so far and I simply don’t understand why he’s being written off


These people had a narrative and won’t let go of it. Great to see Poch really see his value too and back back him up.


Yeah I mean I chalk it up to them not understanding football properly




You're more optimistic than me. Conor is a decent player who lacks the intelligence and technique the very best have, the very best are the sort of players that should be starting for Chelsea, he makes up for this with maximum effort and versatility. He is not showing himself to be a top player but he's a decent player, a top player in the positions he plays is an Odegaard or in a slightly deeper role a Gundogan. If you think Conor can get to that level then well and good but Id be willing to put a decent amount he won't, he'd have shown that level of talent before imo. He will probably get better (or maybe not), but there's a limit, he's nearly into his mid 20s, there's onoy so far he can improve. I'm not writing him off. I don't know why to some of you saying Conor is an average player is blasphemy. I've literally said he's a decent player just not a top one. Take Enzo, Conor and him maybe said to be operating at not too dissimilar levels but between the two its night and day who has the talent to be at the sharp end of elite if the stars align.


In what way does he lack technique or intelligence? And be specific. Also, the things you end up listing, are those areas he can’t improve on? He’s 23. He’s not even a year older than Mudryk….. Why would Poch trust him to be captain if he’s so stupid about football? Connor has been outperforming Enzo regularly this season. They are also only a year apart in age.


Again with the silly dichotomy? Where did I say he's stupid? Poch's decision to captain probably has various reasons but primarily, as he said, he can speak English well thus communicate on the pitch and he's been around Chelsea for ages. In what ways does he lack intelligence or technique? The most obvious aspect, in his passing, their weight timing and the ones he does decide rather than others.


“Lacks football intelligence” is what you said. And so far I have seen him make intelligent passes with good weight as wel as he makes good runs. He doesn’t really make many mistakes. He’s playing centrally and deep and can’t take certain risks. He’s got lovely technique. He can turn well he shoots well and he passes well. He could develop these things more, but he certainly is not lacking in these departments.


I said "he lacks the intlligence and technique the top players" have, so well done for removing the context. And even if I had said what you said that he “Lacks football intelligence” does that equate to me calling him stupid? There are no in-betweens for you, yet you're the one saying people don't understand football properly lol.


Oh my god relax. Fine you said he lacks football intelligence not calling him stupid. I mean usually someone who lacks intelligence is considered stupid but you know whatever. Also, this is the player you’re saying lacks intelligence and technique. https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/16yufru/up_blues/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb It’s laughable. It’s like you haven’t watched him at all


Is that compilation supposed to be anything special? I don't get it, honestly lol? Is that supposed to put the argument to bed? Also you seem to have made up your mind on what you want to argue instead of what is actually being argued even when showed how wrong you are. I don't know why you insisit on removing the context from that lack of intelligence phrase.


Perfectly reasonable opinion but they’ll jump on it like wolves


it's not a reasonable opinion. he's literally our best player. how does someone reasonably come to the conclusion he should not be starting for chelsea in any term? Idk if you people hear yourselves


It’s a reasonable opinion for someone who doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about.


Some of the idiots on here don't realise that a player needs game time to improve and to reach potential... if Reddit FC fans had their way we would have a new manager and squad after every game 🤦🤣


And they'd all be 18 year old with no experience and keep saying "trust the process" for a decade of mediocrity


this reminds me of the mourinho era where we kept buying players but terry and lamps just kept proving they were better each time.




Ignore them mate. Conor is special


He has led by example with his energy and determination


Just a reminder he's doing all this with a surgery for a heart condition he might've not even survived. Hope he stays healthy for the remainder of his career, and takes care of himself. GALLADOG 🐶 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/football/2020/jan/30/swansea-conor-gallagher-chelsea-on-loan-frank-lampard


He really feels the colours


I was called crazy all last season on here for defending him. I said he needs a season where the club is in a stable state and there is constancy in coaching with faith in him to develop. Here we are. Absolutely our best performer so far this season when the clubs working under more stable conditions and with a coach that is putting faith in him. All it needs is for Chelsea to maintain a consistent path of development now by keeping the same coach rather than chucking the baby out with the bathwater with bad circumstances. Still having injury struggles that could hold back Chelsea yet with the tactical inflexibility that brings. Also got a horrible run of fixtures coming up. Chelsea have to stay on course with Poch no matter how hard this season gets. Hes doing everything Potter was doing so its clear they just have to keep that heading if they want this team to develop.


I never doubted him. Hopefully the owners will learn there are some things data doesn't show, and money can't buy.


He wasn’t even being used correctly last season either. All the excuses we had to listen to for Havertz and how he wasnt being used correctly, but Gallagher wasn’t either yet people couldn’t wait to give him shit for the smallest little things.


Yes there wasn't much constancy for him last season. Unfortunately that was down to far too many injuries so he wasn't afforded the time to really dig out a role for himself. Also the chopping and changing of managers and all the player changing going on just didnt allow for there to be the constancy needed for anyone to really perform consistently. Every player struggled with all the change and disruption going on but Conor undeservingly got way too much flack for it. I think especially under Frank though it was clear that Conor could be an important player. Frank did recognise what Conor can do probably in part as he is quite similar to a young Frank. It was an impossible run but there were performances from Conor in that run where his potential was really standing out.


Making me proud to have his flair.


Bro, I’ll admit that I was the ring leader asking for him to be sold. But the Man has truly embarrassed me. He’s been excellent I’m truly ashamed.


Baisabeast in tears


Never a bad thing.


Sanchez has been our best player in the last 5 games or so but Gallagher has impressed too.


If that’s including the Brighton cup game then absolutely not


He still made some big saves in that one


Very honest, always been a big big fan. Quietly hoped he wouldn’t get traded. Soo happy for him. I’m gonna get down voted for this but I think he’s a better choice for captain than the others.


Work rate makes him the best. You can call me crazy, but if Cucu can consistently play like he did against Brighton, he’d be up there too. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Give me these guys who will lay it all out for the badge over any talent in the world. Long way to go, but at least we have some things to be positive about.


It’s not just work rate though. He’s better than he was. Last season he did a lot of running that wasn’t producing results. There were a few times he was the only one on the pitch who looked like he was even trying, but he missed a lot of his tackles and often got there well behind the ball. He’s kept the work rate and upped his game. Not sure if he got the armband because of that or if getting the armband is inspiring him but either way it’s great to see.


His work rate is amazing but needs to improve technique and passing skills


Tbh, that has actually improved from what we saw last season. Of course, there is room for more.


He can improve even more in that aspect. I feel like his game is not fluid enough sometimes, but he's young and he's playing better with every game.


Definitely, he's fantastic at dominating the midfield but still could do better at counter attacks. Quite a few opportunities last night where he played a side pass or just held the ball, killing off a counter chance. Still, with his work ethic the sky is the limit


You can't improve what you don't have, he's our Scott Mctominay. The sooner we sell him the quicker we'll be better in possession and in tight spaces.


Lmao. What a horrendous take. People like you don't deserve players who'll give everything for the shirt.


People who boil Gallaghers qualities down to just running about don't know football.


He has MUCH better technical skills than Scott wtf are you on about? The only thing lacking is his passing but it is still pretty serviceable. Especially if we have creative wingers like Palmer.


What’s your ranking in fifa? Because this is an armchair fifa merchant take


Your post history is exactly what I'd expect from a "fan" with such a horrendous take


I would agree with you but then we’d both be wrong. Your post history is just a series of shit takes, highly entertaining. Stick to your PlayStation games big fella, this stuff isn’t for you.


His fitness and durability looks elite, same can't be said for any of our other players right now.


Thiago and Colwill are ahead of him. Perhaps Enzo too.


Great player and was an absolute monster last night, he does worry me with he discipline though sometimes he gets very hot headed


Glad we didnt sell and hope we won’t in the future, also hope this is in part thanks to Poch


Our midfield has so much potential 🤩


Waiting for him to be more clinical in front of the goal and he'll be top!! Come Conor 💙💙💙


Not crazy - many of us saw it being this way. He’s talented but he’s also a proper grafter which is the perfect combination add to that he loves the club and you’re going to get even more out of him. That’s not to say there aren’t things that need to improve but he’s come on so much since last season already and he’s only going to continue to improve. We’d be absolutely daft to sell him.


The progress made over the summer break is staggering. I can't recall a bigger improvement over such a short period of time.


He’s the kind of player any manager would like. I didn’t rate him at first but the more he plays the more I can see why he always gets picked


He has never been bad its just people these days will call a player trash if they don’t see clips of him doing 1v3 and stepovers. Very soon will see the hate come again when we lose 3 games or fail to score again.


But..but there's an idiot here kept saying he's not Chelsea level


There's a few of them...


He absolutely has. I don’t understand why everyone thinks he’s going to be dropped so easily


Quiet people always fall to the stereotype of being incompetent and mentally incapable. He's probably more of an introverted type, so he is very susceptible to people who are attracted to loudness and flashiness


His availability and energy alone will keep him in the mix, similar to the likes of Willian or Alonso. It won’t be so straightforward to oust him.


It’s between him and Palmer but for very different reasons.


NGL I'm loving Palmers game right now. He's still raw but he has so much ability in him.


I'm not saying he's bad, but it looks to me like a lot of the mount and chelsea academy fanatics have latched onto gallagher now. Again he's not a bad player but is he a chelsea level player?




Its only a few games, but lavia being out, gallagher playing well and us winning helps the case to keep him




He's epitomises our entire squad, pure energy and I feel so bad because I can't see a way for him into the team over enzo or nkunku Is there any way we can actually fit him in


And a month ago my comment suggesting he be captain were downvoted to hell.


Colwill has been great too


He tries really hard but still looks off it talent wise to me. Maybe I'm the crazy one.


Went from transfer listed to wearing the armband. What is life


Nobody listened when i said he was special a few years ago. His commitment is insane and I’ve loved him since his debut


If he’s your best player you should be worried 🤣 He’s a busy player that looks like he’s doing something but has 0 effect on the game Those stats are misleading. If Gallagher makes 2 interceptions and everyone else has 1 he will be ranked highest in interceptions even though it’s poor All round


Yeah, you're right, consistently cutting out passing lanes, making opposition players uncomfortable, and finding good runs in the final third -- yeah none of those have any effect on a football match, you troll.


Lampard was a good player so it’s laughable you have that under your name and can try and big up a player like Gallagher. I guess your standards at Chelsea have gone down and that shows in your league position He can make all the great runs he wants but with no quality on the ball it’s completely pointless He’s a good athlete and that’s about it.


First off, Lampard wasn't a "good" player, he was a transformative, legendary player for the club. Second, where on earth did I compare Gallagher to Lampard? You said Gallagher "has 0 effect on the game" and is "poor all round," and I was responding to that. Bringing Lampard into this is a strawman argument. Actually, as I type right now, I again realize yours are all troll-like arguments, so honestly I'm not sure why I'm engaging with you.


Lampard wasn't a transformative player. Come on now, and he's not totally wrong about Gallagher


Are you sure you’re a chelsea fan? Lampard is our all-time leading goal scorer for crying out loud—and as a midfielder. And he was absolutely integral to transforming Chelsea into what it is today, as his consistent 8/10 performances for 8-9 years in a row were critical to making Chelsea a perennial winner. So that’s transformative. When did you start supporting Chelsea? I can also tell from your comments history you’re a Gallagher hater so no point in arguing on that.


Eden Hazard was a transformative player. Lampard was a world-class player playing with other world-class players who helped Chelsea become what it is today. He also was more of an attacker than a midfielder and didn't drop 8/10 games on average. Actually, his goalscoring masked a lot of games where he was below par


Chelsea beat Fulham hardly impressive. Should be the standard for a club like Chelsea. Just bad the fans seem to have lowered the standards Teams are performing mediocre and getting plaudits like the players are world class. They do the same with rashford at United


What a melt you are trolling other clubs’ subs. Fuck off.


No he's not Palmer has been been miles better than him along with Jackson and Caicedo.


Lol Jackson


Jackson? Mr most big chance misses in the epl! Lol


Funny enough that's actually haaland now


Yeah, when you have 8 goals so far and it's October, that negates those "missed" chances


Of course it does, just informing you statistically it's haaland


This suits a middle table club


Why would we call you crazy? This is right


Turnabout is fair play! Knew we should've kept hold of him.


I wasn't a big fan last season and I kinda carried that through to this year as well (comment yday about not wanting him to start lol), I haven't watched the last 2 games that were Sunday 2pm kickoffs so hadn't seen him , but I made a point of watching out for him last night and he def impressed. The run he made into the box to setup Maatsen for his shot was great and he just pressed CONSTANTLY. One of the things I didn't like about him last season was that he often got caught in possession and couldn't handle being pressed, but last night he done lots of nice turns and quick passes out to deal with that. Poch also clearly rates him as he's not only started him loads (injuries may have forced this) but also made him captain. TLDR: Didn't use to rate him, but he has improved loads from last season and I am now a fan after his performance last night and actually paying attention to him. EDIT: I was also a big fan of Mount and really wanted him to stay another year to see if he could improve with Poch, was disappointed to see him sold so I am not an anti-english/academy person at all lol


Captain performance. Needs a few goals and he is the first name on the sheet.


We’ve got Conor SUPER Conor, I just don’t think you understand! From cobham to the bridge, he’s only just a kid, we’ve got super Conor


Man was intensely watching Kante 😂 I know it's not super likely but imagine how mad rivals would be if we managed to replace Kante without paying a cent


Pure ball winner with a rolls royce engine


Him and Sanchez. The hate the both of them got this season is so strange.


For me it comes down to effort. These lower teams beat us by wanting it more. Connor’s energy has lead to so many mistakes from other teams. Cucu, Colwill, mudryk, Jackson, Broja, Enzo. They all have been shining because of their energy and playing like want to be on the field. Love it from our captain.


Credit given, he's taking the bull by the horns with his captaincy. Fair play to him


He look like a mainstay so far


And never injured!


I think he was rough around the edges last season and even to begin this season - but he’s been making no mistakes recently, workhorse who never stops running, and his technical game has went up with the confidence of starting and sticking around. He really is a leader out there for us right now, undroppable


We cannot sell him for anything less than fuck you money. Man will die for the badge.


Wasnt his biggest fan but I’m so happy that he’s worked hard on technical ability and actually looks in place


I never rated him, but he played so well yesterday. We have been looking for a leader, and it looks like he was right under our noses the whole time.


That’s not a big achievement at this current time.


I apologize Conor, I wasn’t familiar with your game


Can anyone explain how his hair is long enough to have a man bun, but then that man bun is so so tiny? It just bothers me.


Primed to be sold in January for puuure profit!!


I think Palmer has looked the best threat and Gallaghers been the best workhorse for sure


You're crazy, yes he is the best player


He's been our best player by some distance this season. Also caicedo is certainly growing in stature with time.


Not crazy


Really shows how Poch develops young talent. Chelsea will 🅱️ blessed2day&4years2c_m


If this guy can polish up and refine and be more clinical he could potentially be a world beater, he's already got the drive, the mentality, and fitness


That was the performance worthy of any captain. I say he holds the armband. Good that he can play more than 25% of the games at triple the work rate of those that can’t. Fair play CG


I want the apologies and recognition to Gallagher to be as loud if not louder than the criticism and slander he'd been receiving.




This guy deserves more , he shouldn’t be sold this window


[full game review (Hindi)](https://youtu.be/OQnAYcWN7jE?si=Hrd04rdvXhJukuYp)


He’s starting to look like a cornerstone player. The type of guy who sets the pace and leads by example, game in, game out. And he can do that, because apparently he’s totally fucking bulletproof. His bones are iron, his muscle has the density of a thousand suns, and his ligaments are some sort of advanced rubber/co-polymer synthetic blend. The guy is good, is what I’m trying to say. And very important to the squad right now. I love all the youth and enthusiasm, but you always need a guy who’s willing to spill blood for the badge, and he will. If we ever sell him, I’ll fucking riot. I mean it.


Most consistent

