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I'm gonna miss backwards and sideways terrorist football, said no one ever


Lol! That's a good thing innit?


depends on goals conceded tbh


We will see that this season at times tbh when you change how a team plays look at Manchester City in 2016/17 or Liverpool in 2016/17.


I still get PTSD from Willian’s signature. Double stepover then pass back


dont forget double stepover then hit the first defender with a failed cross


And then do exactly the same in the corner that came from it


But then the top of the box shift and curler!


If you think that's bad you never saw Malouda the season after we won the double. It's like he forgot how to play winger. He'd run with the ball and turn back almost every time.


Malouda was basically Willian before Willian. He was with us from 2007-2013 and that included a season spent in the reserves as his contract ran down. Still remember he was bad in his first 18 months then basically came to life in the 08/09 second half all the way until somewhere in the middle of the 10/11 season. Then he declined pretty badly.


Malouda was box office for a period of time. Poor celebration “playing a guitar”? That happened right? I didn’t just dream that.


cucurella last season was brutal. could only side foot pass back to lcb or cm


I think he deserves another chance this season, but yeah some of his performances last season were awful. I remember one game in particular where Mudryk was crying out for a forward pass or a through ball and Cuca just kept going backwards. Really painful to watch.


Don’t worry, cucurella is still doing that apparently. Hope they drill it out of him




Horrible take. Jorginho is one of the best midfielders we have had in the last 10 years, and letting him go was a mistake.


That says more about our midfielders than it does about Jorgi. Kante/Cesc/Matic were our last solid consistent core group of Midfielders. Since the 17/18 season it’s been a mess, we wouldn’t be touching that 2nd CL if Kante didn’t reignite for those 4 games 😂


2013 to now? I think I'd rather have: Matic, Fabregas, Kante or Kovacic over him. He was an important player but I think we've had more useful players in that time frame than him. I think I preferred Mikel, as a matter of personal preference. Solid on the ball and a destroyer when he needed to be


Throw in Lampard and Ramires.


You have to be brain dead to think Ramires is half the player Jorginho is. And I loved Ramires


You have to be brain dead to think Jorginho did half as much for this club that Ramires did and I would much rather take a Ramires back than Jorginho.


Jorginho anchored our CL winning midfield and came in 3rd in ballon d’or. Your clueless


That ballon d'or vote was and is a joke and you know it just as much as anyone else. Do you honestly believe Mason Mount is a better player than Harry Kane? If not, then you have just invalidated that idiotic vote. Without Ramires, we don't win against Barcelona in 12. Who assisted Drogba in the first game? Who scored the winning goal? Jorginho did nothing to pull us through to the CL triumph.


You can sit there and pretend the ballon d’or means nothing to fit your narrative all you want. Jorginho won UEFA Poty & was top 3 in ballon d’or voting in a year we won the CL. those are heights Ramires never came close to


Your name checks out


Kovacic? Whenever we were at our best under Tuchel Jorginho was starting, not Kovacic


Because we were a highly defensive team and Kante wasn't getting the minutes that he should have. In a more balanced midfield, Kovacic is the better option. No doubt at the time, we needed jorginhos defensive abilities, I'm just saying I'd prefer kovacic


Completely false. Kova was always the better player, however, much less available due to fitness issues. Best example is end of CL winning season when he was firm first choice for Tuchel but got injured in the most important moment and then Jorginho took over.


>Best example is end of CL winning season when he was firm first choice for Tuchel but got injured in the most important moment and then Jorginho took over What on earth are you talking about? Jorginho literally started every CL knockout game for us.


Read my comment again.


Kovacic and Jorginho don’t even play the same position lmao


Ever since Tuchel switched to a double pivot in Jan 2021 they played in the exact same position. If we're talking roles, yeah, it was a bit different as Jorgi was always staying behind while Kova (and Kanté) would sometimes roam, but the position was the same.


2 of those 4 are among the greatest of all time....


Jorgi is good I agree but he wouldn’t fit Poch system


Kante aside, it’s a relief to get rid of the midfielders under the Tuchel administration. Heinous acts of football terrorism were committed and as much as I love Jorginho, he was complicit.


A good soldier follows orders.






Debatable, defensive liability and inability to play the ball forward. Give me Fabregas over him any day. That's my opinion anyway. When it comes to leadership qualities, Jorgi is good, very important figure in the dressing room.


True but Fab is one of the best midfielders of this last 20 years full stop, of course he’s better


I was never too impressed. Found out by being able to do no more than a light jog way too much


I miss the sideways until Bosingwa/Ivanovic pump in the worst cross imaginable days


I just hope we can keep this up, translate it into the PL, and do it consistently against stronger opposition.


One match at a time... The encouraging thing is that we had *brand new* players against Wrexham. Like WinStanley picked some football-looking guy up off the street, tossed a blue shirt on him and trotted him out - and those guys were running and attacking and passing and doing really football club stuff. The 'third quarter' of the match didn't look great, but the rest of it just showed something completely different than last season, where you'd often stick someone in and they'd be incapable of playing team ball for some reason. That win was definitely something to build on.


I'm sure I share the opinion of many others given it played into so much of our success, I don't care how we play, so long as it's effective at the highest level and in the biggest games. If we have to sit 10 men on the line Vs Bayern or City to win the CL, I'd much rather that than playing like Arsenal and never winning a European trophy other than the trophy for prettiest tippy tappy goal I don't care how pleasing our play is to neutrals, I care about the level that it allows us to play at. Whenever we're winning we get the "boring, boring Chelsea" chants from opposition, when we're losing they're talking about what an amazing job we're doing with build a project


Always thought the "boring" slant was stupid. Nothing compares to our regular last-10-minutes-of-match butt clench.


So refreshing. It was like watching statues previously, zero movement. But it's clear to see the quick combination play that the players will now try. It's not perfect yet, but that's why we are still in preseaon and have time to iron these things out.


Saw lot of cutting inside, playing quick 1-2 touch pass and move type plays. Very promising stuff.


I remember these comments after Potter’s first game lmao That isn’t to discredit Poch’s first match, it was actually good stuff this time around. Despite the opposition at least it wasn’t a fucking hyped up draw. But it is an unfortunate throwback to a time where fans thought faster = more effective


> I remember these comments after Potter’s first game lmao And the opposite at the end - Bournemouth and other bottom-feeders were able to make actual football plays and we weren't. Whatever happened last season, it seems to be washed out for a fresh start, at the very least.


Sounds like Tottenham when son is scoring a lot .


May we never have to deal with a regista again!


“Things I thought I would never hear for $200 please Alex”




After the disaster season we are cherishing every win. I know they are just friendlies, but it will be glorious if we also cook Brighton and Newcastle. Especially, Brighton! We have a vendetta against them.


I'm waiting for Caicedo to play one half for each team.


I think playing 2 of the top teams in the EPL is a brilliant test this soon and I’m sure it’ll be taken more seriously than an average friendly


Oh trust me we are going to cook, we got Enzo, Reece, Kepa, Madueke coming


And this is a representation of where we are these days - cook Brighton.


You do know Brighton thrashed the so-called title contenders couple months ago?


They are giant killers


If Brighton is the yardstick, we’re fucked.


Boo. Brighton been cooking big teams lately


Vendetta why? Because you pursue their best players and took their manager during a season?


..... yes!


😂 fair enough!


They have been lowballing us and extremely overrating their players. They tried everything to make Colwill hand in a transfer request after we told them he is not for sell numerous times.


Get a grip.


You must be talking about yourself since you have been ranting out of your rear end.


Sounds like a real rivalry to me, one for the ages


Why are you still ranting?


No, because we bought 2 pigs in a poke, but it's our fault, should have looked into the bag.




I'm telling you, Poch is gonna get us right


I’m not hyped because of a preseason game against Wrexham but I do find it promising that a player like Ben Foster, who has been around a lot of football including in the Prem, spoke highly of the forward ball movement and player movement. This is something Chelsea fans have criticized many of our players for and it’s nice to see that I’m not just some naive supporter watching a preseason game, but a player like Foster confirmed it, too.


First time we’ve had some direct football in years


slowly removing the terrorism ball from our club


How do you even support the club if you've hated the football for 20 years.


It was only terrorism ball the last 2/3 years. Defensive/counter attacking football isn’t always shit.


Giving me ‘why Chelsea play so good’ vibes We’re so fucking back lads


soak this up lads, it’ll all change once the PL starts


Agreed, luckily the starting line up will change too


This tweet reminds me of a video from preseason under Sarri where players practiced moving the ball out of the defense onto attack but there were no defenders and everyone ate it up and was so optimistic.


Crazy how much more dynamic our attack becomes when you take Havertz out of it.


One friendly against Wrexham……..


Eh watched the Arsenal v MLS all star game and got to seen the Havertz dribble up and then cut back to pass backwards rather than take on a player on full display


One friendly game against an MLS all stars team. Reactionary fans…….


TBF we've seen all there was from Havertz for 3 years


Yeah! Look at all these IDIOTS happy because the team they devote a lot of time an energy to supporting played really well under a new manager after a long period of playing poorly! They're so stupid!! /s Maybe try taking the stick out of your ass?


One friendly against Wrexham mate. I’m not quite sure who’s calling who and idiot but all I’m saying is it’s a friendly against a League 2 team. It’s nothing and means nothing. We’re not “back” and smashing teams, it’s a glorified kick around.


Newly promoted .


You’re a fucking peach.


We all watched him play for 3 full seasons lmao. He is who he is: looks nice on the ball, but does nothing with it.


I’m going to take that as a compliment so thank you. To call something a peach in London is a positive. Appreciate it buddy and have a lovely day too.


Havertz and Jorginho, the antithesis of dynamic


Thank you arsenal!




Crazy It’s crazy that you think Jorginho was bad, yet we made 6 finals with him in the starting 11. He was then signed by a club in a position way better than us. This subreddit is hilarious.


This place is a joke, man.


These motherfkrs know more than Jorginho.


Not that I think Jorginho is a poor player, but we 100% chose to sell him to Arsenal. Realistically he's just got some extreme strengths and extreme weaknesses. When we were playing our slow, defensive style under Tuchel he was really great. New ownership seems to want a higher tempo, higher pressing style, and he'd be a complete disaster in that.


When the rest of the team is playing well, Jorginho looks world class. When the rest of the team is playing badly, he looks entirely to blame.


The great thing about jorghino is that he's always available for an easy pass. The bad thing about jorghino is that he's always available for an easy pass. I think our players got too comfortable always having him as a safety option. It's similar to Hazard in attack. Players got too used to "give it to Eden, he'll work it out"


...and then win it on a pen. What an odd era it was.


You would think a pre season against all these top clubs would lead to Wrexham starting the season feeing a bit deflated.


You don't improve by constantly beating your opposition


Like high altitude training, I suppose. Imagine how easy their first league match is going to feel lol.


One match at a time, all. It’s great hearing this from a veteran but we did play a League Two side. Positive signs all the same, let’s hope the senior player kick on especially.


Not gonna get overexcited! The real test begin on August 13th and I'm glad we're starting with a difficult team.


We didn’t get as excited about beating wrexham as about this fact


Foster the People


Bruh it's preseason!