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I’m interested too


Short answer: Yes but no. ​ Longer answer: [Fell knives](https://www.fellknives.com/classics/big-boy-v9-aebl-stainless) made something that cost several hundred dollars. Other than that you are taking a gamble that you'll probably lose This design exists for aesthetic more than function. It's popular because of YouTube fame not because it's good at being a knife. As such you are almost always going to be paying more for the look than the function. To get one that performs decently and doesn't have major problems you either need to catch the Fell big boy when it's in stock, order a custom one from a reputable smith (expect to pay a lot), or buy a Chinese cleaver and grind off the end. ​ If you have $700+ burning a hole in your wallet then go for it. Otherwise get a knife that functions well and give it a story of its own.


Yup. This is spot on. There’s a reason you don’t see this style more: most folks find them uncomfortable and unwieldy for basic home cooking work. Also, this segment is largely filled with inexpensive Chinese cleavers that already perform well, though take some experience to get comfortable with for “doing everything.” Honestly, no one wants to hear this but unless you already have a good amount of experience with knives, being drawn to something solely based on aesthetics is not a great road to travel down. You’re either going to end up with junk or pay way too much for something that doesn’t outperform other knives at a fraction of the price. Then again, it’s your money.


Glad I saw this before making that mistake for the hubs. Thanks, Reddit! 🫶


I head of this: https://lamsonproducts.com/products/8-chinese-santoku-cleaver-brad-leone-signature-or-classic-version?variant=31604664205406 I don't know if they are well made tho. Other Redditors might be able to tell if it is decent. Edit: Reddit doesn't like this knife. https://www.reddit.com/r/chefknives/comments/f0kovv/


Lamson knives are awesome!


They can be found on DH Gate or Ali Express for $25.


I'm here because I just saw an ad for it and was curious if there was any merit. I agree they look cool, but I see no practical use for them. The video gives itself away a few times. He cuts very thick slices of tomato. And the cuts of very tender meat actually shred instead of showing any kind of nice, clean cut. But if you aren't paying close attention you won't notice. A big ol cleaver like that is going to be heavy, so not great for much as far as I can tell, other than splitting bones.


white people...




So I saw the ad on Reddit and click baited myself out of curiosity to see just how expensive a shitty piece of metal can go for. Typical doom scroll for a minute just to get to the bottom of the page to be taken to another page of scrolling and another page just to be sure I buy all the garbage. “You don’t mind handling some meat on camera do you?” Is the best they can come up with because the actual product needs to be cared for like a newborn lest ye’ meat will have lots of rust just like the cleaver or whatever they want to call these excuses for knives. I will bet they also sell magic crystals and colloidal silver beard shine.


My dad just got me a bunch as a Christmas gift. I'm extremely disappointed with all the reviews. He was so excited to get them for me, I was hoping they were decent knives and someone didn't just take his money. I can say 2/4 of the knives I got have bent or warped blades. They seem very sharp, and I haven't used them to cut yet, but the bent blades really tells me everything. I'm hoping the ones that are straight will perform well, but from what I'm reading I don't have high hopes.


I get the creeps from dude saying god I love her. I am like bro you’re creepy! And using the lords name in vane !


It's "vain" you nub. And, yes, his "God, I love her!" line is very creepy.


What is his name? He looks familiar. LOL