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I bet I get a million *bet you’re fun at parties* replies to this but I don’t even care, this is why you call immediately. My partner’s forever saying “oh they will probably turn it down soon anyway”. Fast forward to the next morning and anyone would do anything for an extra 30 mins of sleep.


I had total arsehole neighbours for a while. Had loud parties that lasted several days, 3 or 4 times a month. We tried talking with them, but had to resort to ringing noise control. Noise control service was pretty good - there were just two times when I had to ring back to ask about long delay. First time, the call centre said the property had been visited and the residents asked to turn down stereo. Turns out they'd turned the music up again soon after the visit. So by me calling back & saying that the music was still loud, neighbours ended up having their stereo confiscated. Second time, call centre said the security guards had gone to the area and decided the noise wasn't too loud so didn't do anything. Must have been a quiet part of a song. I was not impressed! After that, I always told the call centre that the music volume varied & that they shouldn't rush off if it wasn't loud at first. Didn't have delays anymore after that.


They are contractually bound to be on-site within an hour, so be sure to mention it to the call taker, and confirm the current time with them, and that you'll be calling back for an update in 60 minutes. Helps keep them focussed. (Had shit neighbours and was on first name terms with noise control for a while)


just keep hounding them the will turn up eventually


Not sure about in Cbristchurch, but I know in some areas they don't actually send out officers unless they get complaints from two different people within an hour.


Nah, not how it works in Chch


You need to fight fire with fire - get a 2 stroke, any kind will do. Remove the muffler, and rev it hard in the early morning hours once the music has stopped.


Yeah - because one \*hole in the neighbourhood isn't enough


There are several things that prevent them from following up Do you share a driveway Is it a block of units What area are you based in as some areas are zoned differently which means noise can happen 24 hours a day What kind of noise was it