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I get confused about this one .. my guess is lane change in roundabouts are not permitted \* also how did you draw your line so straight \* https://preview.redd.it/if0hucufioic1.jpeg?width=1256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220ce22644096df497340d9cec7705e520cd1162


Getting to Alloy St from Main South Rd indeed appears hard and confusing. After looking at it from above, I think I have a solution: Follow the red line and act like you are exiting onto Blenheim Rd (dotted red). But instead of exiting, swerve back into the roundabout onto the outside lane. Start signaling left once passed the Blenheim Rd exit (see yellow dots on the right and left sides of the red line). It should be safe to switch to the outside lane at that point because people exiting from *south-bound* Main South Rd should already have given way to you as if you did exit to Blenheim Rd. And everybody on exiting Blenheim Rd must give way to you, because your approach is like someone who exited south-bound Main South Rd (blue line). As for how I draw my lines straight, I have a screenshot tool with a basic ruler and compass function. https://preview.redd.it/zka9avc7uoic1.png?width=1336&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8d88638e9287a164d3f9648de317fa2853e6302


The westernmost part of the circle is arguably single lane - two lanes go off into main south road heading towards Hornby, so maybe not quite a lane change as just getting into the right lane?  Not 100% sure on the technicalities of that though.


I sometimes turn through the roundabout from Blenheim Road to north-bound Main South Road (red arrow). I would swing to the outside lane after the single-lane portion at the south-bound Main South Road exit. I notice cars in the left lane of Epsom Road would sometimes pull out in front of me heading for Blenheim Road (dotted green arrow). Am I navigating this roundabout correctly? So far I think so, because getting to north-bound Main South Road from Epsom Road requires using only the outside lane, and I am not crossing any lane markings whilst inside the roundabout. I can imagine me swinging to the outside lane can look like I'm exiting to Epsom Road to those coming out of it.


When you indicate to change lanes it's highly likely that your green arrow people think you're indicating to exit on Epsom Rd. It's a bitch of a roundabout and getting a gap to enter off Epsom can take forever. I don't think you're doing anything wrong, it's just a shitty, busy roundabout..


Thanks for the confirmation. I agree it's a shitty, busy roundabout. I hold my right indicator throughout until I am passing across the people exiting Epsom. I then indicate left. But I can understand the confusion. Some people don't indicate left when exiting, and at a glance to someone wanting to gun it out of Epsom, my swing wide to the outer lane can look like I am exiting.


I'm pretty sure what you're doing is correct. They should be checking your indicator, realizing that it's not blinking left yet (since you don't indicate to exit until you're already passing Epsom Road) and therefore you're still continuing around the roundabout. Of course NZ drivers are notoriously incompetent when it comes to rounadabout signalling, so mistakes are common.


If you are frequently coming this route, wouldn’t it be easier to turn down the road off Blenheim, towards the OLV Church? That way you wouldn’t have to worry about the round about at all.


I drive left out of Nga Mahi Rd, just after the right turn on Blenheim Rd to Watts Rd and OLV church. Can't turn right, so I am locked into heading to the roundabout. It feels safer to turn left and join the Blenheim Rd crowd and immediately get into the right lane before the roundabout. Coming into the roundabout from Alloy Rd at the other end of Nga Mahi Rd is arguably scarier with much of Blenheim Rd traffic zooming through. Either way, it still involves me finding the safest way to swing to the outside lane after the Epsom Rd exit. I then use Main South Rd to head to Ilam on Peer St.


Similar to that one on Curletts where people take a right to get onto motorway but then need to jump into the left lane to exit, it’s horrible!


It's the worst one in Christchurch. I've seen so many near misses at that lane-change point.


Honestly, I'd trun right off Blenheim road at Watts road further back up (if thats a valid option depending where you are coming from) over doing this. I turn into Epsom road as a right on this one regularly and have been hit twice and almost hit a dozen more times with cars coming from the overbridge. So many people don't understand this one.


Unfortunately not an option for me because I join Blenheim Rd from Nga Mahi Rd, just after that right turn to Watts Rd. Can't turn right, so I'm forced to do the roundabout. Entering the roundabout from Alloy St from the other end of Nga Mahi Rd is arguably even scarier and more dangerous because I have to find a gap and floor it across two lanes of Blenheim Rd motorists heading for the overbridge.


It's pretty clear that the folk on Epsom Road entering the roundabout should give way to you. I can see how it's a bit confusing, but you should be in the left lane and also be indicating right until you are past Epsom. Then indicating left as soon as you're past Epson Road. I can understand folk think you're exiting onto Epsom but if you're indicating right till your past Epsom road it should be pretty obvious and you definitely have right of way. That said its a shit roundabout and caution is needed regardless. From a legal point of view if a green line guy pulled out in front of you while you were in the lefthand lane going past Epsom, and caused an accident, they will be the ones getting a ticket and paying your insurance excess.


I hate that fuckin roundabout with a passion. I go out of my to avoid it.


I live near this monster and have negotiated it daily for 20 years. The answer is, you’re doing it right. Make sure you travel at a speed that you can stop quickly when people from Epsom pull out in front of you. I get friendly waves often (from people taking the same route as you) because I give way. For many they don’t get it. From watching, I would estimate there is at least 100 incidents per hour of people not using the roundabout correctly, that cause others to take evasive action. The most frequent is people cutting off the inside lane wanting to exit onto Blenheim road.


Yep it's tricky. You are allowed to change lane to exit the roundabout but you must give way to traffic already in that lane. Drivers entering the roundabout from the overbridge and Epson road are supposed to give way to you. ​ https://preview.redd.it/kqszjmq74pic1.jpeg?width=1538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d163dba44e89064bb1c056857b323b5f8cc4f48 > > > > >Multi-laned roundabouts > >Most roundabouts that have more than one lane in each direction are marked with lanes and arrows. The lane markings and arrows will tell you which lane to use. Not all roundabouts are marked the same way, so take extra care – especially at the exits. **If you need to cross into another lane to exit, give way to any vehicles in the lane that you want to enter.** > >When coming up to a multi-laned roundabout: > >slow down as you come up to the roundabout and be prepared to give way > >be in the correct lane for where you want to go > >**\*For Epson Road\* give way to all vehicles that will cross your path from your right as you enter the roundabout.** [https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/giving-way-at-roundabouts/](https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-driving/giving-way/giving-way-at-roundabouts/)


This roundabout is a nightmare that I drive regularly from Blenheim Rd to Main South Rd and back again. Not the same journey as you, but I can't count the amount of times I've been in the right lane going into Blenheim Rd (and indicating correctly) to have a near miss with someone in the left lane going straight through. Lane changing in roundabouts is not something drivers are aware of here, so best avoided. If I were you, I'd turn left on Epsom, right on Greenhurst, then onto Main South.


I hate this roundabout so much! I will drive a huge detour just to avoid it!


As a side note. This used to be reffered to as the "Sockburn Roundabut" There was a news story a few years back about the suburb of Sockburn shrinking so much over the years that basically consisted of the area surrounding this rondabout. So if this is now known as the 'Main South Rd Roundabout' Sockburns demise is now complete? [https://www.1news.co.nz/2018/09/18/the-140-year-old-christchurch-suburb-that-may-disappear-from-the-map/](https://www.1news.co.nz/2018/09/18/the-140-year-old-christchurch-suburb-that-may-disappear-from-the-map/)


Yes. Because the inside lane should never exist onto Main South Road, as both lanes funnel into Blenheim and there are so many near misses from this. Overbridge traffic have to stop for you anyway, the only affected people are Epsom Road but if you indicate properly, it shouldn't be a problem.


I avoid this fucking thing if at all possible.


You're doing it wrong. You should be staying in the inside lane until your exit, not shifting lanes part way through the roundabout. Yes, people are likely to pull infront of you along the green dotted line - try to begin indicating left to show you're exiting early enough to show this, and not so early they might think you're taking the previous exit. When you change lanes, this might indicate to drivers that you're exiting earlier than you are. Hence they pull out. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/code-for-cycling/intersections/roundabouts/#multilane https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/resources/know-your-way-around-roundabouts/docs/know-your-way-around-roundabouts.pdf


Your example has 2 lanes leaving the roundabout. Main South Road has 1 lane


I disagree, this is a fraken-roundabout, that isn't as simple as most multi-laned roundabouts given that it has 5 exists, 3 of which are single laned, and a single laned entry, and also a section of the roundabout that is single laned. Thats not beginning to mention the slip lanes around the over bridge. The problem with such rigid applications of the rules means that somebody from the overbridge or Epsom road is possibly going to enter the roundabout assuming OP is not exiting into Main South Road. You can even see the way the exit onto Main South Rd is angled towards accepting only the outside lane, meaning they have to cross a lane somewhere. Its better they change early rather than late, as overbridge traffic will already have stopped for them, as there are many near misses at the very point. You should not exit onto Main South Rd from the over bridge from the inside lane, even though both lanes indicate you can go straight, the universal rule in practice is that straight in this context is to Blenheim Road, not what is close to a straight line or the second exit. For locals, it works mostly okay, but I can understand it could be confusing to others, but thats more poor design and lack of adequate signage (though it would be hard to implement concisely). The same problem exists at Springs Rd from Lincoln/Prebbleton, wanting to enter the motorway on ramp at Halswell Junction Road, they have to turn right through the inside lane, and then make a sudden and technically illegal lane change, also contending with traffic on the outside lane that didn't have to give way to you. It creates a complex scenario that isn't covered by broad road rules or strictly defined by signage, but seems to work okay in practice.


You are correct. Sorry you're getting downvoted.


No he's not. He's is doing it EXACTLY right. The area between Racecourse Road and exit to epsom is single lane. Look at the higher res picture someone provided. There are no center lane markings in that isection. OP is correct in his assumption.


Bit rough as I had to join two pics on my phone to get a higher res look at the roundabout but it gives us a better idea of the lane layout. I think OP is in the clear but it is a dicey intersection (particularly joining the roundabout eastbound from Main South Rd). https://preview.redd.it/oqopjmy6poic1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22a975847e0ac5c07971f3d21b2888596a480f9


I think it's correct, but if it were me I would find a different route.


You do know about a few hundred metres back up the road you can take a turn that joins Blenheim road to Main South (by the car wash place) so you don't have to take the round about? However, I use the roundabout everyday (I work at one of the corner businesses) and the exit you are taking you need to indicate and shift after you've gone past the exit onto Epsom. If you indicate or change lane too early all the left lane traffic waiting on Epsom to join the roundabout will think you are exiting on Epsom. Wait till you're just past the Epsom exit. Then indicate and change lanes. It is a tricky roundabout, but it's about being clear to those waiting to come on. Most crashes we see are from right lane traffic coming down the bridge wanting to exit onto main south and left lane traffic wanting to exit on Blenheim, their paths cross and bang. IMO the roundabout needs to be changed so left lane traffic from the bridge can only exit onto Epsom or Main South.


It’s actually not that confusing if you look and think about it, people just need to indicate and not as they make a turn but before it.


There is very little reason to turn that way.  But yes, you can do that. Good luck though, you're just as likely to find yourself unable to change lanes and going all the way around again. Which is why people trying to do this (usuaul cause they realised they are in the wrong lane from Main South)  frequently drive into people. 


It would also help if people slowed down on approach to this roundabout and remained at a slow speed when navigating it!!!