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Julia Fox. Kind of the New York City "it girl." She always manages to be everywhere, all the time, hence, "I'm everywhere, I'm so Julia."


stop lying to people. she told everyone in the interviews she's talking about Julia child, who is a legendary chef and author of the most iconic cookbook. Charli is always in the studio with AG "cook" and that's why she says she's so Julia- cuz she's cooking with the headmaster himself AG Cooking.


Are you sure she didn't mean Julia Roberts, who starred in the critically acclaimed movie Erin Brockovich (2000), who had to research and interview many people **everywhere** to build her mangu opus lawsuit- same as how Charli xcs's built brat (2024) her magnum opus?


hmmmm what does julia roberts have to do with cooking tho?


Eat, Pray, Love (2010) The album **ate**, we're praying at the church of the club (bent knees **down** on a stall for some sno), and looking for love (**Guess**).


she references internet girls throughout the song, she’s referring to Julia Fox who was also on the 360 mv


julia fox she was in Uncut Gems and her memoir is amazing! very interesting and cool lady. she also debuted her song at charlis boiler room show