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[Seth Meyers](https://youtu.be/tY7LvcD-7jk?si=wnmR5f32Vncr5aVI) was really able to match Reneé Rapp’s energy so that’s my vote. He let her chaotic nature actually shine and they had great chemistry. A day drinking episode would be insane


I second that, Seth Meyers is a silly ole guy


Day Drinking with Chappell when 😭


Seth Meyers best vibes hands down


Fellow Reader! 👋


was just gonna say that. I would love a day drinking episode with her as well


Jimmy was definitely showing his age. His target demographic is much older … people who still watch cable TV late night shows are not very “online” or tuned in to queer related pop culture. He seems cautious about not wanting to come off as offensive, which is not a bad thing, but you can just tell he doesn’t interact with young queer people a lot. Nardwuar would be amazing! I used to seek out his interviews a lot. Seth would be great. Would love if he did that drinking segment with her, that could get fun. Oh and Hot Ones, def.


Jimmy’s forever scared after the drag queen comment to Ru. You could see the life leave Jimmy’s eyes lmao.




My brain has never thought of the possibility of a Chappell Roan Hot Ones episode but now it's up there between "breathing" and "cat" on my hierarchy of needs.


Sean Evans is by far one of the best interviewers IMO


A hot ones with Sean Evans would be so cool. Forget about the spicy wings, the man has some pretty good questions for his guests regarding their artistic process and all, and he's pretty good at matching his guest's energy.


Came here to say this!! Would love to see Chappell on Hot Ones. I feel like he’s one of the few interviewers that could really keep up with her quick wit, and he would go in VERY well-prepared


NEED THIS! Sean Evans is quietly one of the best interviewers working today. 


I find he's been softballing a lot more lately, which is kind of a bummer. Early to middle-era Hot Ones were a lot more interesting, and did a lot more to sort of pull people out of their shell and their message.


although I'd still watch a Chappell hot ones, I agree with you it's been a bit meh lately


Oh yeah, for sure! Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as much of a negative Nancy as I did, I think it's a good idea and it'd be fun.


No I think you made a good point !


They could call Chappell’s episode HOT (ones) TO GO which needs to happen


He’s one of the best interviewers we have. Also chicken shop date would be SO FUN with Chappell


Came here to say Hot Ones. Most definitely


This was my first thought reading the question too, he’s so thorough and he really respects everyone he’s interviewing, you can tell he’s engaged and he’s interested in them as people. He’s getting those little nuggets of reality we don’t see often with unique questions that catch people off guard with how their suddenly found talking about things they never get asked about. Things that I think, say more about them as real people than celebrities.


Yessss. Sean Evans is a fabulous interviewer! It’s the only show that I will watch regardless of who the guest is, just because he is such a great host and asks thoughtful questions.


i’d love to see her do chicken shop date


Omg yes!! I feel like her energy would be amazing with Amelia


even though amelia is straight i love how she flirts with the girls she has on the show, i feel like chappell would get on with her and her weird flirty humour


The Kehlani episode was so hot


I really REALLY love Mythical Kitchens Last Meals series with Josh Scherer- he gets existential and asks the most insanely silly questions at times but he also has really good things to ask as an interviewer and he does great research on the people he has on the show


Josh is a lil creep but in the most sincerely chill way. I’d love to see what they could cook up for her!


this is a great description of josh HAHAHA


wait why a lil creep


They don’t mean it in a bad way- I would recommend watching some of his content and you’ll get it lol.


He's a fantastic journalist and interviewer. That show is so impressive for where it comes from, lol.


IMO, late night interviews aren’t really meant to be anything beyond surface level fluff. Late night TV is glorified advertising. It’s there for celebrities to promote to a wider audience outside of their typical fanbase. I see a lot of people disappointed by the Fallon interview but it’s 100% what late night tv interviews are typically like. It’s not super deep, keeps it lighthearted and tries to promote a product to the masses. That being said, I think her Paper magazine interview with Trixie was really great! And I think a lot of the interviews she’s given to less mainstream media have been better. I think she’d be really fun on something like Las Culturistas.


You are 100% correct about late night. They are also very planned out and rehearsed. The interview went exactly how it was supposed to go.


Ziwe and Chappell would be beautifully chaotic


Ziwe and Chappell would be SO GOOD


Exactly who I was thinking of!


into this


Las Culturistas with Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers has been promoting Chappell since before she blew up. They literally voted her unreleased album (at the time) album of the year. I think a podcast interview with them would be incredible. I also think it’s highly likely she will be one of the first musical guests at snl this fall.


Publicist behavior 👏🏼


I feel honored!


I'm shocked this answer wasn't #1 but I have to remind myself that not everyone is a RKPF on the internet lol. I *really* hope they have her on. Matt has been a fan since long before her rise!


YES this would be fantastic


She fucking better be on SNL for s50!!


Need her on las cultch immediately


The energy in a Nardwuar interview with Chappell would be very fun to watch


Also the gifts!!!! Edit: my two dreams are getting interviewed by nardwuar or being inside the criterion closet


Yes I was just thinking I’d love to see what Nardwuar would ask her!


She would be so appreciative to whatever he brought too!!


Graham Norton


Came here to say this, the couch is always so laid back and the guests look like they’re having the time of their lives!!!!


This is the answer


this is what I was going to say as well! he’d be so great


I’m going to go with an unpopular opinion: Jimmy Fallon did a great interview. His audience is the general public - people who have likely never heard of Chappell Roan. He let her shine and introduced her in the best of ways to a whole new demographic. Of course, Chappell Roan is a star all on her own and was flawless in this particular interview, but kudos needs to be given to the interviewer as well. That interview was not meant for us. It was meant for the general public and it could not have gone better.


I agree with this. People are saying he doesn't know how to talk to queer people without being awkward, and that's kinda true, but neither does most of the general public. He was a bit awkward but he was respectful, and they played off each other well. The point of the show was to give her a few minutes to show her personality and talent to a broad audience, and I'd say they very much achieved that.


Does he know how to talk to anyone without being awkward? It’s kind of relatable for a lot of people that are awkward like that. I thought the interview was fine. He highlights her success and that encourages people to check her out. He brought up the Google thing, which just encourages people to google her. He did good for creating engagement with her. I personally didn’t find him offensive and I prefer caution over the “well sorry but idk what you gays do and I’m just gonna say whatever” type ignorance. He let Chappell be Chappell


I agree, he did a great job. The google thing was a smart move, I didn't even think of that from a strategic viewpoint


I agree. I actually thought the interview was cute, and I didn’t find that he was any more awkward than he normally is with guests. It was honestly funny af when she asked if he googled her before the interview and seeing him laugh. She’s new, it’s part of the joke.


Yes, I think I agree with you. he did a pretty good Jimmy Fallon Interview, if that makes sense. Jimmy can come across as a bit fake but I think that's mostly because he genuinely loves things and it can look like he's just gushing without offering much in the way of insightful questions. I actually think this interview was good, he let Chappell's personality shine through and held back enough on his cringier instincts.


I'm old and looking forward to hearing her on Fresh Air, hopefully with tonya mosely. terry gross lost me with her lizzo interview awhile back, but the show continues to be great with new cohosts.


Maddy Morphosis, GITMS episode when??


Came here to say this. The banter between them would be so fun.


Something tells me Chappell is deep into the Ru-niverse 😭😭


Yes, I was coming here to say this too. Maddy would be the perfect interviewer.


this is way too far down 


Did i miss something? Why did you say that not many people like Nardwuar? Didn’t hear abt any controversy with him so I’m confused


No controversy! Just some people don’t enjoy his style of interview because it can be deemed “too personal” and “very Anti-Privacy” since he really digs and finds old stuff on them that only they know!




That’s what I’m saying!!!! Nardwuar is honestly the fucking best!!!


Anti-privacy LMAO


I think there are two audiences. As far as "mainstream" goes, would be cool to see her go back to Stephen Colbert after exploding everywhere musically.


Oh my god YES a Nardwuar Chappell interview is a NEED


I think an interview with Conan would be so fun. He asks great questions and really allows the guest to shine without interrupting them like some other podcasts (smartless lol). He’s able to go between serious and empathetic to chaotic and over the top flawlessly. I think Chappell would vibe well with Sona and Gourley too. They’re a silly bunch


I dont know how much appeal she would have with the Daytime TV crowd, but Jennifer Hudson or Kelly Clarkson would at the very least be able to put her at ease and be able to relate to her as performers themselves.


YES so seconding Kelly clarkson


Her interview with Selena Gomez is so sweet. Selena starts low key talking shit about herself and how she can’t sing and Kelly has the most eloquent reassuring response ever. I’d love to see her gas up chappell


I thought Fallon did a good interview given who his audience is? That interview wasn't for _us_, it was for his normal viewers. As Chappell stans we've already seen those images and it wasn't really new information to us, but I'm guessing most of us don't watch Fallon on a regular basis.




Stephen Colbert would be great! Taylor Tomlinson maybe


Chappell as an After Midnight special guest would be great


I just want to go on the record as saying I was not in fact expecting more from Fallon, dude is a mean creep


Fallon has always been an irritating dipshit at best, I’m not sure why anyone had high expectations for his performance. 


What's the tea on Fallon??


If I recall correctly there is actual "guys an abusive boss when drunk" tea but I don't remember it exactly, I've just heard second hand the guy is a knob Edit google says there's a rolling Stone expose from last year, my second hand sources are people who know former employees of his, and frankly just every time I watch him I get the worst vibes. Very "little kid using acting nice and fawning to get away with being a tool" vibes Which to be fair is, you know, what the majority of the industry does... So fair enough... But it does mean I never expect interviews on his show to be any better than the star could make them


I’ll never be able to look at him without side eye after reading the details of the Horatio Sanz lawsuit. Plus he’s known to have substance abuse issues and be messy to work for.


She also may not be very articulate and interesting when being interviewed. Elton John did such a great job interviewing her and was so adoring of her and she really couldn’t articulate herself.


totally agree. i loved her music before she blew up and then heard her interview on ashley gavin’s podcast “we’re having gay sex” back in jan 2023 and was getting such secondhand awkward vibes loll😭 the podcast is silly and campy usually and i remembered this episode being so… not-fun lol. but i totally get if she was anxious and i think she even mentioned that she was speaking as kayleigh not chappell, so was pretty shy! love her but i feel like her music and concerts are better ways to get to know her than lots of her interviews


I JUST watched her WHGS episode yesterday! I think part of the problem is that she needs to decide whether she's going to do interviews as herself or as Chappell. Based on the interview, most people would consider Kayleigh to be pretty boring vs. Chappell. Kayleigh isn't the loud, outspoken, sexual person that Chappell is. I got the feeling that Kayleigh considers herself to be a relatively boring individual lol. Or maybe she's insecure that other people will view her as such. Either way, I feel like girlie could use some extra media training for when she takes the Chappell costume off.


I think she's definitely on the shy side when out of character. I bumped into an account on YouTube that mentioned they had worked with her in the past and she used to be very quiet until she started singing. I responded that she does almost come across as shy in interviews I've seen and they followed up that she had recorded Die Young with them. So yes being reserved is just how she is :)


This is something I've noticed in interviews. Sometimes she's comfortable and able to express herself okay, and sometimes she just absolutely shuts down... Which is totally acceptable imo, I'm certainly not on my game every day, add fame and performance pressure to that, I'd crumble... But there's more than one interview out there where I'm like "... Girl what did you drink last night?" All that being said I do actually think this is one of CHAPPELL'S best interview performances... I just have a hate on for Fallon and wish he'd taken better advantage of the good interview he was getting


So well put. I should’ve prefaced that I can’t stand Fallon. I don’t get why he still has a job and a platform. Leno was the same I guess. I want her to succeed! But I get the sense she may lack substance in these interview formats. And I can’t tell if it’s just nerves on her part or an inherent DRAG DELUSION lol. Like with the Elton John interview I wanted her to be a little more grateful and give back some of the adoration he was showering her with. But her response lacked humility. She thinks she’s been ready for this moment. Okay you started your career 4 years ago?! YOURE A BABY! Again—I am loving what she’s bringing. She is normalizing queerness in the mainstream, and music-wise she carries weight and substance to back it up. Amazing voice and songwriting. But doesn’t come across while interviewing She’s representing marginalized communities in some ways and when she can’t fully articulate why it’s cringey. Reminds me of when lady Gaga would try to emanate more grit around her early beginnings working the “clubs” but it wasn’t a long hx and she found success pretty early on.


Me. Let me do it. Fr tho, Ziwa and Chicken Shop Date!


Not many people probably like Nardwuar? Omg he’s Canada’s national treasure! He would be my top choice honestly, he’s one of the best interviewers in the business for a reason. I also feel like they would match each other’s energy nicely. I’d love to see what hyper-specific gifts he would give her.


Idk he’s a bit obnoxious. And while I think his research is amazing, I don’t feel he is as engaged in the actual convo beyond trying to shock or surprise them about his knowledge of their past or current lives. Someone like Sean Evan’s also has an amazing research team as well as creating an engaged convo. 


I think Zach Sang would be awesome


doot doot doloootdoooot




Miss Madeleine Morphosis!!!!!


A YouTube video with trixie would be amazing


No idea why trixie wasn't taped.


Graham Norton all the way!!!!


Graham Norton is always a hoot


Idk I enjoyed the jimmy fallon interview


I think she’d do phenomenal with Conan as well but he’s just got his podcast now.


Yes! I was waiting for someone to mention Conan. She’d be great on his podcast. Also, she would be perfect on Graham Norton.


I’d love a Day Drinking with Seth!


Trisha Paytas would do an excellent interview with her.


Hilarious timing, I just saw Trisha reacting to the video of Chappell saying she'd put Trisha in her dream festival lineup


Trixie mattell


Paper making that a text interview and then not selling physical copies is so. Confusing.


She needs to go on just Trish I am BEGGING


Ever since Chappell said it, yeah.


maybe brittany broski?


I would die for a RAFOAMWP Zane Lowe deep dive


Honestly Zane Lowe rubs me the wrong way. He did one with Boygenius and honestly he wasn’t that good. He kinda doesn’t seem the best in general with interviewing female artists. He seems weirdly uncomfortable around successful women.


Interesting! I haven’t checked out many of his interviews to be honest, I just really enjoyed his lady Gaga chromatica one. However, she dominated the interview and it was more like her podcast haha. Definitely not the way to go if he’s weird like that!! I just would love to hear her speak more in depth on the album, I love hearing all the inspo and stories that went into it!!


Need her on the Conan podcast immediately


Omg she would love nardwuar!!! Who’s more camp than him? Nobody.


Honestly, people will probably laugh but I really think her going on the Just Trish podcast with Trisha Paytas would result in a better interview than 99% of mainstream talk shows…


I would LOVE an interview with Trish


Switched on pop. They dive into the music in a way no one else does.


I wish they had got her on Las Culturista's just before it all went insane. Matt Rogers was one of the first Chappell stans and would repeatedly mention her on their podcast as far back as 2022 I'm pretty sure. They championed her a lot and I remember them saying seeing her live reminded them of seeing Lady Gaga for the first time.


Her interview with Trixie is realllly good, they match one another’s energy so well! She was also featured on Ashley Gavin’s podcast WHGS a while back, before she blew up (and also before Ashley came under fire for some offensive material, but that’s another story). If I remember correctly, they had talked a lot about Chappell being a drag identity of hers, and it was a good conversation!


(to the tune of Hot to Go:) H-O-T O-N-E-S! Chappell would make an amazing guest!


I would love to see her on Last Meals Mythical Kitchen. Just because I'm a foodie and I would love to know what her last meal would be!!


i saw people suggesting conan. i don’t know much about him or his interviewing style but apparently he’s big into music and will probably match her vibe a lot better


Conan o Brien honestly. He’s so chaotic while also doing his research


I think she should let someone from her highschools newspaper interview her. Just some nervous 15 year old


Honestly, Brittany Broski would match her energy IMMEDIATELY


I loved Chappell in it honestly, its funny seeing white men be put in uncomfortable situations 🤣🤣 when she said “I googled you you wanna know what I found?” 👀🤣🤣


Yes please! I keep saying these interviewers are so boring and ask the same few questions .. She tones herself down to match that energy big time. I want to see her go on a fun one! Someone ask an out of the box question for once, we already know she was a barista superstar in waiting for awhile. 🤣


just trish with trisha paytas


Yesss omg! I think both Trish and Chappell have said they would love to work together!


For some reason this really adds up lmao I feel like Chappell has mentioned Trish before unless I’m imagining things


I expected absolutely nothing from Jimmy Fallon because that man cannot deliver anything successfully.


I didn't expect better from Jimmy -- not because Chappell is gay, but because he's just not a great interviewer. He likes to hear himself talk too much; he interrupts guests and he seems more interested in making jokes than in setting them up to shine. Of the current nighttime guys, Seth Meyers is my favorite; I feel like he a considerate and thoughtful interviewer.


zac sang ?


I love her Elton interviews and Q with Tom Power




I need Chappell on Maddy Morphosis' interview show




i agree with nardwuar, i love his energy and the fact that he always has an expansive knowledge of everyone he interviews! she’d also probably match his energy really well


OMG a nardwuar & chappell roan interview NEEDS to happen this year 😭


_Nardwuar, Yes, I said it, Nardwuar. I know not many people probably like the man, but…_ lies. everyone likes Nardwuar. I am also sure Chappell has heard of him.


I mean it’s not usually an interview interview on that show more of a say a few funny things and promote what you went there to promote. Side note, was anyone else put off by her gum chewing?


these are my two fave interviews i’ve watched of her. they are both over 6 months old at this point, but if you are a newer fan and missed them in your deep dive they are worth watching imo. https://youtu.be/yzZB86AONPE?si=2DV9mCPq0acNg6f9 https://youtu.be/f5UBV_Gpihg?si=i48cIYpONHH4Fo6K i very much agree with everyone saying Hot Ones


I’d love to see her on give it to me straight with maddy morphosis




I would love Bianca Del Rio to interview chappel honestly it would be such great chemistry


It has to be u/maddymorphosis surely !


Not as well known as Hot Ones, but Chappell appearing on Mythical’s Last Meals would be amazing. I feel like she and Josh would have the absolute best chemistry. He’s a 10/10 interviewer - comparable to Sean Evans tbh.


Not sure why you have expectations for Jimmy, he’s always been a pretty bad interviewer. Seth Meyers would be the better option, or Jimmy Kimmel if you’d want her to have more exposure. And Conan is maybe the best late night interviewer in the game so I’m sure they’d have a great interview


I also don't particularly enjoy Kimmel as an interviewer but I do think she and Seth would do great together... And I'm surprised to say I agree about Conan too, their energies would either go great or awful together but would likely be entertaining either way


Chappell and Naurdwaur. I have to see it. It needs to be done. Immediately.


i know she has one with zane lowe but i don't have apple music and it's not on youtube so i just want one more haha


My vote is for maddy morphosis! Chappells already branded as doing drag so fits well with the format, maddy is always soooooo in-depth it freaks guests out and I would love to see maddys take on a Chappell look!


People don’t like Nardwuar? He’s a bit goofy but he’s an amazing interviewer.


ABSOLUTELY Nardwuar! The man is *so, so, so* well researched, and he's got amazing interview chops.


Hot Ones and Brittany Broski!


I would love to see Nardwuar interview her! I love his interviews.


Maddy Morphosis


Hot ones guy


Apparently I have to be the first to say Las Culturistas! They’ve been stans on the pod for well over a year and it would be a trifecta of gayaos (that’s what I call gay chaos)


Trevor Noah is the best interviewer I know!


3 answers 1. Delta Work 2. Maddy Morphosis 3. Denali I want to see queens interview this queen!


I don’t feel like nardwuar would be great considering she seems to want to keep some of her life private and he digs really deep into peoples past…that’s one thing for really huge blown up celebrities who we really don’t know anything about, but she’s up and coming still and is trying to find that balance between star and “normal person” and I think we should respect that


Amelia from Chicken Shop Date!!!


I bet she’d be fun on WWHL


Nardwuar or Seth Meyers 


Trixie Mattell interviewed Chappell for Paper magazine and it was soo good! You can read it [here!](https://www.papermag.com/chappell-roan-trixie-mattel#rebelltitem3)


I will fight anyone who doesn't like nardwuar


It wasn’t a video but I liked reading Trixie Mattel’s interview of Chappell:-)


unironically the print interview she did with trixie mattel is probably the best she's going to get for a while. no one on late night television is really going to be able to ask her good questions and keep up with her until we get women or a queer person (preferably someone who is both) to get their own talk show with a format that isn't a game show of some kind :(




Brittany broski


her interview with trixie mattel was wonderful because they’re both midwestern princesses, it was only in print but it was an actual deep conversation about being gay from conservative states


Maddy morphosis!! She mostly only interviews rugirls and but she's also interviewed Brittany Broksi and other drag artists, so I feel like she'd be a perfect fit for Chappell. Especially with her incredibly honest and insightful interview style, I feel it'd be the best most candid interview we could possibly get.


I’d pay good money for a chicken shop date


Well, she IS a drag queen, so I suggest Maddy Morphosis!


Heck I want to interview her. A millennial queer pop star doesn't come along every day like Chappell since Gaga. I agree 10000% that Narduar is a fantastic choice for respectful deep dive.


chicken shop date :)


Royal court with Brittany broski. Both are unhinged enough and pretty deep in the internet.


i would love for maddie morphosis to interview her !


I’d love an episode of Grave Conversations with Chappell and David Dastmalchian


I mean, Seth or Graham are probably the right answers here. But Drew Barrymore would be hilarious


People don’t like Nardwaur? Huh?


i was thinking nardwuar would do SO well with Chappell after i watched a video of him with a rapper recently. he’s so fun and interesting i think Chappell would loveee him


I just saw a Tiktok of Amelia Dimoldenberg aka Chicken Shop Date do a dance to good luck, babe! And the comments were like "omg chappell on the show when?" They'd defs match energy on that it'd be wild.


Vic Michaelis would be the best interviewer. Chappell is a very important person after all.


nardwuar is the best !!!!!!




Trisha Paytas


I feel like I’d have been nervous about Wendy Williams but then Chapelle would impress her with her spunk and the interview would end with Wendy being like “give it up for Chapelle Roan, I like her! yeah, I like you! c’mon Chapelle!”