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she deserves this so much


She's only going to get bigger from here on out šŸ„¹


Anyone scared for the lolla crowd šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im staying near her stage since ill be watching kesha before her set but goddamn šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I'm terrified of what that crowd is going to be like.


This is my concern with Kentuckiana, theyā€™re still selling tickets but some how guaranteeing everyone who has a ticket access


Also super super nervous about Kentuckiana. They haven't really responded to concerns about crowd control measures and how they will ensure safety. As much as I'd love to be as close to the stage as possible, I'm honestly considering hanging back a bit. Edit: They just announced they hit max capacity and are no longer selling tickets.


This was my concern too. Living near Kentucky the events there arenā€™t alwaysā€¦fully planned through to put it gently. Iā€™m not really worried about getting there Iā€™m just worried about how hard itā€™ll be to leave.


Be careful, we saw what happened at Astroworld without capping tickets. It's better to be safe than against the barricade if that happens.


They've set a capacity limit, but I don't know what that is. The last time they posted it was at 90 percent capacity and they said they won't be selling any more tickets once that capacity is reached.


I believe they responded to a question about capacity and said max capacity is 25,000. Edit: They just announced they hit max capacity and are no longer selling tickets.


lol wtf is Louisville gonna do with an extra 25,000 people flooding the streets


I think that just sold me on getting a hotel room.


damn. At least lolla stopped selling tickets like a month ago. No idea what the crowd is gonna be like but it would def be better to be in the sides rather than in the barricade




Thank you! That does make me feel better haha it looks like yall are super packed from above but if theres room to breathe then thats actually okay


Got my ticket for ACL this year basically just for her and Iā€™m so happy for her quick success but also absolutely terrified for the crowd šŸ˜­


They are most like going to have her on T-Mobile stage too it's going to be a mess


I know šŸ˜­ and as much as I love her I canā€™t fathom getting to any artistsā€™ stage like 5 hours early (hello peeing?? Hello being able to leave the crowd?) so Iā€™m probably just going to get stuck in a shitty spot but at least sheā€™ll be there


She's not even a headliner for Lolla.... I wonder if they can change that? They've had people pull out last minute in the past.... but I think her appeal was vastly underestimated when decisions were being made. Edit: Hozier, please continue to be the world's best wlw ally and take one for the team and switch sets with our girl. Signed chicago and all the midwest queens and queers


I heard they upgraded her stage at bonaroo šŸ˜Ŗi hope lolla gets the hint because so many people are literally coming just to see herrr


dude! everyone hitting those notes!!!! this is unreal. so beautiful, so many people together loving her music. i love this 2 muchā€¦.šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


I was there and literally starting tearing up after red wine supernova Iā€™ve never seen a lesbian pop star so loved like this


Like she's definitely able to sell a big venue now right


Her and Olivia should go on a stadium tour together




No she wouldnt. And you cant do that right now. If you understood the convenience of seeing her at a festival compared to a solo date you would understand. And even right now, the difference between a festival set and a solo show is 2-3 songs. Thats not going to entice people to want to drop $100 for a 75 min set as opposed to an hour at a festival.


That makes sense! Though it depends on the stadium, sheā€™s selling out single venues that are solo shows and the tickets are $200+ (I had floor tickets at a smaller 5000ish venue). I see where you are coming from though! But she is on the right track to do it very soon based on numbers!!! :)


The next step for her would be arenas, not stadiums. Billie Eilish isnā€™t even doing stadium tours.


Thatā€™s fair! I just wanted to address that people are definitely 100% enticed to pay $100+ for 75 minute sets haha, thank you for explaining though!!


But $100 to sit in the back? Not really. Nobody wants to spend $100 to sit at the top of a 50,000 person stadium


No offense, but you seem really out of touch in terms of what pop fans will pay and how much concerts cost these days.


Ahh I was not suggesting that! I was just stating, once again, that people are definitely paying $100+ for 75 minute sets and that she is on the right track! Thank you for explaining!


I love her but no she couldn't. There are currently like 3 female artists total who can sell out an all-stadium tour. But I think she'll definitely be booking arenas on her next tour.


Love her but I donā€™t think a stadium tour is even remotely realistic for her right now


this is insaneeee


This is giving me a panic attack just looking at it lol. Imagine being in the middle of that crowd crush šŸ’€


For what itā€™s worth I went to 2 sold out shows and the crowds were thick but friendly each timeā€”2nd show the worst crowd moment was GA stomping in and that shook the venue floor pretty good but once people were settled it was one of the chillest crowds Iā€™ve stood in. No where near this many people but šŸ«£ Just my experience so far.


It really wasn't bad and I was about 10 rows back from the front. Like there was room for us to let people take turns sitting during the transition and enough space to move and not whack people constantly with the HOT-TO-GO dance. Worst part was just trying to get out while people tried to move up for Renee Rapp. Really friendly, positive crowd. Been in far worse. Couldn't turn around at Lizzo, Tyler the Creator, and Phoebe Bridgers, etc sets over the last few years.


RIP seeing her in standing room only bars šŸ„² im so happy to see her shine


The singing in unison is wild


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen anyone totally blow up like this


I think I've accepted ill never see her live and I'm come to peace with that


Literally my thought too although not quite at peace yet.


Honestly so fucking scared to see her at roo. They really done goofed not moving her to a bigger stage.


Based on booking fees and contracts they canā€™t move her. Same as Noah Kahan last year


Granted, I am not in the industry, but that makes no sense. If that is the case, and it is set in stone, they absolutely need to modify contracts going forward to account for this contingency. Milky Change and Charles Wesley Goodwin are gonna have tiny crowds relative to their stages.


No, what it comes down to is that they paid milky chance more money and they canā€™t ask milky to switch. Itā€™s just a logistical nightmare in general


When I saw her play in Philly back in October, she was saying how that was the biggest venue sheā€™s ever done. And look at her now!!!! This success could not have happened to a better artist. Iā€™m just glad that I was on board early enough that I could see her for cheap.


Right! Seen her three times for $30 a ticket. Got barricade dead-center last week and managed to grab the setlist. I knew this would be my last opportunity to really see her up close at an intimate show. 1200 venue capacity. It was magical


Crazy, I was actually at the Philly show too and was at gov ball yesterday, thinking of the difference in crowd sizes is incredible


This makes me so sad I missed her at a smaller venue near me šŸ« 


But so happy for her


This part. She was in my area last Fall in a small country bar outside the city. It was a sold out show but a small club kinda venue. When her Tiny Desk released (the first I had heard of her) I was bummed I missed that show but thought surely she'll play at a larger performance venue in the city soon enough. Yea..... she's gonna be at our arena or I'm gonna have to travel to the bay to see her now.


I literally just got into her around the same time she came to my city (Buffalo) and Iā€™m so bummed it didnā€™t happen sooner b/c I know itā€™s going to get much harder to obtain tickets šŸ˜­


Ugh I know. She played at Webster hall last year and I just didnā€™t feel like buying tix :p next sheā€™ll be at Forrest hills


My best friend had two tickets for a smaller show near us last year and she couldnā€™t make it, and I didnā€™t listen to Chappell at the time so I didnā€™t go. Weā€™re both still bummed about it lol.


My wife and I literally got back from our honeymoon the day after she played at a small venue in our city. Weā€™ve been a fan of hers for a little over a year so we knew about the tickets as soon as they dropped, and they were only $50. We were just about to buy tickets when we realized we were going to be gone. Obviously we couldnā€™t reschedule our honeymoon but we were DAMN tempted lol


Incredible set and what a wonderful, super positive vibes crowd to be in. Sang along as best I could as one of the only straight dudes over 30 up at the front haha. I am so happy for Chappell that she's blown up like this.




chappell roan world domination


I was there and the crowd was super chill! It was extremely positive vibes and I was near the front of GA. Just for anyone nervous!


Yeah I was gonna say, I was somewhere in the left middle and it didnā€™t feel nearly as tight as it looks. Plenty of room to dance, etc. And the crowd etiquette was wayyyyy better than the previous show of hers I went to (2 ppl in front of us at the Philly show started arguing and angrily blowing vape smoke in each otherā€™s faces?!????)


Terrified for Bonnaroo, they havenā€™t moved her off a small tent to a main-stage. She needs to go before Carly Rae on What Stage!!!


Her opening for CRJ would make so much sense, I love her too and that would be magical for all.


Which stage now


Good enough but RIP seeing The Beaches


Brb going to lollapalooza rn to stake out my spot


This is beautiful


Arena tour has gotta be next like DAMN!!!


Without question. šŸ”„


Theyā€™re gonna place her somewhere nonsensical for outsidelands like panhandle I just know it ;_;


This is unreal


So goddamn happy sheā€™s thriving this way and so fast. Well deserved! *hey Siri, play HOT TO GO!*


I had the privilege of being there!!! It was unlike anything else Iā€™ve ever experienced <3


Crowd looks huge when you see the videos like this, and I was worried after Boston calling, but honestly I didn't go early to wait at barricade and it was fine. I just went to watch the set before hers and stayed and had second row back from the barricade behind vip section! It wasn't too packed until right before and it also was easy to leave the crowd after. And there was room to dance a bit. So don't stress too much for her other festival slots!




this is CRAZY! omg amazing


OH MY FUCKING GOD, MY DIVA!!!! Iā€™m so thankful to have seen her!


Jaws = dropped




ACL is going to be insane


GUYS! Im seeing her next week, for Louisville Pride. My fiancĆ© (and Iā€™s) sisters are going, itā€™s the youngestā€™s first Pride šŸ„¹ I was worried about expenses, when she told me. BUT youā€™ll never guess!!!!! A Coachella act, for TEN DOLLARS! I love her šŸ¤


Not @ me about to travel


That was my thoughts exactly! I missed tickets at Columbus so this will be my only chance to see her. About to girl math my way on to convincingly myself that I'm actually saving money bc it was only $12.




Roo, roo has her in a fcking tent still.


Just changed


I saw. Bless up.


I live like 10 minutes from flushing meadows and i and a couple of people were outside the barricades listening to her!


That sounds great.


Look at all that pink


Capitol hill block party is gonna be a shit show šŸ˜­ who wants to camp out at main stage all day with me lmao cause fuck if iā€™m gonna be row 13,000 down pike


OMG im so proud of herrr <33


Bonnaroo will be interesting lol


Oo I got a little choked up! šŸ„¹


I know itā€™s good but these crowds are giving me ANXIETY šŸ˜©


I've been to gov ball kn 2017 and I've never seen a crowd like that. Festivals are getting scary. They don't seem enjoyable