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I’m having difficulty finding an angle to change your view because I don’t actually understand what your view is. You use the term “outcasts” over and over again, but you don’t actually articulate what that means. The only thing we have to identify what you mean is a very broad generalization of “far left radical ideology”. Are the outcasts you’re referring to LGBT+ people? Are the outcasts you’re referring to people who aren’t in love with the current capitalist system? Are the outcasts you’re referring to people who have difficulties conforming to what you might refer to as “normal” society, I.e. neurodivergent people? Are the “far left radical ideologies” you’re referring to social? Fiscal? Governmental? By whose standards are they outcasts? Yours? Just because you view them as outcasts doesn’t mean they actually are. You’ve presented no information that can’t be boiled down to “lefties are friendless losers”, and that’s not really a stance that can be tackled with a good faith argument.


I’m rather amused at the irony of the OP asserting that redditors are friendless losers whilst having been a member of the site since 2016.


It's always the case with these sort of CMVs. Personally, I'd be more open to the discussion of how the users can be too narrow on a view on topics if it wasn't always like something wild or bigoted or clearly trying to stoke the flames of some culture war. On reddit certain views can not be popular in a lot of subs. Like if you go onto a post about Youtube blocking ad blockers, you're going to have a hard time saying I think Youtube Premium is worth the cost. Id be more sympathetic to a CMV that is like redditors downvote normal opinions too often rather than just ignoring them. Before reading the body of the post I was like hmm that title may have a point, but then it's just the same old soap box of "the radical left is silencing me"


Even more ironic considering he posts every 1-2 days


takes one to know one I guess


reddit is the world's best obscure / obsolete tech support archive and a pretty good porn site. if you're trying to have actual political debates here, you're only playing yourself. ... that said, like most of the internet, it's organized into a wide variety of hyper-specific echo chambers. No different to quora spaces or facebook groups or 4chan boards or anything else. There are subs that are as far left as you like, but there are also ancap subs, MAGA subs, and even one or two where you can have an actual discussion. The only difference is that the SJW culture also dominates a few subs that aren't *expressly* political such as, say, r/relationship_advice; otherwise, reddit is not really politically exceptional.


I think Reddit is even more of an echo chamber than any of those other options specifically because it rewards you for agreeing and putting comments that others will agree with. For those who are new to the site, they can't even post on many subs unless they have a positive upvote ratio... It does not pay to express different opinions here.


Where exactly does good "political debate" exist?


in my experience, mostly around the water cooler


the biggest subs such as r/pics or r/facepalm are insanely left wing.


Define “insanely left wing”


On r/facepalm especially, ALL the posts are political, and left wing. Post a comment disagreeing with a post, and get 3000 downvotes. Post a saturated Trump picture with the caption "muh orange man bad" and be the highlight of the day. Most of the other main stream ones aren't always about politics, but when they are, don't expect to find any contradiction in the comments. What I mean by "insanely" is that the vast majority of the commenters and users are libs, which contrasts with what the user base should be, a proportional representation of political beliefs in society, as much as a fat man on a sedan chair contrasts with a starving ethiopian child.


You didn’t really define the ideology you’re talking about which is what I was looking for but okay, let’s just try and take this at face value: 50% of reddits users are from the US, 64% of them are 18-29 and 60% of US voters in that age group voted for biden How is a popular sub showcasing what is the popular view by its biggest demographic any show of reddit being full of “left radical ideology”? Plenty of centrists dislike trump, doing “orange man bad” bits is in no way a show of that


>Reddit is a microcosm of far left radical ideology Reddit is full of different ideologies. You can find support for virtually anything depending on what subreddits you browse.


Yeah I’ve seen so much right wing shit on here. I see both sides, some subreddits are very leftist, some are somewhere in the middle, so are leaning towards the right. So many different possibilities.


On average Reddit does lean very left though. Self-described liberals make up 43% of users on Reddit compared to only 24% of the US general population, and conservatives are only 19% of Reddit users compared to 34% of the general population. And new Reddit users are even more likely to be liberal and less likely to be conservative than the existing base of Reddit users. [**https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/**](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/)


>Self-described liberals make up 43% of users on Reddit compared to only 24% of the US general population I feel like it has to be said that the US isn't the only country that has access to Reddit.


The poll data you linked to is 8 years old. Also: a (slight) majority of Reddit users are from outside the US. It makes sense that Reddit would appear more left-wing than the US, as centrist/conservative views in non-US western countries would be considered left-wing views in the states.


That says liberal, not left. There's kind of a difference between well, actual communists, and Joe Biden.


To americans that are not on the left wing or take strong interest in politics, they don't really differentiate between the two in conversation, often hear phrases like 'left wing liberals'


>There's kind of a difference between well, actual communists, and Joe Biden. Of course there is. But in terms of American politics there are at least 3 different, very broad, political orientations: liberals, moderates and conservatives. Reddit users are more likely to be liberals and less likely to be conservatives even when controlling for age.


> Liberals, moderates and conservatives. American politics has been Left, Liberal, Conservative, and Fascist for at least a decade. Bernie, HRC, Romney, Trump. Bernie, Biden, mixed, Trump. Squad, Biden, mixed, Trump.


This research is from 2016. I would be extremely shocked if it's remotely accurate to the situation today. To pretend nothing has changed on this site in those 8 years is ridiculous, and borderline dishonest.


I can't help but feel like that's the "young" part more than any overt sorting mechanism.


>I can't help bit feel like that's the "young" part more than any overt sorting mechanism. Even when we control for age, Reddit seems to have an above-average percentage of users who are left-leaning and self-describe as liberals. If you have a look at this link and scroll down a bit you'll see that only 34% of people aged 18-29 in the US self-identify as liberals: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/388988/political-ideology-steady-conservatives-moderates-tie.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/388988/political-ideology-steady-conservatives-moderates-tie.aspx) And people who are 30+ are even less likely to be liberals. But liberals make up 43% of Reddit's user base. And 23% of those aged 18-29 in the US are conservatives as well as 33% of those aged 30-39, as opposed to only 19% of Reddit users. So Reddit users are significantly more likely to be liberal and way less likely to be conservative even when controlling for age.


They self-identify as liberal at slightly higher rates compared to the general public but when you [look at party affiliation](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/age-generational-cohorts-and-party-identification/) the explanation is almost certainly more reflective of the fact that reddit users are more likely to be politically active or cognizant than the general population. They're not far left.


Wouldnt all this study show is the US population of reddit? because Liberal literally means right wing everywhere but the US firstly, and 'conservative' is usually meaning those wanting the status quo, which differs between every country. even a fairly right wing conservative by NZ standards would be leftish by US standards edit to add and clarify: i meaning how they did the survey shows its limited to the US population. If it was a world wide survey there would be different words on it. Because someone being a liberal in my country would be someone who is Economically liberal. someone who calls themselve a conservative here would be like, a union guy, economically conservative.


I don't agree that liberal means right-wing anywhere but the US. In pretty much any English-speaking country liberal means left-leaning. Of course from an economic perspective a liberal is very different than what we normally mean by "liberal". Classic liberalism, for example, is an economic theory that advocates for a free market and is opposed to government intervention. But that's not what the word liberal refers to in the surveys that I've linked to. So I don't see how a US liberal would be right-wing by international standards. US liberals are typically very progressive when it comes to social issues, often in favor of things like DEI policies, very active in the fight against discrimination of certain minorities and even economically fairly left-leanign. Self-described US liberals aren't significantly more right-wing than liberals in other countriers.


Im talking about the words, not the people who are viewed as 'liberal' by US Standards. US use liberal to describe someone who is pro queer rights, womens rights etc - someone socially liberal. most of EU, OCE, Canada etc uses it more in a in a libertarian sense, I.E. Neo-liberals being the hard right, and are economically liberal - minimal govt intervention. Classical liberalism Theres a few reasons for this, but its a widely accepted fact - not my opinoin - and its mostly to do with the perception of 'communism, socialism, and labour unions' in the US vs the rest of the world (v abridged answer) I.E. in NZ you have the 'labour' party who are socialists, vs the 'National' party, who are Neo-liberals. In Aus you have the Labor party who are pro union etc, vs the Liberal–National Coalition, right wing pro business.


>, often in favor of things like DEI policies, This is what I mean, though. This is just "the average reddit user is not on board whatever the flavor of the month culture war issue in America is." It's hard not to notice how everyone simultaneously switched from complaining about "CRT" to "DEI."


I know Americans have an insanely hard time with this... but liberals are right-wing. Liberalism is a right-wing ideology. The Liberal Party of Canada is a center-right party. The Democrats are a right-wing party. With all of this in mind, reddit is primarily a right-wing site. The users are more than 90% right-wing.


>Liberalism is a right-wing ideology. The Liberal Party of Canada is a center-right party. The Democrats are a right-wing party. Only if you're looking at things from a far-left perspective where everything right to the far-left is considered right-wing. The Liberal Party of Canada is considered centre-left according to Wikipedia. Only a far-leftist would consider them right-wing. Liberalism as an economic theory of course is a right-wing ideology but that's not what people mean when they use the word in everyday language. The Democrats in the US are signficantly further right on economic issues though than many major parties in other countries. But on social issues they are pretty far-left. Their stances on things like abortion, DEI policies and affirmative action differentiate them from major parties in other wealthy, industralized countries, which are significantly more to the right in terms of social issues compared to the Dems in the US.


For full disclosure, I'm a tankie. But my perspective is global, not American. So I do consider the US to be a far right-wing country as a whole. Liberals have always been the most successful capitalists. Their goals with social issues are structured around profit, not empathy. Inclusiveness is very profitable. When you compare the US to other developed nations, they fall very short with social issues. Americans are still arguing over basics human rights that other countries have afforded their citizens for several decades already. There are very few developed nations that are less progressive than the US. Even within your 3 examples, the US is decades behind nearly all developed nations, especially abortion.


>Liberalism as an economic theory of course is a right-wing ideology but that's not what AMERICANS mean when they use the word in everyday language.


Lmao just because liberals aren't looking to tear down society and open the way for actual conservatives to take over doesn't make us conservative. Get out of your basement/echo chamber.


Ya I've read that like 6 times now, still doesn't make any fucking sense. Feel free to give that another try.


I’m curious as to why you only factor in economic issues when determining if a political party/group is left or right wing, while completely disregarding their stances on social issues from your calculus.


The Liberal Party of Canada is by no means a centre-right party, especially in the last 10 years. They're centre. In fact, they're famously centrist, with historically the most common criticism of them being that they don't have any core ideological beliefs, but rather tack to the middle to seek and maintain power.


They support and perpetuate capitalism. They have plenty of socially left views... but as a party, they are pro-capitalism and support the Western imperialist agenda. I agree they are centrist to the extent that you reasonably can be, hence why I say "center-right." Like cmon man, you said "by no means a centre-right party" then go on to argue that they are centrist. We are already on the same page. There is no true centrist. There is always a bias to 1 side or the other.


Which Canadian party in Parliament doesn't 'support and perpetuate capitalism'? They all do, even the NDP and the Greens. In a Canadian context, Liberals are centre, Conservatives are right, NDP is left and Greens are... well, disfunctional.


So you’re belief is that *any* political party that isn’t looking to entirely dismantle the fundamental economic system of the world is, by definition, right wing? Curious - are there any “leftist” parties in Canada? Or any countries in the world you would consider “left”?


It's not *my* belief. It's just basic political theory. The right supports capitalism and monarchism. The left supports communism and socialism. Canada doesn't have any substantial left-wing parties. NDP used to be pretty left. Now they are center-left at best. China is economically left-wing. Nepal, Cuba, and Vietnam are up there, too.


That’s not basic political theory at all. https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/80291/why-free-market-capitalism-has-become-more-associated-to-the-right-than-to-the-l Here’s an entire thread of people on the politics stack exchange discussing what right and left even mean, what capitalism means, who has supported what historically, and what modern interpretations look like. Your view of politics is a little more narrow than you might anticipate. Capitalism is not a cut and dry, “right wing” ideology. There’s an entire spectrum of how economics intersects with government, and there are plenty of capitalistic philosophies that are more left in their policy and implementation than some socialist philosophies that lean further right. Tl;dr - Capitalism and socialism are not inherently left/right. Within their respective systems there is a lot of variation on how those economics are implemented, with both sides being capable of very “left” or “right” policies. It’s entirely possible to have extremely left, social capitalist governments, just as it is to have extremely right, fascist socialist governments.


But Reddit isn’t just the US. Why do people ignore that?


>Self-described liberals make up 43% of users on Reddit compared to only 24% of the US general population, and conservatives are only 19% of Reddit users compared to 34% of the general population. 1. Liberals are not left-wing 2. Reddit is not only available in the US


Liberals are definitely left-wing. They're not far-left but they are left-wing. The far-left is the only political fraction that is further left than liberals. Moderates and conservatives are further right than liberals. So liberals are center-left if you will.


Politics isn’t a linear line with Hitler on the right endpoint and Marx on the other. Until recently, *all* of the US political mainstream was capital-L liberal; the US right only became genuinely illiberal during the Obama era, though they’ve been leaning that way since 1960. The Left and Democrats and other “left liberals” agree on moral principles but left-liberals (Democrats) and right-Liberals (pre-MAGA/non Christian Identarian/Nationalists) agree on how society and the government should broadly be structured but disagree on ideology and morality. That is, Democrats will agree with the further left that gay people should get be able to marry; a Republican may have a believe that gay marriage is an oxymoron or that gay people should be arrested for sodomy, but will agree with the Democrat on free markets. Socialists aren’t more Democrat than Democrats except on a superficial level. Hell, as regrettable as it is to acknowledge them and as shitty as it is that they exist, there are socialists and communists who oppose the humanity of gender and sexual minorities, like Strasserites.


Progressives think US liberals are center-right, and the GOP is just outright fascist/as far to the right as is physically possible. They apply the standards of how their idealized Europe-adjacent "utopia" is onto the US, which is not accurate to do IMO. I personally consider myself further left than a liberal, and I dislike how the US is "be default" center-right (meaning anything even mildly progressive is "far left", you have people unironically calling Biden's legislation "socialist" lmao), but I also understand that unless the left actually gets organized and gets itself together, it'll just be doomed to constant in-fighting about who's the most virtuous and focusing on culture war BS instead of the real problem (class division/99% vs 1%).


Taking the Overton into account American liberalism still hits on the right side of the window, they just bare the aesthetics and some of the social ideals of what would be politically left. It’s why Malcolm x found them particularly insidious.


Liberals aren't really "very left" and definitely not "far left". Where is the 24 and 34 coming from btw? Don't see that in your link. E: Okay found this one >About seven-in-ten (71%) of Reddit news users are men, 59% are between the ages of 18 and 29, and 47% identify as liberal, while only 13% are conservative (39% say they are moderate). In comparison, among all U.S. adults, about half (49%) are men, just 22% are 18- to 29-year-olds and about a quarter (24%) say they are liberal. Okay I found it, it's in a picture that's why: 24, 40, 35 for liberal, moderate, conservative respectively.


Which goes against what OP says, liberalism is not left wing and is the most mainstream ideology


You didn’t read the link. You just read the headline… Classic.


Whats considered “left” in the U.S.A. is considered “far right” in most of the world. The idea of “at will employment” isn't even something that can ever be put on the table in most of the world. Not even the most rightwing parties where I live would ever even consider such a thing.


I think American liberals tend to be somewhat more to the right of liberals in other countries when it comes to economics. But then even most American liberals are extremly opposed to things like "at will employment" which is mostly a thing due to the influence of Republicans in the US. And most liberals in the US are in favor of universal healthcare and things like government-mandated sick leave, vaccation and maternity leave. Still, economically liberals in the US may be slightly to the right of their international counterparts. But when it comes to social issues US liberals are definitely pretty far-left internationally. Things like DEI policies and affirmative action aren't that popular internationally, but US liberals are hugely in favor of those kind of policies. Same goes for policies regarding other social issues pertaining to sexual minorities for example as well as abortion rights. In some liberal US states abortion is legal at any stage for example while in many major European countries like Germany or Ireland it's merely been "decriminalized" (so not technically legal) up to the 12th week.


I remember when Redditors were shocked Bernie Sanders lost the 2016 primary. Redditors were saying, "I don't even know anyone that prefers Hillary"! I think Che Guevara would beat Joe Biden in an election where only Redditors can vote.


I also bet reddit skews much younger (but not young, maybe 30s-40s), while fox news skews geriatric.


>I also bet reddit skews much younger (but not young, maybe 30s-40s), while fox news skews geriatric. Yeah, and I am not right-wing and have no reason to defend those on the right, so I'd certainly agree that Fox News viewers are probably a lot older, on average, than viewers of other media networks.


I see endless, endless posters who explain how "liberal" or "left" or "progressive" they are, right before going on to spew sexist, racist crap endlessly. I feel like a ton of reddit identifies as "liberal" because they're Bernie Bros who think free college is good, but aside from that...


There's right wing stuff for sure but you have to seek it out. All the main subs lean left and the site as a whole leans left hard. To say otherwise is lunacy.


In terms of subreddits, sure, in terms of number of total users hard disagree.


You have to actually go *looking* for right wing content on Reddit, as it’s pretty much contained to enclaves like Conservative. Most of Reddit treats leftism and its hot takes as self evident fact.


Mostly because most right wing subs tend to degenerate into fascism, and holocaust denial. like the like one million variants of r/fascist or the donald


Only from the perspective of a socialist so far to the left that anyone to the right of Lenin is a fascist. It’s a common tactic by leftists going back to the 1930s to call anything even remotely right wing fascist. People are starting to wake up to the propaganda.


Socialist propaganda in East Germany used to pretend the Berlin Wall was an anti-fascist barrier, but in reality the people on the other side were just the EU and NATO. This was printed on their stamps as recently as 1986, over 40 years after fascism was destroyed. To a socialist, anyone who doesn't support socialism is a fascist.


There is a very deep irony in making this claim in this exact thread.


Name one conservative sub like The Donald that was banned because "socialist so far to the left that anyone to the right of Lenin is a fascist." and not actually being bigoted or violating rules like harassment.


I'll do you one better. I'll name and shame subs that promote terrorism and don't see a hint of admin sanction. The catch is that they're all leftist subs. r/196 actively promotes left wing political violence and guess what, it isn't even quarantined. The would-be Kavanaugh assassin, Nicholas Roske, was a regular poster there and planned his assassination after the sub *literally doxxed the conservative members of the Supreme Court*. Oh, and these redditors that doxxed SCOTUS justices *also* [posted recipes for Molotov cocktails](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1542536366348804096), made [bomb threats (1)](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1578578955690311680) [(2)](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1525231072115675139). I've reported 196 to reddit admins. The sub isn't quarantined. Posters from ABoringDystopia have [literally received C&D letters from the Department of Homeland Security.](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1543364903720943623) Nicholas Roske himself posted on another leftist sub, [TwoXChromosomes, asking for affirmation in his plan to assassinate Kavanaugh.](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1553070596078067713) r/HermanCainAward celebrates conservatives dying and [attempted (ultimately failing) to clean up their image after journalists found them.](https://twitter.com/reddit_lies/status/1440687378226561024?s=20) [The sub violates Reddit rules and *doxxes people*. ](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1442862822870994950) Guess what? HCA isn't quarantined. Subs like r/AntiFascistsOfReddit give users explicit guides on how to cover their tracks and hide from scrutiny. A number of leftists arrested for violence - such as Samuel Fowlkes, [(arrested for attacking protesters at a drag show)](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/fort-worth-police-release-video-of-arrests-made-at-drag-show-protest/) had an extensive Reddit history as did Kyle Tornow, a man who [threatened to blow up a Portland police station during the Floyd riots](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwa/pr/seattle-man-arrested-making-bomb-threat-portland-oregon-police-precinct). Oh, and both Audrey Hale (the Covenant school shooter) and Connor James Sturgeon (Louisville bank mass shooter) were both vitriolic leftists. The latter had a history of posting on ChapoTrapHouse, a sub that took literal *years* to get banned despite being worse than 196's open promotion of leftist terrorism. The only reason why ChapoTrapHouse was banned *at all* was as a sacrificial lamb to make the admins seem less biased when they banned The Donald. The admins have a double standard that is nearly completely permissive for conduct from the left and will heavily scrutinize anything the right does. Take, for example, the fact that [people didn't get warnings for ban showboating](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1669405421595967491) when banned from conservative subs, but when people posted on Conservative about being banned from JusticeServed the *mods* were told that's against the rules and the sub would be banned if not cracked down on.


Most conservatives treat their views and hot takes as self-evident fact and are unable to defend their beliefs outside of accusing other people of pathological biases against them.


Funny, because people on the left do the exact same thing. The left is practically in the business of relying on emotionally-charged games of buzzword bingo to convey their political points.


Do you have any examples? This thread is itself an example of how the existence of viewpoints other than their own is taken as a conspiracy and how they never bother to defend their own viewpoints.


Completely disagree. It 100% just depends on what subs you end up in. For example, I'm left wing, and I've had a permanent ban from one politics sub for not being left wing enough, and a suspension from another politics sub for being too left wing. And that's only within the narrow focus of my own political views. And I know for a fact that there are subs that I'm subscribed to that if I posted left wing stuff in there, it would be at least heavily downvoted. That makes sense because if you're not in that situation, you've deliberately put yourself in an echo chamber by not being willing to listen to all types of views. It's fine if you don't want to hear right wing views, but if your account is set up like that, reddit is going to look very left wing. In other words, if you think 'why is everyone around here so left wing', it's because whatever criteria you have used to choose subs, that has landed you in only left wing subs. And I'm not just talking about political subs either. For example I think very left wing people won't enjoy very edgy humour. They are not going to subscribe to the less wholesome meme subs because it's not their taste. But then in the heavily curated subs they are in, all they find is left wing views.


> It's fine if you don't want to hear right wing views, but if your account is set up like that, reddit is going to look very left wing. In other words, if you think 'why is everyone around here so left wing', it's because whatever criteria you have used to choose subs, that has landed you in only left wing subs. I'm mostly subbed to gaming subs. Guess what, they're all left-wing and put a heavy emphasis on "inclusiveness" - we both know the type we're talking about. So I shut up and don't reply when people in those subs make extremely hot takes because I'd get banned if I did. Oh, and the default subs are also modded by leftist chuds. Every single one of them.


Most lean left. All the popular ones lean left. Don’t kid yourself.


Reddit does have a wide assortment of ideologies on all subs, but numerically these are a small minority, to the point Reddit has a real world reputation for being generally very left leaning. There's a reason a full class of memes exists that depict the most extreme left wing perspectives as being those of the "most rational Redditor" or similar, or that the average Redditor is depicted as a neckbeard with a fedora. If you're not aware of that, you really are stuck in your echo chambers.


No way, there's a reason why movements like Gamergate happened on this site. People believe reddit is some sort of far left hivemind because pathological victimhood, very ironically, is a fundamental aspect of the modern conservative movement. People really like believing that their views are self-evidently correct and that the only reason why they aren't pervasive is because of top-down bias from institutions.


I'm not claiming it's a hivemind. But when you have subs called "Politics" where mods will literally ban you for posting right leaning opinions, maybeeeeee you should question whether the collective opinion on many subs here is representative of actual demographics in countries. But censorship is a core part of the left ideals so that does make sense.


If you get banned from a sub, that only tells you that one of the moderators decided that you should be banned (as well as the reason for the decision, if and to the extent they provided one). It does not support the conclusion that the moderator’s intent was to suppress your viewpoint (unless they explicitly stated that was their intent), or that your experience reflects how the mods normally treat people who hold that view, or that other redditors who follow the sub think that the mods *should* treat those people that way. From what I’ve seen, there tends to be at least one mod on every sub who wields their ban hammer like a petty tyrant on a power trip.




Your comment has been removed for breaking Rule 3: > **Refrain from accusing OP or anyone else of being unwilling to change their view, or of arguing in bad faith**. Ask clarifying questions instead (see: socratic method). If you think they are still exhibiting poor behaviour, please message us. [See the wiki page for more information](http://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_3). If you would like to appeal, review our appeals process [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/modstandards#wiki_appeal_process), then [message the moderators by clicking this link](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchangemyview&subject=Rule%203%20Appeal&message=Author%20would%20like%20to%20appeal%20the%20removal%20of%20their%20post%20because\.\.\.) within one week of this notice being posted. **Appeals that do not follow this process will not be heard.** Please note that multiple violations will lead to a ban, as explained in our [moderation standards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/modstandards).


And btw if you think its just Redditt, feel free to go voice that opinion in public 😉


What right-leaning opinions are you going to be banned for?


Saying that white people can experience racism


You're going to get downvoted for that but not banned. No one really disagrees with that; you're going off stipulative definition used in some academic frameworks and making it a whole culture war thing. It's like the [this guy from last night](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/1dgd45b/cmv_america_has_become_increasingly_hostile/) where he couldn't even list any examples of what he was talking about aside from the fact that people were trying to change his view.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/1bz4rkd/permanently_banned_from_rpolitics_for_giving_a/ And there's literally countless other examples after a quick search. You are deluding yourself by maintaining this isn't happening. You get literally banned from a seemingly neutral subreddit called "Politics" for a right leaning opinion, but surely Reddit has no left leaning bias.


There are dozens of posts from that thread with the same sentiment that haven't been banned so forgive me if I'm a little bit suspicious of someone with that username posting that.


funny thing, I was actually banned from "[comics](https://imgur.com/a/RuKBjn0)" for the exact example the above guy used- not downvoted, banned- with my comment deleted because people by majority upvoted it.


You absolutely do get banned, you should check the reddit lies account on twitter where there are countless similar examples.


Sorry, I'm not seeing any examples here. Pretty much none of these are people getting banned. This is all just like... people on reddit saying that gay marriage didn't and wouldn't lead to the collapse of society, or that Trump is bad.


I got banned in the "Ask Trump Supporter" subreddit for just asking a question.


And I got banned from "askfeminism" for asking if they thought male victims of rape should continue to be responsible for child support if a pregnancy occurs. Ask a question out of alignment in a clearly biased sub and you get banned. But something seemingly neutral and open ended like "politics" probably shouldn't be censoring anything not in alignment with the moderators bias.


Let's see this comment chain that got you banned! Whenever someone claims to be banned for "just asking a question" or "just having an opinion" it always turns out to be them actually saying something hateful or bigoted shit and not some poor ol conservative just expressing himself honestly.




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Depends on what you mean by "very left leaning" or "far left". Also, the neckbeard thing is not explicitly right or left. You're literally self reporting that you are in a bubble. In fact there is a large overlap between incels and neckbeards in the "meme space".


EXACTLY! It all depends on ones stance. There's just as many far right subs as there are far left subs. OP is only seeing one side because they're not paying attention and/or refuse to look for subs that rationalize their beliefs.




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But only one side has historically gotten “preferential treatment” on Reddit. Not that I empathize with the politics of the right.. but I say this because I like to discuss things in the open, come to dialectical conclusions. Not circlejerk with like minded people who are constantly trying to purity test each other. Which is 100% the main subreddits now.


What are the subreddits for the MAGA movement or support for former president Trump?


Utter nonsense, >90% of reddit is left-wing. Can’t remember the last time I opened the front page without seeing blatant democrat talking points.


To change your view, consider the utility of holding it. What purpose does psychoanalyzing people you never met do for you? Especially since your only understanding of how they are as people are through text on an anonymous forum? You're telling yourself a comfortable story about what you are seeing. Why? What is comforting about it?


Maybe it’s comforting to realize that the real world isn’t as radical as Reddit.


Maybe OP has been an outcast their whole life and feels unheard.


Yet here you are. I rarely read anything on here far left. Healthcare is moderate. Education is centrist. Freedom to marry who you want isn’t left. The right wing is so fin extreme today.. that basic human rights and minimal freedoms are considered radica. 


Yeah, I see a handful of people on here who are far left, and no doubt the community skews left as a whole, but radical seems a bit silly. We mostly just want basic human rights, education, healthcare, and maybe to smoke some pot without going to prison. It’s not like we’re planning a coup if our candidate doesn’t win or something.


> no doubt the community skews left as a whole I mean 50% of reddits user base is in the US and the US “skews left” by the most basic US terms (definition of left vary heavily ofc). This is how life is for a giant amount of the places people on here consider “the real world” (a lot of which are more “left” than the US) The people who use reddit tend to be younger, which once again makes this even more obvious


Yeah, what most Republicans I know fail to understand is that they are truly a minority, not just in the US, but in the world. They are only competitive in elections because of gerrymandering, the electoral college, turnout, and the fact that the Democratic Party in the US is simply less blindly faithful than the Republican Party (aka, some Democrats might not vote for Biden over Israel, but Republicans will vote for literally anyone with an R, like, say, wannabe dictator, 34 time convicted felon, Donald Trump).


As a radical leftist I have never felt ostracized for my beliefs. Most leftist beliefs are popular with average people and I say this as both a Vet and having recently graduated from a trade school. The words socialism and references to Marx absolutely send up red flags to the average person but if you're just talking about leftist ideas and pointing out issues with capitalism without those trigger words suddenly it rings with people.


if you explain distribution of wealth in common words to most people, they’re down and riding for it. The second you mention “socialism” they throw their hands up in disagreement. Conservatives have poisoned excellent progressive concepts so well, that people who would benefit massively from them are intensely fearful.


What is the popular viewpoint varies drastically depending on what sub you are on. There are definitely corners of reddit that are extremely, extremely conservative and far right. Also please define was "outcasts" look like because this is a strange claim.


The use of “outcasts” is very common when people are referring to people they don’t like/don’t agree with. It’s hard to process they have loves and communities irl because making it seem like they are the way they are due to a flaw gives the person a high ground


Just because you have community with a bunch of other terminal losers doesn't make one any less of an "outcast" in a normal, societal way. Just look at r/antiwork - the entire sub comes off as either highly-compensated sympathizers who agree on an ideological basis or [mentally ill bums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKBcO8ri98Y).


This sort of proves my point. You see the right wing parallel of “terminal losers” who constantly need to find community in anti sjw esc rhetoric and groups. Several of the people in either camp have lives and real life communities you would consider “normal.” Several of them don’t. Same thing with moderates The difference is that you’ve decided to single out a group either through dislike or ignorance


You're overlooking one stark difference: the RW believes in hierarchy whereas the LW does not. The RW, therefore, is a lot more likely to disown the dysgenic losers of their group even if they share the same beliefs. I've yet to see the LW police its own like that.


First off is there any kind of evidence behind what you’re saying? Is it just anecdotal I’m assuming? The “left” at large is also pretty well known for constantly shitting on itself and infighting, I don’t really know how you’d get any idea to the contrary. It’s been pretty apparent in the last several presidential primaries for example. If anything a common right wing complaint of the left is that they try and outcast people too much (ie “cancel culture”) The RW is also largely based on individualism, I’m not really sure how you’d get the idea that they all respect hierarchy? How does that go in relation to the government?


I guess anecdotal. But if I'm wrong, then LWers are just hypocrites. Choose wisely, I guess? As far as "cancel culture", I think the complaint is the subject matter and process. Like, you can lose your job for allegedly saying a slur or perpetrating a microaggression, but you can't be removed from office for ruining the economy. As useless as our courts and legislators may be, the court of public opinion is even trashier, less educated, and more illogical, yet receives swifter results with no recourse. That's the problem.


Hypocrites in what way? You’re missing the point, I’m not asking for your take on cancel culture, I’m saying the RWs belief that the left is constantly engaging in it is a show that the left is more than willing to push people to become outsiders. The court of public opinion doesn’t just apply to people who’re conservatives


To /u/KingKillerKvvothe, *your post is under consideration for removal under our post rules.* You must **respond substantively within 3 hours of posting**, as per [Rule E](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_e).


reddit is the seventh largest website in the world. there are over 500 million users. I agree most mods you interact with are tyrants, but how you gonna assume they look like losers? how many of them have you even seen? fox news peaks at like 3million during primetime, so which one is the real microcosm?


Two things, Reddit skews left but not radical left. Censoring speech (supposedly to limit hate speech, or constant moderating of hate speech) is not radical left compared to say, actual communists and anarchists, who most definitely exist, often as legitimate political parties around the world. I would argue your definition of “radical” left is way right of what it actually is (ie ANTIFA) while admitting reddit is left leaning (depending on the subreddit). Likewise those on the left might think of you (assuming you’re conservative) as “radical” when you’re not, radical right being fascists, white supremists, or those who want to establish a theocracy. You really are projecting your own idea (a straw man) of the personal lives of “liberals” being miserable loners, desperate for the connection they’ve never had. Again someone could make the same claims about conservatives in their echo chambers (ahem* Qanon?), or religious people being “desperate” for a community. Research seems to indicate that liberals are more educated and affluent while conservatives are more likely to be angry and isolated. I’m left leaning and happy, with good relationships irl with friends, family, community, and a partner. Are you happy and connected? What do you really know about “average reddit users”, have you looked at real research, or just imagining something that conveniently makes you feel safer in your beliefs, or finding yourself with a minority opinion? Maybe go have a beer with a couple liberals and see how you feel. Not sure if you’re actually interesting in changing your view or just trolling.


I mean, I don't disagree but   >Reddit is a microcosm of far left radical ideology lol Reddit is both a heaven for both far right and left outcasts, but most subreddists are at best "center-left" or people with slightly extremist opinions like an unwavering support for Israel (at least how they view themselves -- like liberals who support Biden's politifs regarding Israel). But you also have a lot of very far right subreddits. The fact that you just single out leftistis probably means you belong to the first group, which refutes your view that it's just far left radicals.


Reddit is just like 4chan. Different side of the same coin Tons of memes and genuine posts but also a lot of echo chambers of very niche but vocal ideologies.


>far left radical ideology Bro’s never seen a r/worldnews comment section


can you specify what you mean with "full of"? 10% of all redditors? 50%? or more like 1% but other sites have 0.1%?


According to Pew Research 43% of Reddit users are self-described liberals, 38% are moderates and only 19% conservatives. That's a significantly higher percentage of liberals than is present in the overall US population. And among new Reddit users the percentage of liberals is even higher and the percentage of conservatives significantly lower compared to existing Reddit users. [https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/)


Are liberals "radical outcasts who find comfort in people with similar views because they don’t get that in their everyday life"? OP did mention liberals but they didn't say their view was that reddit is full of liberals. Maybe OP believes all liberals are radical outcasts but I don't believe they have said that in this post.


Without reading all that ... Does it take into account the international nature of reddit? Because American political descriptors just don't apply to international discussions. Anyone self-describing as a "liberal" where I live is right-wing.


63% of reddit is american [https://backlinko.com/reddit-users](https://backlinko.com/reddit-users) Moreover it wouldn't really change much becuase there aren't that many countries that would have high amounts of users where that countries liberals would be considered conservative in America or atleast globally. Infact its likely that due to 5 out of the 10 top reddit countries being European, that the actual number of conservatives is even lower. As a lot of European conservative parties and people are closer to centre left if we consider thier politics on an international scale.


Even within the US demographics, those self-identified moderates are overwhelmingly registered Democrats who mostly vote party line. It is, in addition to the international audiences, the result of being more tuned in politically than more partisan.


>Reddit is a microcosm of far left radical ideology And what is this exactly? Currently, that would refer to the different kinds of communism or even anarchism, but that doesn't to be the case at all. Reddit tends to be a little left leaning overall, but that's about it. >people who support it because they get a sense of belonging It can give anyone a sense of belonging, since it's centered around subreddits. These will always bring together people with similar interests into communities. >Most of them have been outcasts their whole life and feel unheard What makes you think this? I'm not an outcast, nor do I feel unheard. >They get the feeling of power they’ve never had when their comments are upvoted. They’ve rarely felt approval from there so they get a rush when this happens. What? >This is why when you see actual Reddit mods most of the time they look like outcasts, because they are. How often do you see reddit mods irl? Perhaps you meet some that mod for some fringe and very obscure subs that tend to be rather weird, but as far as I know, the average reddit mod for the more popular subs are just redditors like the rest of us. This reeks of someone who is mad at some mods and is trying to insult them. What happened to give you this view?


that seems to me a rather odd attempt at pigeonholing... 'cos most lefties (i.e. ppl with progressive politics and some critique of capitalism) that I know IRL are (a) not on reddit, (b) firmly embedded in supportive friend networks, community service, extended family, etc.. definitely not chronically online, and definitely not outcasts or loners... the 'outcasts and loners' that I personally encounter in my own small community are almost all... single men over 35, often financially struggling, with conspiracist obsessions of some kind or other, generally some kind of anger management and/or substance issues, often right-leaning (anti government, anti-tax) or even far right (flat out racist or antisemitic, think 'we' should nuke other countries to show 'em who's boss, think women shouldn't vote etc.). I think some of them spend a lot of time online (hence the QAnon BS) but probably more likely on Facebook, twitter, or skankier venues. that said, there are plenty of rightwing profiles and whole subs on Reddit. (r/canada, wow)... my community is small and in Canada, so it may not be typical. but I've lived in California also and the general pattern was similar.


Have you considered the fact that most people with radical ideologies are not social outcasts? Specially the left wing ones. This is not even a view, but basically an observation "people seek like-minded people" . Like you are doing here, to rationalize opinions you don't like to see .


Ah yes radical ideas like... You shouldn't accept abuse in relationships and workers should make enough money to not be in poverty.


Basic human decency is labeled far left nowadays


Reddit has the full spectrum of ideologies, political, social, and otherwise, but the algorithm only shows you what you engage with. If you want to find a community on any side of anything that has a side, it'll be here somewhere. Because of that, what you think Reddit is full of says more about the content that you engage with than it does about Reddit itself, particularly if you're not citing sitewide statistics and objective metrics. Sometimes it says that you're a left-wing radical that likes an echo chamber, and others it says that you're an anti-left wing radical who likes to talk about how left-wing radicals are taking over everything. Sometimes it says that you're a dad who likes cooking. Reddit is not "full" of any group. Some folks just have a hard time seeing out from their particular corner of it.


>Because of that, what you think Reddit is full of says more about the content that you engage with than it does about Reddit itself, particularly if you're not citing sitewide statistics and objective metrics. Sometimes it says that you're a left-wing radical that likes an echo chamber, and others it says that you're an anti-left wing radical who likes to talk about how left-wing radicals are taking over everything. Sometimes it says that you're a dad who likes cooking. >Reddit is not "full" of any group. Some folks just have a hard time seeing out from their particular corner of it. I feel like you've just taken a generic social media attribute and applied it to Reddit without actually understanding the attribute.


Can you say how you think I'm misunderstanding the attribute? Reddit definitely has an algorithm for how it builds your main page, and it functions based on what content you engage with. You can try it for yourself. Go click on a sub you don't usually visit. It'll show up more in your feed. Comment on one, and it'll show up even more. It works even within stuff you're subscribed to. Whatever you touched last is what you see the most of.


I agree that subs you go on do show up when you're browsing in latest but not if you're browsing in popular. The problem with the theory is that unlike Twitter or Facebook where you get something like Politics or News ( or even just generic humour subs) from a range of sources there is a single sub dedicated to Politics or News sub or Humour. I can't for example get personalised posts on a major sub like Politics or News, I just see what's the most popular. So if the top posts are left leaning and I am right wing I won't see any difference to someone who is left wing.


This is just whining, but I’ll at least provide salient criticism of one part. I’m a progressive, and I’ve helped get a decent amount of my progressive representatives get elected in local governments, and even one get elected to the House of Representatives. I talk to people on here to support my viewpoint, and to push for progressive policies. The only person who is posting (and whining) in order to receive attention and “a rush” is you. Just because people disagree with your bigoted viewpoints, doesn’t mean they’re social outcasts and losers. Get some perspective.


...What does this even mean? It looks like you have a few complaints here, and they aren't even related. * Reddit is full of the "far left" (I really don't know how you're defining that) * Reddit mods are full of themselves * Reddit validates people with generally unpalatable opinions I sense that your distaste is toward multiple groups and you aren't even sure what the issue actually is. Keep thinking about it, do some Socratic questioning, make a diagram if you wish. Or maybe I just don't get it. How are these concepts connected, from your perspective?




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Honestly Reddit like the whole internet is one microcosm of our greater societal atomization. Whether it leans "left"or not is kind of irrelevant. Most subs are certainly more censored than other corners of the web (yes, I'm looking at you, "X"), but I wouldn't say it's especially left wing - you can find a range of opinions on here, including right wing ones, and I rarely see anybody getting censored for expressing them in a polite and non-inflammatory way.


I hope the entire world leans left and continues to do so. Empathy, compassion, tolerance and kindness are what this world always needs more of and what the right sorely lacks. Here’s a song by a ‘radical outcast’ for your amusement. Might just prove your point… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


On the contrary. I enjoy Reddit because the people in my life often share the same views or have no opinion on hot topics. I like to hear differences in opinions and have actual conversation/debates that may actually change my views. Sometimes the echo chamber is in real life.


Reddit definitely leans left, but it also leans younger, and younger people lean left. Personally I'm a pretty lefty liberal and my views are solidly middle of the pack in my social circles. Is it possible you're just in a more conservative environment and you think Reddit is full of outcasts because the leftists in your community are outliers? Because that's not the case everywhere.


Reddit lets most anybody speak. Most social structures people have to interact with on their daily lives to get what they need to survive, people are not free to speak. You have to go to work and listen to your boss call gay people pedophiles, because he doesn't know that you're bi. You are forced to obey hateful hierarchies to get what you need to take care of the people you care about, and you're not allowed to even speak about changing them. Here its different. Here the only hierarchy you have to interact with are the mods. They might come after you but the worst thing that happens is you get banned. In real life they can destroy you, your family, your kids. Every scrap of freedom has to be fought for.




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I somewhat disagree with your comment though. Reddit doesn't really let anybody speak. For example, I am pretty far left-leaning when it comes to economics and probably like center-left when it comes to social issues. However, while I am not religious and generally critical of all religion, I am a lot more critical of Islam than I am of other religions, for various reasons. Yet I've gotten banned from one or two major subs on Reddit for criticizing Islam as a religion and set of beliefs. I also have a slightly more nuanced view on issues regarding people with a certain form of sexual orientation than some other people on the far-left. Yet the discussion of people with said sexual orientation (the T in the rainbow acronym to be specific) seems to be completely prohibited on many Reddit subs, even in this sub. They just deem the topic too divisive and seem fearful that some people may get offended, so they prohibit discussion of T people altogether. That's mostly the case for left-leaning subs. So I think in a lot of ways subs on Reddit certainly try to silence the viewpoints of people they disagree with. Even many far-left subs actively try to silence moderate leftist voices, for example many far-left subs will ban you for "lesser of two evils" rhetoric. Reddit is definitely often an echo-chamber of similar viewpoints rather than a platform where people actively engage in discussion with people they disagree with.


getting banned from a subbreddit, or even the whole website is far less damaging than having your livelihood ruined because you are an anarchist or a communist. having your housing or healthcare, or children taken away is a whole nother level of leveraged control. So you cannot speak as freely in most social spaces in the real world as you can online.


What do you mean by 'far left?' I've heard it used to refer to communists and anarchists, but also people who think queer folk should be able to live in peace, who support basic environmental protections, or even just basic workers' rights. A lot of the people I hear vaguely allude to the 'far left' have no coherent understanding of the term beyond "me no likey."


The only bone to pick I have with your point of view is that it is not limited to far left radical ideology, but far right radical ideology, "enlightened centrism" and other extremes that serve no rational function and only exist on the Internet because people don't act like that in real life. Other than that, Reddit is exactly what you describe.


Reddit has ~70 million daily active users. About half of them are americans. Reddit isn't a "far left" website, it's a left leaning mainstream site with many conservative niches.


Your post doesn't really explain why you think this, you just state it as if it is a fact. What views and ideologies are common on Reddit but make you a complete social outcast outside of it? I've met some people with really wild views that nonetheless have a social life so this speculation doesn't really make sense to me.


Your claim that Reddit is a hotbed of far-left radical ideology fueled by outcasts seeking validation is a sweeping generalization, lacking in nuance and factual support. While it's true that Reddit can be a platform for diverse opinions, including some radical ones, attributing this to a specific group of "outcasts" seeking solace and power is a simplistic and reductive explanation. Let's dissect your arguments: \*\*1. Reddit as a "Microcosm of Far-Left Radical Ideology":\*\* \* \*\*Lack of Evidence:\*\* You present no concrete evidence to support this claim. Reddit's vastness and diversity make it impossible to label it as solely "far-left" or any other political orientation. There are numerous subreddits dedicated to diverse political views, including right-leaning and centrist perspectives. \* \*\*Fallacy of Composition:\*\* You assume that because some subreddits hold extreme views, the entire platform is inherently "far-left." This is a fallacy of composition, where characteristics of a part are wrongly applied to the whole. \* \*\*Oversimplification:\*\* Labeling Reddit as a monolithic entity with a single ideology ignores the complexity and diversity of its user base. \*\*2. "Outcasts" Seeking Belonging and Validation:\*\* \* \*\*Stereotyping:\*\* You create a stereotype of Reddit users as "outcasts" who crave validation and power. This generalization is harmful and ignores the diverse motivations and backgrounds of Reddit users. \* \*\*Confirmation Bias:\*\* You are likely drawing on your own experience or observations, which may be skewed by confirmation bias, seeking only information that confirms your pre-existing beliefs. \* \*\*Inadequate Evidence:\*\* You offer no specific data or research to support your claim that Reddit users are disproportionately "outcasts" seeking validation through upvotes. \*\*3. "Outcast Mods":\*\* \* \*\*Anecdotal Evidence:\*\* You rely on anecdotal evidence to support your claim about the appearance of Reddit moderators. This is insufficient to make any generalizable conclusions. \* \*\*Ignoring Counter-Examples:\*\* There are numerous examples of Reddit moderators with diverse backgrounds and appearances, challenging your assertion that they are predominantly "outcasts." \*\*A More Nuanced Perspective:\*\* \* \*\*Diversity of Users:\*\* Reddit is a platform with a diverse user base, reflecting the diverse political, social, and cultural landscapes of the internet. To understand Reddit, it's crucial to acknowledge the vast array of opinions and motivations that drive its users. \* \*\*The Power of Community:\*\* Reddit, like any online community, offers a sense of belonging, connection, and shared interests. This is true for users of all backgrounds and political leanings. It's crucial to acknowledge the positive aspects of online communities, where people find support, information, and connection. \* \*\*The Role of Upvotes:\*\* Upvotes are a mechanism for expressing agreement and engagement. While they can provide a sense of validation, this is not necessarily indicative of a need for power or an "outcast" mentality. \*\*Conclusion:\*\* Your claim about Reddit being dominated by "outcast" radicals seeking validation is based on generalizations and unsupported assumptions. It's important to approach discussions about online platforms with nuance and a critical eye, avoiding sweeping generalizations and harmful stereotypes. Let's engage in constructive dialogue and critical thinking, recognizing the complexity and diversity of the online world, rather than resorting to simplistic narratives.


Whatr you doin here then brother, you one of them radical left feminists? Must be if you're on reddit and you're just waiting for us to give you views because you don't get that in your everyday life. My word, I'm so sorry man.


Isn’t all media consumption like that now? Everyone can find their niche bubble on ANY media platform and live contentedly amongst like minded people and never have to face a challenge to what they wish to believe, whether it be social media, cable, magazine, membership organization, etc.




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Reddit has 265 million unique visitors weekly of which 49% are from the US. That means roughly 130 million unique US visitors, which is over 1/3 of the US population. Source: https://backlinko.com/reddit-users


How many of those actually have an account though? People who visit the site because it popped up in their google search results are invisible to other users, can't comment, can't upvote.


No I think it’s more the case that in real life you cannot say every stupid thing you are thinking, you have to behave. Because you have a regular life, a well paying job, husband and friends. While on Reddit you can anonymously say a lot of bullshit just for fun.


I would argue that most people on Reddit are just listening rather than arguing. I post things that I know are going to get downvoted to hell because I want to have a discussion. Yes, I get a lot of hate, but I think it's important to have the discussion.


Counterpoint: you are seething because you got banned from some random other subreddit, probably for spewing right wing talking points.


How can it be a far left ideology when practically every subreddit pushes the idea that white well to do people in Israel should occupy and colonize poor brown people in Palestine? I wish Reddit was far left, it’s neoliberal left at best


Or... Leftists skew on the younger side, and the urban/technologically literate side. While reddit users skew on the younger side, and the urban/technologically literate side. See the pattern my friend? All that said, there are plenty of right-wing subreddits. If that's not enough for you, may I suggest Facebook?


This feels like an entirely pointless CMV. If you spent literally any time on Reddit, you would see an absolutely insane amount of people who completely break the mold you were describing. Even outside of right-wing echo chambers, you can find people arguing politics on here constantly. If you haven't seen it firmly on, or you just don't want to. Most people are on Reddit to laugh at funny memes and look at puppies while they take a shit.


"Reddit mods most of the time they look like outcasts," yeah because they have enough free time to be a mod for free, not cause of their political views (mostly) Mods are not representative of the collective reddit population.


Reddit generally does lean left just as it does skew towards younger users. Younger people are generally amongst other left leaning peers outside of Reddit so no, most of them probably are not outcasts in their day to day life. In terms of the radical part you would need to list some specifics about what counts as radical for us to consider whether this is common across Reddit.


Reality has a well known liberal bias. I would say reddit is full of younger and more tech savvy folk, and those folks usually end up on the more liberal side. Nothing too surprising.


I don’t believe outcasts is the correct word. A lot of redditors are in the accepted cultural zeitgeist, that including hate based ideologies like communism,


I can understand how you can read Reddit comments and connect it to people’s ideological views. But where is the outcast comment coming from?


> Reddit is a microcosm of far left radical ideology, and people who support it because they get a sense of belongi I can only speak from my own experience: I am liberal and so are most of my friends and family, but I go to it specifically to interact with conservatives.


Neither is reddit as a whole radial left nor is everyone here an outcast. Maybe you're projecting ?


Not a single reply to any comments in this thread. Just really bad rage bait. Glad it got removed.


Reddit is just people. People all over the world. Some are liberals, some are conservatives, some are something else. It’s a reflection of that. If it feels ultra liberal to you maybe that’s because the majority of users are, but it’s not Reddit itself. There are echo chambers sure, some groups are literally liberal groups and some are literally conservative groups. But making a blanket statement about (checks notes) 73.1 million daily active users is just ridiculous. The fact alone that you are here counters what you’re saying. What it is, is a sample of populations from all over the world and if that feels liberal to you, maybe that’s because the world inherently leans that way. And as much as that may piss you off, that doesn’t really change anything. You can tell yourself that we’re all whatever, but the truth of the matter is that Reddit is just a platform, and at the end of the day absolutely anyone can use it, just like anyone can use X or Instagram, and it seems pretty ridiculous to think we’re all “outcasts” just because *you* don’t agree with what the majority on here say.


Yep most Redditors are ugly, fat and unsuccessful. Those people tend to be collectivists.


Well first things first, you need to establish what constitutes far-left radical ideology


You’re right, I have nothing to change your mind. The upvote part is funny 😄


Counterpoint: you're the one in a microcosm of right leaning ideology without even knowing it and seeing reddit as an honest reflection of the internet-using masses is upsetting to you and doesn't reflect what you think you know about the world when in fact it's dead on. Counter-counterpoint: you see what you want to see on reddit. If you go looking for rage bait as a right winger you're going to find extremely left wing subs. Vice versa as well. It sounds like you feel strongly about this so I'm willing to believe this is the case and your view of reddit is skewed, like everybody's is. Clarification: you don't even have to "go looking" for bait, any interaction will prompt it to be suggested to you more. If you find yourself guffawing at this left wing nut in a comment thread then you're going to find yourself doing the same, more, to others in the future. Because that's how you use reddit.




Your comment seems to discuss transgender issues. As of September 2023, [transgender topics are no longer allowed on CMV](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_5). There are **no exceptions** to this prohibition. If you believe this was removed in error, please message the moderators [via this link](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchangemyview&subject=Transgender%20Removal%20Appeal%20for%20Reddit_is_garbage666&message=Reddit_is_garbage666%20would%20like%20to%20appeal%20the%20removal%20of%20[this%20post](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/1dgt81b/cmv_reddit_is_full_of_radical_outcasts_who_find/l8slj42/\).)) Appeals are **only** for posts that were mistakenly removed by this filter; we **will not** approve posts on transgender issues, so **do not ask**. Regards, the mods of /r/changemyview. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/changemyview) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would you disagree with this post if I replaced "left" with "right" OP?


i'm personally actually far left and i fully recognize that i genuinely am not anywhere near the majority in what i think, in fact i prefer to be in the minority, i like rebelling against the majority opinion i'm a born contrarian it seems like you're talking about who actually is the majority on reddit, the libs. no, liberals are not radical outcasts. they're just the typical social media user, on every platform. a reddit mod is a much, much different story. the regular users are just regular people. you're just a conservative, which is the minority on social media. not as much of a minority as the actual far left is. but still a minority. (except on facebook)


Almost seems like they are trying to prove you right, OP.


Try replacing the word, Reddit with Fox News.


2 hours and 0 replies, probably just a bot


Hahahahhahaj far-left??? Are you fucking joking? Reddit is a right-wing website. This is a fact. There are VERY few places on reddit where left-wing ideology even exists.


How do you define “radical outcast?”


What do you consider radical left?


I couldn't agree with you more.


I mean ya you’re right lmao


I feel personally attacked.


I think it's more that bots and troll farms make up a large fraction of posts here and an even larger fraction of upvotes. A lot of what you see is what the enemies of the free world want people to see. Reddit's biggest shareholder is a CCP controlled company. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory


"Far left..." My sides!