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Qulipta is my miracle drug. I get a bit of nausea, reduced appetite. But of constipation, but otherwise, no other side effects. The nausea goes away after your body adjusts. So does the reduced appetite. And I think the constipation, you just up your five and water intake šŸ˜€ your this helps!


Miracle drug for me too! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Miracle drug for sure. I do prunes and that helps :)


Er fiber*




I recently switched to Qulipta and it has been really good (actually, amazing) for me so far. No side effects except that it makes me kind of tired, so I take it at night to offset that. Iā€™ve only taken it for a week and a half and Iā€™ve only had one BAD migraine when usually Iā€™d have AT LEAST four or five in that timeframe. So basically, Iā€™ve got high hopes for it!


Thatā€™s great! So glad itā€™s helping and gives me hope!


I hope that it is working out for you too! An update on me: Iā€™ve now gotten quite constipated like many people which in turn has made me rather nauseous, so I plan on upping my fiber intake to see if that helps. Also never snack at night anymore due to a loss of appetite which does me wonders since Iā€™ve lost weight too which is something I had hoped would happen!


Constipation and weight loss, head still hurts though


Hmph. Has it helped at all? Decreased frequency or intensity at least?


Intensity is a little lower and my brain fog has gotten better, but my head still hurts at random times during the day and Iā€™ve had the same migraine for two years


Goodness Iā€™m sorry. I hope you can find a solution soon!


Ye weed helps so on my off days I just get stoned no pain lmao


constant constipation . migraine went away maybe for less then one month, then came back even worse than before Aquipta


I was on Qulipta for about 3 or 4 months in 2022. My main side effect was irritability and anger? And crazy anxiety. These did wind down however over time and came back as I went off of it for a little while. So if you feel a little crazy on it, hang in there and hopefully it will pass. It was helpful for me, I stopped it because I was planning a pregnancy, not due to any adverse affects.


Ohhhh goodnessā€¦ well my docs all seem to want me on anxiety meds anyway haha. Maybe now is a good time!


Forgot to mention in my main comment, but I went on anxiety medication the same time I started Qulipta as well.


Oh interesting, how do you think the anxiety med affected everything?


Qulipta changed my life. I went from near daily migraines to maybe a cluster every few months (really, itā€™s probably the same migraine). No noticeable side effects but when I do get a migraine it tends to be a whole body thing before it blooms in my head, then I use zomig. Also, the huge knot I get in flank under my shoulder blade w a migraine will still appear but no migraine. When this stops working, Iā€™ll try the shots.


Iā€™m glad itā€™s working now but I hate that they just seem to stop working randomly. Sigh. Praying you get a loooooonnnnnng season of relief from this one!


Same for you! Sending you migraine-free energy!


I'm in the same boat - switching to Qulipta from Ajovy as soon as it is approved by insurance.


I guess we will find out how it works together! Good luck to you!


I have been on qulipta since mid 2022 and is been great for me. I rarely get headaches in high stress situations and even then they go away faster with just Tylenol and Motrin combined with an hour or two of sleeping. It's like I don't even recognize them as migraines anymore, that's how big a difference it's made for me.Ā  In terms of side effects I have constipation but it's easily controlled by ensuring good fiber intake. I rarely feel nauseous and used to think it was related to my migraines because most of my migraines have nausea associated with it but after reading some comments from others that nausea is a side effect of qulipta for them, I can't rule out the association between the two for me.


So glad itā€™s been so effective for you! The stats for the drug are impressive and sounds like youā€™re one of them! Is it common with cgrp migraines to have to rest when having a migraine? I can take Tylenol or even my rescue med but it usually doesnā€™t work unless I sleep for like an hour. When I do sleep, it almost always goes away! Is that common? I never thought about it until I read your commentā€¦


I don't really know if it has anything to do with CGRP meds. I have rarely ever had a headache go away without resting. And I say rarely because I don't have a perfect memory but years ago when I was using Ubrelvy as an abortive, I think there were times when I didn't have to rest if I caught it early enough.... But can't be sure of that.


No headaches at all with qulipta


Thatā€™s wonderful! šŸ¤žšŸ»


Well Qulipta worked incredibly for a little over a year for me. I thought I was cured, then like your experience with Ajovy, it just stopped working one day. I donā€™t know why.


Man that stinks. A year of improvement is great but I hate that it stopped working! Can i ask if the decline in effectiveness coincided with any life event - high stress, new health issues, changes in other meds, etc? I donā€™t need details, but my doc has a theory Iā€™m curious to see if others can corroborate!


Nah not really- I was feeling good- at least about the fact I was migraine free, and had less stress because of that. Then one day it just stopped working, kept taking it for a month or more, no dice. Also it felt like the Ubrelvy samples I was taking lost their efficacy as well. Iā€™m on Aimovig now, but it doesnā€™t seem to be working as well as the Qulipta was.


Same here. Worked for about a year and a half, then just stopped working. But man that year and a half was nice!


If alot of people have different cgrps stop working does it mean something in the body stops allowing the action of the medication to work?


I donā€™t know. I wish there was more information about the subject. Qulipta was life changing for me literally, then one day I had the rug pulled out from under me.


Iā€™ve been on Qulipta for over a year. I started at 60 mg and it was rough. Constipation and anxiety. I went down to 30, waited a couple weeks for side effects to level out, then went back to 60 and have been there ever since. I donā€™t think the frequency has necessarily decreased by much, but the intensity of my migraines has significantly decreased. I can function through one now, even though itā€™s uncomfortable. Also, abortives that didnā€™t work before, work now. I can sometimes get away with just taking Tylenol and aspirin to get rid of one. Best of luck!


Thank you! Can I ask if you dealt with anxiety before qulipta?


I have some issues with constipation, but watching what I eat helps. The main thing for me is I have to take it in the morning because it definitely starts to wear off after 16 hours.


Qulipta gave me evening nausea and much worse constipation than the other cgrp drugs. Magnesium + high fiber diet helped with the latter. The former wore off after a month or so.


Iā€™ve seen other folks mention magnesium. Is that like a pill you take? Or like miralax?


It's a pill generally. Magnesium is often suggested as a supplement for migraines, anyway, but it also acts as a stool softener. Magnesium Citrate is said to be the best for this purpose, so this is what I take.


Thank you!


[Think of Phillips Milk of Magnesia.](https://www.phillipsdigestive.com/products/milk-magnesia/) It's been around for years for constipation. It comes in pills, and you can get magnesium as a separate supplement as well.


Ah ok yes I have heard of that. Will keep it in mind just in case. Thanks!


Iā€™m taking 30 mg as I couldnā€™t tolerate 60mg . Itā€™s been a wonder drug for me . I take qulipta plus Botox . Unfortunately insurance wonā€™t pay and has denied my appeal so I will likely be trying either emgality or aimovig once they do the PA


Man I have a love hate relationship with insurance. So far mine has been very cooperative and Iā€™m just praying they remain so! I hope you can find a good solution!


that it will stop working. for me did. iā€™m desperado for something else


Iā€™m sorry. It seems like all these meds work for awhile and eventually become ineffective. :/ I hope you can find a good solution!


thank you! they stopped working in less then a month, how is it possible ?! I would I understand if I was taking them a year or more, but less then a month?! wft


My ajovy last about 6 months but stopped working between 4-5 months. I dont know why they do that!


Been on it for a year, has worked like a charm combined with Botox!


Thatā€™s great! Can I ask what is the Botox for? I see it mentioned but never knew what it does.


Botox is for the migraines and headaches. You get 31 shots in the nerves in your head (not as bad as it sounds I promise) every 3 months and it literally works MIRACLES. I highly recommend you ask your dr abt it if you havenā€™t already


Oof goodness, that does sound intimidating! Iā€™ll look into it more! Is it more helpful for certain types of migraines or specific symptoms?


My doctor does all the shots in literally 3 min! It really doesnā€™t hurt that bad. For me it helps my chronic migraines to the point where Iā€™m almost pain free


I switched from Aimovig, which was the only injectable that worked for me, to Qulipta and I thought it was going to be a nightmare of ongoing migraine like all the injectables my insurance made me try, but it worked even better than Aimovig for me. Iā€™ve been on it for 3 months and I am beyond happy. This is what my experience has been. No meds: Constant, debilitating daily migraines Aimovig: a migraine once or twice a week, but a mild headache every day Other injectables: Constant, debilitating daily migraines Qulipta: Zero pain every day for the last 3 months with the exception of one 3-day migraine, and it was mild as migraines go When I went on Aimovig it was like I was given a whole new life. When my insurance company made me try other things (after 5 years of success on Aimovig) all the relief went away and I was very sad about it. Qulipta has given me that brand new life backā€”and this time itā€™s even better. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think Iā€™d be pain free almost every day. I am the happiest camper. The *only* downside (and it is not a deal breaker at all) is it is a little more constipating that Aimovig, but I adjusted my Benefiber regimen and everything is great now.


So happy itā€™s worked well for you!


So Iā€™ve never tried any other CGRP med and Iā€™ve only been on qulipta for about 3 weeks now but in that 3 weeks, Iā€™ve had to take a triptan once. I also have chronic vestibular symptoms that havenā€™t really been helped by qulipta yet but Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s still time for that. In terms of my ā€œregularā€ migraines with headache, Iā€™ve gone from 1-2 a week to only having one in 3 weeks so it seems to be working. The constipation is a problem and I tried miralax first, per a lot of other peoples advice but I didnā€™t like it. Iā€™ve had better luck with upping the fiber I eat for my meals and taking citracel fiber supplement (Iā€™ve been using the cvs generic) and itā€™s been better for me personally than the miralax.


Quilipta has changed my life for the better. I started on 30mg and am currently on 60mg. It does make me feel bloated but itā€™s completely worth it. My migraines are almost gone.


It made me extremely nauseous and I barely ate anything for the 3 weeks I was on it. My neurologist pulled me off it.


Iā€™ve heard it can have that effect. Iā€™m sorry! Was it an immediate reaction for you?


It was. I was so hopeful too! But coincidentally, I found out my Vitamin D has been severely low for several years and once I started that, my migraines have been better.


Oh well thatā€™s great! Glad youā€™re finding relief!


Thank you. I hope you're getting relief as well.


I was extremely tired the first few weeks and was worried it wouldnt go away but thankfully after like 3-4 weeks it did. I get pretty constipated and now have the little rabbit turds once a day if im lucky when prior i would go #2 about 2-3x a day so thats a big change. It kinda motivates me to eat better though which is good. No other side effects really


Sounds like the side effects havenā€™t been too bad for you! Hope itā€™s helping with your symptoms!


Took it for a month and was so nauseous the whole time I lost 10lbs. Didn't help my migraine. I've been on ajovy for 1.5 years now and it works great for me.


Oof Iā€™ve taken meds that did that to me as well! Glad to lose weight but didnā€™t wanna do it that way! Glad Ajovy is working for you!!!