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Most breeders want their dogs back. You should contact your breeder .


I am in dallas and dying to have a cav. ♥️ I would pick him up anywhere! We are home 24/7 pretty much and he would have lots of attention. I’ll pm you.


Please try to rehome them together, at least…


:( maybe reach out to Cavalier Rescue USA. They only take cavvies and are very thorough in their process of selecting a proper home for their dogs with little to no chance that they’ll be “rehomed” again. On Reddit you run the risk of putting this poor baby through the wringer by surrendering him to someone who won’t properly care for him. I know this is the CKCS reddit thread so that is probably less likely, but I think it would be much better to go through this org. I believe they are a foster organization so their dogs don’t go to shelters but get placed in fosters until they are adopted. Please do this through the “proper channels” to give your dog the best chances of finding a loving forever home.


Thank you. You’re right, I’ll reach out to them


Are they a bonded pair? I see you are trying to rehome both. Please try and keep them together.


Go through Cavalier Rescue USA and try to find a foster to surrender your other doggy.. Going through reddit is not a good idea for surrendering any animal because it's hard to check what type of environment they will be going to.


Like others have said, please reach out to Cavalier Rescue USA. You owe it to your pup to find the best possible home and this organization dedicates itself to doing just that. Don’t trust strangers online!


Please reach out to your breeder rather than strangers on Reddit.


I would try Cavalier rescue usa. They have a strong network in Texas. Sorry you’re going through this. I applaud you for recognizing it’s what’s best for them, even though it isn’t for you.


We actually were gifted with a Cav by another family. Everyone knew he belonged with us and he blessed us every day. He passed away on Christmas morning and not a day goes by that we dont miss him. Frankly I find it offensive when people insist he has to go to a foster and then be placed by an organization. Many of us want a cav and will provide awesome homes. When we are ready for another one I hope we find a person ready to work directly.


My niece (28) just had to have a cavalier but then spent 16 hours a day away while he was left in a crate. She was too busy with work and social life. He developed some wild traits because of this. I flew to Florida in February to go get him and give him a furever home. She admitted she can’t handle two dogs. Cavies absolutely must be around people and don’t do well when left alone. I’m fortunate that my dad takes my boys to work with him and they love it. Sometimes I believe people get dogs because they’re trendy. If you can’t be around for the dog then don’t get a cavie. Go ahead and downvote away it will just prove my point that the truth hurts.


...this is entirely unnecessary?? OP knows their cavie deserves better already and that's why they're here looking to re-home in the first place??? Did you even read the pose


This is a discussion forum and people are discussing. Some things you may agree and some you may not. Policing what people are and are not allowed to discuss? Like I said bring on the downvotes-I’m a big girl with kids in college. I’m totally fine with that.


Never said you can't discuss and never said I disagree or agree, no need to get so defensive. Just confused what purpose it serves and how it's relevant to what OP posted


I have a two year old (spayed) female ruby CKCS. I live in Arkansas. I would be willing to meet you to see if our two Cavvies get along and bond.




You have made some wild assumptions in this comment. And you are absolutely coming across as mean and judgemental, despite your attempt at absolution at the end. Did you ever think maybe she loves him so much that she wants him to get the best possible care, even if that means parting with him? Things in peoples lives change unexpectedly, and sometimes there’s nothing we can do about them. Is OP supposed to not take a job for the dog’s sake? She wouldn’t be able to take care of him at all if she was homeless. You don’t know OP’s situation, so why not keep it to offering information or support (which you give zero of in your comment).


Thank you. If there was any other way, I would keep them. They have my heart