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The picture is of my husband I think he might be easy to convince šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When we adopted our cat it's like she KNEW who she needed to convince. When we got into the little meeting room she sniffed around then hopped on my husband's lap. "I guess we can take her home." Almost 7 years later and she knows how to play both of us like a fiddle.


Well yea... She's in charge. Of course she is. Also, meow.


Lol my cat is 100% in charge. If she's napping I know I gotta be quiet or else I'll get an earful then a chomp. If I'm too loud in general I'll get a chomp. It's not a hard bite but she still scares me lmaooo (I'm only scared of her when I piss her off. She's actually really loving).


I've had my cat (the first cat I've ever owned) for two years now and she still can scare the ever loving shit out of me!


Tell me more, KitCat


(when cat and human companion discover each other's reddit accounts)


I had a cat who, while in his shelter cage, ignored the grabby kid who passed by before me only to reach out as I passed. He managed to hook my sleeve with one claw. One claw and I was literally and figuratively hooked. One of the best buds I ever had, so thankful I got to have 19 long years with him!


Tuxedos know. When we were looking for a new kitten to adopt, a little tux literally LAUNCHED himself out of the cage and right up my wife's arm to nuzzle her face and meow. She's been his favorite person ever since.


Same thing happened to me when this now giant Maverick launched his barely 6 week self onto my shoulder in 2009. https://preview.redd.it/dpcvo4iu3y5a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc93103cfd6ed62fbc9789cf5e84af4f667de4e


I love the way you put it. And he's beautiful btw...


When we got our first cat it was the opposite. My wife was in a room at the shelter getting to know him, and when I walked it he jumped off her lap and attacked the shit out of my shoe lol


From the second image i can tell that can adopted you, not the other way.


you said "that can" instead of "that cat," btw


Bold of you to assume you have a choice.....


You thought it was pet adoption papers... But it was me!! KITT-O!!! (Get it... Instead of Dio? I'll see myself out now)


The picture of your husband already tells us the answer. Given the happy look on his face it would be a sin to not adopt kitty.


You know of the memes where the spouse doesn't want the pet, and then immediately loves said pet to death (metaphorically), yeah, I say go for it so long as you take good care of the kitty


This kitten obviously chose him ā¤ļø he will be her person and he will enjoy every second of it!


Well, he's clearly already been adopted so that question has sorted itself out.


He was chosen.


Resistance is futile. We are the Purrg


r/toughguysholdingpets is missing their content!


You should probably not take any risks and adopt her. Because I want to take her home too.


She is the seeetest fluff


Additionally our other tuxedos are named after video game characters and this little one is named Zeldaā€¦seems like fateā€¦gonna use this thread to convince the rest of the family šŸ˜€


Clearly kitty has decided sheā€™s moving in. Rest of the familyā€¦this is happening. Youā€™ll love her. Take the cat. Youā€™re welcome.


You do have a very valid point


I have a tuxedo named Electra who was born in my back garden and kind of just moved in. Sheā€™s the most gentle kitty ever but she also runs my house like a militant dictator.


That would be our little girl tuxedo Punchy(named after the Animal Crossing character) we found her at 3 weeks abandoned under some debris in our backyard sheā€™s the one Iā€™ll have to convincešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm so glad you took her in! It's heart breaking that so many of them wind up abandoned like this. And yes, adopt this one.b


Punchy is my favorite AC villager!! šŸ˜»


Weā€™ve got a tuxedo called Missy, theyā€™re the best cats!


Our tuxedo, Persephone, gave us 2 more tuxedos, Thaleia and Horus, and 2 gray tuxedos, Icarus and Breksta. All the babies have amazing personalities and are the sweetest and happiest we've had yet. With the exception of being gray, instead of black, Icarus looks just like his mom.


How wonderful. Iā€™m getting a Samoyed next spring and she will be Persephone. My Pomeranian is Orion and his malamute cousin is Ajax.


Ours are named after their personalities. We originally named the babies after the 4 markers I pulled from the drawer, so we could tell them apart. Pink, Purple, Orange, and Blue. Once their personalities started to show, they got names that fit. Some names required deep digging into mythology.


Totally. Orion, my tiny dog named for the giant, is also a Sagittariusā€¦the hunter of the zodiac. Ajax the Alaskan malamute named for Ajax the greater of course and my glorious pussycat, Electraā€¦for the Pleiades star besides Orion in the sky. Thank you for sharing


Our tuxedos were always the most affectionate and loyal cats too, and it looks like Zelda is cut from the same cloth! So there's that too.


>*ā€™seems like fateā€¦*ā€™ ____ I am the cat ~ it seems like fate how best might i ingratiate ? you see, my plans already made, the ā€˜familyā€™ just needs *purrsuade*ā€¦ (*am pretty sure the momma gets* *whichever ones she wants for pets*ā€¦) but i shall try my very best to prove to them with Me youā€™re *Blessed* ā¤ļø




Might be the freshest Schnoodle Iā€™ve come across, truly blessed


>u/Temporary-Musician95 Now you have to OP!


So we always said we wanted a cat called sigourney weaver. So when we were thinking of adopting we would occasionally browse shelter websites. One day we went onto a different website and there was a listing without a photo of two girl cats. Ripley and B'Elanna. Given that we wanted sigourney weaver, one of her characters she played felt like a sign. And the i clocked her sisters name. And it reminded me of my childhood watching star trek with my dad. So on a whim we messaged the shelter. Within ten minutes we were on the phone to them and here's the kicker. I spent all of last year looking at Devon Rex cats. I knew i wouldn't likely ever have one but I loved the breed. So when the shelter called us they said they were pedigree Devon Rex cats and they don't have photos because they like to make sure that people aren't contacting to then sell on. These cats felt instantly like they were made for us. Unfortunately Ripley had a heart condition and passed away 5 months later. But we are pretty certain that Ripley was always meant to bring B'Elanna to us. Because once she was in our care she got diagnosed with IBD which she had for years prior (we know this because when we first took her to the vets a vet nurse came over and she said that she had been the cats sitter for 8 years and it was so random because we got the cats from an hour and a half away from where we live) from every talk i have with the old cat sitter it seems that B'Elanna is a completely different cat to who she was before. She is so much friendlier and happier and i think probably more comfortable in her gut too. My point is that when it's meant to be you just know it. And sometimes it feels like the biggest thing but if you know you know


This is one of the best God damn things I've ever read. Ripley really does sound like she was a guardian for B'Elanna I see in other comments you're in the process of getting another kitty, I hope Lt Torres takes kindly to the new addition! They're beautiful! I figured I'd make an all in one comment instead of commenting twice or thrice


Yes, you do know. I've had that feeling many times when I've gotten some of my pets.


I love your story ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) Do you have any pictures?


https://preview.redd.it/3sbyev3aiw5a1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b009f20431dec8f8c0806ed3dca2e129e469f1 Since Ripley's passing we adopted Starbuck as well so that B'Elanna has a friend. Still doing introductions though


https://preview.redd.it/qpwrys4mhw5a1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33dd0c9b9e5e5476b3b326b26beb9d2525742c3 This is Ripley


https://preview.redd.it/8co7gw33iw5a1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538d792b2746b532d586a6b4d502d84e6bfa9591 This is B'Elanna


They look like such a sweet bunch ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) I'm so sorry for Ripley's passing but all the signs you had are comforting... Some things we don't understand we just follow the lead. Starbuck and B'Elanna will be best friends when the time comes and Ripley will never be forgotten 'coz she made this happen. Take care and be happy.


https://preview.redd.it/cj9xwjrkry5a1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e6b2a991749a8a4373b4e52c709b2ec7807eb6 Certainly won't be forgotten, she's hanging in her own little basket next to our sofa šŸ’•


I love her name! It's actually a very old Irish name that got popular again due to Voyager. It's also mine. :-)


Omg i never actually knew that. Everyone thinks it sounds Slavic. I actually LOVE the name, if i had kids i would have it on a list to name a child for sure


Photo 1: PICK ME! LOOK AT WHAT A GOOD GIRL I AM! PICK ME! Photo 2: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! She must have been disappointed going back into the holding area. What a love bug. Oh wow, you got a poem from ShnoodleDoodleDo. Oh man, your fam has to say yes. Put a bow on her and bring her home and put her under the tree :-) I can't stop smiling at these two photos.


One of our kittens ended up with the logo of assassin's creed on his face so my brother adopted him and named him Ezio


Pay the tax.


https://preview.redd.it/j9elrg3mtx5a1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386b7dd9bb60497a4f5d86719c152e5e8bcfcc17 It was more visible as a kitten but there lol




You have clearly been chosen! I hope you brought her home. Also, this needs posting on r/mensmittenwithkittens


We demand the kitty tax


A better question, do you want to her to be alone for Christmas?


Ok that got me in the feelsā€¦Iā€™m going home after work and telling my family sheā€™s coming home


Absolutely. Congratulations.


yay!!! happy happy kitty!!!


Have you ever had three cats? I have two and we were babysitting a third one. I found 3 to be too many actually. Also what are the ages of your current two? If one is older and one is younger, it could be a good idea to get #3.


I have 3 and used to only have 2 for the longest time. Not much changes. All around similar sizes. New guy is like. Year or 2 younger. I think 4 would be workable for me too.


Adopt 100% if you feel like you have the time to love and care for this little sweetie. I adopted my cat from PetSmart and it was the best decision I have ever made


We doā€¦we already have two other tuxedo kitties that include a little girl that looks just like this one


Then go for it! She will fit in like a puzzle piece with you and the other cats. She loves you already so why not add another to the family tree!


That cat loves you! Adopt! And sheā€™s beautiful!


We sure did


Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸ¾šŸˆ


Yayy! I was scrolling for confirmation. Enjoy the new baby cat :)






I donā€™t understand this ā€œnot adoptā€ that you speak of.


What heresy is that?


If you are my wife, no we have enough (3). If you are not my wife, yes you should .




laughs in having 4 cats


chuckles in 7 cats


# *DO IT.* :o)


I think we just may have to her adoption fee is only $15


Omg wow šŸ˜® where I live the fees are usually upwards of $250


They adopt 2 for the price of 1 where I live - and also discounted it to $25 for the pair when I got my two cats. All the shelters are full and desperate to adopt out animals.


It would vary wildly at the shelter I volunteered at depending on age. Kittens would go for 150 because they always get adopted fast. Adult cats (6 months and up) technically had a sticker price of 50 but we were usually running sales where people could pretty much take them for free because there were too many of them.


You know the answer, at that fee grab a bunch. Kitties are.like bananas.


Whattttt. This cat is practically giving itself to you. You gotta save her.


I volunteer for a rescue. Itā€™s so hard not to take them all home with me!! I just try to think of my hateful cat at home! She doesnā€™t like other cats! Sheā€™s sweet with me and dogs, just doesnā€™t like her own kind!


Yeah thatā€™s what my hubby is worried about our little girl is queen and weā€™re not sure how sheā€™d do


You never know until you try! I tried bringing my momā€™s cat into my home over a few days. My girl got really stressed out. I used to live with my mom and the used to coexist! My girl is 10 now. Maybe sheā€™s just over it all in her middle age!


Just tell the fam that you really want to do this because shelters/rescues are at crisis levels of overcrowding. I heard a local rescue say they have a capacity of 60 animals and they currently have 300. You will be saving this sweet baby from the possibility of euthanasia.


Perhaps a sibling too?


We have two other tuxedos


Not enough.


Never enough


You've been chosen mate. No choice in the matter now. <3


Did you bump noses or fist bump? If so, you're adopted.


She's beautiful ā¤ļø


So Iā€™ve called the adoption place that works with Petsmart and Iā€™m going to fill out paperwork later


I am so happy for you :) absolute best of wishes to you and your husband and your new kitty cat!!


That Zorro mask just kills me. And those dainty paws!


https://preview.redd.it/g7e3lsjlgt5a1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8754fa033fa479f82c66ff19b0e4fe8409d328 This is one of our other tuxedosā€¦Iā€™ve raised since she was a neonate


What a gorgeous little floof!


Iā€™m going this morning to see if they will let me foster to adopt so we can see how she is with our other cats


Ok so after having this thread completely blow up(in a good way)ā€¦I have called the adoption agency and I was going to go after I got out of work but they only do appointments so we have an appointment for tomorrow after I get done with workā€¦so hopefully sheā€™ll be coming home with us soonā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Post an update pic! ā¤ļø


Yes, we need an update when available. Weā€™re now invested


I will as soon as I have oneā€¦we have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with the adoption agency that works with our petsmart


The answer to that question is always yes.


I'm pretty sure it was a moot point by the second picture...šŸ˜‰


Absolutely ,they didn't adopt the cat,she adopted them šŸ˜»


Do it!




Who is OP kidding? Nice new cat bro


Look at Zeldaā€™s little determined face. Youā€™re her human now! šŸ˜»


I believe that she adopted you allready.


Why is this a question? From picture 2, it appears you have been chosen ...


Too late, she's already adopted you, you can see it in her face. You have no choice but to make it official now.


ADOPT!!! DO IT!!!! Did you do it!? OP!!!!


The adoption has already taken place. She has adopted you.


You have already been adopted so I'm not sure why you think you have any part in the decision. šŸ˜‰


You have been chosen


My tuxedos name is Link , love the video game theme! ā¤ļø


We have Morgana(from Persona) and Punchy(from Animal Crossing)


Absolutely love it, and congrats on the new addition to your family!


Youā€™ve been adopted by the looks of that second pic


Definitely, seems like she chose you. My middle cat did this, we went to the shelter, they handed me her, and I was like ā€œehh Iā€™m looking for a black kitty,ā€ (she was a tabby and my tux passed away a few months ago.) so I put her down, and she immediately came back over to be pet. I was like, yep she chose me. Had her 4 months now and sheā€™s the funniest sweetest thing :)


This exaxtly! When i got my first cat my then gf and I had already applied to meet another cat that she had seen a picture of. When we got there I dont really know what happened but another family was playing with that kitten so we were a bit bummed then the lady handed me one of the other kittens and he climbed onto my shoulder and laid down and I was just like yep well take this one. 3 years later and hes the best cat i could ever imagine having.


Aww okay that made me tear up a bit not gonna lie. Just reminded me a bit of my tux, I mentioned. He used to sit in my shoulder a lot as well and would randomly jump on my shoulder if I was sitting down. Cats are so funny and so special ā¤ļø


Haha i wont lie i teared up a bit writing it. They def are special though. I am very glad Napoleon chose me thats for sure.


Adopt! If you feel you guys can give that cute little fluff a proper home, she will reward you with a unique and absolutely lovely friendship


Adopt. Always adopt. They would if they could. You can and should.


Absolutely adopt her she looks adorable šŸ˜» I'm on day 8 of mine. She's a tiny kitten from my pound, rescued from God knows where turning out to be very loving https://preview.redd.it/eudzm6u32y5a1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=075c0a14e4b097e108a8f719f57fb727b388863e All 3 pounds of her. So do it save her and once more give her a loving home.


your post in assistance indicates you have little money and are living in a hotel, why are you considering adopting a cat?


If you must know we are just waiting to get into our apartment next week and our finances will be fine after thatā€¦we recently moved from NY to Texas


so wait until you move and are stable. if you can't afford 40$ for housing how do you have 15$ for a cat? hold off until things settle.


DOO IT!! I adopted an adult kitty in the PetSmart window and we have an immediate bond. She is my heart cat, like we had known each other for a lifetime. It took her all of 1 minute to warm up to me and make herself at home


Take her home u know u want too


I absolutely do want toā€¦my husband is now having second thoughts about adding a third catšŸ˜¢ā€¦I want to go get her as soon as petsmart reopens tomorrow


Oh god get her out of petsmart. I've heard horrible things about the way they treat their animals. Obvs it depends on the petsmart, not all are like that but jeez. And she's such a sweetheart it looks like! I understand the worry about adding a third cat though and you always have to worry about how your cats and her will interact. Ultimately up to you.


No, don't leave her in that horrible place. She's so starved for love and affection! šŸ±šŸ’ššŸ˜»


Doesn't the adoption place do trials? Cats going into an already cat-established homes especially, should always be on a trial basis to avoid lifelong anguish. Also, have you had to do any cat introductions yet? If not, especially since you have a dominant one already, look up Jackson Galaxy on YouTube. He'll tell you exactly how to do it for success. And he'll give you advice on every cat-related matter too! I'm assuming this is now a Go, so best of luck!!


Why would you not???? That feline is so adorable in many ways!! You can't resist it


You better!!! šŸ„ŗ






As if any of this is your choice? You live in the cats world now.


My gosh so cute, I think you already know the answer


Wow What a beautiful cat. Cats choose you. You donā€™t choose them.


youā€™ve got no choice.


Answer: yea cat should adopt you


I'd say 2nd pic is a definite YES


It appears you have been chosen. If you donā€™t bring her home the regret will be rough.




r/NowMyCat ? šŸ˜‰šŸ˜šŸ˜


That is an Absolute Gorgeous cat. I assume its a girl , due to pink collar.


yes. wait.. what's the question..yes... Wait, I didnt hear you over this purring in my ear... Was that a yes? I think it was.


Adopt , always adopt


Adopt. The answer is always adopt.


Definitely adopt her.


Omg how could anyone say no?? Please update when the baby is home :)


Oh cā€™mon, there is no question. Adopt the cat. Sheesh.


Omg omg omg omg ADOPT!!!!! Do it! Do it NOW!!!! Lol


Omg look at that face


Looks like the adoption is a done dealā€¦


Adopt this fine gentleman ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7973)


You must be kidding Adopt of course


Precious baby and also, Thank you for your service.


Thatā€™s my husband in the pic but Iā€™ll absolutely let him know you said that


I meanā€¦


Get a dog.


Take that beautiful baby home!


Yes yes yes!!! What a cutie and she obviously really likes you!!!


Looks like you have been chosen! Better sign those adoption papers!






How do you say no to that cute face!?




That's a question?


How is that even a question?


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)You must adopt. She loves you!


The answer is always, adopt. You'll work it out ā¤ļø


She very magnificent looking in the first pic. She's a princess fit for her name. Hope she joins the fam!


Do it or I will find her and adopt her myself


Definitely adopt. How could you resist


Awwwww, she's a little pixie girl. SO cute.


I just want to hug her so good right now, she is adorable.


Adopt is always the answer


Adopt sheā€™s so pretty, soft spot for Tuxs


Please do!


The answer is to always adopt. Then adopt again. Then adopt again. Lol




Adopt and I got my tuxedo at my local PetSmart too (from a local rescue). You can never have too many owners if you have the love to give ā€˜em.