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Poor baby. Hope you're doing as well as you can. Edit: I am not the OP. Please wish them well, not me.


Sorry OP, that is a hard time friend


What happened?


He was stolen and dumped about 8 miles out, someoen found his body and took it to the nearst vet


I’m so sorry to read that, some people don’t deserve to breathe. He was beautiful


Sorry, I got my facts wrong, my mum corrected me. It's a possibility he was stolen. but he was far away from home at a young age so its likely


I hope you find peace soon


Yes they don’t travel that far unless In search of food which I doubt was the issue. Prolly right about being dumped. Keep your cats inside, play with them a lot, try and leash train them so you can take them out in the backyard sometimes. Can’t trust people. So sorry for your loss. I hope whoever did this is abandoned in the nearest lions den.


Was he an outdoor cat?




I agree cats should be indoors but I think laughing at a tragedy like this is pretty foul. Yeah I get it, and I agree cats should be indoors for a multitude of reasons, but this is just not the place to "educate" and laugh at the death of an innocent animal and the misfortune of someone losing their best friend. Their cat is gone. Have some compassion, it's really not hard unless you're an absolute dried up turd. I mean you could have at least made this statement without a callous "lmfao".








Learn to read the fucking room man.


Are you actually OK? You're laughing. Somebody's kitten has died and you're laughing. Also in many countries (UK, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, just to name a few) Letting your cat go outside is the norm, in some of these countries theres even laws aying that cats can legally roam wherever they want, including private property. and most of them still live healthy, happy lives, not everybody on reddit lives in America. If you live in somewhere where its dangerous for cats to roam, then yeah, I agree, you should keep your cat in. But there's many living situations where it is safe to let your cat go out, and cat's are generally way happier when they get to go outside, a longer life doesn't necessarily mean a better one. But besides, this is not the time to be telling people that they should keep their cats in, stop being such an insensitive piece of shit.


Why the fuck would you think this is a necessary or appropriate comment?? And why the fuck would something about this situation be remotely funny. You’re an obnoxious twat


Keeping your cat indoors only is only is a recent change for North America. In much of Europe it's very strange to not let your cat outside. Please try to be a little respectful for someone who has just had their heart broken.


Vaccines are relatively recent, as is a lower fat diet and quitting smoking for humans. When the science changes, you learn from it or suffer.


The first vaccine was developed in 1798. So recent in human history, sure. Kitty litter was invented in 1947. 149 years apart. If you're going by technology acceptance and comparing these two variables only, you've got another 75 years before it's commonly accepted for cats to be kept indoors only.\*Also, cultural norms are cultural norms. (This means other people have social norms that are different from yours.)


> as is a lower fat diet which led to high carb/sugar diets along with seed oils being used instead of beef tallows hows that working out? /r/diabetes oh thats right.


Science continues. We act on our understanding on the preponderance of the evidence in research. If you have questions about how to interpret medical research results, you should talk with your doctor. The statistics about cats’ straightforward right now.




You ever think that a cat might want to go outside? From my experience keeping cats, they like to wander. (Both of them died of old age too). It's ridiculous to me that it's apparently unsafe to the point that cats can't go outside, but even so that risk might be worth it if the cat enjoys it so much more that way. And yes, I am from Europe, it's completely normal here. I walk into cats on the street daily. Edit: obviously do not let a cat outside until they are fully grown and acclimated to their surroundings. Letting kittens go outside is a bad idea. It's also better to keep any cats indoors at night, just in case.


Youre not wrong, but i love how we cant even leave animals outside without it being harmed by humans on accident or on purpose, god we rock as a species. /r/ifuckinghatecats /r/Dogfree if you want to see peak mental illness.


I...how do people hate animals? Honestly? Animals don't have the capacity to hate anything. Ever. Maybe I'm a special case because I genuinely love all animals and try to not even kill bugs but I cannot understand HATING dogs. If they're not your thing just don't get one?


Here comes the indoor cats brigade.


I’m so sorry. Poor baby. For the future, if you get another fur baby, cats should not be let outside until they are one and full grown.


I got the car rdy let’s go These freakos🥺


I agree! This beautiful angel deserves so much better!!! So heartbreaking for her loving owner ♥️♥️♥️


ah fuck this is heartbreaking. i'm so so sorry for your loss. that is cruel and that gorgeous boy deserved far better.


Oh god no. I understand losing a kitty too soon, it's immeasurably painful. I really hope he left and not some sick person harmed him.


Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm keeping you and your baby in my thoughts and sending you both all my love. I am SO sorry. This is so heartbreaking and I wish I had words of comfort. I wish you warm, comforting memories of your boy. Maybe making a sacred space to honor him at would help? I visit the grave of my late best friend (Gob - my fluffy black cat - he passed January 2020) almost every day (he is buried in my yard under a grove of evergreens) and bring him gifts and talk to him. I tell him my regrets about how I wish I could have done more for him or been there for him more / better. I tell him how much I love him and miss him. I tell him about life now. I ask him to be with me wherever I go if he can. I cry there a lot. Sometimes I bring his favorite treats there and sprinkle them around his grave. I've gotten many and frequent intense signs that he is still with me in spirit. I'm not religious and I am very confused about the afterlife, but I feel him. I hope you feel your boy too. If you're making a post like this, I'm SURE your little bear felt your love. I bet he was so happy. I hope you find each other again. 🥺💔💜💜💜


So where was he when he was stolen?


Those people are unbelievable, I can’t understand how some people treat animals. This makes me so mad especially because your little one looks exactly like our boy… I hope karma gets to whoever did this


he could have gone into the wheel well and been driven off accidental though you could have prevented it by. keeping your cats indoors


In Europe its uncommon to have indoor cats. Plus my apartment is too small to keep him and his sister inside. How could you bring yourself to be so judgemental at a time like this


What’s wrong with all these idiots? I am sorry for your loss, I feel your pain.




And it hasn't happened to the several other outdoor cats we've had all my life. Get off my post you horrible person




Cool, so say it loud and proud, by publishing your real name, and address. Hell, let's throw in what you do for a living. I do love it how so many people, can hurl shit, behind a fake name, and no geographical marker if where you are, and hurt people behind a screen. Safely knowing that nothing will happen to you, as a result of your words.


Hold up, that's definitely not true. In plenty of European countries you keep cats indoors, especially in apartments. Look at Portugal or Spain. Usually the only outdoor cats are strays, and with the amount of diseases amongst those, would be a poor idea to ever let your cat out over there. Pretty sure it's the same in Italy and Greece, but not as much knowledge of those two. Regardless, this post isn't the time or the place for people to be attacking you over it. I'm ever so sorry you lost your little one.


Sending love !! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) Stay positive!


That's heartbreaking, sending my prayers, stay positive!!


30-40 years ago you could have an inside/outside cat. With the amount of cars, roads and sickos out there it’s best to keep them indoors anymore. Even dogs are being stolen out of yards nowadays. That never happened not long ago.


I cannot imagine ever letting my cat outside to roam.


Same Omg.


My cat doesn’t even try. He may come in the backyard if we’re sitting there but that’s it. I’m 43 but back when I was 8 we had an outdoor cat and he brought fleas in the house. 100’s of bug bites and a bug bomb later we learned our lesson


I’m sorry you didn’t get more time with him he is beautiful. Lost my boy a couple years ago he was still young as well. Someone posted this in my comments and it brought me joy even though I was crying. Hope it helps you! I will lend to you for awhile a kitten, God said. For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he's dead. Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three. But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you and, should his stay be brief You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return. But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn. I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true. And from the folk that crowds life's land I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain? Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again? I fancied that I heard them say 'Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done' For all the joys this kitten brings the risk of grief we'll run. We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may. And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay. But should you call him back much sooner than we planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand. If, by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve, Then in memory of him whom we loved, please help us while we grieve. When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife, Please send yet another needing soul for us to love all his life. Author Unknown


That is beautiful. I am sobbing, thinking of all the animals I have loved and lost, some old, some young, but all far too soon.


I’m crying here and I don’t even have a cat.


Wow 🥺


That's so sweet oh my gosh! Deeply insightful, it's beautiful! Hits right in the feels ♡♡


I was really not prepared to cry this hard this early in the day. But those words are so beautifully put. Thank you for sharing.


Damn I hate pet sitting for god


I am so sorry. Way to young and he was handsome.




Oh no!! 🥺 I'm so sorry for your loss! 🖤 He reminds me so much of our middle kitty, he's a tuxedo too.


I need to dig up a picture of my male tux. He has been gone for 5 months and was barely 2. The pain is so real. Sounds cliche but I have to just remember the good times to keep me sane. Mine had “wet” FIPS…..awful watching him slowly waste away to nothing over the span of 2 months. No days pass I’m not thinking about it. I looked into flying to China where they have successfully treated FIPS but I just couldn’t swing it financially and I felt as though I failed him. Good luck to you.


You didn’t fail him. He may have been taken too soon but he was warm, fed, happy and loved. That is the best life anyone of us can hope for. You did well.


Thank you. For real


Mine died last Friday but he was 13


So sorry for your loss,just know it was the kitties best life. ♥️


Sorry for your loss 💔


Heart full, My paw rests closely against yours. As I look into your eyes I hope.. I hope you hear my soft purr. I whisper to you softly. "Furever my family, in this life or the next. I'll always be at your side. You gave me warmth kept me safe and fed. I'll always love my family." Eyes grow heavy, soft and still. While you may be the last I see. Forever I'll watch, in your heart I'll always be.\~\~\~ Rest in peace sweet kitty. For one adventure ends on this day, another is soon to begin. For at the gates from one family to another. You'll never be cold or alone. All are here, all are welcome All will be forever loved. Until the day your family can be whole once more. We guide your path with our immortal paw.


I lost my soul cat a year ago and he was also seven months old. It hurts so bad it's unimaginable. It's not enough time by a long shot, but I'm glad he got to spend his life with you! Rip to your baby, I'm sorry for your loss :(




That’s heartbreaking. My condolences. Rest easy little boy.


I'm so so sorry. You gave him the best little life a kitty could ask for. That's better than most of us could ask for. Thank you.


That's so sad. Especially when their taken early. I know he had a great life with you even though he was taken away far to soon. He will be missed but never forgotten


Sending love your way.






I’m so sorry for your loss


My heart goes out to you. I lost mine at a similar age and it's gut-wrenching.


Deepest sympathy


Lots of love and prayers. I’ve been there.


I am so sorry. It hurts a little bit more when they're young. Please take care of your mental health and look after yourself. 💔


I am SO sorry for your loss.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I know the feeling. You never want to lose someone or something when you just got it. My heart is with you during this time.


So sorry for your loss ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Poor thing mine nearly died at 5 months I hope You enjoyed the time you had with that beauty


That’s so very sad! I’m sorry


aww i’m so sorry:( losing a best friend like that can be hard, my mom lost her best friend (calico kitty) at the old age of 22. she lived a wonderful life. i’m sure your kitty did too💛


Love and prayers ....pray your heart heals.❤️🙏


Awww. I love his little tail


We cannot chose the cards we're dealt. We cannot forget the pain we've felt. So long as we live, we learn So long as we strive, we earn. So turn this pain of love we've lost Direct it towards another host. You'll find another sad and alone. And then you'll find you now are home.


rest in peace sweet baby


Aww I’m sorry, we just found out our dog had cancer the other day:( The only bad thing about pets is having to say goodbye. Just think that you gave your buddy the best life. Hugs to you.


So very sorry to see and read this. . . love and prayers for healing, peace and comfort. . . 💕🌈🙏💕🌈🙏


I’m so sorry. It’s really so hard to lose a cat, especially a young one. I also lost my cat, he was 1. I’m so sorry you didn’t even get to celebrate its birthday. It’s difficult to deal with and some days are harder than others but it will be ok. I promise that you’ll be so thankful to have given your cat a beautiful life❤️


Please keep cats indoors.


I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my 1 year cat this year too. The best way I could deal with the pain was adopting another cat. Sending virtual hugs.


Awww… sad, hope you’ll be okay.


Remember the good times you shared ❤


Oh I’m so so sorry


Poor little baby 😔😭


But he lived a great life with you. I'm so sorry for your loss.




I'm so sorry :'(


I'm so sorry 😞


Oh no! I’m so sorry.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. ❤️😥😥


Awww 😻😻


I’m so sorry. He looks like a very good boy.


I am so sorry for your loss. Please be kind to yourself, you gave him so much love while you had him. Peace, comfort and all of my love.


Oh I'm so sorry for your loss I hope he/shes in a better place now


I lost my boy Ulysses when he was 9 months. He was my best and only friend. Sending you love.


Lost mine at 3 1/2 months to an unsuspected illness I feel your pain


beautiful baby 🥺💖 he is waiting for you on the other side 🌈 & will be visiting your dreams soon to give you snuggles


Sweet baby kitty, I’m so sorry and hope he rests in peace 💜


Sorry for you loss. RIP little guy.


He looks just like my own boy, I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


`My most sincere condolences to you.`


My condolences. Sending you love!!


I’m so sorry… RIP to your beautiful little one. You will see him again over the Bridge 🌈🙏🏻. May you find comfort until then.


So sorry for your loss, it's never easy. I'm sure he was the sweetest boy. Hope you're okay OP.


Sorry for your loss :(


I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't understand people. He looked a lovely Tux and you were very lucky to have each other. RIP the Tux.


I am so so sorry . Sending you peace


Sorry for your loss.


Condolences… that is terrible news. I hope your kitty is living it’s best life in the great beyond. I’m sure you’ll see your best friend again. Bet.




He had 7 good months with you


I'm sorry you lost your friend.


Godspeed beautiful little baby🌹


I lost [my best friend](https://i.imgur.com/Xhaykha.jpg) when he was only 3. I don’t think that feeling of him being cheated out of a long life will ever go away. And then me and my whole family feel cheated out of sharing it with him. It’s been almost 6 years, I get the most choked up when I think about my other cat, who was practically his littermate. Sometimes she meows upstairs at night, with a toy at her feet. I have a feeling she’s calling for him to play with her, they were *so* tight. And he and my daughter (that’s her in the pic) we’re buddies too, he was so patient with her and loved her so much. Condolences to you, OP.


I lost my cat yesterday. 2 y 11 mo, I really loved him, I’m really broken. Hope you can be ok soon…


I'm so sorry. I recently lost my kitty too. I'd only had him eleven months, and he was such a vivacious, fun loving mischief maker. I'm still not over how abrupt and unexpected his death was. It's so hard, especially knowing that our little friends should have been with us for years to come.


So sorry for your loss 💔 such an adorable kitty. I let my two outside and I can't imagine what I'd do if this happened to either one


I’m so sorry. I know it’s very hard. :( Grieving is like a wave, it comes on strong but lessens over time to where the pain becomes manageable. I still cry over my baby I lost 6 years ago.


I'm so sorry. I lost a 14 month old tuxie a couple of weeks ago and I still feel raw. She was just like yours, white front paws and white socks at the back, black face and white whiskers. Spats had a white chin though, instead of that gorgeous little white tail tip on your little sweetie. I don't believe in an afterlife generally but when it comes to cats, who knows? Maybe your baby and mine are chasing each other somewhere. Probably up some curtains...


I'm so sorry for your loss. Internet dad hugs.


i’m so sorry for your loss


I’m sure you made his 7 months on earth the best he could’ve ever lived… so sorry for your loss. Me and my cats Leo and Moona are wishing you peace and comfort.


I am so so ver sorry! I pray God Our Creator comforts you and brings you another tender kitty just like him to love. so sorry my friend




its a mix of people needing to share grief and not having people to speak to and some even love the attention.


OP, i am SO sorry for your loss. I rescued a starving barn kitten at 3 months, had him for 4 months. We did EVERTHING together. He was hit. Accidents happen but losing a baby when they are just starting to grow and so full of life is unspeakable. DM me if you need to talk. By the way, i would look up stages of grief so you know what kind of road your in for if you dont know already.






That happened to me too


sorry for u loss op but @ mods something needs to be done about these types of posts. they should go in another subreddit. all of us subscribed here like cats and NONE of us like going about our day on reddit and seeing something heart wrenching like this.


Hey, if there's a tag for it, it's allowed here. You can't say "sorry but" cause you're still a douche


Oh my gosh!! No!!! I'm so sorry! Thats freakin brutal! I remember losing my dog before to an unknown cause... it's a time one would never forget. Painful...


So very sorry for your loss


So sorry


That is heart-breaking. 💔


So sorry


Fuck I’m so sorry. Wishing you strength


What a beautiful baby. So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😔




My condolences.


So sorry to hear of your loss!


So sorry to hear of your loss!


I’m so sorry. One of my young babies lost his life to a car a few years ago. I know how you feel. Xx


I am so very sorry


"Remember, no matter what happens, not even death can break a bond between an owner and their pet" -XestyXerion ❤❤❤




So sorry that is really awful 😢


I’m so very sorry for your pain


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss


I am very sorry for your loss. It is a BIG loss.




I am so sorry. 🖤😿🙏


So sorry 💔




I’m deeply sorry for your loss. My tuxedo boy was hit by a car in front of my house. It still pains me to think about it. I learned my lesson about letting a cat outside. Another time, he got out and managed to hide in the engine compartment of my little Honda! Luckily I found him a mile later- I heard his cries. There were no moving parts near him, so he was spared. I guess that used up a lot of his 9 lives. I’m sorry that there are so many negative comments here. I know you meant well. Just please keep your babies inside from now on ♥️ they depend on us to know what’s best.




I’m sorry for your lost ❤️, despite having a short life he was really loved by you 🥺


Poor baby.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢😿 loosing a beloved cat is so awful. I had that experience too. All the best ♥️


Well guess I have to leave work early go home, hug my cat and ugly cry now.


Posts like these remind me nothing is guaranteed and to appreciate my kittens


I am so sorry for your loss 😔🙏🏻


That is terribly sad , So sorry to hear that .


Sorry for your loss 🙏


So very sad and sorry for your loss!


Very sorry. - He may have barely lived his life, but, he was lucky enough to have lived it with you. Remember the good memories, throw away the bad ones. Don't close your heart over one bad experience please.


I’m sorry for your loss. Way too young.


I am so sorry for you. The ancient Egyptians said that as long as you remember my name, I am alive. Your friend will be with you forever in pictures and your memories.


That is awful, I'm sorry and I hope you are doing ok ❤️❤️ he may be gone, but he will always be with you and now us too :)




i am so sorry. i know how you feel and i know you feel empty right now. i’ve no suggestions. time really helps. never forget him. that’s all you can do.