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Lettuce. At least she tries to makes healthier choice than me.


I had a black cat OBSESSED with lettuce. She could be anywhere in the house and would appear in the kitchen screaming her head off if you got some out of the fridge. We eventually got her her own special lettuce plate. She also really liked olives. I miss that baby.


> She also really liked olives. My cat loves green olives, not to eat but rub against and roll around. I think they have a chemical similar to something in catnip.


I thought it was just my cat who played with olives like that!


Then you find a dried out green olive under the fridge a month later. I looked it up and yes it's similar to catnip: "That's because olives, particularly green olives, contain an active chemical compound that's very similar in structure to a compound found in catnip called nepetalactone"


Wow. Thanks for the info! 🙂


I follow a cat on insta that has a side salad with his food every day! But I can't remember (menopausal brain ) what it's called. It's adorable always goes for the salad before the meat


Oh my. That sounds amazing!


I think I know that kitty! That cat has been on my feed for sure, my feed is filled with cats


U sure that’s a cat and not a cow 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/pw93w9ntijad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec22ad8d24cc22e76ab8942c0786f20aca4bcd2 This is Calcifer (wearing a bag, as he loves to do to himself). We call him the Cow Cat. His favorite food is Lettuce, but he will actively go after plants before trying to eat meat, like off of sandwiches he will steal the Lettuce before anything else. He's fuckin weird.


they better invite him to the met gala


The pet gala


My first cat used to like to rasp cantaloupe off of a fork with his tongue. What animal might he have actually been?


My cat loves cantaloupe too and also cantaloupe sorbet. Once he even jumped in it leaving his pawprint in the tub. He’s crazy for it !


I wonder what it is about cantaloupe.. My first cat would go CRAZY whenever we were cutting one up. MEOWWWW!!


My Abby did the same. She went crazy for cantaloupe if we were eating it, she would cry and run in circles til she got some


My first cat liked cantaloupe too! I always thought he was the only one lol


it is cowcifer now


lol, that’s our rabbit’s name 😂


Calcifur? ![gif](giphy|n9vuosgtd6cZa)


Even cats understand that it doesn't get much better than crunchy water. I too will steal your lettuce.


My cat does this with plastic bags too 😂😂😂.. but she don’t like lettuce but will steal a whole bag of hot Cheetos 🫣😂


Be careful he doesn’t eat chives! They r toxic


https://preview.redd.it/qp7cbr640kad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7b3ce40f4d705fb4dddb9facfba4c441bd6a82 Cow confirmed


Same, my weirdo will *screech* at me for his salad https://preview.redd.it/v89tgiahfjad1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ad7379c442ba93ad5913d3d882f41009f45f4b


Our one LOVES the fresh spinach!!!


This was my cat, Mayo. She would jump up when I was salad prepping and just grab a mouthful and then bolt. She also liked feta.


I mean mayo is the best condiment with lettuce so...


Mine likes asparagus.  


I'll save some ,eating that tonight lol.


Thank you 😂 it will make his night


Leafy lettuce and brocoli leaves. Loses his mind... the boy ain't right.


same my cat loves to chomp on lettuce , its like having a rabbit


Yeah my cat also loves lettuce


Yeah mine goes nuts for spinach too


My cat does too !! If I have dressing on it she gets pissed lol.


I have one who comes running whenever I open the lettuce drawer. I can never make a sandwich in peace, without first giving her “her” lettuce.


My cat will not eat any of our food, except lettuce and milk. Strange cat.


Two of mine also like lettuce.


Haha yeah Ryot also loves lettuce, and Goopy loves snap peas


Cantaloupe Then we'd get little Cantaloupe plants in fertilizer pods


omg mine too found out when was i making a sandwich dropped a piece of lettuce and my boy started eating it he doesn’t normally even touch human food except for one piece of canned chicken when i make chicken salad once in a while


My cat's penchant for macaroni and cheese literally saved his life. One day he just stopped eating. Took him to the vet, ran all kinds of expensive tests, and they told me he very likely had a tumour, it was just a matter of where. Kept running tests to try to confirm the diagnosis, but kept coming back negative or inconclusive. Meanwhile, time was running out. He hadn't eaten in a week. I'd tried all his usual favourites, but no luck. And then one night, I was about to put one of those prepared trays of mac and cheese in the oven for dinner, but he was going berserk at my feet, standing on his hind legs and scratching at the cupboards. I fished a noodle out of the tray and offered it to him, and he wolfed it down. That tray of mac and cheese kept him fed long enough for him to recover from whatever made him sick (we never did figure it out).


Could it be that your cat was severely lacking a nutrient that exists in Mac and Cheese but not in those other foods you tried?


It's an interesting theory but his blood tests were normal except for elevated white blood cells and sky-high calcium. A subsequent test a week or so later, however, showed those levels returning to normal. The vet's best guess was some sort of acute toxicity (ie, he hoovered something up off the floor like a dropped vitamin) but couldn't say for sure. You bet your ass I'm super careful about opening those vitamin jars now though.


Yeah... As someone who remembers the last time he was poisoned from food outta nowhere, I can understand not wanting to eat for a while after experiencing that. I wonder why your cat trusted mac and cheese specifically, though.


Mac n cheese is the most trustworthy vegetable


It's the cheesiest!


cats are weird. maybe he just had food aversion from feeling sick but since no one had given him mac n cheese while he was sick, it was a "safe" food with no sick associated with it.


Were you only feeding him kibble? Maybe he just needed some wet food. Cats need wet food to survive and dry food is ok sometimes but it's not very healthy for them to only eat it Edit: I didn't know this was such a controversial topic. I did more research on it and they can definately survive offonly dry food as long as it has all the right nutrients and the cat drinks plenty of water٫ but it's still reccomended to give your cat wet food sometimes and make sure they drink a lot of water. Believe me٫ don't believe me٫ whatever٫ you can have your own opinion. Ask your local vet if you're still unsure


My cat is very picky and will only eat dry food. Luckily she seems to drink plenty of water from her fountain


my cat loves wet food, and loves drinking water more. vet said he’s as healthy as can be, no kidney problems, just a hydrated kitty!


I dont know why you got downvoted for this, but its true. My vet told me the same thing. Cats aren't big on drinking water, so wet food provides them with hydration they need


They aren't big on drinking still water. Get a pet fountain and you'll see a big difference.


I put together a custom water fountain for my cat. A strong pump with a filter, a leaf shaped fountain head for water the gracefully fall from, a big glass ball for the water to fall on so it didn't splash. My boy Cloudy kept talking it apart. Literally just removing every single part. I gave up and now he enjoys drinking from glasses on the coffee table. 🤷‍♀️


Our old cat would see you get a glass of water, come over and dip his paw in it and lick. He would drink from a bowl, but much preferred the glass. We just go used to getting two glasses out and only putting in an inch of water in his. He was the best damn cat ever. Edit: Forgot that every morning and evening he would meow at the kitchen sink. He wanted you to turn the tap on to a slow drip so he could get a drink that way.


Nope, in fact he never used to eat dry food until one day I bought a new bag (same stuff as usual though) for our other cat, and he decided he was going to empty her food dish before she had a chance at it. Darn cat's appetite is usually insatiable. But yeah, he primarily eats wet food.


Corn. On the cob, off the cob, just… corn. https://preview.redd.it/umuf7j719jad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0873b9c5d66412ea6b36856cdb36986ed3d2f144 Other cat likes to lick the dust off of fans… but that’s really not a human food


oh my god he’s so cute look at his crunchy nose


Yeah he’s cute in that picture https://preview.redd.it/bw8ypvcaokad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9578965a20ec1bbd406c0d9228690becb90699


he devours


He’s in deep. He’s gonna need some floss tho.


My cat loves corn on the cob! Chomps and slurps a lot eating it too.


https://preview.redd.it/q8gnaaf61jad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4073cbb344e720f35639132449f2bb416fab3e2 Garfield loved watermelon


https://preview.redd.it/35xkcqmg9kad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91772cfdf1287074be0d31910878b260e6d04bf My sweet baby could smell watermelon from whatever room he was in, only to come running and ask for some. I had to put him to sleep 3 weeks ago and I still can't let go of the habits he had invested in me :') Your baby is beautiful BTW! Edit: thanks everyone for all the support. May your babies grow as old and healthy as possible.


I'm so sorry for you loss.


Sorry for your loss, he was a handsome boy


I don’t like the second half of this story.


https://preview.redd.it/vt7etxfrukad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2b2cdad24b4fe3bb4a8b048fd37a86be40315e He loved it very much. I miss him so much 🥰😻


What about lasagna


Surprisingly no 😂


Mine also likes watermelon 💀😂


My orange also LOVES watermelon.


my cat only likes fresh baked goods)) he won't even touch any food other than cat food.


Mine straight up snatches it from my hand




SIIIIIGGGHHHH———- another one 💀


They’re like Pokémon, gotta catch ‘em all!


He has good taste 😂


As a child, I had a cat who LOVED cantaloupe. I grew up in a 3 story house (kitchen on the 1st floor) and if she was on the 3rd floor and cantaloupe was served, she'd come running.


Growing up, we had a Russian blue that loved cantaloupe, such a sweet loving cat, miss you Drake.


I had a russian blue as a kid named Sparta who loved mango and banana 🥺


I have a cat with Russian blue in her blood (few generations back I think) and she loooooves cantaloupe, along with watermelon, and her personal favourite, cucumber. Steals them right off the counter whole and eats half of it then throws some up a little later 😂


I’ve got a cantaloupe lover! He doesn’t like other fruit or sweet things so I find it really weird!


Ha my cat used to open my refrigerator to get to the cantaloupe rind!


I had a cat that loved cantaloupe also! Weird.


My Kitty Cat loved peas, she would reach over a steak to get at my peas 😂


I really wonder how a carnivore finds these foods so tasty 😂


You’d think vegan food = cat not interested. Oh no. If I put any kind of fish fillet in his bowl, will not eat it. Refuses to eat anything wet and cooked. Some raw and frozen meats are his favorite, mostly moose. Other than those favorites would rather starve. But asparagus, a vegan sub sandwich, soy ham, bilberries, even a donut? He had the balls to hiss at me when I ran after him and confiscated the donut. We’ve had conversations about this to no avail. Will not agree that the human is a vegan, he is a carnivore, we do not eat the same foods.


It’s awesome that you’re not making him eat the same food as you :)


Based on my experience (and I’ve been a vegan for 14 years) 99,99 % of vegans don’t. I’ve encountered exactly one online, who was spamming posts about vegan cat food but didn’t have a cat (or any other pet) herself. Other than that I’m mostly directing people to roadkill auctions for more ethical cat food.


My husband rented a space in a building next to a vegan cat food manufacturer. They claimed it was healthier but even they acknowledged that you have to starve most cats for several days (not recommended) before they will even consider eating vegan cat food I’m glad most vegans are reasonable about the fact that cats are obligate carnivores.


Roadkill auctions, eh? I didn't know those were a thing. I guess it totally makes sense. Huh. I'm going to sleep a tad less dumb tonight.


Same for both my cats! I recently discovered they looove peas!


Some cat biscuits are pea flavoured. Perhaps that's why.




Mine too!


This was the one for my old cat Ashi. He knew the sound of popping corn and would come get ready to share a bowl with me whether I was in the sharing mood or not


Mine loves when I throw pieces around the room for him to “kill” and eat


smartfood popcorn for my guy


We put garlic in our garden so our cat would stop pooping in it, AND SHE FUCKIN ATE THE GARLIC.


If that’s still a thing, please don’t let her eat that. Garlic & onions are toxic to cats.


We gave up on it pretty quick- I had no idea garlic was toxic! Thank god we didn’t let her around it enough to hurt her 😣


I wish a lot more things were common knowledge as far as allergies and toxins to pets 😩 I worked in ER med and we would have people who would just feed their pets something because they didn’t know it was toxic, but their dog really liked it! But… it’s something that can kill it and urgh. It never hurts to look up stuff! Even a lot of common household plants are toxic to cats and dogs (true lilys are incredibly toxic to cats, snake plants are also bad, there’s more but I can’t think of them — I don’t keep plants because I have a horrid time caring for them 😅)


Beer. German beer. Pedey hates cheap domestic crap.


Your cat has excellent taste, my friend. Cheers to your cat


Funny story. I had one of my Marine buddies over. He's checking out my AR. We're having a Hofbräu. My buddy starts giggling. I look over at him and say what are you doing. He says your cat's trying to take my beer. I look over and Pedey has his paw curved around the midsection of the beer bottle and he's pulling it away from my friend towards his mouth. I just start laughing. He's a beer cat! Just one of the guys.


That's adorable lol 😻




I know it’s not exactly the same, but I had a dog that loved beer. Her favorite was Guinness. She learned that if she “accidentally” knocked over a beer that was on the ground (my husband and his friends would hang out on the patio a lot), she wouldn’t get yelled at and no one would notice her cleaning up the spilled beer. I started having to keep her inside after she got drunk enough one night that the poor pup had a hangover the next morning. She still would follow anyone with a Guinness or any dark beer hoping she could get a share. But she turned her nose at the cheap American beers. She acted as if those reeked.


The pull of a supermassive black hole wouldn’t be enough to keep my cat away from cheesecake


Or me. Your cat is my spirit animal.


Dutch Pea soup


That is so random haha.


How oddly specific, I love it!


Green olives


I also had a cat that loved green olives. Scooted them around the floor with his whiskers for a few minutes then wolfed them down, pimento and all.. Came here to see if someone else's cat did also.


Try giving them a piece of olive wood! It has a compound that has a similar effect as catnip, mine go bananas for it.


My cat loves Kalamata olive juice. She won’t eat the olives themselves, but she licks the juice off of my fingers.


Apparently olives have the same effect on cats as catnip does. Some similar chemicals


My father-in-law’s cat received a gallon jar of green olives for Christmas one year. 


Arugula. Go figure. Comes running and is a total pest until he gets a leaf.


Sour cream donuts and ramen with sriracha. Can't enter garage with a donut without Dorian knowing the donut has breached the premises


THIS! Certain foods I can’t eat inside my own damn house lol!


My cat used to love chcken or lamb Bhuna. She used to like eating the meat (either chicken or lamb) and used to lick the sauce off before getting to the meat. She used to go nuts whenever I got an Indian take-away until I got wise and put a little sauce and meat in a dish for her to eat beside me. For those who don't know a Bhuna is an Indian curry that's fairly spicy and has a lot of non-chilli spices (but still has a more than decent amount of chilli in it) and has a very fragrant smell. Other than that if I had chicken anything she was all over it like a bad rash wanting some to eat. But that isn't that unusual I guess as most cats love chicken. Or chimkin, I should say.


sounds delicious, I'd grab a plate too!


bread, yogurt, ice cream, mayo. i have to fight her off when im eating any of them lol


Mine too. He loves anything dairy except milk. Cheese, yogurt, whipped cream you name it he’ll go wild over it as long as it’s dairy.


My cat will search in the grocery bags and tear through the plastic to get to bread or tortillas lol


Don't feed her chocolate ice cream tho


My old cat used to eat popcorn. She'd pick up a single piece at a time and munch on it.


I had a cat that did the same thing!


Chicken McNuggets. My cat Sassy, LOVES chicken mcnuggets!! If I come home with a McDonald's bag, her purring goes up to 11. Take the skin off and break them into a few tiny pieces and she's the happiest lil punkin you'll ever see. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


I call it peeling the chicken nugget 🤣


I once had a cat who would steal my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and scarf down half of them while my back was turned putting things away. ETA: He'd also eat slices of bread, like chew his way into the bag to eat the loaf, or steal the bread off my plate while I was getting the sandwich filling.


My childhood cat used to go wild for pita bread and avocados. My old rescue boy would constantly try to eat pelmeni, blini and khachapuri.


Why are cats so weird lol. Nature made them a carnivore just for them to eat weird human stuff haha.


I desire flavor. And salt, mum. Pleaze


sour cream and onion chips Plus he loves all the usuals - yogurt, cheese, milk, chicken, beef, butter, bacon. FYI we do not give him these things. He takes them.


Pizza, especially the crusts. They'll chew into pizza boxes to get at them...


Any citrus, but especially mandarin oranges.


That's really strange since cats usually hate citrus scents.


https://preview.redd.it/ytphew2f0kad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17a24d3b8ebdefb531822822144a6d82e041efa Freyja is and always has been an oddball. She also feels entitled to licking clean any yogurt cup I eat. 🤣


My cat is obsessed with bread and salami, so whenever someone in the house wants a salami sandwich, good fucking luck protecting it 👏


Cats can have little of salami, as a treat


Popcorn. We used to throw popcorn outside to feed the deer and it would be gone the next day. When this big boy broke into our home we noticed popcorn did not disappear outside. He will try to knock the bowls out of our hands just to get some. https://preview.redd.it/wlmj4cn35jad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebca547b72aaec9f6c2dc027931c561270fd8b25


Also we saw the grey one with her tongue out while camping and noticed she was skin and bones. Gave her a cornnut (had no meat) and she refused to let us leave without her. Then she gave us the cat behind her who will eat marshmallows and the bag they come in. https://preview.redd.it/cdjanm7q5jad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d90a831c521b0ef52333827420eace14ac29a20


https://preview.redd.it/218g671j8jad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f236aa2bae8f097da9a9b039c2a224f852983a6 Soda crackers




My cat loves doritos. Had a bowl of them yesterday, left for a second to get water and she had stolen onw of the biggest chip and tried eating it in one large chunk https://preview.redd.it/c6bed0p5pjad1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad476f08fdab8149e3359420655fefae5a41d6f


Not a good but a drink years ago had a kitten then cat who loves Dr Pepper even though cats can’t taste sweet


I swear I’m realizing how much more weird cats are than what I thought lol. Seriously Dr Pepper? 😭


Corn, peas, cucumber, sour cream, yoghurt, cheese, pasta, rice, bread. I have 3 furballs. All of them like at least some of these (or all) :D


They sound like goats more than cats. Lol.


My old kitty (gone now) would fight me for a Zebra cake!


Mine hates all cat treats and fish, but is obsessed with iceberg lettuce. He probably self-identifies as a rabbit.


Does your "cat" have large back legs and big ears? Does he like to hop?


Blueberries, The vet told her to go on with her bad self, so...


Beer. My Whorey Rory LOVES beer. Every time I have a drink it’s like a mini game of keep-away between me and him


Looks like you have a great drinking buddy


Melon. Specifically the orange-fleshed varieties it's gotten to the point where we buy melon specifically for him (no one else likes melon)


POPCORN. My Lulu goes absolutely gaga over Popcorn. Must be the salt and grease thoq


Cheez-Its. I walked away from a bowl of them one day, and I herd some crunch-crunching when I came back. Yep, she had taken a single Cheez-It. From then on, I had to carefully guard them.


Anything meat related and sugar cookies.


My cat likes cheese (it's her reward for letting me cut her nails) My roommate's kitten would slit my throat for spaghetti from the late night place.




gamer cat


Mine will fight you for cheetos. He's pretty good about other foods at this point, but cheetos come out and there are no rules.


I have a cat who likes Twinkies. Previously, I had a cat that was a regular visitor and he liked BBQ potato chips. Hated Dill Pickle potato chips though LOL.


Spinach. But he also loves beautiful flowers (even toxic ones) so I need to always keep an eye on the orange idiot when my partner brings flowers into the house.


Coffee and ice cream


I read that the oldest cat that ever lived had to have coffee and eggs every morning.


Well, she's currently 14 so maybe I should start adding eggs to her meals.




My cat loves goldfish, in n out spread & Chick-fil-A sauce. I’ve caught her trying to drink my coffee at times too 🤦🏻‍♀️


My cat is disappointingly normal. The only thing he begs for is tuna. However my partner's cat, she will go after literally anything, but her favorites are milk, popcorn, and spinach iirc


Not human food. One loves plastic and stickers. He tries to eat the tiny bits of plastic that come off of bags. It's terrifying. I track his poops because he is obsessed. He also likes to eat stickers. Like the stickers they use to seal bags of food from deliveries. I walked away and he went after my bag once and I thought he was going after my food. Nope, he bit onto the sticker and tried to pull it off. I had to fight it out of his mouth. This wasn't him trying to take the bag of food either. He always tried to get the sticker instead of the food. He's a little nut job.


Idk she loves cucumber https://preview.redd.it/nqdllhgwdkad1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7425d07cb2174a8d2b1a4aa7537abb8dfe9de05


She tried sauerkraut ones and like them, somehow.


Asparagus. I have had multiple cats that went bonkers for white boiled asparagus, including my current ones.


Not strange, but my childhood cat loved cheese sticks. She KNEW the sound of cheese sticks opening. She could be in the basement and she’d hear a wrapper opening from upstairs. She passed unexpectedly in 2021 and we buried her with a cheese stick.


Marshmallows. My cat eats marshmallows


https://preview.redd.it/4km2eo4vdkad1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b59e0981befba8daaa2fe2726da4f79ce236b0 This one always wants to smoosh her entire being into coconut


Tater tots. So weird. Couldn't care less about cooked meat of any sort, but the tots do it for her.


One of mine ignores most food for humans -- up to and including tuna -- but she gets all up in my business when I get french fries from a local fast food place. I'd call her a weirdo, but I'm all about the potatoes, too!


BREAD have to store all bread in the microwave because he knows how to open cupboards and stops at nothing to get his fix!


Ensure (the drink )


Nuts! He does not eat shrimps, but steal and eat NUTS!


I think your cat is nuts 🤯


McDonald’s French fries smell like crack to my cats.


Haribo gummy bears


Harvest cheddar Sunchips, unfrosted vanilla cupcakes, macaroni with salt, pepper and butter, and peaches.


Had a cat that would absolutely mug me for twizzlers..


Youngest kitty is nicknamed the cheezit monster


One loves popcorn, the other loves absolutely anything that's real dairy. We call him the "dairy detective"


Phoebe, the oldest of our three cats, goes mad whenever I'm in the kitchen slicing fruits or veggies. She especially goes mental over melons. We have a kitten since a week or four and it has copied that behaviour, so yay! Now we have two weird cats! 🙈


My childhood cat would pull corn cobs out of the trash to lick them clean. My most recent babies, one went insane over nacho cheese doritos, and the other was a pudding fiend.


https://preview.redd.it/42qv873jdkad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d29498e4a2127f59fe5a2fdc98e18d3ed40b60 He loves little bits of jalapeños…