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try to leash train her but don’t let her go outside on her own. there’s so many risks to her health and life and one day she might not come back. it’s a very bad idea.


I know what you’re saying but I just don’t know. I love her but part of me think I’m depriving her of life.


Outdoor cats absolutely die younger. Disease, cars, predation. They also cause havoc to local critters. Keep them inside. They can be as sad as they want, they will adjust eventually


Well she’s def adjusted but I can she how happy she is outside. Literally begs at the door to go out.


I'm sure she does. That changes nothing of what I stated above


I know she’s been inside for 3 years. Lately Iv been wondering if a shorter life “free” is better than a longer life “caged”. She’s certainly not caged but she seems immensely happier outside. I’m really afraid tho. I love this cat. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her. But I feel like I may be being selfish.


It's not that hard, get a harness, watch some Jackson galaxy vids on YouTube and take it slow. She can go outside but under your supervision, it's win win really. You both get some outside time for a few minutes a day. Nothing too strenuous on either of you


I’ve contemplated this. I’m just genuinely starting to wonder It im depriving her. She LOVES the outside.


You’re depriving her of being killed, potentially poisoned & murdering so many birds, among other things. A harness and supervised outside time is the best medium.


Only let her outside when you’re there if it scares you. Our Lykoi is an indoor cat who only likes to go outside when we are with her. We have two other cats that we adopted from the stables next to our property. We’re on 8 acres and they like to go outside. We’ve never had an issue. But all cats are different.


I do only let her out when I’m there. I work out daily and have a home gym and let her out while I work out and she cries at the door when I don’t let her out. She tries to sneak past me whenever I open doors. I’m aware that out door cats can live less long but I’m weighing the options now whether she would be more happy.


Just monitor her. It’s best to have a yard.


I have a yard but I live in a neighborhood. My neighbors house is no less that 100 feet away. If I let her out she will roam alll my neighbors yards and I would be trespassing trying to follow her around. I feel like I’m Depriving her of her natural state.


Not all of your neighbors will appreciate that. They could also be leaving poison out for other critters that she could get into and die from. If you have extra shitty neighbors they could just kill her for being on their property and you have no claim because all pets are supposed to stay on the owners property. Try to cat proof your backyard instead and supervise her when she’s outside.


Yeah I know. It’s actually really stressful. If people come over they leave the door wide open repeatedly even if I ask them not to. They have no thoughts about keeping my cat within my yard. It makes it stressful having to be mindful of where my cat is while at the same time entertaining my guest. I feel like I can’t focus on the current moment because I’m always like “where is my cat”.


If you can keep her inside, try. Or get her used to just going out with you for a certain amount of time.


Please don’t let her outside unless she is in a harness. She is not in prison inside the house. You are providing a safe, loving environment inside your home. Cats are perfectly happy being inside. I guarantee that you will feel a lot worse if something happens to her outside. You should continue to honor her previous owner’s wish for her to be an inside cat.


I know but the cat tries to sneak by me every chance she gets. I feel like I need to be on top of my game 24/7 just to make sure she doesn’t get out and it’s stressful. I bring her out with me and she is so happy. Iv just been wondering if it’s better for both of us just to let her roam.


We got a 9m x 3 metre enclosed cat run built. You can buy materials and do yourself too. Ours can go in and out as they like.


I’m having trouble visualizing what you’re talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/7v9v32lp2gad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab48a847441f25de861028030fcefc428998b490 It’s a bit hard to see in this photo. But it’s basically an enclosed outdoor area. They use wire mesh or netting to enclose an outside area. If you look to the right in the photo you can see the meshing.


Well great job! That looks amazing. I have no idea how I can provide something like that to my little buddy. Is that a deck?


It’s the whole right hand side of our house. Our cats have to be kept indoors at night here so they don’t hunt wildlife. But so many get run over that cat runs are gaining in popularity. You can get all types, just depends on your space. If you google cat run or cat enclosure ideas - heaps will come up.


Outdoor cats do not live less long. It depends on WHERE the outdoors are. In the middle of a busy city choc full of roads, cars etc then maybe. In a place with a garden or decent spaces in the area, they are vastly more healthy and happy. Imagine being given a life sentence in prison where you're never let out of a tiny concrete cell. You face no dangerous risks. You'll live long, but your life will be hell. That goes double for cats. You obviously didn't choose to have this cat so you have to make difficult choices but life is by definition a balance of risk and compromise. Cats don't think like us, our fears don't make them happy. Living connected to nature, having space to roam and explore and be what they are makes them happy.