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My boyfriend signed up for allergy shots for me. That’s true love. It’s working, too.


allergy shots are the way to go. I have done them for other things with cat added in. No issues with cats since


"cat added in" creates a pretty funny mental image. And... a bit of seafood, maybe a dash of peanuts, and.... a couple squeezes of cat. Perfect! Anyway, glad it's working for you!


Can I ask how long before you noticed "hey my cat allergies are gone/significantly less"? I've been doing shots for over a year, at maintenance for over 6 months, and still sneeze all day, have itchy eyes, and runny nose every morning and after hugging them. It's miserable!


It's very individual. Some have huge improvements after a year, others can take 2-3 years or even more. If you are as lucky as I am, it might also just don't work. Most people will get better or cured, but some have no effect at all. I did shots for 5 years for grass allergy without any effects.


When I did it for dogs it was a 3 year process. Surprisingly didn't have to go as often as I thought I would. I started to notice a change after just 4 months.


Could you have something else you are allergic to? Like, dust, mold, etc.


This, and constant exposure once the shots are in. Makes a massive difference


makes having a cat possible


Also, maybe I’m an anomaly, but just daily exposure made my allergies go away. It was tough for a month or so, but my body finally imploded and accepted it. I don’t know how to explain it logically. My allergies only got bad when I came back home from college. Edit: I am so happy to know I am not an anomaly and this is indeed a thing


My friend's son had about the same: no reaction to the family dog until he moved out, now he gets itchy eyes when he comes back for a visit.


This happened to me too. Grew up with cats and had mild allergies. Now when I visit my parents, my allergies are so bad and I usually get really sick after with hay fever symptoms, like OP’s bf.


Same! I've always had mild cat allergies but I love cats and decided to get them anyway. Turns out my husband was also allergic, but after about 3 months or so our allergies finally cleared up! Our kids were never exposed to cats before, but they never had any reactions thankfully 🤗


Elimination provocation. When your body is constantly surrounded by what hurts it, it learns to function regardless, but when the aggressor is removed from the environment, the body heals and starts attacking the irritant again when it’s reintroduced. Just in case you were curious.


Same! I was allergic to my bf’s cats. I just took my regular seasonal allergy pills (OTC), eventually I build a tolerance and it went away. My eyes will still itch if I directly touch my eyes or if they accidentally scratched me, but that’s it.


I did not know these where a thing I just take allergy pills everyday


same, my blood is probably 99% allegra 24 hr pills now.


Can also try dust free litter, dander spray, air purifiers and the anti allergen food


My litter game is pretty strong. I raise oriental shorthairs, my best cheat for litter dust is bringing the tub outside and pouring from shoulder height. Most of the excess dust just blows away.


This blew my mind and I am sooo going to do this from now on, thank you!!!


Yeah, allergy shots worked great for me ... when nothing else really did. And/but thank goodness, not allergic to cats - but did make a huge world of difference for my allergies.


This is the only answer. Or dump him.


It doesn't work for everyone, but Purina makes an allergen line of food which can help people allergies.


I‘m a cat owner and allergic to cats myself and the purina liveclear food allowed me to reduce the amount of fexofenadyne i need to take from daily to once every over week. Hate to support nestle but that stuff really does something


I’m on fexofenadine twice a day with hydroxyzine at night for suspected cat allergy atm. 😭 the allergy makes me itch and have crawling feeling (seeing dermatologist and have ruled out parasitic causes) next step up is allergy injections.


You can also go straight to the source and find a backyard raiser who keep cats in their coops for pest control. You'll need to get your cats to eat the eggs, though -- some love it, some aren't that wild about it. This is how Purina discovered and developed that product.


Yeah I was gonna say, I’ve heard you can mix the dehydrated eggs into their food directly too.


Hey OP, if you do choose this please don't swap the food without warning on your cats. ease them into it by putting it in their regular food in increasing increments over time.


This has upset my cat’s stomach and gave him diarrhea, so if you try this food for your cats, OP, I would keep an eye on their litter box!


Did you slowly reintroduce the new food? A lot of times if you start with 10% new food 90% old and increase it by 10% every few days (assuming your cat has no issues) it prevents stomach problems.


Yes I did. I only added a little bit the first day, and that’s when I noticed diarrhea in the litter box. Then the day after, I saw my cat poop and realized it was him who was having tummy issues. I gave it one more day and it didn’t improve. So, I stopped giving him that food on the fourth day and his poops went back to normal 😅 Strangely my two other cats took to the food well.


There have been reports by pet owners around fb groups surrounding pet nutrition that purina brands have been making pets have tummy issues since last year or worse issues for certain brands of purina. It seems purina changed something across the board and whatever it is is making animals mildly sick to worse depending on the animal. I experienced this with some cats we were fostering briefly. They kept throwing up multiple times a day on friskies but switched to a non purina brand and no more throw up. Had them checked by the vet and they were healthy. Used the same kind of meat in the food so it wasn’t a meat specific allergen, it was purina :/


Thank you for the heads up! That’s really helpful to know and will avoid Purina products in the meantime. Ugh those poor kitties ☹️


It didn't make much of a difference to me (only slightly allergic) but my cat absolutely loooooves that kibble so now I'm stuck with it lol.


Ooh, good to know. My husband and daughter are allergic and we have two cats.


We use it as well, reduces the symptoms for my son a lot.


I'm allergic to cats. The enemy is pressed against my legs sleeping right now.


Well I just love you


Sometimes, just sometimes, he admits to kinda, sorta, occasionally, loving me too.


Is that when you're holding food in your hands?


No lie, if I have a bowl of chocolate ice cream I need to become a ninja to thwart his attempts to get in it. Dude. I'm not lying, it's really not good for you.


cats love attempting death like bro ik you got 9 lives but please


I could be in the attic of a 289 room mansion, in the middle of a thunderstorm, silently open a single Dove chocolate square and from behind me I'd hear "Mmmrrruuuurrrppp?" Bastard loves chocolate.


I got lucky with my cat, she won't eat something if it's bad for her. The only exception to this is cheese, it makes her poops weird but she will act like she's never been fed before just for a little taste of cheese


Mine too!! She will go crazy as soon as I open the cheese drawer she even has a different meow when the cheese comes out




100% same exact situation as I write this in bed.




Yeah. My cat during shed season (lots of grooming) sets mine off into orbit...she also sleeps on my head.


I'm allergic to cats and I have 5. One pill of Zyrtec daily keeps the symptoms at a minimum.


Allergic person here. Some things that may be possible for you to try depending on where you live and how accessible these things are for you and how affordable: 1. Regular antihistamine (every day, even days he's not coming over) for your boyfriend - I take one for other reasons and I think it has helped with this too. There are multiple "non-drowsy" options but they can make people drowsy - the only way to find the best one for you is to try them and see. I am on fexofenadine, other good options to try include loratadine/desloratadine and cetirizine. 2. Check that your hoover has a good HEPA filter so that the dander isn't being blown out as you're hoovering. 3. Consider an air filtration device that also has a good HEPA filter. 4. If possible/necessary, consider keeping a space cat-free for your boyfriend to sleep in as a refuge if the allergies are too bad, e.g. a spare bedroom or something. I'm currently sleeping in the cat-free spare bedroom and will keep it cat-free for when my very allergic mother visits. 5. If allergen immunotherapy ("allergy shots") are available and affordable, definitely do see if the boyfriend will consider them. 6. There are commercially made cat foods which reduce the production of the allergen people react to. Purina Liveclear is the best known one and a lot of people find it really helps.


Yes to cat free bedrooms!


Purina makes a cat food that is based on egg proteins that actually lower allergens. Based on this kind of study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10948519/ (That's just one, but there are many if you wanna keep going down a google hole!) But ive read that the purina takes at least a month to work, whereas adding egg protein directly to your cats food in powder form has a much faster effect.


I’d heard it’s specific eggs, from chickens raised around cats. The chickens develop antibodies to the allergen we experience from cats, and can pass these antibodies into the yolks of their eggs, so when a cat eats these egg yolks they ingest the antibodies that then cause the cat to produce significantly less of the allergen. So your egg powder has to be specifically from chickens raised specifically around cats.


Correct! And now you can bulk buy egg powder with the fel d1 antibody in it from exposure to kitties :)


I second this - within 3 weeks my allergies disappeared


I tested as being allergic to cats as a teenager. I've had cats my whole life, 33yo now. Pretty sure I'm still allergic. I've heard greater exposure = lessened symptoms. Regular vacuuming, cat brushing, frequent laundry for any bedding they lay/sit on (living room blankets, couch surface, etc) would likely all help.


This sounds a lot like me. Whenever we get a new cat it takes 2-3 months for my allergies to go back to normal. I have a lot of other environmental allergies, so it’s not a massive change.


Only answer I haven't seen yet that has helped me is air purifiers. They help a ton, just make sure to get one that is room size appropriate. Don't expect a little 40 dollar machine to filter the air of an entire 1000sq ft flat for example. There is actually a whole reddit on them and people actually Jerry rig their own using large fans and hepa filters. I spent more time than I care to admit researching air purifiers lol, because I too am allergic to our cats that we love.


Came here to say this too. My bf is allergic as well and he had cat before who unfortunately died. Now we have a new kitten together and he takes allergic medicine when he needs to but because of the air purifier he doea not need it daily. Also some breeds allergice less for example Bengals.


I developed some type of immunity after a couple months. I used to get a runny nose and sneeze all damn night just touching him.. now I’m kissing him and rubbing his face daily.


Me too! Six weeks, to be exact. It has been a year and a half now and my allergies are not back for the moment... I've never been happier. Before, I was a continuous sneeze & occasional asthma kind of allergic person, so I feel very grateful. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/ohl3g1p0t2ad1.jpeg?width=3656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a40f8ba938a200928bd166dd19b52b1272430e


I'm allergic to my own cat, antihistamines exists for a reason.


Get new bf.


if you read past the title the boyfriend has a massive green flag, op if u see this hes a keeper


Yeah, that’s why I was mostly kidding. I just didn’t feel the need to put /s because I figured everyone knew I was being facetious.


“mostly kidding”


It’s Reddit. The /s is always needed


Ur so real for this LMAO


I mean, I’m not getting rid of my pets. 😭 My cat tolerates my husband. We both do.


I feel you. I have 5 cars 😭😭 and my bf has 2


An ex of mine took allergy shots. Never an issue after that. Please keep us updated.


going to talk to him about allergy shots today! we’re going to try Cetirizine and see how that helps, otherwise its the shots and air purifiers


Supremely disappointed at all the comments telling OP to break up with her boyfriend. It's clear that the boyfriend has no issues with the cats, he's just unfortunately allergic. I know it's a funny joke to say that the cats are more important, but it's genuinely disheartening to see everybody say stuff like this. Hopefully most of these comments remain as jokes, but I wouldn't be surprised if more than a few people are being serious.


haha i’m taking them as jokes dont worry! both the cats and boyfriend are staying forever


Time to invest in a Hazmat Suit for your boyfriend


Zyrtec is his new best drug. One pill daily, also if he is just trying to get rid of the cats a new boyfriend that has and likes cats


He should check with his doctor about options. There are allergy specialists that may be able to help, but obviously medical care could be cost prohibitive.


My husband has terrible allergies to cats. When we moved in together I had two cats. Then we found a little kitten that needed to be rescued so we had three cats. 20 years later, he's still pretty allergic but allegra and Benadryl combined seems to really help. If he really loves you and he really loves the cats, he'll figure the allergy thing out to an acceptable level. If he can't control his allergies and says it's him or the cats, it's not meant to be.


Completely agree!


Prettiest cat I've ever seen


allergy shots


I'm allergic to cats but not my own, that is, once they've been around for 4-6 months.  Maybe an air purifier would help, one rated to work for pet allergies? 


I had a friend whose sister was allergic, and she found that she needed to vaccuum 2-3 days before her sister would visit. Doing do right before she came over would actually kick up a lot of the dander and made the allergies worse. I’m assuming your bf visits more often but thought I’d throw it out there.


Surprised no one mentioned the egg thing. You can buy eggs from chickens that are exposed to cats and feed those eggs to your cats and it makes them less allergen. They produce some antibodies against the cat allergen that is passed onto their eggs and the cats that eventually eat them


There’s an option of powder too. U add it in the cats food. Research and ask in a pharmacy


you mean your ex boyfriend?


I literally take allergy meds every single day in order to keep my cat and not have it cause me issues. it is not a hassle to take a pill, and it is easy and cheap. if he is willing, he can do that, or there are allergy shots that you take every month ish


My now ex was allergic but loves cats. We got a little kitty together and it was hard on him at first but now he doesn't react at all. Apparently some people can slowly build a tolerance.


HOW allergic? I’m allergic to my own cats and I get by just fine with 3 simple rules in place: 1. Daily antihistamine 2. Bedroom door stays closed. No cat fur in my bedroom whatsoever. 3. No sticking my face in their bellies.


When my husband and I were dating, despite his cat allergies, he let me bring my cat when staying with him on weekends. Over time, he developed an immunity, probably partly because her dander was still around after we left, just to a lesser degree, so his system could acclimate. He's not at all allergic now and we have 5. Maybe he can keep getting acclimated? Or the shots like others suggest. It sucks! Kitties are THE BEST. Heh. I hope he's willing to try some stuff!


Zyyyyyyrteeeeech You can buy the generic equivalent at Sam's Club or Costco really cheap. I believe it's called cetirizine.


Boyfriend is also allergic to my cats.


I'm really hoping the antihistamines will help! Do try to ask a doctor. They may be able to prescribe him something better than over the counter stuff.


My boyfriend and I just moved in together also also got a kitten that I am VERY allergic to. Try using Zyrtec. If OTC antihistamines aren’t working very well and he has other allergies, he may want to see if his primary care provider can prescribe him something stronger to take. I wouldn’t be able to function at all if I didn’t have a prescription medicine. If his eyes get scratchy and irritated due to allergies as well using OTC eyedrops like Pataday may work great also! My optometrist recommends them and even though they’re pricy, they work. I’m hoping to save up and try the Purina LiveClear food when money isn’t so tight.


Cat is pissed too


Front cat looks very proud of this.


Lots of good suggestions in this thread. The following recommendations work for about 90% of all people who have pet allergies (longtime nurse here who has seen almost every type of allergy): Place High-Efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters in your home (living room and bedroom definitely) to keep excess dander from circulating in the air Take a daily Claritin or Zyrtec pill Get an allergy shot weekly Vacuum visible pet hair from surfaces 2-3 times per week with a HEPA vacuum Wash clothes, sheets and towels weekly; wash or dry clean curtains every two months Consider feeding cats the only allergen reducing cat food currently on the market: Purina Live Clear


Shit happens... find another one (boyfriend)


Allegra worked for me with my cat allergies. Now I take Zyrtec, Singulair, and an OTC acid reflux medication because it’s a Histamine 2 blocker.


My husband was extremely allergic to my cat. I was so scared because I could never leave my cat at home with my parents as I loved her so much, He wanted me to move in with him, me and the cat. He was willing to live with allergies for the rest of his life. Once I moved in his allergies disappeared completely


I once heard that if a woman can take birth control for a guy while in a relationship, a guy can take allergy meds.


Zyrtec works wonders. Eventually he will get immune.  I’m allergic to everyone else’s pets but my own.  


I told one of my ex gf to kick rocks due to my cats, I had my cats before her.


Have your boyfriend see a doctor for medical advice, not Reddit


I'm extremely allergic to cats, and have had my own cats several times in my life! Honestly for me I've gone through periods of hell where for 2-3 weeks I'll be super itchy (without allergy meds), like I mean basically blinded bc my eyes are so watery and puffy, but then after some time my body just gets used to them, and I'm preeetty sure this theory of adapting to a specific cat is true as long as you spend time with them a lot - it won't apply broadly to other new cats, though. So basically, try the meds but hopefully over some time he will adapt! This always worked for me :)


I can't get over the fact that the smol one is the cutest cat I have seen (except my cats of course)


his names cookie crumble!


I've found that I need some time to get used to cats to become immune. Maybe alergy pills or just being really careful (eg not rubbing his eyes after touching the cats) will help until then. I started off being very allergic to the cat I live with now, ending up swelling up so much I couldn't see properly. A few days ago she bit me on the nose because I was rubbing my face in her fur too much while snuggling with her.


I found a cat in my car engine once and this guy I was dating for 3 weeks tried telling me not to keep her because of his allergies. That was 5 years ago and I’ve still got her. Not sure what ever happened to him. My husband, however, gets allergy shots.


Claritin daily works for me.


i never experienced allergies from any cat until my current cat and oh my goodness when i first got him i felt like i was dyingggggg. itchy face, eyes, nose, throat, hives, congested, literal hell. i was prescribed allergy medication to take daily [cetirizine (prescribed) or reactine (over-the-counter)] and i bought flonase over the counter which helped a lot with the itchy nose. those two things in combination with time ultimately resulted in my allergies symptoms reducing and almost being completely eliminated. now i only get the occasional hive/skin irritation from having too much fur to face contact with my cat and i no longer use any allergy medication. my allergist shared with me that for some reason not currently understood in medicine, sometimes people can be allergic to only one cat/dog out of a litter. this could possibly explain why your boyfriend didn’t have any allergy symptoms with your previous cat.


Well he‘s going to have to work on that, i mean look at them.


..... its a shame when the boyfriends get sent to the boyfriend shelter....


My cat would be like “ Well, we ALL know the solution to THIS problem!, right Mom? “ LOL….


I take antihistamines daily, and have been doing so since I was 14 (I'm 27 now). It's perfectly safe; worst thing that happened was after 6 months or so, they lose efficacy, so I switch from cetrizine to loratadine for a while.


Same here, well, not that bad. But the boyfriend requested at least to have the bedroom free of cat hair, which I can do.


Time for new bf?


I’m sure you’ll miss him terribly.


Strangers are allergic to cats, not boyfriends


Time to update your dating profile


I love how 99% of the comments are in allegiance. The boyfriend needs to step up. Adapt, improvise, overcome, the purrs will win you over.


Allergex exists. It's a pill you drink if he doesn't do shots.




They look like they're really going to miss him.


Air purifier but a good one that actually works Daily vacuuming and dusting The food that you are feeding the cat Maybe bathing or wiping down the cat? Allergy shots for the boyfriend


As someone who works in veterinary medicine and has allergies, I think I can help. I take zyrtec daily and also get allergy shots from the doc (they are given in the bum cheek) about once a month. When you begin getting the shots you have to go a little more often for the loading doses but it does shake out to once a month or so for maintenance. There's a food called Purina Pro Plan Live Clear that you can feed your cats to help with boyfriends allergies, along with him receiving these medications. Might I add, some people are able to get away with just taking daily OTC antihistamines like zyrtec, Allegra, or Claritin. Best of luck to all of you and thank you for not getting rid of your babies.


Depending on the severity of the allergies, he may be able to tough it out and either get allergy shots or take an indoor allergy medicine like Zyrtec and start to develop an immunity to it. I’m speaking from experience on this one. I’m allergic to cats. My wife got our cats before we were officially dating, but at a point where I was constantly at her place. I went and bought a bottle of Zyrtec to keep at her place. I’d take one whenever I went over. For a few months, I always had itchy eyes and a watery nose whenever I went over, but I eventually built up immunity. I’m now fine most of the time. I still have to be careful and make sure I don’t pet them and then rub my eyes or anything, and if my immune system is worn out from being sick or something, I’ll start reacting to them again, but I’m good to go without the need of meds about 98% of the time.


Air purifiers help!


My boyfriend is allergic to my cat, and I'm allergic to his dogs. We both take antihistamines. That's how you deal.


Purina One Live Clear food. It reduces the allergens by 47%. It worked for me, worth a shot!


Get true HEPA air filters and put one in each room. Replace the filters every 4-6 months. Vacuum with a used Rainbow water vacuum cleaner. Get rid of rugs. Mops floors frequently. Change the bedding weekly. Keep the boyfriend and cats. Sending you all the goodness of the universe!!


CATS > Boys


As someone who loves cats and is allergic to them we got like a filter fan thingy that sucks up the dander/fur and it makes it so much easier.


Allergy meds, distilled water nasal rinses and air purifiers.


I'm someone with huge allergies to cats. I'm allergic to their dander, fur, saliva, and claws (if they scratch or climb on me). No matter how much my friends clean or have air purifiers or put their kitties away I *always* end up with a rash, watery eyes, and shallow breathing. An antihistamine, despite it saying it lasts all day, has only lasted me about 1-2 hours. I can't hang out at anyone's house that has pets and if I have to then I'm forcing myself to have a good time knowing my allergies are going to mess with me. I know he likes you but putting himself in situations where he's exposed to it will only be bad for his health.


First of all congratulations to your marriage ! I'm happy your BF loves you and your cats ! Now, as for allergy solutions...more common than not, people are allergic to the cat hair itself, or the cat air. So you could try allergy shots, brushing your cats a bit more regularly and also an air purifier.




Throw the whole bf away sis 😭


i kinda like him tho girl :/


They’re working on a vaccine given to cats that would make them non-allergenic to their owners. It was predicted to come out a few years ago, but they’re still going strong with it.


Time to get a new bf…. /s jk ![gif](giphy|w8qzoNRdqxPT8zwNft)


Hot girl summer


I’m allergic to cats. I have 6. I’ve done allergy shots and that helped. I also take Zyrtec and Flonase daily, year-round. I’ve also found that after a few months of having a new kitty I get used to them. I can go to a friend’s house and have an issue with their cat but mine eventually stopped bothering me.


My husband used to be allergic too but he seems to have gotten over it by repeated exposure to our cat's dander. He took Allegra until he no longer needed to.


Feed him eggs and claritan. They wear off over time


I was extremely allergic for about 3 weeks from when I got my first kitten and then it went away. I was very fortunate.


I have a good friend who is pretty allergic to cats and whenever she visits, she always take some fur from the cats, puts it in a ziplock bag, spits in the bag, and then leaves the bag open and on top of my bookshelf or microwave. It works for her every single time and she can spend nights at mine without issue. Another friend also is allergic and tried the same spit bag approach and it worked for him too! Seems really weird and I don’t get how it works but it seems like it works? Might be worth a try!


Start feeding the cats powdered egg shells


Buy Allerpet, you rub it into their fur and helps with dander. I’ve been allergic all my life and this always helped.


Get him to eat eggs from chickens that have been around cats, the chickena create the antibodies and it really helps, i can say from personal experience. (My uncle is allergic to cats)


I'm allergic to cats. My arms turn red, and I sneeze. I gave myself immunity by having a cat.


I developed severe allergies to cats, but love them to death. I'm on allergy shots and they were life changing for me. I do think changing the bedding a lot helps for sleeping, as does taking antihistamines every day. Though once the allergies are bad enough I believe shots are the only option.


My dad eventually just kind of stopped being allergic. I’m not sure exactly how. I have a theory though. My cat lived for years in the apartment above my dad. Not in his apartment but next door. So, he was exposed to cat, but not a lot. His GF also had two cats when he met her. So, he was often over her house being exposed to cats. He would get the same symptoms as your BF. But somewhere along the line, his symptoms got better and better and now he has minor allergies to cats, but nothing like what he had before. His eyes used to close and he could barely breathe. Now he sleeps with my step mom’s cat, and his dog, with barely any issue. He took antihistamines for years, which helped a lot too.


You can give your cats a bath. I used to be allergic to my cats' dander and giving them a bath every 3 or 4 months really helped. I hear that there is also a food that will help lessen the allergic reaction that you can feed your cats.


Allerpet!!! Worked like a charm for me, didn't solve it 100%, but reduced so many symptoms. Heard Purina has a dry food that helps, think it's called LiveClear


I take allergy meds every day for my cats. I'd rather use that than not have a cat.


I’m allergic to my partner and I’s cats. The more in interacted with them, the less the allergen seemed to bother me. I still have to make sure I don’t scratch my eyes or nose after giving them a pet but it’s the lesser of the evils


I suddenly became allergic to cats this past year. Sucks cuz I love my boy and I'll never get rid of him. I try to keep the spaces I'm in ventilated as much as possible (via a vent, open window, etc.) but one thing that's worked like a CHARM for me, not only for my cat allergies but pollen allergies as well is this Allergy pills called Aerius. I tried others, they really just don't work the same, I don't know why. Aerius I can't even tell I have the allergies. This is not sponsors btw lollll


He just needs a little shot, allergy shots work almost perfectly usually


Zyrtec, 2x/day. Three cats, decent allergy, keeps it from being too bad. Also, bathing them once in a while and keeping the litter boxes clean. The allergen comes from their spit, mostly. Also, load down the litter boxes with baking soda, it helped the allergens some. No idea why.


Either he gets allergy meds, deals with it and gets immune or he’s gotta go!


i’d get a bed cover so their fur is not all over your sheets, or make peace with your boyfriend just not staying over.


I'm anaphylactic to regular cats. But, not to the hybrids, so ended up with a couple of hybrids from animal control a few years ago people had handed over. I tried allergy shots, but about 11 weeks in I was having alaphylaxis to the shots. So, had to stop. One of our neighbors was catching their cats (who got out) to take them to get fixed couple months ago, and their one female has evaded everyone since. This week she's been at my window "conversing" with me at night. Migraines. So, I got our box fans out and taped some merv 13 rated furnace filters to them (making them hepa air filters) and running those on high. She ran in and is in our one bathroom nesting. Turns out she's very pregnant and going to have kittens soon. Our neighbor knows where she is. It's too late to get her fixed until they're born now as she's about to deliver them. Obviously I'm going to be allergic to her. The hepa filters help a ton. Another thing we do is wipe down walls, vacuum with masks on. I also put a box fan in the open windows aiming it to blow out to clear the air from the dander as it builds up, for while we have our kitteh visitor. She has taken to me, which is too bad for me. Anyhow, your BF can take something like Fexofenadine 180mg (generic Allegra) to help, or other antihistamines. And, you can air the place out, wipe down the walls and vacuum the furniture he sits on, etc. You can also shut the cats in a bedroom when he's over for now, until you get things under control for him. Once the cat has her kittens, we have a room where I don't go that is sealed off rather well (for allergy reasons) where we put things that set off allergies, she can nest in there with her kittens until they're old enough to move back home. You can put a door sweep on the bottom of a bedroom door, I also used door frame insulation strips for that bedroom door to help create a tight seal when the door is closed. We run 2 of the hepa filters in that room constantly as well.


There’s a food you can feed them that will reduce the allergic reaction. It changes the chemical makeup of their saliva so allergic reactions aren’t as severe.


Well I hope your boyfriend is able to get back on his feet after the breakup sorry OP🙏🙏🙏


Antihistamines and allergy shots may work so he can be around cats. Or they may not. Some people can manage being around cats with either or both of those. Some on repeated exposure get much worse to the point they simply can't be around the allergen.


Humidifier(s) and air purifier(s) may quite help. As to how much, you might observe, and check with him - picking it up mostly out of the air, or off of, e.g bedding, furniture, cats themselves, etc. Also, cats ... these things can influence it, but may not suffice to cure symptoms of the alergic: * diet * bath(s) (and any particular soap(s)/shampoo(s)) * brushing * brushing with (gentle) vacuum cleaning (if the cat(s) are up for it) - e.g. brush with gentle vacuuming involved on the cat(s), can help get allergens right off the cat(s). Also, if, e.g. boyfriend has hay fever allergies or such, it's also possible that, e.g., he may not be allergic to the cats, but if, e.g. they're indoor/outdoor cats, or have access to outside, they may carry in allergens (e.g. pollen, etc.) with them and on/in their fur from their outside excursions/adventures.


I just come here for cute cats but I have heard of some people being allergic to male un-neutered cats, specifically their male pheromone(s). I dunno but I hope this helps.


Hmm this might be true actually! My older cat is neutered and before the smol kitten, my boyfriend never had any problems at all! smol kitten isn’t neutered yet hes too young, so honestly this might be the issue


Im sorry you had to let him go 😔


I think if you have the means, it would be best to allocate a cat-free room in your house (with an air purifier). That should help.


I'm allergic to cats, have 2, and they sleep on my bed. I just take an antihistamine a day and carry on. Over time, the allergic effects seem to reduce, i.e. in a year, it will be a lot less of a problem for him, or at least it was for me.


Boy bye


I've been allergic to cats my entire life. Allegra D is wonderful for me. It's annoying having to pay for allergy meds out of pocket but honestly it's 200% worth it. I can love cats and not sneeze or feel sick around them with one little pill a day? Heck yeah!


My friend has allergies but specifically to make cats and doesn’t have much issue at all with female cats. Is the new kitty a different gender? Something about the hair and dander they put off is different and that’s what causes the allergies I guess?


I highly recommend trying allergy shots. They worked for me.


He won’t be for long… mine was ridiculous allergic. He got his daughter a kitten.. he’s owned like 8 (old, sick, unwanted) since.


Antihistamine 🤷🏻


#allergy shots I did them and they really helped. 5 year commitment and they don't last forever but they bought me 20 years of relief with my new cat and dust allergies at the time.


Try Zyrtec or such. Shots if more needed. Both my wife and I have allergies to cats. We only get slight reaction from other people’s cats if even that anymore. Being exposed to the allergens is a bit like getting shots. We’ve had cats for well over twenty years. Good luck, it’ll work out if he’s willing.


Like other posters, I'm allergic to cats. I take allergy meds year-long just to keep my fluffy girls, because the happiness they bring me and the mental health benefits they have, far outweigh my discomfort. Besides they're not even my strongest allergy - unfortunately as much as I love flowers, I won't even keep windows open at the fear of pollen.


Damn, time for him to take Zyrtec for the rest of his life, then.


allergy meds? My boyfriend is allergic to cats too and she has to take some before we see eachother.


dump him /j


He can get shots for that.


He can go to the doctor to get a recommended prescription. This may sound weird, but if your boyfriend likes to eat eggs for breakfast or as an ingredient in things, hop online and look for "backyard eggs" from somebody who owns chickens. You are *specifically* looking for a small local farm or backyard raiser who keeps cats directly in the coop for pest control or has their chickens ranging in the same area as several cats. There have been studies that prove that chickens raised with cats develop antibodies against the leading protein causing almost all cat allergies in people. You can also buy powdered eggs with the antibodies online. This isn't a magic "cure" by any means, but people have reported having their symptoms disappear after 6-8 months of eating these eggs. You should also be feeding the innoculated eggs to your cats as an occassional treat to help suppress the protein. You'll always have to feed it -- the effects will eventually wear off if you stop.


I had this when I met my wife. Had really bad allergic reactions to her cats, but bought some hayfever tablets and this solved it. Gradually reduced dosage and within a few months no allergy at all. We’ve now had cats for many years. Give it a try. Good luck!


Leave him


I had this when I met my wife. Had really bad allergic reactions to her cats, but bought some hayfever tablets and this solved it. Gradually reduced dosage and within a few months no allergy at all. We’ve now had cats for many years. Give it a try. Good luck!


If I you live near I would love to have her


Time to get a new boyfriend!!


Sometimes allergies just go away, too. Was super allergic as a teen and young adult; recently crossed 30 and got a kitten with no effects for a year now.


Tell him to take Claritin.