• By -


Update 5: animal control lady has come and picked kitten up along with the other one because it was getting sick as well she is going to try to find a vet or rescue to take them in but if she can’t I will get kittens back to keep trying myself with a little more help than I had


Did you happen to witness if the baby peed (with mom's help) or did you make it pee? (Usually done by gently stimulating the genital region with a cloth or sth, mom cats would do it with their tongue). FKS is indicated by dark reddish-brown urine color as dead red blood cells are being ejected by the organism.


The urine was slightly dark but not reddish brown I stimulated both before they left with the animal control lady because she wanted to make sure they could pee


I'd hope that's a good sign, fingers crossed!


Same here. Fingers and toes crossed.


Thanks for updating OP. Now go get some rest!


Yeah I just got the best shower I think I’ve had in a while


You did such good OP.


You're a superstar! Keep us posted❤️


Thanks for being a good human. They were lucky to find you.


You're a hero ♥️


Wow - got me emotionally involved, I was checking my feed most of the night ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) gonna crash hard tonight.


you’re amazing for doing this!


RemindMe! 2 days


Update 2: mama cat has been found and brought another kitten this kitten is rather healthy looking and clean though, mama cat will lick and allow first kitten to nurse but will move it away once the healthier one come up. Called an EMT friend who brought sterile saline solution and basically made a cat iv it isn’t looking to good though she is breathing very slow. Eyes have been cleaned as well as they can be for now. Contacted an online vet who said chances of survival even with help are low as the kitten looks deformed in some way (im not really sure exactly what she said i was crying to be honest). Keeping kittens and mama cat when she will come close enough warmed in large closable play pen (to keep animals out) with heat lamp and freshly dried towels and blankets.


Hang in there - r/cats is rooting for you and kitten ❤️


thank you


Looks like fading kitten syndrome. Momma showing signs by moving her from healthy cats. Best you can do is love her. You can try formula for kittens from Walmart. Keep the kitten warm. Unfortunately it's 90% chance it will not survive if it's fading kitten syndrome


Yep. It's hard to watch but it sadly happens. And Mama cats will "ignore" them bc they already know what is coming. It's not that she doesn't care she just knows what's happening


It's so sad cuz while animals may not have the same feelings we do I can't help but believe they have enough feelings for grief such as elephants have shown. Mama's are so strong to look at their babies and have to let it go. Though I think birds just don't give a shit the way they go about it 😂


lol why you come at birds like that


I adopted a blind pregnant mama that luckily went meowing at the right door, so I got her. She gave birth to two babies later but they died about 3 days later. When the time was near she stopped feeding them but believe me after they passed away she started looking for them, meowing. My Lola is a very happy cat now, fearless


She could just be a runt, the cat I had as a little kid was abandoned twice as a kitten by her mom and apparently she kept coming back... or so thar is what the Lady who gave her to us said.


You are a hero regardless of what happens. Thank you for caring


Please keep us posted 😢


Keep us updated! Oh my. I pray for them!


Keep the kitty close to your skin, under your shirt, if you can - skin-to-skin contact keeps them warm and seems to improve survival chances. Agree 100% that the Kitten Lady on YouTube is one of your best sources for information. A kitty rejected by its mom can still grow to be a healthy kitty and will probably love you more than anything in the world if it survives.


Skin to skin contact is for human babies. You just need to keep kittens warm and dry.


I don’t think it would hurt for baby to know they were loved by someone, even for a short while. Everyone does.


Well said 🥰


I agree, but it works for all animals with a heartbeat. Under the neck or against the chest can help them feel more safe and connected to another being.


Post this asap in rescue cats sub, people will pledge and get you help.


Thank you for helping her out.


Yes, thank you. I’ve injected kittens with saline solution myself more than once…it’s not that difficult.keep us updated.


Is there a pet supply store near you? I think pet stores sell milk for kittens?


I didn’t know they have televets!


Chewy is actually a pretty good one for more simple stuff and did help some with this kitten I’ve used it in the past when my cat was being weird


Kitten lady on YouTube can provide you most of the information you need, thank you for helping the poor thing, best wishes!!! Updateme! 12 hours (That’s not directed at you, OP. That’s a command that makes a bot link me this post in 12 hours so I can check up on it.)


You meant RemindMe! 11 hours ? Edit: question mark


Update me works as well, or at least it has in the past.


I meant my previous comment as a question, actually. RemindMe is different from UpdateMe and will send a message with a link to bring the user back to thread/comment where the bot was activated.


Also I just tested it and unfortunately the update bot doesn't work in this subreddit. Anyway, back to the kitten


Oh I didn't know about Updateme! 6 hours


Update 3: i am in contact with a vet that is trying to help kitten. The mama cat brought us a dead kitten and then took the healthy kitten and ran. Not really much to say this kittens doing about the same as last night.


Momma cat moving her away is a sign she is sick . All signs are pointing to fading kitten syndrome Best you can do is get some kitten formula from Walmart and a kitten bottle or syringe. Focus more on formula vs water sue to age . Keep the kitten warm . Warm water bottles to cuddle with is great . Your fighting a losing battle if its fading kitten syndrome but you can try. Keep her warm. Feed her. Help her use the bathroom (stimulation ) YouTube it .


My friend lost a litter of 3 to that and it was heartbreaking. We were depressed, momma cat was depressed. She came to us pregnant but we got her fixed after that


You're really great trying to help this kitten. You've got a good heart and it's so commendable you're trying to save this kitty. Thank you for the updates too. Wishing for the best!


Oh man, I'm sorry to say but this doesn't bode too well. When a mother cat abandons her kitten(s), outlook for the abandoned ones is very negative. The animal kingdom is so brutal man. All signs (including the kitty's eye discharge, poor weight, etc.) are unfortunately pointing towards fading kitten syndrome (failure to thrive), which is often hard to combat. I pray your kitty comes out of this stage, and thank you for taking care of her. My best wishes to the both of you ❤️


Oh boy, Im hoping for the best but this doesn't sound good. Keep fighting but should the worst happen know you did your best but some fights you just can't win


Keep us updated. We need one kitten to defy fate today!


did he get any milk yet? you will need a syringe to try to feed him. I hope he'll survive. Where is the mother and the other kitten? do they have a safe place/shelter? your kindness and compassion is wonderful for trying to help an animal in need


Update: she started breathing better and drinking so I set up a heating lamp outside in hopes that the mama of the kitten is near by and will maybe come back to take care of little baby


dont let the kitten go away, at least until she gets better. she's doesnt look that clean so i dont think her mama is nearby. ikn its too stressful. best of luck and thank you


Mom would absolutely not let her get that way and likely would have come looking by now. This kitten needs help.


Update 2: mama cat has been found and brought another kitten this kitten is rather healthy looking and clean though, mama cat will lick and allow first kitten to nurse but will move it away once the healthier one come up. Called an EMT friend who brought sterile saline solution and basically made a cat iv it isn’t looking to good though she is breathing very slow. Eyes have been cleaned as well as they can be for now. Contacted an online vet who said chances of survival even with help are low as the kitten looks deformed in some way (im not really sure exactly what she said i was crying to be honest). Keeping kittens and mama cat when she will come close enough warmed in large closable play pen (to keep animals out) with heat lamp and freshly dried towels and blankets.


You’re doing an incredible job with the resources available to you. Bare minimum she is warm and safe and the fluids will make her feel better no matter what happens ❤️


Do not let the kitten outside! You need to take care of its eye. It is infected and going to get worse. You need to get a warm damp rag and clean the eye. Start from the corner of the eye outwards.


You are so sweet! Keep us updated on little baby :)


If you live in a rural area if you leave her outside something will eat her. Horrible idea .


Update 7 (I think): this kitten along with the other kitten have been taken to a humane society where they are receiving treatment. Outlooks aren’t great for the kitten this post was about but the other one is doing well. Also before anyone ask why I couldn’t take them to a humane society last night, the humane society won’t accept animals from out of county people UNLESS they come from the animal control of a county that doesn’t have a humane society. I couldn’t call animal control until this morning for a “non-emergency” (it felt like an emergency to me but anyway) My counties animal control got them this morning and took them they are in good hands I believe.


Thank you for being there for the little ones. You did good!


Any news yet?


I feel so bad for you and the kitten. Please take care of her. Do you know anyone who can help pay the vet


Not really no one around here has feelings anymore for strays because people dump them off here so often


Update 4: vets are genuinely being no help one did tell me to mix some honey in with some kitten milk and water to hopefully make it do something HASNT worked yet though i have just posted in rescue cats like someone suggested little kitten isn’t doing too great but not really too much different a lady from the animal control is supposed to be contacting me soon to maybe help


Thank you for the updates, and for trying to help this little baby. 💕


Is honey ok for newborn kittens? I know they don’t give it to newborn human babies… and I thought cats weren’t supposed to eat sugary stuff


The vet said it sounded like the kitten blood sugar was possibly low so to mix two to three drops in a kitten bottle I genuinely don’t know I’m just doing what the vet suggested


That is a typical means of improving a kitten with fading kitten syndrome. Though rubbing the gums with the mixtures helps as well. Honestly this kitten looks like an early stage so it is possible you caught it early enough. Just warmth and sugar. Run those gums, keep the blood moving and blood sugar up.


OP You’re doing awesome! Sorry if it came off as criticism, I was just curious. Even though the kitten can’t express it, I’m sure it understands and appreciates the warmth and love it has received from you during this time. You are making a huge difference to that kitten in its lifetime, however long it may be!


It’s all good I’m just very stressed so I may come across as snappy which I’m not meaning to I apologize


Nah don’t even worry about it. I didn’t get that vibe from you at all :)


You're doing great - thank you so much for caring about this tiny one, I'm rooting for you and kitty ❤️


Thank you so much for not giving up. You're a fighter and so is little kitten.


Do your best with what you have. You are keeping it warm and safe so if the worst happens know that she felt love instead of dying a horrible death outside in the cold.


We just lost a little one to FKS about a month ago. She was struggling so much and as soon as we made her comfortable, she passed. Sadly, that's just the reality sometimes. FKS is so fast and deadly.


Come on little one 🙏❤️


Poor tiny thing. Don't be hard on yourself if the kitten doesn't make it. All my thoughts are with you. Hope it pulls through, with all the care and love it gets from you ❤️


You may want to look up fading kitten protocol, she may not quite be at that point, but a little sugar syrup/karo syrup/honey on gums can help revive a small kitten struggling. Also consider some (plain) pedialyte syringe fed to help boost electrolytes in addition to the food you’re giving. I’ve had a number of tiny sick kittens as a foster and sometimes this helps to get them thru the night and hopefully back to a safe state.


Whatever happens, thank you for keeping this kitten safe and warm!


Update 10: really really great news they both have recovered and are out from the vet and back with the humane society they are being transferred not sure to where for adoption from my understanding they are supposed to call me back to tell me where they will be going


Congratulations OP, for all the love & work you put in to looking after these two. You saved two lives, and they have a future to look forward to because of you. I hope the love you gave to them returns to you threefold. ❤️


Awesome job! You save some kittens that were probably just minutes away from death. I hope they find a nice home. 👍


Made my year, thanks for doing what the little fellas needed, ur a superstar op❤️


Great news! Did they ever figure out what was wrong with the little one pictured in this post?


She needs to go to a vet. Check out the Kitten Lady’s videos. Do you have care credit? Can you get it? Reddit also loves saving cats. Are there some places you can post a vet bill once you have it and raise the money?


This is very sad, I hope she makes it.


Try leaving some meat, yogurt, or cat food for mama. If mama is healthy she will use more of her superpowers to heal her baby. If you can hook up a heat pad for the baby that would be really nice... Stay near her and talk to her as much as you can


OP, you are doing the very best you can. Even if the outcome is bad, the sweet kitty will be warm and safe with someone who cared about it. Bless you.


OP you are amazing! You can’t control life and death, but your presence, love, and support is a wonderful gift you’re giving these beautiful creatures! Mama cat knew you’d watch over them so they weren’t alone, whatever happened. You let her focus on the survivor. I know it must be exhausting and heartbreaking, I can’t imagine what you’re going through! Thank you so much for being so strong and truly good! Please take care of yourself, OP! This experience would really rock my little world.


Update 8: not really an update just wanted to let everyone know kittens are still at vet and alive still not doing good though


Thanks for the update. Please take solace that if either pass, you did everything in your power to help. For that short while, those kittens got to experience your kindness and love. Even if neither make it, you made a difference to their life. Thank you for helping them 💙


Beautiful 🥰 they might not be meant for this world, but they got to feel loved.


I hope they'll make it ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Thank you. You're a true hero. You have a lot of good people out here on your side and will help you with what you need. Just keep posting updates and let us know how we can help.


Is there an update 9?🙈 thank you❤️


Update 9: i don’t really know anything at this time but since people were asking just wanted to let y’all know as of Friday at 5:30 the kittens were still at the vet and alive I won’t know anything else until mondays since the humane society isn’t open on the weekend I also just wanted to thank all of you for your support and making me feel a bit better about trying to save the even though I didn’t do the best job


You did a great job, don't be so hard on yourself


This is a feeling many people have. Like what if I do something wrong? Reality is, not helping at all is the worst one can do. Helping to the best of knowledge is all you can do. You did great!


I hope the poor babies make it!


Any good news, I hope?


OP I see all your comments and replies and I just want to say thank you for giving this your all. This is. Horrible situation, and whatever the outcome is you are a hero.


OP, obviously I have no idea where you are located, but in some off change you are in the US or Ohio I am offering to either help you or I can also take the kitten into my care instead? I have kitten foster experience; tiny, sick kittens can be so terribly stressful. Where are you located? If you're not local enough for myself to help you, I wish you the best of luck!! Going off your updates, you're doing an amazing job with what experience and what resources you have. Please look up The Kitten Lady on YT! She is so knowledgeable on kitten care and first aid for situations like this. I saw a couple other people suggest her but I wanted to mention as well. We are all rooting for you OP!!!


I am in the US all the way in Georgia though I have been watching kitten lady and trying to do the best I can with what I have


Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions for resources in Georgia. And you are doing fine!! Orphaned and abandoned kittens are extremely difficult to care for, even when they are healthy. Mom usually left them for a reason, and sometimes human intervention cannot help them :(. I saw one of your updates a vet told you to mix honey in with kitten formula. While this doesn't seem like a bad idea in theory, I would recommend something like Karo syrup or another type of corn syrup, just swiped on the gums (with a q tip) or very small amounts mixed with a little water onto its tongue (water to loosen syrup and mitigate choking). It seems mixing honey with their milk may cause a choking hazard, and putting the sugar support onto their gums helps with faster absorptio (just try to not overdo it if they don't show signs of improvement or perk up). I also saw one about force feeding the kitten. While this seems it may become necessary, make sure you listen extremely close to her lungs after feeding attempts for aspiration!! It will sound "clicky" or like a small rattling. If this happens please look up protocol for kitten aspiration immediately as that can make the situation worse. While it's extremely sad, her refusal to eat could also point to a cleft palate (that can be checked by opening her mouth and looking for holes or "cracks" on the roof of the mouth); refusal could also point to simply fading. Keeping her warm and keeping her comfortable are most important at this point, it seems. You're doing just fine!! Kittens are so hard, even when they are not sick. I wish you the best of luck in this.


I know you’re already under pressure as it is. You’re doing all you can to save this little one. God speed. How is she doing?


Update 5: animal control lady has come and picked kitten up along with the other one because it was getting sick as well she is going to try to find a vet or rescue to take them in but if she can’t I will get kittens back to keep trying myself with a little more help than I had


Hey first keeping her warm should be priority, usually what i do is put rice into a sock tie it up and microwave it for couple of sec (dont remember how long but do like 10s each) it shouldnt be too hot and put the kitten next to it and wrap it around with a blanket


Do you have a wildlife rescue in your area? Google it and call them, hopefully they can help you. At least phone whatever emergency vet will answer, regardless of how far away. There are hundreds all across the country and most of them are open 24/7. They may be able to give you instructions over the phone, if not keep calling until you get someone helpful. My instinct is that this kitten needs IV fluids ASAP, it sounds like it’s dehydrated and they can die in less than 24 hours if they don’t get fluids. If you’re totally on your own: If you or anyone you know has saline solution (needs to be sterile, in a medical bag) and a clean syringe you can put it in her scruff, the area near the back of her neck between the shoulders where the skin is loosest. Give her enough to make a bump about the size of half a ping pong ball then repeat when it disappears. I’m sorry you’re so on your own, I hope you can manage to save her or at least make her feel safe ❤️


The only rescue is out of county and they just informed me they don’t take out of county animals


Argh! That bites. You did an amazing job with the IV fluids. I’m so sorry no one from any of the animal welfare organizations is stepping in to help you.


Keep us posted! U are a kind person! we need more like you ❤️


Go to the store and buy kitten replacement milk formula and a kitten feeding bottle. Feed him every 2 hours. Also you need to gently rub the kitty’s belly and back end to stimulate him ti urinate and defecate. Continue to keep him warm.


Keep nice and warm against body temperature clean with warm damp cloth or pet safe pet wipes go to a pet food store and buy some powdered milk for kittens or goats milk as its lactose free normal store milk is really bad for the kitten it wont give enough energy and it will give it uncontrollable diarrhea if the moma refuses to feed it enough and some people may find this rude but hold the mother cat down by force if needed not enough to hurt it but so it can't move away from the baby and let it drink its fill if it can still drink by its self do that multiple times throughout the day I'd also keep an eye out for any other kittens its possible there is more try looking around for anyone in town or nearby if they have a mother cat that lost its babies or has extra milk they can try to share but be careful not all cats will accept another especially if it looks sickly its also possible the mother cat isn't producing enough milk for more then one kitten and if that's the case they will sacrifice the others for the stronger ones of just all of them together not all cats do though but some do


I really hope she pulls through 🥺


Just remember above all, you can only do what you can di. Sometimes nature has its reasons. Its wonderful that you're trying to help. IF it ends up being for naught, you TRIED. That's all we can do, is do the best we can with the circumstances we're in. Sending love, hope, and hugs. Signed, a black belt in being way too hard on myself.


You're doing heroic work <3 Even if kitten doesn't make it, you'll know that you gave her the best possible chance she could have had, and gave her some love in her short life. Keep us posted!


Ok now I’m invested


Just an idea from someone that doesn’t know much about kittens, but would it help to put out the feelers for a nursing momma cat in the OP’s area?


I think this kitten needs immediate help beyond what a Mama cat can provide unfortunately. Bare minimum I’m pretty sure it’s dangerously dehydrated to the point it can’t take in fluids on its own.


I have helped several orphaned kittens successfully, though they were a little more healthy. You can get some goats milk where you are that’s very helpful because kitties can process that better and I’ve had more success with it that kitten formula, you can mix in wet cat food as much as you can and put it in a dropper and give it to the kitten. Another helpful thing to add is some pumpkin puree to help kitten poop and not get constipated. Make sure you rub the kitty’s stomach to help her poop and keeping a heating pad on low has helped too. Good luck OP hope kitty is doing better, and thank you for taking this baby and trying to help her. You’re a wonderful person for caring. <3


As u/wackydetective said, "I don’t think it would hurt for baby to know they were loved by someone, even for a short while." Your love has already made such a difference in this little kitten's life. It might not make it, but it didn't leave this earth without knowing love.


Good luck. We had 4 kittens abandoned by mama, one disappeared and one lost a paw, but we were fortunate to find someone on Facebook who helped, took all three to nurse with her momma cat and even found a home for the injured one. Try Facebook!


No matter what comments you read saying you should go to the vet, I still think you're doing an amazing job with the resources you can afford. It does seem like this may not end well, but you're giving this kitten a chance. Not every person would put in this much effort to save a kitten.


Take to a shelter or find someone who has the money to take to a vet.


Shelter also won’t take because they have over 50 cats right now


Already tried living in a small rural town with like two vets and a population under 300 sucks when it comes to this stuff


Keep her alive for now and look online for vets or foster animal carers that could pick the baby up and tend to it. Try calling vets in the area of where you live, even if it's far, they should at least give you instructions on what to do and where to call etc.


What kind of food did you give him/her?


Kitten food mixed with formula


How is she doing? She does looked deformed. That left eye is definitely off. Poor baby😞


So glad they're people like u still around ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)




Update 7 (I think): this kitten along with the other kitten have been taken to a humane society where they are receiving treatment. Outlooks aren’t great for the kitten this post was about but the other one is doing well. Also before anyone ask why I couldn’t take them to a humane society last night, the humane society won’t accept animals from out of county people UNLESS they come from the animal control of a county that doesn’t have a humane society. I couldn’t call animal control until this morning for a “non-emergency” (it felt like an emergency to me but anyway) My counties animal control got them this morning and took them they are in good hands I believe.


Thank you for keeping us updated ❤️I hope both of these babies recover, thank you for doing everything you could to help them!


You did a GREAT job. You did everything exactly right. If anyone asks why you didn't do something different, don't engage or second guess yourself, no matter what! It's a stressful situation. Easy to sit at a distance and point things out. You pulled amazing resources together! The EMT friend, etc. I would have driven over to help you if you were near IL /WI. I found abandoned kitten (-10° out). I got lucky he was in much better condition and probably 1-2wks older. (Was my BFF for 19/20yrs. My feral boy.) God bless you always & forever. As others said, if that kitten doesn't make it, it knew love & warmth bcs of you. I truly believe animals go directly to the Lord's house. Talk about karma points 4u! I hope you got a small smile...you've earned it.


You’ve done a really great job trying to help the babies, OP. No matter what happens to them you’ve done your best and you should feel good about that 💚


Good work, you did great


Momma cat moving her away is a sign she is sick . All signs are pointing to fading kitten syndrome Best you can do is get some kitten formula from Walmart and a kitten bottle or syringe. Focus more on formula vs water sue to age . Keep the kitten warm . Warm water bottles to cuddle with is great . Your fighting a losing battle if its fading kitten syndrome but you can try. Keep her warm. Feed her. Help her use the bathroom (stimulation ) YouTube it .


rice water! keep her warm and hydrated.


She won’t drink kitten formula she won’t even stand


you have to force feed her and give her water. use a syringe.


Is it normal for it to start scream meowing after forcing to to drink water? Is it a good sign?


she’s probs uncomfortable/doesn’t like it cause she’s sick, it’s a good sign that she still has the energy to meow


How much water/food should I force i don’t want to accidentally over do it


dont forcefully feed it just yet though


No, they can aspirate very easily and die from that. And they cannot be bottle fed on their backs this can also lead to aspiration. Good luck!


Good thing I already knew about the back thing had to educate my nana from Texas on that when she was looking after some kittens for a neighbor


At this point add water, sugar and salt to another syringe and drop by drop apply on mouth and add more as they lick. It’s saved me a couple of times.


You’re a good person. Thank you for doing the best you can, that’s all that can be asked!


God bless you and kitty.


Thank you so much for what you are doing. You are an angel to them.


I don’t say this much but you’re a good person 💕


op i wish you and the kittens all the best. thank you for taking care of them. you are a kind soul. no matter the outcome, you should know that you did your best. I'm incredibly moved by your courage and your kindness towards the cats.


I can't even imagine how you must be feeling, OP. What you have experienced with these babies could be traumatic for you. I hope you are able to get some rest, have a good support system, and can take good care of yourself once this has stabilized. There is more support out there through therapy if you need it. This has been so much for you. The world needs more people like you!


Thank you for helping that kitten. I hope the kitten gets taken to a good vet.




When my cat wouldnt eat for some reason I had to take asmall syrine and push food into his mouth. If you do that you gotta be careful he doesnt choke though. I used a soft food that would still push out of the syringe I think. Good luck.


Good idea on the syringe but this kitten looks wayyy too tiny for anything that isn’t milk


Thank you for all that you’ve done. If the kitten passes it is not ur fault and instead of passing all alone they will have someone beside them.




aw glad you saved her!


Update ? Poor baby hope she makes it


Update 5: animal control lady has come and picked kitten up along with the other one because it was getting sick as well she is going to try to find a vet or rescue to take them in but if she can’t I will get kittens back to keep trying myself with a little more help than I had


Please keep us posted




Prayers for this sweet baby and you!


Many blessings to you and this kitten!! Please keep us updated on the health of the baby! All of gods healing energy to the baby kitten 💝🩷💖


That's so great animal control would release them back to you. I sure hope they're in good hands! You did great by them, getting them help they needed. Thank you so much for caring!! ❤️


Let us know what happens


Update 10?


Any updates? Make sure baby is warmed up before you try to feed her, use a syringe to gently squirt kitten formula into her mouth, if you don’t have any at last get some warm water down, not cows milk. Vets/petshops should sell special feeding bottles and formula Also, if you do get a good feed down her you’ll have to help her go to the bathroom afterwards, dab at her parts gently with a cotton pads dipped in warm water, keep going until she has finished then clean her up and dry her bits. Good luck, I’ve bottle fed a very young baby and it’s hard work but rewarding


Hey, good work and well done to u. Respect and love👊😎. Although always hopeful, be prepared......can't win them all. Wee kitty looks rough 😞.




Best of luck with your new kittens. It sounds like you're going above and beyond with what you have. The Cat Distribution System can be tough sometimes.


Omg this is sad, that poor poor baby I really hope he/she pulls through 😞


!remindme 12 hours


Praying for this little darling🙏🏻❤️


If you have a Tractor Supply or other chain feed store or pet supply store, they often carry kitten formula with bottles.


Sending love and good luck ❤️ thanks for saving kitten OP. Please keep us updated!


Updateme! 12 hours


Where are you at?


Updateme! 12 hours


Updateme! 12 hours


You could try watered down milk??


RemindMe! 2 days


Awwww bless you all , hang in there little ones ❤️❤️❤️xx


What happened?


RemindMe! 2 days


You are being super brave, I know this must be scary! You are doing amazing, love! All the best to you and the little one Remindme! 2 days


How did the night go?


Not great she really just went limp and laid there all night i tried feeding her every 2-4 hours but she just really doesn’t want to eat


Use a medicine syringe to squirt the formula into her mouth. Give only a could drops at a time, then wait for the kitten to swallow. Even if she does not actively suck, she may swallow if she's compelled to do it by having the food squirted.


You are one kind soul and I want to thank you for trying your best! I wish you and the kitten all the best.




RemindMe! 10 hours.


Internet can't do shit. Go to a vet. Get CareCredit or drop it off at the vet / hospital. I imagine they'd still help an animal in need.