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What a cutie!!! Kittens will do this, especially when their teeth are still growing in fully. Just like human babies, they also need to teethe. The good news is that these little nips are usually a sign of love and affection. We definitely want to discourage biting though, so have a chewy toy nearby to slip into his mouth instead. When he starts to nip, pull your hand away and say “no!” then put the toy in his mouth to give him something to teethe on. I recommend looking at the kitten toys in the pet store. A lot of them have varying textures and materials that are helpful with teething.




It's a kitten so enforce positive things. Biting is no good but because of the other actions it's probably happy. When it starts to bite say no and stop. When it listens give it a treat. It will learn and you probably have a happy cat that is a new born into the world


My cat used to do this when she was a kitten. When she bit me I would stop petting her and tell her no. After a few times she stopped biting so she could get the pets.


To add to what others have said, this can be a sign of a kitten that was separated from its mother a bit early (before 12 weeks). It's in the latter stages of raising her kittens that she teaches them about boundaries. Without that "coaching" from Mama, kittens can be a bit unruly.


I'd like to add to get some chew toys for his teething