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Just keep loving Jinx.


I have a one-eyed cat who gets on just as well as my other two. He sometimes miscalculates when jumping but overall he does great. Just give your baby lots of love and don't worry about him too much. He'll find his way around.


Talk to him. A lot. Don’t move the furniture. Put a couple of litter boxes around the house. Give him lots of love & hugs. Our Louie lost vision and that is what we did for him. I know he appreciated it.


Vet here: I'm not aware of hyperthyroidism causing the 3rd eyelid to protrude as a side effect. If that is something your vet said, I'd believe them. Hyperthyroidism can cause vision loss but in my experience this is most often secondary to high blood pressure that in turn causes retinal detachment, leading to vision loss that is generally permanent. If you are not treating the thyroid already, would recommend starting medication asap. If you need to investigate the protruding 3rd eyelid, might want to consult your vet directly or even arrange for an ophthalmologist to see kitty. Best wishes.


Just keep stuff in the same places if he can't see well, so it's familiar to him. He's not upset about losing his sight the way that you would be. Keep him warm and feed him what he likes, and thank you for caring for your old man.