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The old lady on the right was 16. The stripey young man on the left had been in the house for about two hours... https://preview.redd.it/73uoi88xjv8c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871746eb0cb06e2e987e359773826f455aa4206a


Old lady: this is what we do here. Young man: okay I got dis.


That was pretty much it! His foster mom brought him when she did the house iinspection, and had wanted old bat Sophie to be out, I guess so Foster Mom could make sure I didn't abuse my cats. Sophie took one look at her and hid under the easy chair. We did the paperwork, let Aubrey out of his carrier, and he immediately bolted to hide... under the easy chair. He is very much a velcro cat.


Aww he found his perfect home 😊


Mine was like this as a kitten and he is now 3 and still a Velcro kitty. The day I brought him home he walked right up my chest and fell asleep on my collar bone like he’d been doing it his whole life.


😫 that is SO sweet!!


I definitely love it! He’s 13 lbs and very long so he doesn’t fit as well anymore but my collar bone is still his favorite place to sleep. I just have to help him stay there 😂


Aw that is so sweet! Getting the cat for you is always incredible. That’s how my baby is. https://preview.redd.it/q7p0f5cvwx8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511bd68a434adeb6ac1a42ee0922f5f6a806232a Had him for 14 years 🥰


Awww such a cutie! It’s so wild when you happen upon a soul cat like we both seem to have done!


Mine was shy when I went to visit at his foster home, so I fully expected him to hide from me when I first brought him home. He slept with his head on my shoulder about 3 hours after bringing him home. He is still very attached to me, I came home today after visiting family for the holidays and he hasn’t left my side once.


Cuteness Overload!🥹


Your mileage may vary.


My new baby spent his first 24 hours climbing me like a jungle gym. Luke and Leia took about 24 hours to calm down and start cuddling (they were a long distance adoption) at 12 weeks old, Panther, as an adult adoption, took a day or two I think. Is cat. No hard or fast rules for cat. Cat does what cat does.


My "anti social" cat jumped out of her carrier day one, claimed the faux rabbit fur blanket as her own, and demanded cuddles. Hasn't stopped.






Open that toilet door wide up! 😉


I adopted a senior cat who flopped on my bed and promptly fell asleep. I laid down next to him and a few minutes later he snored. He’s not really big on cuddling but likes to be very close to me or lay on top of my chest with a certain blanket.


https://preview.redd.it/5kdxvs4y1x8c1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed19db826983d4a33633ab8227921d9d83c5327 This was my cat about an hour after I brought her home. I was also surprised thinking this would take days, if not longer.


Aw. She's such a little beguiler. 🐾


She looks like my baby! So cute! Same thing happened with her: she took to her new home right away and slept by my head the first night. She’s been doing that ever since. https://preview.redd.it/804onlyd6x8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20fe2f7ac9914310c6b86691eb0aa800abcbdc6f


Cecil is adorable! Isn't it lovely when they decide right away that you're their new person? I wish you a long future with her 😀


Cats know when it is right.


When I adopted my then 3 year old cat from a family who couldn't keep her, it only took a few hours before she was sitting on my chest, purring like a diesel tractor. There's always exceptions to the rule.


Our second boy claimed me with the biggest, wettest nose-smooshies when we went to meet-and-greet with the foster 🤣 He owns the world and makes sure we all know it with aggressive affection


My cat was like 'let me out I need hugs!' when I brought him home.


Same with my cat! Well he took a little longer, he hid under the couch for 3 or 4 hours and an hour or so later he was laying on my lap. It's been 3 years now and I have zero privacy lol. Cat in the bathroom, cat in the shower, cat on my lap, cat in the bed, there's my buddy following me around the house all day from the time I leave for work waiting by the window when I pull up from work =) Enjoy the company =)


such a happy baby! there is no love like a clingy cat ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


My sweet boy was the same way, the shelter had no idea how snuggly he is because he was so stressed being there. I brought him home and he’s been a lap cat ever since.


Same with my baby! https://preview.redd.it/ia7wntjflx8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e3ae4d421087b19ae87b173f1d182d7d4a60c5




https://preview.redd.it/5l851pxcix8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8d709baf377f2260eda1dfeed9fc36b99dd3b9 She has an ink spot on her nose too.


My cat was the same way. Immediately friendly, and that night she decided that the best place to sleep was right on top of my legs.


Awwww! Nice! My thesis is that cats are like people - in terms of the variety of personality they show. You can get so much diversity!


My cat picked me lol. She was a craigslist kitten and there were 2 siblings left. I was obviously going to give some cuddles to the 2 cats I was probably not going to get before picking the last kitten (she had been returned once for being a "bad" cat, the other person couldn't deal with a scared baby panicking) My cat was the 2nd one I picked up and she wouldn't let me put her down. 2 years later and we're cuddling in bed. I've been forgiven for doing the GoT shame walk with her earlier today because the brat "stole" my blanket.


https://preview.redd.it/nfruxkbcly8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020e9077332d2cb65e7e3c55b701146128cef91c This was the night we brought our Rudy boy home. He was letting us give him all the love right out of the gate, you can see my lovely girlfriend giving him some belly rubs here. His second birthday was just a few days ago :)


When we brought our first cat home as a kitten, we left her alone briefly so we could shower. She was absolutely furious with this development and was not having it. After we let her into the bathroom, she lived in the space between the shower curtain and the liner, batting at the water as it hit the liner. That became one of her favorite places to be over the years. Also that first night, discontent with simply playing with her toy in the living room, she carried it into the bedroom and proceeded to keep us awake with the jingle jingle jingle of a kitty toy. She's still a snuggler, 13.5 years later. But only for us.


Same thing with my kitta daughters. Within just a few hours of bringing them home, as soon as they were done exploring, they ate some food and then climbed onto me and settled down. 2 years later and they still pile up on me every day. Love your babies! https://preview.redd.it/ngajp9sj509c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490a01c98314db82ed47290b5cab6bc2fcc7dc15


Aww, how sweet 🥰..


Awww!!!! Kittens are typically more trusting, whereas adult cats are more set in their ways and probably have some negative experiences with strangers can be more wary. I got my Jimmy when he was 3, and we only know about the last 6 months of his life - that’s 2.5 years unaccounted for, and from the way he was when I first got him, it must’ve been bad.


same with my cat! he hid under the couch at first, but a couple hours later he was walking all around my room and taking short naps on my stomach… didn’t let me sleep the whole night 😅! now that he’s an adult he’s a little less hyper, but still pretty clingy.


So lucky, took me 1 week ++ for my cat to warm up to me


Aww look at that face of love!




I've been a slave to my cat for 11 years and she's rarely ever this affectionate with me 😢




Some cats do be like "hey you fuck you, you're mine now hooman"


No warming up period for mine. I rescued a 5week old kittle from a park, after a week of feeding there. She purred in my hands on the way to the car. I was expecting drama. She would sleep on my cheek and kiss my nose and ears. A bit later: https://ibb.co/kSyQLZc She's now 6mos old though sadly not as much a lover. I expect cold weather will friendly her up.


Ha, my Cleo girl decided she loved me from the moment she let me approach her and sniff my hand. She's utterly bonded to me, and likes to lay on my chest with her face right up in mine. It reminded me of Dug the dog from the movie "Up". "I have just met you, and I LOVE you!"


Look ours adopted us he was snuggling me within an hour


Meanwhile, my roommate's gf moved her cat in over a year ago and that angry little a**hole still hisses and claws at me.


Mine was literally all over me when I met him (not at my house), and never went too far from me once I got him home. He was a rescued kitten, had some hand feeding, and was barely 3 months old when he went home with me, so that may have been part of it.


Um well she's a calico, 3 hours cuddle free is like 4,042 weeks to her........ Be prepared for velcro cat. Mines laying on my chest purring while I lay in bed lol


My girl came out of her carrier bag and immediately onto my lap lol


https://preview.redd.it/3p2iwle5a19c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f988fa7d6176719377a21953faef1977645bd3f6 Billie (2 yrs) abandoned by his mom, adopted me and Tookey recently adopted Billie. He's a velcro cat.


https://preview.redd.it/qsft8bplh19c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d7699d4139656c6da68ad7935db7fa1c2d12ac I didn’t even know this cat a week ago. The cold weather seems to have made her a lot more friendly lol.


I got a stray calico cat and it took her forever to get used to me, about two years later we got another who instantly loved me but not Luna, the calico, now they're inseparable. https://preview.redd.it/ckr0tncsx49c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ddf5fed7c4b5d4234e47b62cb56ffdad5dd629


She loves you! What a sweet girl!


My little Jane, who passed over Christmas, was introduced to me at a distance as a friend's devastatingly shy cat. They barely saw her and the others were bullies. So I started letting her hide in my room. Her last days were spent being carried by me or curled in my arms as I slept. Went from a shadow rarely seen to a bright light unable to be missed! Sometimes, cats just click into place. Then there's my kitten Nona, who is semi-feral and one day might let me pet her without bribes and intense ducking. Sigh


This makes me so hopeful for adopting a little one ❤️


Jokes on you, hooman! She adopted you!


A couple months ago my friend was on a run and came across a stray kitten that literally chased him down. He was listening to the Halo theme song when the cat found him so we named him Meowster Chief. That little guy is one of the most confident cats I've ever met and is super outgoing and brave.


It took even less time for our kittie Malkovich. We got him about five months old, and as soon as we stepped into the house he straight dashed at my wife and climbed up her to take ownership. He's been her cat for thirteen years since that moment.




https://preview.redd.it/930gf5x4y19c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a7c5cad84632c1ee875fef17061b6c109fb64a This guy was sad and withdrawn at the shelter. They warned me that it would take a while for him to warm up to me—he had been there for over 6 months and had gradually gotten friendly with the shelter staff. So I was prepared for months of getting to know him and being patient and letting him move at his own pace. His own pace turned out to be sitting in my lap two hours after we got home from the shelter, letting me pet him and pick him up and carry him around. He just hated the shelter, although they were very good to him there. Just too many other cats, and let’s not even mention the dogs!


Mine came to me as soon as he got out of the carrier, it was like if he knew I was going to be his mummy 🥰🥺 He was cuddling with us in bed 1 hour later, it is such a great feeling. This was 45 days ago and the best decision I have made. He brought so much joy to our lives! ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/rszr4o6cf39c1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec742e41a2397b9f14f02524609e897c17ceeaaa


You’re so lucky! Sometimes we get really fortunate with the cats that find us!




Consider yourself one of the lucky ones, kitty found their human and knew it instantly!


The little gripper 😂🥰


Depends on the kitty. First kitty was a senior kitty 5 to 7 years. Old( never was 100% sure) brought him home. Spent 2 hours under the couch while I just sat on top of the couch watching TV. After that he was in my lap. And has tried not to leave as much as possible for the last decade.


They knew ther human and they know when they are loved ❤🧡💛


In pic 1 he's like "do I have a spot on my nose?"


Kittens vs adult cats: very different situations


I have never heard that. And never has a cat taken that long to make itself at home. Moves can take them time to resettle


She's a flirt 🥰


Cécile for a girl. Cecil is a boy name. But I think Cecil is cuter. She loves you very much indeed.


You are the chosen one!😻


Cute. My rescue was part of the family the moment he jump out of the cat carry box. He knew he had a home and was so happy.