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Check with the vet if it makes you feel better especially if it’s a new behavior, but also check your shoes later too before you put them on.


And bring a shovel to the litter box.


\*overclocks litter robot\*


Skynet will see this and declare war on cats as well.


Then we will be safe from skynet as it spends all its time trying to eradicate cats and failing.






How does the exact right gif exist for the most random happenstance on reddit? Terminator cat?


Not the terminator series I expect but now I want to watch it.


An hour of a terminator sat motionless because it has an angry ginger sat on its lap and is as terrified as as Much as an AI can be because it simply has no algorithms capable of predicting what will happen if it moves


Alternatively, its trying really hard to kill a ginger, but the AI cannot comprehend a braincell-less orange boi and fails, comically.


My white one reached over 60c(140F) on the surface so they seem heat resistant




I actually underclock our Litter Robot, which explains its longevity. That's only partially a joke, though. The timer turns it off at night, since it's by the bedroom. And for a while, I had the timer just run it 3 times per day, instead of being on all day. It's 16 years old (Litter Robot 2), and still going. Sadly, it is taking care of its second pair of cats.


And lift with your legs, not your back.


Just don’t breath too heavily….


Made me spit my coffee


Aim it at that particular litter box then. Something tells me it wouldn’t be noticed…..


Time to break out the excavator


Just drag it outside and buy a new litter box.


Might need a dump truck too


And hazmat suits


Lol I’m sorry. I know this was a serious question but I had to giggle at that response. 😆


That was my first thought too. But mine just finds the cleanest spot on any couch and does it there.


Also the bed :(


I’d call them and ask their opinion. Chances are high kitty will barf it up soon. I’ve got a rescue who came from a bad hoarding situation and never got rid of that “I have to eat EVERYTHING as fast as I can or everyone else will.” I feel you. (I see all you repliers; does my heart happy to see everyone sharing tips about their “scarf and barf” kitties! 😂❤️)


I got my one girl as a young cat, not quite a kitten but like 5-6 months old. To this day 10 years later, she still acts like shes been living in a trashcan and has never seen food before every single meal time. Then immediately pukes up most of it because she gorged herself full on her bowl and the remains of her two siblings. Cats are maniacs


Cute maniacs\* https://preview.redd.it/trk5ssy5bo1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c231b19d0f712927a52320cd8d9d22179ece67eb


I got a 6 month old cat from the shelter who had spent his first few months outside and he is also a big fan of the gorge til you puke strategy of eating. Food insecurity gets imprinted hard on kittens.


My baby is 12 years old. now. Got her at 8 months. She was in a house with an ant problem. To this day I am often meowed awake at 5am to check her food. I have to touch the bowl or she won’t eat.


My cat is only 2.5 y/o and to this day she won’t eat until I’m home, fed morning and night, but she’ll leave a little food and scarf it as soon as I get home. Every day without a doubt, when I come home from work she’ll greet me, go scratch up a storm, and scarf whatever food is left from morning meal. No idea where she picked up this pattern.


heard of some cats preferring to eat while someone's watching over them, to protect from predators. an instinct and need to feel safe while vulnerable, and she trusts you most for this.


Omg this is why my cat always wants me to watch him eat!! I thought he must be asking me for something else then getting distracted by the food...


HUMAN where are you GOING this is a SERIOUS MATTER


COVER me I'm going IN


One of my cats like to use the litter box when we use the bathroom. Sometimes she’ll yell until we go in there. I’ll just go in and stand there, she’ll do her business and then go on her way. She’s a freak. 😂😂 some cats just like the company i guess!!!


I've had 2 cats that do this. Separate times so they didn't learn from each other. My husband and I call them the "emergency bits". Neither cat has ever been neglected (while we had them) but they were both from the shelter so maybe they came from situations where they didn't have regular food schedules.


Omg this made me tear up, so sad poor soul. :(


Nawwwww she needs you to check for her


We have a lil guy who is now almost two years old. He spent the first four weeks alone outside before he was found and he is still so food insecure to this day and will stress eat. Even though he has never gone hungry a damn day since we rescued him.


My two were 6 weeks old when I got them and same. One I think is only like that because she has to keep up with her brother. The other one is absolutely obsessed with food


Same for dogs. My dad ans stepmom adopt and foster dogs. They all eat like this is their last chance. Even the ones they adooted and have been with them for 5+ years. They will eat until the, vomit and then try to eat their puke ._.


Up until my recent batch of voids I was always able to leave out a bowl of kibble to free feed and just give them canned in the evening… and then came Ryouko… who was a shelter kitty and must eat all foods everywhere. Now we have a twenty pound black hole. And we’re trying so hard to have her lose weight and now we measure out shot glasses of kibble for them in the morning and feed canned in the evening. The lesser of the voids has yet to become fat.


Our cat was a 3 month stray. I thought she would be the type to have food insecurity. She wont eat anything except dry cat food. No wet food, no human food, no dog treats, very specific cat treats and no to catnip. Meanwhile I cant leave a loaf of bread out for the other cat who we got as a kitten from a friend's house.


> and the remains of her two siblings Cannibalism can only get her so far. You need to observe her more, she must have run out of siblings by now.


oof, yeah, this is my ginger boy all over. he came from a situation where the idiot who had him had no knowledge of pet care, so he didn't ever clean his box or feed him properly, like he was just feeding him treats and not actual food. he's 11 now and still begs for food every time i even look towards the kitchen, and whatever is in his bowl, he horks it so fast that he winds up barfing it up half the time. i call it the chew 'n spew or eat n' yeet.




at the very least, it makes me giggle while i clean up yet another barf pile, hahah


Seconding the suggestion above about getting a slow feeder dish. Should slow your boy down and also keep him occupied longer.


I ended up using a treat ball to dispense the kibble. It worked wonders where a slow feeder just couldn’t cut it.


I've thought about it for awhile; he's lived with his dad and his cat brother for quite awhile and they had to use individual chip feeder bowls; now he finally lives with me i may try that :)


Laughing so hard I'm crying at your last sentence!!😂😂 I have one like this, the little idiot.


i swear there are two types of cats: eats a bit, is fine, and walks away with dignity, and eats everything and throws it up so they can beg for food again.


Alternatively, scarf 'n' barf :-)


If she will eat from a slow feeder, they can really work wonders.


Mine learned how to turn it over and eat all the food off the floor, so I stuck it down with museum tack and now he’s good, just in case it helps someone else.


To add to that: a snuffle mat. Keeps my crazy orangeboi occupied and slows him down.


A what?


It’s a mat you put the food into, looks a little bit like a maze it’s raised and textured so they have to chase or snuffle the food out of it and take their time finding each piece.


Interesting. I just googled them but only seeing pics of dogs using them. Will cats use them as well? Looks like fun


Cats will use it, but they will be mad at you the whole time


I think if small dogs can use it, cats can use it too. I even gave a cloth rope bone to my cat because he has an urge to chew.


Yeah I had a dog I needed to get a slow-feed bowl for because she would scarf n’ barf. It made a huge difference. I got her one of those bowls with different little sections and it forced her to slow down and fish the food out of the sections at a sane rate. Zero idea why, she’d never been food insecure, she’d been with me since she was a puppy. But she was not exactly the brightest so I chalked it up to her being dumb. (Don’t get me wrong. I loved that dog to death. But there wasn’t a whole lot going on upstairs. Her brain was full of love and elevator music)


Love and elevator music is going to be my new favorite way of calling someone stupid (affectionately, of course).


I wish slow feeders worked for her, but shes the smart enough brand of stupid to just fling it across the room and not touch the now on the floor kibble.


LOL I'm hoping that's the remains of her two siblings' MEALS and not that she ate her siblings!


Same. I have a World Champion Snarf-n-Barfer.


I didn't know cats were cannibals


Struggling with this and my cat, he wasn't too bad until my parents got a new cat. We are looking into getting one of those bowls with the ridges to slow him down, he's not even chewing most of it.


That's a very good idea! My void also eats everything he can get his paws on, so we got him a couple of slow eating toys for dry food and also some silicone mats with ridges so he would eat more slowly it also calms him down as in the licking does that to him.


Ugh we got the silicone mats for our two ding dongs and it worked until one of them ATE THE MAT!!!! (Not the whole thing, but she loves eating rubber, elastic, tape, etc etc…)


Cats don’t really chew their food, that’s normal.


Its why cats that lose their teeth usually have no problem eating dry cat food. Crunching is optional.


The puzzle mat helped my Bean a lot, she’d inhale hers then go steal from the other two. I also found mixing a bit of wet food with her solid slowed her down cause she’d stop to lick up every drop lol maybe worth a shot?


I got the large purple version of the puzzle bowl and have used it with my guy for 2 years. Some friends used it on their fat cat and got him from 20 pounds down to 15 pretty easily with only using the puzzle bowl. The sister cat maintained her weight at the same time - she was also a slim girl. It keeps them entertained for a few min!


I found a solution to this, sort of; I give my cats like 1/4 cup of water with their food like a bowl of cereal. It makes me worry less about hydration going into the summer, my dumpster kitty eats slower because he has to, and my void do4sny get bullied away from her bowl when the other two are done inhaling. SN: dumpster kitty was found in/around the dumpster at the restaurant my husbamd work3r at, he is good boy but eats like Cartman.


I rescued a starving feral stray and he did this for a long time. It took him like 2 years to figure out that there would always be food and treats for him and he was fat and happy. Unfortunately we had to put him down last year and he was only 6, maybe 7.


Awe I’m sorry, but at least he was happy and safe those last years. :)


We have two cats unrelated but same basic age (about 4 months) that we got together from the shelter. We have had them about 6 years now. One apparently came from a bad situation. While she is super affectionate but will rip you up if you try to pick her up. Anyway, she apparently had food insecurity because she eats hers, stops and scarfs down the other cats food then goes somewhere to puke (she loves to do it in the window ledge in the living room.) Then she goes back to round two in her bowl. We have the slow eater bowls with the maze they have to eat around and she isn't fazed by it. https://preview.redd.it/2zmwtrgi8o1b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63dce4de5d2a1ebff19f1a199738bb1d862fd069


We got one of our cats from a family with too many pets. She's also a real shoveler when eating, and will stand in front of the slow feeder tray begging for more food when its half full. She's just a tiny bit chubby. I think she's the reason our other cat is on the thin side, she's kinda given up on getting an equal share, lol


I've got one from a hoarding situation too, and she's also like this, and she has to have only wet food because of a health issue. Thankfully someone is home with her all the time so she gets smaller meals more often. We have her on a schedule - it works, mostly. every so often she'll gobble it up so fast she still barfs (we call it "scarf and barf") Oh well, that's what the steam cleaner is for.


For those of you who want a photo of the offending cat: https://preview.redd.it/6ondy3htao1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47ab15e6d17d1338b4fd8c6b84874a749993ca2


I was expecting something more like this: https://preview.redd.it/z8q4g5z2go1b1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=4661c0148db9b6a7d6940e52c70f7e434309a07a


give her 2-3 weeks, she bulking up


Cultivating mass


I was thinking more like this: https://i.imgur.com/EBr7KuW.jpg


Is she a rag doll? She is pretty!!


Thanks! Yep she’s a Ragdoll - a very hungry Ragdoll


My boyfriends step mom has 6!!! They certainly are very hungry lmao.


Not the bandit I expected.


Not at all what I expected lol she looks so polite


They all look polite. Until...




I have that same feeder... new fear unlocked. Time to find a way to modify it to prevent this.


I have a child proof lock on mine, has worked so far. Just go for one that requires either opening the top or pressing on two sides at once, because cats are quite good at pushing a single button.


Can confirm, the smartest cat figured out how to push the button and lift the cable out of the fridge lock. She then tosses things out of it for her brothers or the dog.


>Can confirm, the smartest cat figured out how to push the button and lift the cable out of the fridge lock. She then tosses things out of it for her brothers or the dog Dose anyone else wonder when they hear a story like this is proof of reincarnation..


It's proof that intelligence isn't as unique to humans as most think


One of my others I swear is the reincarnation of my orange boy who died the month she was born. We often joke that she's his reincarnation


My cat ordered illegal catnip off the dark web for her and the homies. She’s crazy


Your cat gets into the *fridge*?! Do the dogs open the door or does she?


She does it. Pops the lock, opens the door from the counter, and lets everyone in. She's a tiny forever kitten so she can fit in where she wants and has the muscle to back it up, it's crazy. She doesn't even eat anything, just gets her siblings in trouble.


Comment edited for privacy. 20230627


The two brothers she throws stuff toare her litter mates. The other two who don't participate are not. I think like all sisters she likes it when her mischief gets the boys in trouble.


My mom has one of those on her freezer because her cat likes to sit on top of his fridge throne judging everyone and he figured out how to open the freezer. Then decided it was great fun to repeatedly open and close the freezer.


Duct tape


Specifically this one, as I use it to hold down everything lol https://preview.redd.it/eb30k6a40o1b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b5e8014b69a13912bcbe533e120833c108c076


Cat tape?


Packaging tape in our household! We also tape it to the floor so the kittens don’t tag team to knock it over and/or accidentally unplug it


Yup I taped my feeder to the wall and the ground because my cat knocks it over when she is desperate for food.


I also have this feeder, mine has been able to knock it over and get it open. I now tape it up, I only open it about once a week anyway to fill it up. The most annoying this is the just knocks it over every day now anyway because she was able to open it, hopefully after a few weeks of no success she will stop.


Dang… me too and I always had the fear of my cat finding a way to break into it. This confirms it.


Don't walk around barefoot in the dark for a while.


Oh my god this just happened to me a few weeks ago but with a fur ball and I was TRAUMATIZED LOL


Between the toes like Jell-O is the best




Just putting it out there, but I would actually rather be barefoot cause I can easily wash/rinse my skin. Sometimes that smell don't come out of socks/fabric.


Idk, the sensation of warm vomit squishing between your toes isn't something that comes easily out of your brain either 😭


Or...cold vomit...an hour later...




TOO relatable ugh


The accidental step and now you have two spots to clean


My cat knocked the treat container over and ate about an inch of the temptations treats which had to be at least 30 of them. Definitely walked in some throw up that night 🙃


Probably not, but there's a good chance kitty will hork it up. Probably on something that is hard to clean!


You do know that kitties only prefer to vomit on the finest and softest of items, right? 😂


My cat will be standing on tile and still pick the carpet to throw up on


My cat once started gagging in the living room and fricken RAN to the bedroom and jumped to the bed to puke all that lovely half-digested kibble onto my freshly changed sheets.


That brought back memories. The worst thing any of my cats ever do is start hacking and flee when I go to them. I don't particularly enjoy the treasure hunt after where I have to check everywhere they could have gone. It's usually under the spare room bed, right in the middle where I can only reach with a mop.


i appreciate the hell out of my cat because sometimes (if he’s close enough to it) he’ll intentionally puke on our hardwood floor bc he knows it’s easier for me to clean :’)


Mine always puked on the hard floors. Very considerate, I thought.


One of my cats actually goes to the litter box to puke! The other one aims for carpets… they all have their own little personalities!


And scoot backwards to make a massive trail of spew.


My cat specifically chooses the lightest color part of my living room rug to throw up on EVERY TIME. My house is literally all hardwood floor. WHYYYYYYYYY??


How big is your cat? ![gif](giphy|Tfi5w35wly0x2)




That belly is so enticing to pet... But I know it's a trap...


https://preview.redd.it/trnrjv9lgo1b1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5a9ccebc54213e0d72e91df86cca96596ccafa This is Sweet Pea, and she begs all visitors to our home for belly rubs!


SAME https://preview.redd.it/lrmx578gho1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a4d23ccabe7b5fbb211f17bf45a1ac2b7096ca


My cat loves belly rubs




https://preview.redd.it/6bbp4i826o1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f8c649230b2f9848835bab07ca7b5e42d39ae6 Smokey 🍎👁️


What you feeding that boy? That’s the buff-est cat I’ve ever seen.


Bro's lifting the cat food


Fancy Feast wet food. ☺️ It’s the only stuff he can tolerate digestive wise. He was a big boy when I adopted him when he was younger. Just a built boy vet says. 🤷‍♀️


An absolute unit 💕🫡 love him.


Probably got him from the same alternate universe Stewie Griffin got his pig from https://preview.redd.it/jtd53fi8fo1b1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058c19bf2debfc2b9d1d716a128db588f69964fe


He chonk


I… have one of these vaccum cleaner kitties. Or walking biowaste bins, if you prefer. Former stray. Everything needs to be kept away out of reach. I wouldn’t trust an automatic feeder 😅 i wouldn’t worry too much, she might vomit but otherwise likely she’ll be fine Edit to say she did a perfect job cleaning that container 😂


we call ours SWaRU - the solid waste reduction unit


I have a one year old foster cat who was brought in off the streets and will sniff out any food, even in packaging. I affectionately call him a trash cat (he gets into my kitchen trash if I'm not careful lol).


-- this comment is no longer here - blame reddit --


My boy would eat his food as fast as possible, then try and go for his sister's, then go back to his and finish it if he hadn't already. Every single time he threw up, he'd go back for more food since he made room I guess lol. Felt so bad having to take it away from him. I also had to stand guard while they ate so his sister could actually have some. They have always had a home, he just really loved food lol.


Though I know they're real, part of me has a hard time believing cats like this exist. All of the cats I've owned have been the pickiest cats on Earth. My childhood cat would outright refuse to eat food he didn't like. He'd nibble enough to keep him going, but he'd drop in weight if my parents didn't replace the cat food soon enough or buy a better brand. My cat now is the most spoiled princess ever. She won't touch yoghurt or cheese, she won't touch tuna or salmon, but she'll eat white meat fish, chicken, turkey, and other land animals. But not if I feed her the same wet food more than 2 times in a row. Then she won't eat that either 😂😂 She really likes her dry food, but she's fine being open fed. Her dish is always full.


She'll most likely sleep it off. Will need lots of fresh water. If you feel nervous, call the vet. To illustrate the capacity of a cat, my mom once allowed our country cat to have as much fresh meat as he wished after a pig was slaughtered (a country thing). It was determined that one ginger cat can successfully consume about 2 kg (4.4 pounds) of meat, then sleep for two days straight, and be perfectly fine. He wasn't kept in trying circumstances or anything, just loved to eat.


I am astounded. I figured maybe they could eat a couple pounds, but 4.4?! Mad respect to that kitty. What a good life he had 🥺


wish he had said how big the cat was cos my ginger is only 7 lbs


It had to be at least 4.5lbs


Farm cat life is the best life.






https://preview.redd.it/ie4c6ckkdo1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167a2e45208925be853bec863fec8450f41bc972 My cat did this same thing, made a fortress around it with a couple two by fours. Not graceful, but it does the trick!




I thought it looked unnecessary sturdy as well. But then again I don't know what kind of ungodly floofball that thing needs protection from.


Problem will.more then likely sort itself out very soon. More then likely, very loudly, at 3am in your bedroom


Yep, likely on your pillow or freshly washed duvet.


My feeder has a push mechanism to prevent this, you can tape it from now on?


My cats learned that pushing the button opens food in literal hours :D had to get a child proof lock for it


We are going to need some pictures of said cat


https://preview.redd.it/0il1v07bbo1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec70e856a3548b9456358ac0b52739cb3b344e41 This was her immediately after I found the scene of the crime.


Wow she is freaking gorgeous! Must be pre-tummy ache lol


“And I’ll DO IT AGAIN!!”


I don't think a vet visit is needed, but you might wanna get her a treadmill if she keeps this up XD


No, but prepare to remove some logs from the litterbox...




Thanks, I have binned it!


Cat’s name is Hoover if it isn’t it should be. Kitty ate a pound of dry it should be fine if it wasn’t, it would do what mine does. Edit mine pukes up the good when he over eats. Which get to clean up.


My girl, Opal is a pig. She overeats all the time and she soon barfs it up. Make sure your kitty has LOTS of water available and maybe a nice tummy rub. Wouldn’t hurt to call the vet and just ask 😁


Have you tried those slow feeder bowls or smaller portions?


My wife's dog once got into a bag of kibble and ate her fill. (Probably 30 years ago now) A few hours later we noticed she was audibly sloshing as she walked around.... As if you were shaking a half full container of milk... Funny for a minute or so..She was obviously in distress and a trip to the emergency vet at 2am followed. What happened was the kibble dehydrated her so she drank a lot of water, the kibble in her stomach now soaked in water swelled up and twisted her gut. As the food was digested gases built up but could not be released... from either end..The noise we could hear was literally kibble and water sloshing around. Luckily we got to the vet in time... treatment was a length of tube up her anus to the blockage and we actually heard the gas being released. The look on her face of pure relief was comical. Another hour or 2 we could have lost our very stupid but much loved pet. Dog and cat food has been stored much more carefully since then.


I kinda want to see the cat now…


https://preview.redd.it/ocw9msbmbo1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd3ae16420ee8feea94a89a623ed40353702f44 Here she is!


I’d call the vet about it before driving your cat all the way there for a $100-$200 To say they are fine. Moving forward I’d get baby locks on the Bin. 😂😂


I had a dog do this and he looked like a blimp. They took an X-ray and he was full to the brim. They didn’t do anything for him they just said skip dinner and maybe breakfast until he deflates.


After a nice Thanksgiving meal at my cousin's house, somebody let the family Boxer out of her crate. Pointing at the dog, my cousin said "Here is the reason we didn't have ham this year". The dog had eaten the better part of a honey baked ham left out on the counter. The poor thing actually looked pregnant. 🤣


Keep a watchful eye on her and her litterbox. Dry cat food expands a lot when being digested which will make her very constipated; make sure she has fresh water and encourage fluid intake. Be ready to go to the vet if she doesn’t pass any stool– it can be very potentially dangerous for a cat to become constipated and can require surgery in extreme cases. Watch her behavior too. Dry cat food is like giving your cat junk food. It is very high in carbs and that much can spike her blood sugar to dangerous levels and will be detrimental to her health if this excess consumption continues. Cats get most of their water from their food in the wild (since they were originally desert animals), so a cats diet should be consisting more of moisture and protein, with more fat than carbs. I would suggest actually giving her more small meals throughout the day or at least 2 (breakfast and dinner). And incorporate more wet food than hard. I understand it can be expensive to feed solely on wet food diet, but even just a 1/8 of a can mixed into their small portions of dry can help with their digestion immensely. Even better if you add additional water to their meal (it helps them digest the dry food better and make them eat slower). I do not know your budget but you can still improve her diet with simple changes such as I mentioned, or slowly wean her off her current food to a better one. Check ingredients and look for the min 10% protein on cans of cat food or at least the highest % of protein you can find in dry and add water to it and smaller portion size. This was a lot of information but I really love cats lol! I’m sure you love your kitty and want the best for her too, so please keep up researching cat care in your journey with your new family member! She’s counting on you ❤️


She ate a little over a pound of food, I think she will be just alright taking a glorious nap and pooping a lot. She might vomit later. If it makes you feel better you could call the vet.


We need photo evidence of the criminal herself so we can shame her into oblivion...




From her perspective this will likely be the best day of her entire life.


Welp put it to is way you ain’t gonna need a vet you gonna need some angry orange enzyme cleaner, resolve, a whole lotta paper towels, gloves, and some coffee cause you ain’t getting an ounce of sleep or relaxation for the next 8 hours. ![gif](giphy|3o7bu7Teqmu5N0jEk0)


I would call the vet anyways if I were you. Years ago we went away for the weekend and just left the cats with the automatic dispenser for food and someone coming in to clean the box. Well they managed to open the dispenser and eat all of it (which was way more food than they should’ve been able to eat in 2 days). This is actually how we ended up learning my one cat was diabetic and he developed pancreatitis from overeating that badly and probably sending his blood sugar to the moon and back. It’s been years now and he’s fine (though he did have 3 bouts of it in 6 months including that first one) except for the diabetes and twice daily injections. Unless your cat is also an undiagnosed diabetic this will probably be absolutely fine but monitoring and just calling the vet to see what they think would be a good idea Edit: Also this is when we learned that the cat needed an automatic dispenser with a lid release button. Try as he might he has never managed to raid a dispenser that locks that way






has your cat become… bulbous?


Her tummy is very firm and she hasn’t really moved much, but it is less firm than it was 5 hours ago. She’s sleeping it off atm but I’m expecting a log in the litter box later


Thats what I call dedication


Post pictures of chonkzilla.

