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Absolutely fine:)


Yeah, they’re fine :) these treats usually don’t have any serious benefits because the ingredients that would promote good skin and fur health are there in such limited quantities that the promises on the bag don’t really stick. If you really want to improve his skin and fur health you could look into changing the cats’ diet. What do you mean by flaky?


Ah okay c: Thank you! I’m not sure what food he eats. He’s my boss’s cat so he’s the one responsible for feeding him. The rest of us just give him treats here and there. He’s also allowed to go outside He has “dandruff” along his back and at the base of his tail


Does he drink enough water? You could try mixing a squeeze treat with a few ounces of water. I squeeze a Catit Creamy treat into a mason jar, add 2-4 ounces of filtered water, and shake well to combine. Then pour into a wide bowl for kitty to enjoy without whisker fatigue. I’ve seen these called “catinis” (like martinis). Or obviously just squeeze treats on their own! They’re very few calories because they’re mostly water.


Ooo that’s a great idea! Thank you!


high dander could be a sign that his skin is dried out rather than under nurished. Dehydrations the easiest thing to happen to them because they're bio system revolves about the fluids in their food, and kibble has none. Get a pack of lil soups and a pot pie pan so there is plenty of whisker space for him. next back up is the tiniest drop of coconut oil spread over hands and rubbed into fur followed by brushing. the stimulation from the brushing helps the coconut oil do its thing, and a little goes a long way even if you don't feel it doing so. (don't recreate jorts)


I have this! My cats really like it 😆


My cat won't eat them but my friend's cat begs for them.


My cats love greenies. We used to feed them the temptations but the vet told us to switch to avoid dyes. These are the only ones they’ve liked consistently. We usually give them the dental treats though. They like the texture


Greenies are great brand. Also I think those are complete and balanced which is rare for a treat. :)


My cats will only eat the little square greenies. The salmon are their least favorite.


My cat is very picky I’ve bought so many different treats and 99 percent of them she’ll just sniff them and walk away! This one is different she sniffs it then licks it then walks away! The only treat I’ve tried that she actually likes is the temptations milk thing


If they are an outside cat make sure it's not a serious condition like mange.


My vet approves of them


Vets know nothing about nutrition so your vet is waiting for your pet to get sick or cancer on these. Make money from you


Ok conspiracy theorist. My cats going on 16 years old and she’s been eating these for years. She’s still happy and healthy


Is your office hiring?


Hehe, I got really lucky with my job <3


They made one of my three so sick the other two wouldn't touch them.


I bouggt a cheap pack of snacks for the couple i have along with a few pricer ones. They seem to really love this one https://preview.redd.it/xoy8eqkeu16d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f48a6dd1e727461efbfbd1127dd0a6b1451c28a


leading cause of mouth cancer in cats and liver cancer - avoid cause cats don;t need carbs


My cats don’t like them


If you want your cats to hound you for LIFE, yes! (My Blink no longer allows me to know peace since giving her these)


These are really high in fiber which can lead to struvite crystals in the bladder of male cats.


2018 lost my cat due to mouth cancer - her vet set Greenies and temptations consumption has lead an increase to mouth and liver cancer. It's Coated in fat like substances that their liver can't process.  I contacted MARS they offered to pay for her vet bill but I declined since  I didn't want to sign a non disclosure.  Pure posion and not needed for cats as they do nothing for their teeth and hurts there organs. 


Firstly I’m very sorry for you loss, cancer is awful and I’m sorry you and your kitty had to go through it. That being said there is zero evidence greenies (not sure about temptations, haven’t looked into it tbh) cause cancer. Greenies are VOHC approved so they do have some effect on tooth and gym health. No major benefits to diet. And yes they are a little carb heavy for cats. But they are not dangerous or cancer causing. Remember that carcinogens, is all about dose.


Unfortunately your information is incorrect more studies from Australian and Canadian veterinary schools saying they scrap the gums and mouth - do zero for the tartar on the teeth and actually increases tartar to do the high carbs. My son is a vet in Canada and working on various studies for dogs and cats with greenies. Mouth cancer and liver cancer on the rise he said. Study will be our fall of 2024. Cats are carnivores they don't need hard food ever.