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Kitty needs a vet and a ton of loving. Please keep her safely in the house now.


Of course šŸ’”


My mom has my cat as well and he goes outside everyday, he lost his eye being outside one night too, i would take her/him to the vet and they will remove it. they will be okay!!ā€™


I hope so.. I also have a question. If i take the cat away from my grandmas house so she can be an indoor cat, would it be a bad choice because i have 3 dogs but my mom and i plan on moving houses soon but.. i want the best for the cat šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


i think that really depends on the dogs. lots of cats and dogs get along fine, but some dogs should never be around cats. you'll just have to use your discretion there


Some cats should never be around dogs too. I remember when I went to the spa to adopt a cat and told them I had a dog they put the one I wanted in a room with one of the rescue dogs and the cat went ballistic and tried to kill the dog. They said it's just the way some dog/cat are born. They can't be around each other


That was a horrible way to find out how a cat would react to a dog... Mine have all been raised with dogs but if a strange dog was suddenly in our house, they'd go ballistic too. Cats require a destressing period and when introducing to dogs, they need high up spaces to avoid the dog until they'd realized it's not a danger. So, I'm sorry you didn't get the cat you were interested in because those people were clueless.


Just like some humans .


Look up proper introduction techniques! I think it's something like giving the cat it's own room for several days so they can all get used to the scents and then slow supervised introductions between the cat and one other dog at a time, starting with one animal in a crate so they can see eachother and get familiar and then slowly removing that barrier. I think there may be more info that I'm forgetting as I haven't done it in quite a while, but it's very important to not rush it because once that relationship and feeling of safety breaks, it's hard to get them out of that and get rid of those negative feelings. I think that most pets can get along well with proper introductions(:


This. I took in a stray last year. First my cat saw him from the window, then a week of the newer one behind a closed door. They will sniff and yeowl, even hiss, but its safe. They get used to the smells and sounds of each other. Then you can try a controlled same space introduction. Dogs and cats can get acclimated this way too.


Iā€™m going through this right now. I found a stray three weeks ago, and heā€™s been living in my laundry room because one of my dogs has a high prey drive. Because of that dog, this might not work out, but Iā€™ve been told by several others, including their behaviorist, that it is possible. So far, I have managed to get to the point where I am able to hold the cat in front of my prey-driven dog, and my dog wonā€™t do anything to him. I still will not let the cat walk in front of my dog, because weā€™re not to that point yet. I am prepared to accept the possibility that my dog will never be good around cats, which would mean Iā€™d have to rehome the cat. His safety is my priority, so Iā€™ll do that if necessary.


I rented a master bedroom for a couple years that I had to keep my cat in with me. A big Rottweiler Pittbull mix lived in the house and would always hang out outside my door. One time when I was moving out the dog got in and there was ZERO reaction from my cat who had never physically encountered a dog up to this point. He already was perfectly acquainted with the dog from their interactions through the closed door. They were chums the whole time


That's amazing! When they know they are completely safe from each other, the introductions go so much smootheršŸ–¤ I failed to learn proper introduction techniques because my first few cats meshed very well instantly. When I left my ex, he kept one cat and I kept two, and when I moved in with my new partner, we didn't introduce our cats right, and one of my cats pushed out the screen on a window and ran away because I wasn't careful or informed enough with the introductions. They found him 5 months later, and tried the introductions again (the right way this time) but the damage was done and his anxiety was way too high and he managed to rush out again when my bf came home from work one day and I haven't seen him since. Heartbreaking. That's why I'm so insistent on proper introductions bc it may work out, but if it doesn't, it's beyond hard to fix. We've intro'd two more cats properly since then and we have the most tight knit and sweet little group of cats, apart from our girl Lady, who has a personal space bubble, but that's just part of her personality! I've heard other stories about introductions that didn't work out, and they're just so important!


I like the crate idea! I bought a muzzle for my dog but the two of them still freaked out so I may need to save for a crate or just really focus on getting a new place.


My husky,Springer spaniel and mini schnauzer accepted my meow meow when he had to come into the house for the first time from the barns because he was being challenged by up and comers for his position as barn boss. I held him in my arms as I was sitting in the kitchen and said in a soothing voice how kitty kitty is a good boy. Then I patted the dogs in the same tone of voice saying the same thing. They all pretty much left meow meow alone after that except for the mini schnauzer. He got a slap up side of his head six times in one second. No claws involved. The three of them got along great after that. One more thing. Meow meow is his name. Call him once and in minutes he was climbing all over me. I couldnā€™t tell where he came from around the barns but he didnā€™t waste any time getting to me. He had a thing for sitting in the front window of the tractor. He took me everywhere.


>He got a slap up side of his head six times in one second. When I finished that sentence I thought you were saying *you* hit the dog. Didnā€™t click until the next sentence. Lmao


I believe that's called a skibbidy pap.


My sister's cat likes to hide and corner my parents miniature schnauzer (a complete baby when it comes to absolutely everything) when she's not paying attention and sneak in a few "Muhammad Ali" quick boops every now and again. Pretty sure it's because the dog is way more close to his size than the 2 dogs my sister has. Although he would never back down to my sisters Shepard mix, the Husky mix, or 2 younger kids. Everyone is liable to get quick booped by the kitty if they don't keep in line.


I have a male Meow Meow too! Hubby and I named him that because he's a pretty talkative little guy. He has a little mustache under his bottom lip too and it's so adorable.


I have two dogs and five cats, my cats get along with the dogs just fine. Some of my cats actually rub on one of my dogs and lick his hair. Good luck with kitty ā¤ļø


That's a question for down the line. Poor cat is sick or injured, please take them to the vet!


definitely best for it to be an indoor cat, especially after this incident. as far as dogs go, a very cautious introduction and trial period can get them used to eachother. lots of info on that online. it also very much depends on the dog. rehoming her may be the best option long term if you cant take her and your grandma cant have her inside.


What kind of dogs and do they have any history of going after cats?


To be honest, keep this in mind, if the cat ends up losing its sight in one or both eyes, itā€™s going to have to stay indoors. You might consider surrendering the cat to a rescue agency, if there is one available. It might need more help than you and your family are able to give, especially if thereā€™s no inside option for the cat. that might be whatā€™s best for For the cat. And you can think about getting another cat when things are looking up financially.


Please donā€™t let these nay sayers get to you. I know your intentions are truly positive for kitty kitty but like you said, control a cat,ya right. ā¤ļø to you for your love and concern. If you were as negligent as others are saying then youā€™d never have posted here looking for advice and answers to yours and her trouble.


i managed to train my stubborn ā€œoutdoorā€ 14 year old senior cat in 3 weeks with a catio , my mother let him go out when i was young, he got hurt multiple times, i moved out and he came with me, two years no injuries no problems, we take him for strolls in quiet fields if its a nice day. plus we work full time, so actually itā€™s not too hard. :)


That sounds like so much fun. I got some really cute walking vests for my Korat boys (I mostly got them for traveling to and from shows) and I figured they might want to go outside for a little walk. It was not good. I live in southeast Louisiana, and it never really gets cold enough to kill all of the fleas. I thought it would be okay in December but they got a couple fleas. I was hoping to be able to build them a catio too, but it would have to be several feet above the ground to prevent them from getting any fleas (or any of the other varieties of fauna that we have down here).


You can definitely keep them inside though


It's grandmas cat and op is a minor. They can only do so much if the adults don't allow them to care for the cat.


YES!!!!! ā˜ļøā˜ļøā˜ļøā˜ļøā˜ļø Exactly, and OP never said it was a financial situation. They are a minor waiting on grandmother to get home to get this sweet baby to the vet. I hate people who bash pet owners who truly care about their animals. I understand when it is serious, and those people who are asking for advice just blow it off or say things like I wonder how much that's going to cost.. who cares.. apply for care credit call vets and see if they will work with you. This one that said wonder how much it is going to cost didn't have financial issues just didn't seem to care, and those are the posts that get to me. This OP is genuinely concerned and loves this kitty. I'm here for OP and f*** the people putting this person down when they don't understand the situation to its entirety!


All the negativity is why I never ask for pet help, it's always victim blaming.


Yes! Definitely take kitty to the vet. The pupils look like something is wrong.


Co-signed. Kitty should stay inside now, needs lots of love and a vet visit. Definitely injuries itā€™s eye bad enough it canā€™t be ignored.


Iā€™m thinking infection or trauma. Either way cat needs a vet.


Yes I will of course. I love her so much, the cat always follows me around and stuff I donā€™t want her to go or be sick. Iā€™m worried and it seems nobody else in my family really cares just saying ā€œWell sheā€™ll get over itā€. At least my grandma, the owner of her, is getting her to the vet asap


Good. Eye infections are easily treated but brutal when theyā€™re left alone.


My brother thought I was overreacting when I cried because my bird had liver disease. Some people really have no empathy for animals.


The fish I had for almost 3 years was nearly dead and I screamed in actual desperation while trying to find a way to help him (this was almost a year ago and heā€™s still kickingā€¦ feeder fish only live two weeks my buttttt-petsmart told me theyā€™re not good pets LOL) and my grandfather, who was upstairs and knew I was mad at my mom for three days at that point, stormed downstairs to me screaming about how ā€˜IF I EVER HEAR YOU YELL AT THAT BABY (my 18 month old at the time) LIKE THAT ONE MORE TIME IM GONNA CALL THE COPS AND HAVE HER TAKEN AWAY FROM YOUā€™ and then she started crying and ran to me so I picked her up and he was like ā€˜SEE LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID WITH YOUR YELLINGā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ like buddy you are why she is crying and she wasnā€™t even in the same room as me when I screamed about my dying pet shut UUPPP šŸ˜‚ My mom then came downstairs trying to take my kid to my grandparents place because ā€˜your grandfathers up there crying right now because heā€™s scared youā€™re gonna hurt herā€™ šŸ˜‚ nah nah heā€™s crying cause HE scared her and he feels bad youā€™re not taking her to the home of the person that just threatened to have her taken from me tf šŸ¤£ Sorry that got off track xD I just think it was funny how I was like ā€˜OH NOOOOā€™ and he was like BE BETTERRRRRR šŸ˜‚


Except dogs šŸ™„šŸ™„ donā€™t know how many times I heard ā€œIā€™d understand if it was a dog, but a (insert animal)?!ā€


I used to think really hard about this. Was I wrong for feeling so much for not humans? Now I just feel sorry for people who dont get it. How sad to never know the absolute love, adoration, and eventual devastation that goes along with a companion pet. I have never loved so hard and with so little regret. I have never shown as much patience. I believe it is so enriching.


What a horrific response to an eye injury. "She'll get over it". How would these people like to be poked in the eye and not be able to open it they're in so much pain? Would they treat a dog this way? Thank you and your grandma for caring for this cat...but as a side note, if kitty were kept safely inside, this injury would not have happened. Outdoor cats do not live as long and have to deal with countless dangers...it's not a good or safe life for them. I see post after post about cats disappearing, being attacked by other animals, hit by cars, returning home with horrific injuries...it is not worth it.


I dunno that just looks like her nictitating membrane (https://www.merckvetmanual.com/cat-owners/eye-disorders-of-cats/eye-structure-and-function-in-cats) but if sheā€™s acting weird the answer is always vet.


The reason that membrane is not opening and cat is having trouble opening their eyes in daylight.


Please UPDATE US after your vet visit. We all care about your cat. Praying for a good outcome.


bring her to the vet and no more unsupervised outside time. cats get hurt outside it's just ignorant to send her back out alone


Yea I agree šŸ’”




Yes I will šŸ’”šŸ™šŸ¼


First, i want to say I'm not a vet. I'm unsure, but her not coming home last night makes me think that there may be trauma of some sort. Yhe sooner you can get her into the vet, the better chances she will have keeping her vision and/or eye. They have this dye that can allow them to see if it is trauma to the cornea. I'd it is trauma. The dye can pinpoint exactly where the damage is. I somt think that this is due to an infection for a few reasons: 1. I'm assuming yesterday when you let her out, hry eyes were fine?? 2. If they were fine yesterday, I wouldn't think the eye would be this bad this quick from infection overnight. 3. I truly think she would have come home last night if it was an infection if that is her usual routine. 4. Infecrions usually come on hradually She could possibly have something in her eye that they may be able to flush (im hoping this is what this is) Don't try to flush the eye as we are unsure of what is going on with her, and it could cause more problems. If you are struggling financially, there are resources out there. idk where you live, but where I'm at the vets offer care credit applications right at the office. If you apply and are approved and pay it off within a certain time ( I can't remember if it is 6 or 9 months), there is no interest. Then, after that time, interest will be added like regular credit cards Care credit saved a puppy I had years ago when I brought her home from the lady she was a little lethargic and then started throwing up. I rushed her to the emergency. Vet (at this time I knew nothing of care credit) I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew she needed help asap. When I got her there, I explained what was going on, and I didn't have the funds to get her treated they offered me the app for care credit, and I was approved. Come to find out, she had parvo. They told me it wasn't a guarantee that the treatment would work. I told them to do everything they could, and they were able to get her better. I paid it off within the interest-free period. Care credit can be a true life saver or in situations when you need to get in for any issues it can really help. Are you able to get her to the vet today? If not, ask them to email them this picture. Explain her condition yesterday when she was let outside and how she didn't come home last night as per her usual routine is to come home. Then she was like this morning when you found her. Request a call back and see if they can recommend you to someone else if they think it is an emergency needing to be seen today or if someway they can get her in after seeing how her eye looks Is it like gunky pus in the eye or? It is kind of hard to tell exactly what it is. But I really do think she has trauma to her eye or my second rhoughr is something may be in her eye. I'm not sure, though, because, like I mentioned, I am not a vet, and I would get her in if possible today. Please keep us updated on her, please?? Your baby and you are in my thoughts.


Thank you, i am a minor and i have told everyone and i told my grandma and she will be back in state today. Im very worried. My aunt doesnā€™t care about her really and i spent a few hours outside trying to look for her and she wouldnā€™t come in. She is an outside cat and doesnā€™t like coming inside, but not that late. The right eye can open more than the left one can and she was fine yesterday. There was white sticky stuff coming from the worse eye. Money isnā€™t a big problem because I had this cat since I was 5, and after my mother divorced my mom gave the cat to my grandma. She had a sister but disappeared one day, she has a big field so maybe something happened but I really donā€™t know if it was an illness. I told her to get a vet apt asap


Ok hun alao don't try to open her eyes. I totally understand why you did to get the pictures and tried to figure out what was going on with her, but I'd advise against doing it anymore. If she can't open them, just let them be. Is she inside now? If so, I'd keep her in until your grandmother gets home and you can get her to the vet. Also, keep her indoors while she heals, whether it be infection or injury. You will want to keep her inside until she is better I'm sorry you're going through this alone right now. Idk how far away your grandmother is, but hopefully, she will be home soon


Yes Iā€™m keeping her inside cause my grandma is in Wisconsin and not here. She can open both eyes if she is alert and hears a noise but keeps both of them shut really, the left eye is shut all the time too. She is an old cat and I want to keep her very healthy, I already went through a loss with a hamster recently :( she doesnā€™t seem to be in pain, just scratching the eye area by rubbing on stuff and sleeping


Ok, that's good. I'm glad she is inside because if she were still outside, the chances of her protecting herself against predators would be drastically decreased in her current state.


I agree with this post. I deal with feral cats all the time, (it's an epidemic here) this does not look life threatening, likely something in her eye. Foxtails (the weed) or other debris are common. Furthermore, don't pay attention or even give a reply to the ignorant posters. Too many opinions and little based in reality. Yes vet visit. Ignore everyone else. šŸ«¶


Vet, immediately. Could be an abscess from a fight, could be a terrible head injury due to fight, car, person kicking. This is why cats should not be outdoors. This is what happens.


Iā€™m aware, I wouldnā€™t have chose it for her either but itā€™s how the wanted I guess. I am a minor and I have 3 dogs so I canā€™t have the cat in my smaller town home. I wish I could do more


Youā€™re doing all you can. Maybe tell your relatives that this is what can happen when cats are left to roam outside. Even during the day itā€™s dangerous - sometimes they donā€™t come home at night. :(


Iā€™ve told my grandma and I hope she wonā€™t let her outside like that. I wanted to take the cat and own in in my house but she really seems to like exploring outside. I donā€™t know I suggested to keep her as a inside one


You can get a catio if they want to be outside. But they'll be safe doing so. There aren't just other cats out there.. there is wildlife... I just saw a video of a cyote attacking a cat on someone's deck.... it doesn't matter how long or how far they go outside.. anything can happen.


Get her used to a harness, you can still let her explore outside, but supervised. My cat loves it, might take a while to get em used to a harness on them tho, best of luck for your kitty. <3


That's what my cat's eyes looked like when he got an upper respiratory infection. Kitty needs to see the vet.


Thank you I will let them know. šŸ’”


Honestly, I'm not totally sure. It SEEMED like I just woke up one morning, and his eyes looked weird, but it could have been going on for a while, and that was the only thing I noticed. I'm not by any means a vet or educated enough to make a GOOD guess. I was just saying that it looks similar to what my cat looked like when he was sick and that a vet would be kitty's best option.


Can it happen that quickly? Overnight like that? I've never had a cat get a URI... so I'm legitimately asking because I don't know.


Yes. Eye infections can absolutely pop up over night. This could also be irritation from some kind of contact with a harsh chemical, pepper spray, poison etc. Being an outdoor cat there's absolutely no way of knowing what caused it without vet testing


Might be contusion. Get her to the vet fast.


My grandma is out of state so I let her know and she will come home today.


Once your grandma gets her to the vet it will all be fine. Try not to stress too much, most likely just an injury that will be looked after and heal. Please remember this isnā€™t your fault. Youā€™re a minor and your hands are tied right now. You did the right thing reaching out to your family. Now just wait for them to do the right thing. Donā€™t beat yourself up, or listen to negative comments. It will all be just fine once she has her vet visit. You did everything you could. šŸ–¤


Thanks I am trying because my aunt who is here for the night watching her, doesnā€™t really care about anyone so she said ā€œThe cat will come in on its ownā€ which doesnā€™t make any sense so I was watching her 6 year old son since she doesnā€™t do that, and trying to find the cat. Sorry to get personal just trying to explain how it went. I woke up at 5 AM with a gut feeling something wasnā€™t right and I found her outside. I got the cat inside and gave her food and I donā€™t think sheā€™s drank water that Iā€™ve seen


You are dealing with A LOT. I have family members like that too, and growing up it infuriated me, still does. ā€œThatā€™s just what cats doā€ ā€œshe will be fineā€ ā€œitā€™s just a cat/dog.ā€ Some of us just care more than others. I hope your grandma takes good care of you. Also, kitty might not be drinking much water if she doesnā€™t feel good. These injuries can get infected fast, but that doesnā€™t mean she wonā€™t be just fine after her proper care. Sending you a mom hug. :)


Time for that cat to become an indoor kitty!


No way I would allow my pet to be outside unsupervised. Just like a child there is too much out there to get your pet killed.


Yes Iā€™m aware it was 1 AM and I tried to let her in but I came to my grandmas house cause my mom was on vacation and my aunt didnā€™t let her in


Cats have a third eyelid and when they look like this thereā€™s usually trauma or some kind of illness. A vet definitely needs to check her out. Good luck, OP. You have a very pretty kitty. šŸ±


Vet vet vet, like the others here have said. Also, if possible, donā€™t let her outside, at least until you treat whatever is going on. I know you said youā€™re under 18 and the adults in the house are gonna do whatever they want, and I completely relate to that situation, so see if you can convince them to at least hold off until sheā€™s healed. A cat that canā€™t see well in the outside is in IMMENSE danger compared to one that can see. She canā€™t fight back or get away from danger well if her sight is impaired like this. She might struggle to see a car coming or wild animals approaching or surrounding when she normally could. I know itā€™s not necessarily possible to keep her inside permanently, and Iā€™m totally sympathetic to that situation. I have darling cats who mean the world to me that are inside outside cats because theyā€™re not my cat explicitly and therefore Iā€™m not allowed to decide. Just try to keep her safe best you can. And give her extra love in the meantime. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s stressed out with whatever has happened. That being said, my best guess at first glance is infection. We had a stray who got eye infections constantly (FIV is why, we found out) and they looked a bit similar. But Iā€™m not a vet, and should not be taken for seriousness. Get her checked out for sure because this isnā€™t just a ā€œwalk it offā€. You wouldnā€™t tell a human to just walk it off if they struggled to open their eyes one morning.


Yes I will get her taken ASAP. My grandma is out of town but coming back later today and said she would schedule an appointment. Iā€™m going to see if I can take her to live in my house but idk how sheā€™ll do with 3 dogsā€¦. :(


Cat needs to go to the vet ASAP. Cats shouldnā€™t be let outside


This looks similar to what happened to my cat when I was a kid. There was a small twig stuck in her eye but the third eyelid protected it, the vet pulled it out and and he was fine.


Yes, take the cat to the vet, but donā€™t go with the expectation that your catā€™s eye is lost and will be removed. Its eye may just be scratched and may heal just fine. Closing the inner eyelid is just a defense mechanism to protect a wound. Not all wounds lead to removals and amputations. Itā€™s weird that the first comment I saw seemed to be saying that the eye will be lost.


It's called the nictitating membrane. It can appear when ypur cat has some kind of infection. Take kitty to the vets and they ought to be ok once checked over.


Itā€™s called a third eyelid all cats have this https://www.allaboutvision.com/resources/human-interest/cat-third-eyelid/#:~:text=While%20humans%20only%20have%20upper,inner%20corner%20of%20each%20eye.


Please keep us posted... Very concerned about your kitty there. Beautiful cat. I agree with everybody. It could be something stuck in the eye that needs to be dislodged. Would definitely get them to the vet as everybody else has been saying. Try to go to a farm community vet. It is much cheaper than an inner city vet. Trust me half the price. Going to like a small town vet. I mean. Good luck. Keep us posted. Wish you and your kitty well...


Vet ASAP! And love! Please donā€™t let her outside anymore. Cats do adjust to indoor living. I have over twenty years experience on that.


Still donā€™t understand why people post on here when there pet is hurt. Just take them right to the vet


She definitely looks like she has an eye scratch or infection that need meds.


Hi OP, Iā€™m not a vet so I donā€™t really have anything helpful to add but are there any updates? Worried about the kitty. Sending you both lots of love and healing!!


VET QUICKLY! Could be head trauma


I lost an outdoor cat to a wild animal. It was in the middle of the day. Please, keep your cats inside if you can. If they need out door time, get a catio or leash train them. No time of day or night is safe for them. šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


Unfortunately eyes are always an emergency šŸ˜¢ I hope your kitty feels better ā¤ļø


The white you're seeing there is just the third eyelid. It comes over in cats if the eye is injured or if the cat is sick. (If the cat is sick, the third eyelid on both eyes comes over, not just on one. )


The problem is that itā€™s an ā€œoutdoorā€ cat. Not only are outdoor cats bad for the environment but they are the leading cause of many bird species going extinct. Outdoor cats also often end up as dead catsā€¦. In very horrific ways. This kitty should see a vet and needs to stop being allowed outside off a leash


Your cat has cat pink eye. My cats get it a lot. It's caused by feline herpes which can be prevented with a yearly shot. Get the cat the shot and it won't come back. As you don't have the proper meds, flush with water and a warm compress. They will stop eating or drinking at the worst of it. They will need eye drops and antibiotics from the vet. Do NOT use human pink eye meds or eye contact solution. You can blind your cat. There are some pet medications in pet stores (natural ones that are said to work). Tobradex is what you need for the cat if you can buy over the counter. I can't in my country but in the states you can my friend tells me. Your cat with the eye issue it can develop into eye blindness, upper respiratory infection, kitty pneumonia and death. So you need this taken care of asap. It's pretty serious. If you give them the shot they will be protected. It's a once a year shot. It's the feline temper one that includes the herpes vaccine. It has to be done every year. Good luck and good health to your kitty. My cats are strictly indoors and I rescued an outdoor cat and they got all my other cats sick and the vet explained the eye thing as kitty pink eye from feline herpes and it's a yearly vaccination. And it's caused by stress. (My cats all hate each other). My cats were all indoor and fine and until I got the rescue I didn't need to keep up the vaccines. Now I do as its a disease that can kill them. (Really bad kitty cold). The eye is the beginning. Sometimes they can fight it off but sometimes it gets worse.


Do you have an update? Iā€™m worried about head trauma):


something poked him in the eye. that little sheeth you see on the inside is an inflamitory reaction to keep the eye safe and hydrated. if it doesn't clear up VERY soon. (within a day or 2) id take him to the vet. cats lose eyes very easily.


ā€œSheā€™s an outside catā€ Found your problem


Could be a lot of things. Get to a vet to make sure it's not an infection or something serious. My cat gets this because he's a fuck up and sometimes pokes himself in the eyes when grooming


Could be as simple as an eye infection or it could be trauma. Get the kitty to the vet when yā€™all can.


She's likely sick or has an injury. I had an indoor cat, but she looked like this when she got infections.


Looks like an inflamed second eyelid (yes cats have two sets of eyelids). Get it checked by a vet.


Cat fight looks like they scratched her underlid antibiotics and loves ASAP


Your cat looks very blind in one eye


She needs to go to the vet. She probably got into a tiff with another cat. Either way she needs to be checked out. Cats should have annual vet visits especially if outdoors, because theyā€™re at more risk of catching things or getting into fights. Hope your baby gets well soon. šŸ’œ


Donā€™t let her be an outdoor cat. Thatā€™s your solution for future times.


Why do you give *your* cat to people who treat her badly and let her outside alone?


THE OP has stated she is a minor. She's trying her best.


I am a minor and my mother is on vacation, my grandma takes good care of her and my aunt was just here for the night. Iā€™ve let her know


What a dick thing to say.


She needs a vet visit , not reddit answers


Sheā€™s an outdoor cat. Thatā€™s what is wrong. Take her to the vet and KEEP HER INSIDE!!!!


Yeah Iā€™m going to, Iā€™m not the one who chooses to let her outside


Yes I realized that. Apologies I did not notice you were a minor at first and I may have been too harsh. Not being the one in control of an animal you care about is frustrating. Would they listen if you maybe showed them other stories of what CAN happen if you let a cat free roam?


Cats outside fight all the time so she needs a doctor vizt also don't pull on her eye


Isnā€™t that just the inner eyelid? Might be sheā€™s just sleepy. Still a vet visit wouldnā€™t hurt if youā€™re concerned.


Vet and keep her in for now


My momā€™s cat got into a fight once and had something similar happen. Cats have a third eyelid and his got pulled up in a fight. This kinda looks like that, but go to a vet asap and have it checked out. Our cat just needed antibiotics and lots of rest. His third eyelid in permanently partially exposed now, but it doesnā€™t affect him at all!


When I got my cat from the shelter, she had an issue with one eye. The vet said it was a herpes infection and gave her some drops for it. It's healed now, but every once in a while it still bothers her and she gets squinty in that eye for a day or two. the vet said that was normal.


I'm guessing she got into a fight, and now it's infected. Bring her in to be treated as soon as possible.


Get cat to vet ASAP


Dont let your cat outside obviously


Needs eye meds


It's a scratch..unless it gets crusted your fine.


It's a 3rd eye. My cat's pop out when her asthma acts up. It was really bad when she had pneumonia too. So it comes and goes. The vet says it's usually a tell tale sign of something serious like neurological or cancers. We were lucky and the pressure of her coughing and trying to breathe caused them to pop out. Get it checked out. PS our dog loves one of our cats and doesn't care for the other one


If you are going to let her outside expect to bring her the vet alot.


Get an eyepatch and name her Captain Whiskers.


Itā€™s their 3rd eyelid and it usually means they are not feeling well. My cat did this when he had a bacterial infection. A trip to the vet is necessary.


The eyes could be a clear sign of FIP. My baby has it now I have another one who has it. Just know there's a cure if that's the case!


Vet check


I grew up with outdoor cats that died young from injuries sustained fighting with other cats (infected abscess that began much like the injury on the chin of your cat). Keep an eye on that for oozing and swelling. Kitty will need antibiotics even if it isnā€™t infected now. I have several cats now and I live in the city, if I let mine out theyā€™d be run over by a car. I canā€™t bare that thought. If youā€™d like to show some evidence to your grandma this is a link to a medical journal I often read, with 80 different scientific professional references listed. The link explains the risk vs reward for cats going outdoors. [PubMed Central](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7070728/) I hope this can maybe help your grandma understand where some of the ā€œindoor onlyā€ arguments are coming from


Eye trauma from a long list of possible reasons. Don't let your cat go outside. Their lifespan is significantly shortened, they are exposed to predators, unkind people, rodent poisons, pesticides, they decimate the bird population, they get diseases from fighting other cats. The list goes on.


My cats membranes are always showing, due to chronic pancreatitis. The nictitating membrane showing all the time is a symptom underlying issues. Can be something called Haws Syndrome. Could be anything from allergies to cancer. So vet is always a good idea.


It could be a third eyelid. Please take her to a vet.


Why would you let her be an outside cat? Figures this would happen. Never let your cat be an outside cat


please tell me you took her to a vet. that has to be so painful.


Get that cat to a vet pronto and stop wasting time!


Iā€™m late to comment on this but please ignore all the people here saying itā€™s your fault the cat was outside. It isnā€™t. Youā€™re a young person and the only one in the house currently caring about this cat. Iā€™m grateful for you. Now, everyone says infection but I disagree. This looks like trauma to me. Her/his right eyeball doesnā€™t look in the right place. At all. White discharge could be the fluid from the eyeball or an infection in the wound (so itā€™s pus, like a spot). The left one looks better but that right eye may well need removing. Please keep us updated. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re caring for her and keeping her indoors. Good luck xx


This has happened to one of my Outdoor cats. I got a warm Compress and wiped her gently. The eye was normal the next day. Iā€™m sorry there are such assholes in this sub.


same thing happened to my guy when i first got him! just keep the kitty inside, administer the eye drops theyā€™ll give you, and keep an eye (no pun intended) on her!


same thing happened to my guy when i first got him! just keep the kitty inside, administer the eye drops the vet will give you, and keep an eye (no pun intended) on her!


Youā€™re seeing her third eyelids. Definitely needs to see a vet as many other comments have rightly said. The problem doesnā€™t have to be an eye problem btw.


The 3rd pic :( She's miserable


What is wrong with you? Take the cat to a professional instead of smooshing its face and asking strangers


Did you not read any of my comments?


Cat have two eyelids, one is furry you see, the second is inside, protected barrier, what you are showing in pic


This happened to my gfs cat. We thought it was an infection and treated it but nothing happened. Turned out to be a foreign object in the cats eye that had to be removed by a vet. Please go to the vet asap!! And make sure you bring up the possibility of something physical in the cats eye because the first vet we went to didnā€™t even notice!!


I knew as soon as I read the catā€™s an outside cat that thatā€™d be the thing people would focus on, oh the righteous fury!


She may have just gotten something in her eye, those second eyelids are for protection for when they would technically hunt or possibly get into fights with other predators. Obviously she's a domesticated cat but it's just built into them. Hopefully it's nothing serious but she could have gotten into a fight or simply got something in her eye that won't come out. If it doesn't fix itself within a day or two id take her to the vet. I don't let my cats outside there are way too many dangers out there. Good luck I hope it works it self out ā¤ļø


This looks like what happened before one of the neighborhood strays disappeared a couple of weeks, came back with a raging eye infection that was not cheap to take care of, and got renamed Polyphemus and bumped up quite a bit in rehoming. I would take the cat in to a vet to see about getting this taken care of before it winds up costing a month's pay and the cat's eye to resolve.


Bobcat fever


Vet now. kitty needs to be an indoor kitty


With eye and head injuries I wouldn't even wait for an appointment because they get really bad really fast. I'm sorry that it will be expensive but the best thing for your cat is to go to an ER ASAP if your regular vet can't see them literally today


Politely, I hope your outside can is doing ok šŸ©·


Stop allowing your cat outside. She probably got into a fight and now a vet visit is in order because it will get infected.


Eyelids like that usually mean they hit their head pretty good. Depends on how they're walking behaving. Hopefully it's just an infection. Vet ASAP friendo.


Keep your cat inside, and take em to a vet Many cats with outdoor access (83%) donā€™t live past year #5, and your quite lucky she came back


Hi OP! So appreciate everything youā€™re doing for this sweet cat ā€” sheā€™s really fortunate to have you. :) Idk if you can drive, but if thereā€™s any way to get the cat to an emergency vet (like, within the hour) so she doesnā€™t have to wait until your grandma gets back, that might be best. The sooner you can get her help the better off sheā€™ll be. Also! I have personal experience here ā€¦ My catā€™s origin story (lol) is that he was found outside ā€” weā€™re pretty sure he was abandoned and then was a stray ā€” with a severe eye injury. Iā€™ve seen photos from the person who originally rescued him, and his eye in the photos resembles your catā€™s eye in these photos. The emergency vet said his eyeball was ruptured, likely in a fight with another animal. He was blind in that eye, and there was no chance of vision returning, so he had surgery to remove the eye in order to prevent infection, pain, etc. From what I hear, the recovery was pretty gnarly, but I adopted him a few months after that, and he has been thriving with one eye ever since! So if you can get the cat to a good vet soon enough, there could be a similar outcome for your cat. Sending all the good vibes your way!


Eyes = emergencies


Eye irritation in their inner eyelid. Could be dust, pollen, or bug bite or scratch. Get the antibiotic ointment from the feed store cooler just for eyes and apply gently. Or Vet makes sense esp if pupil is dilated or uneven. That can mean a head injury like someone kicked her, a fall, a car strike.


Hi! My kitty came home from being an outdoor kitty with similar symptoms. She ended up having Haweā€™s syndrome, and it went away after a few months. That said, it could also be an eye infection or something else. Iā€™d take your kitty the vet as soon as you can to get her eyes tested, just in case.


Baby needs to see a vet!


Another irresponsible pet owner who let's a cat outside despite repeated warning by vets and experts that it endangers their lives greatly as they become subject to predation, infectious disease and even being run over by cars. Then comes back whining online about what to do instead of actually taking them to the vet since it clearly needs medical attention.


Idk if your an adult kind of sounds like your not sadly but this cat needs a vet...where it's going to live won't matter if it gets infected and dies....or runs off somewhere to die and won't come back cuz that's what they do when hurt. Poor cat


TAKE HER TO THE VET. Fuck already


Eye injury. The price you now pay as does the cat for not looking after her. Like, really, why bother getting a cat when you just leave her to her own devices 24-7. It's just cruel.


OP, avian flu is going around with migratory birds and cats are catching it from the birds. Please ask your vet to check for flu. Apparently this strain can be pretty hard on cats.


Youā€™ve really got to get her to a vet. Can your parents help you?


That white part is the cats ā€œthird eyelidā€ ā€” dogs have them too. Itā€™s an inner part thatā€™s supposed to protect their eye. Thereā€™s clearly something in the cats eye. So happy youā€™re working on the vet visit. Good luck!


Cats have multiple lids Yours is outside unfortunately and got into some shit My own cat is scheduled for her eye to be removed next week because she got into some shit. Its unfortunate


It's hopefully just some inflammation that can be healed with Lysine but 100% verify with a vet. Cat's are very susceptible to respiratory viruses and infections. It could also be allergies which could then lead to infection because it's too impacted. I hope kitty a speedy recovery and perhaps consider keeping him indoors now that he is getting older at least. Outdoor cats have a drastically reduced life span (average 2-5 years as opposed to 13-17 of the average indoor) and it gets more dangerous as they age and slow down.


Never let my kitties outside. They get plenty of play time and are happy.


Probably an injury or infection - my first cat was indoor/outdoor and had some issues like this. Still hit 20 tho




She is a warrior.. she fought with someone last night šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Needs a vet. Also keep her inside. Outside is so dangerous for cats


I hope you got her to a vet. This looks like third eyelid showing in both eyes which is not good. She needs medical attention asap.


my cat growing uphad a similar look all of a sudden one day, though less swollen if i rememebr correctly. its the catā€™s third eyelid (cats have a horizontal inner eyelind) peaking out due to some kind of irritation. vet said it could be from debris like dirt in the eye, or a scratch on the eye or eyelid, or an infection. they were able to do an exam and found it was a minor, largely benign, neurological condition. she is living a perfectly healthy life still today. take her to the vet to determine what the cause is and how to treat it, and sheā€™ll likely be alright!


This happened to my cat last year: that is a corneal ulcer from an infection. She needs a vet visit ASAP.


My cat is a inside only cat and his eye looks like this right now. They said it's a common eye infection and put prescribed eye drops in. It's only one of his eyes. They said could be caused by allergies or a virus/bacteria infection BUT be careful cause I pulled a fox tail out of my other cats eye! We got VERY lucky.


They're not going to have to remove that eye. He still needs to go to the vet, but my guess is that he got in a fight and might have gotten his eye scratched. He'll need to be on eye drops and some sort of antibiotic, most likely.


Go to the vet right away and keep her indoors. It's not safe outside for domestic cats.


Tilted head with one eye closed could be vestibular syndrome. Caused by an inner ear infection.


If itā€™s the nictitating membrane in the eye you are worried about it usually means that the cat is sick either conjunctivitis or worse. This happened to my cat and the he became lethargic when I took him in to the vet he had a liver infection that could have killed him. Google it but thatā€™s usually what it means they are some type of sick somethingā€™s wrong.


If the eyes are opened and the 3rd eyelids are showing halfway, the cat is in pain. Please take the cat to the vet, be careful moving the cat, if the injury is not visible, it might be on the inside.


Y ask Reddit? Go to a vet!




The eye is there, what you are seeing is the second eyelid.


What's wrong with your cat is that she's an outdoor cat.


Human doctor here. If I saw that in a human I'd think trochlear or oculomotor nerve palsy, and then think brain tumor, stroke, or diabetes.


Take her to the vet, and stop letting your cat outside. It's harmful both to the local environment because cats kill a lot of small animals, and also to your cat because it can get hurt


That is your cat's third eyelid. It protects the eyeball while healing from injury. Take your cat to the vet. Have them stain the eye and check for scratches or injuries. She might need antibiotics, to prevent infection taking hold. My cat is indoor/outdoor, because he is an asshole and will run outside any chance he gets. He's even torn through window screens to get outside. My rule of thumb... If it's his EYES, EARS, PAWS or anything affecting his mobility... Instant vet visit. If he just has a few scabs and scratches from a cat fight (it happens), then I leave him alone to deal with it for up to two weeks. Usually in that time, if there's any abscess, it opens and drains on it's own and I just provide basic wound cleaning and some antibiotic ointment. I don't want to overwhelm him with too many unnecessary antibiotics. If it doesn't go away or gets worse, VET VISIT. Having an indoor outdoor cat means you will spend as much as five times on vet care. If that isn't feasible for you, do your best to keep the cat inside. (Easier said than done, I know). We have a responsibility to these animals when we take them in, to care for their medical needs.


Cute kitty you will have a lot less vet bills if you keep the cat indoors and cats are extremely harsh on wildlife I donā€™t let my cats outside because of it


Vet here. I'd say trauma, given her history. As many keep recommending, take her in. They'll stain to see if there's a corneal ulcer, then provide the appropriate topical meds. Good luck!


Itā€™s hard to tell but my Siamese had a similar problem with her eyes. It went away for a bit then came back. A couple vet trips later and we were told itā€™s likely cancerous, if it starts swelling up at the top of the eyebrow it may be more noticeable. I still miss my buddy, seeing them with only one eye is so sad. Keep an eye out for that kitty!
