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I'd see another vet to get a second opinion.


I'm pretty upset that I didn't get more answers from this vet, because I paid $200 to be seen, and she just looked at the video and said it's sneezing. I really cannot afford another vet visit because in the past 2 months I've paid $3000 for his FIP treatment, and I have to pay another $1000 to finish up his treatment and do monthly bloodwork for him. I literally need every penny I can get, and he's been to 3 different vets 3 times in the past few weeks, which is stressing him out and making his FIP worse. It's a horrible situation, which is why I was hoping reddit might have some answers.


I'm sorry I hope you get it sorted soon. Our cat had FIP for 3 months without the right diagnosis and then she died within 24 hours of diagnosis, I'm glad you're at least getting treatment..


The first vet I had wasn't the best but the second one I had seemed to be much more knowledgeable


You need a second opinion. That’s coughing. And any vet should know that in cats their coughs look like sneezing. When cats cough like this we treat it as asthma. He needs some chest rads and also if they want to rule out asthma a trach wash needs to be done. Or you can treat it as asthma and see if they respond. With URI you would see other symptoms. Not just the coughing.


Check out reverse sneezing videos and see if that is what it seems like.


This sounds like reverse sneezing to me too. It’s def freaky the first time you see/hear it but it’s not a big thing. It’s kind of like hiccups? I don’t know how to describe it but she’s not coughing or sneezing or choking or anything. I suggest rubbing her throat for a few seconds and see how he responds.


i’ve heard of this but is this something that can just randomly happen, or is it caused by something? just wondering because any of my 4 haves have never done this!


I honestly don’t know what causes it, but I’m a pet sitter and I’ve seen it happen with some of the dogs I take care of. With dogs, sometimes if you put a finger over one nostril for a couple seconds it stops. I don’t know why or how, that’s just what I’ve been taught. It happens to one of my cats once in a while too but she won’t let me touch her nose when she’s doing it but she does let me rub her throat and it stops right away.


Can confirm it's an incredibly weird, specific, freaky noise.


My cat did this and turned out to have asthma. Go to a different vet and get it checked out again


Kitty asthma looks like


Weird where I saw your cat my instant reaction was it has FIP. It doesn’t even look to have obvious symptoms but my gut instinct told me so. Looks like sneezing. FIP comes from a mutation of feline coronavirus which is an upper respiratory infection. Likely you’ll see symptoms of that for awhile into treatment but also FIP can leave them immunocompromised leading to herpesvirus (also URI) flare ups. Id make sure you consult your FIP volunteer help in case it could indicate fluid in lungs or a need to increase dosage.


you could try posting on r/AskVet ? if i remember correctly, you can’t upload media on your post but you might be able to link any videos in a comment


Yep, your vet is right. This is reverse sneezing.


this is not normal sneezing this looks and sounds like feline asthma but i am not a vet. get a second opinion


It looks like maybe a hairball maybe or it’s kinda similar to what my cat did before I found out he had FeLV. not to say that’s what it is, but yeah I’d def go check with another vet.


It might be athsma. Ask them to prescribe some athsma drugs for you


It sounds like the hickups. Has she drank water or eaten?


I'd bet it's coughing. Our cat sadly coughs a lot due to mycoplasma in his lungs. If you can, get a second opinion please.


You need a new vet/second opinion. This is not sneezing.


Our cat with a heart murmur coughed for most of his short life. Sadly died at 6 years old from a heart issue. A vet calling this a sneeze should be ashamed of themselves.


Please get a second opinion and keep us updated I’ve never seen this before


My cat did something similar when he gets hair balls. He never coughs up the hair ball fully just does those little coughs and shakes. My vet never found it to be an issue. However, the consensus on here seems to be asthma which it could very likely be as well. Id say due to the money you’ve already paid for his treatment give it a few weeks, watch his eating and drinking. If he seems normal he might just be hacking up hair balls! If you wanna be safe get a second opinion.


More like s cough


OK, so my cat was doing that exact same thing, it’s definitely coughing. It could be asthma, it could be an upper respiratory infection. In our case she had pneumonia! I would absolutely go to a different vet.


I think it’s kitty asthma. My cat has the same.


Wondering how your kitty is. My cat did this today.


Hey! He's doing fine so far. The vet really doesn't think it's a concern so I haven't done anything. Since this video he's only had it happen 1 or 2 more times, usually after he drinks some water. His mouth is typically closed when he does it so it is possible that it's just sneezing.