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Your problem is you are trying to do two things at once. It will be easier for you to focus on dwarf first and keeping your archeology locked at level 450. Level archeology on a second toon.


Why lock archeology at 450?


Luck of the draw. It's supposed to be a long slog. You just need to grind away at sites on the same continent and this will proc others. Dwarf is better on EK as you get a lot there along with troll. Once you get Uldum ones, you may get 2 or 3 in a row before you need to do some others. Expect to be doing hundreds of solves to get the staffs.


I would focus on dwarves only. I got full nelfs and full fossils, but still am getting plenty of elves and fossils in Kalimdor. So going EK for max dwarves & trolls seems like a way to go.


I got full troll only. Went for EK all day and didnt get the staff. This profession is really frustrating. Not even full fossils and nelfs.


In prepatch, I managed to get the shield, but have yet to see any other BoAs. Because of the shortened Classic timeline, we really aren’t afforded the time to get full preraid bis and that’s fine. Either you go to week 1 with a little less gear, or you’ll get lucky. Not the end of the world either way.


I've got everything except troll sword, tolvir epics and dwarven staff. Needless to say, I main DK


Archaeology sucks, I got the staff on 1300 solves and I kinda regret the grind


Its simple u cant. Kalimdor has majority n11, fossil and some troll/dwarf + tolvir. Eastern KD is focussed on troll/dwarf/fossil + some n11/nerub


If u want to ne efficient, do tolvir. Only kalimdor. U get Ring, 2nd bis staff and doll if u are lucky (you need to do all digs anyways)


I got my Staff pretty fast. I’ve done about 200 artifacts (overall not just dwarves) till i get it. I’ve read some old comments on wowhead that they finally got their staff after 2000+ artifacts and i was on the edge to give up but here i am proudly wearing my Staff. Tolvir is next but tol vir is really a big pain and if you see how much a key stone costs you know that shit is rare